God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1319: Depression

The emptiness and turmoil in the void is full of endless explosions, destroying the hurricane, flames, and icy land of the heavens and the earth. Even those who reach the immortal realm are inadvertently trapped, and it is extremely difficult to break free.

At that time, the desperate leader of the immortal world, the search for bloodthirsty bones fell into this place, because it was unable to absorb a little strength, and its own speeding in the activity and consumption of the body's divine power, and eventually gradually exhausted, trapped in the void of the void, Until completely eliminated.

Sen Luo is immortal, still dying under the gradual erosion of time and river.

Zi Yao, just a virtual world of three gods, although the cultivation of the esoteric, but lost contact with him, if you meet the inevitable big danger, or met a strong, the consequences will be unpredictable.

This place is not just that he can sneak in and can communicate.

As long as you cultivate the space, you can almost go deep into this place. Even if you don't practice the space, you can find the strong ones who can enter the mouth.

In the broken star field, when the space collapsed and shattered, he was dragged into a space gap in the Malang star field, and he met Carlos, Ibaka, and Krissen. The three men were smashed, only The soul survived, and in order to refine the soul liquid, the dragon family McGee was imprisoned, and he was also held.

If you lose your body, the soul can swim better, but there is a limit to the power of the person who has the flesh.

As far as he knows, many people who are accidentally pulled into this place will first explode the gods and survive in the ghost way.

Of course, those who have reached a very high level are falling into this place, and they are also capable of resisting the gradual erosion of the emptiness of the void, and can persist for thousands of years.

Sen Luo, who has lived here for at least a thousand years, then consumes the light and is slowly dying.

The thoughts of the road are like a beam of light flashing in my mind. The stone face is as calm as water, and my heart calls the name of Zi Yao over and over again...


A drop of crystal, like the ruby's magic blood, floats at the front end of his eyebrows, neatly arranged, piled up in pieces, like the shape of a pyramid, the top and the bottom are wide.

At the beginning of the two gods, I have absorbed a huge amount of power to be leaked. At this time, his undead blood is scattered all over the limbs. The blood of the blood will stagnate and glitter, as if it has solidified, once he rushes Power, the blood of the devil will turn into a liquid, and instantly express vital functions.

Today, he is full of magic blood and can make him squander.

Therefore, the accumulation of the shape of the pyramid is made up of a total of thirty-six drops of magic blood.

Finding people with thirty-six drops of blood is simply a waste, but at this time he can't take care of it. The thoughts change and call the name of Zi Yao over and over again. The blood of the pyramids is piled up in the form of a pyramid. Melt together, a **** beam of light.

"call out!"

Suddenly, all the blood of the blood became a **** imprint of a golden "word" form, suddenly flashing toward the front, disappearing from his sight.

Zi Yao is only the peak of the virtual **** to perceive her life magnetic field with such a number of magic blood. Even if Zi Yao people are in other stars, and there are numerous star-shaped barriers between him and him, he is confident to re-lock it!

Xia Xinyu quietly silent, no words to disturb the bright and shining curious luster, secretly looked at his every move.

When the magic blood piled up into a pyramid and formed a wonderful imprint to fly out, her eyes flashed with a shocking and fascinating sensation, and the moment that the stone rock body suddenly burst out was almost comparable to the peak of the peak of the gods. Hidden above the line!

This made her shaken, and at this moment she realized that as time went on, slowly, the youth who could never surpass her in the past, now, have grown to an unattainable height.

"Oh, it’s amazing. I searched her with thirty-six drops of magic blood. It was across several stars, and I should be able to lock it. I still couldn’t immediately understand her position. I was surprised. It’s weird...”

Shi Yan suddenly muttered with a whisper, and immediately waited for Xia Xinyu to speak, then she took her slender waist and her figure flickered.


Xia Xinyu suddenly felt that the surrounding hurricane was fierce and terrifying, and the scenes of the scenes were constantly changing. For example, in the space between the cracks, it was difficult to imagine.

"I can't lock her exact position, I can only perceive the general position. I shouldn't have encountered a strong enemy, but I am in a magical place, where... can isolate my perception." Call, the altar is gently swirled, and the space ripples from the body.

The empty and empty river basin is vast and innocent, and there is no end. It has never been truly explored. Here, there is only endless ruin and great horror. The warriors are involved in this place, and the slightest carelessness is the destruction of the gods.

Only in the case of Shiyan, who is proficient in the space and who has reached the extraordinary realm, can he be here.

Like a beam of light that runs through the ancient and modern rivers, Shiyan takes Xia Xinyu, and in the devastating explosions of the catastrophe, it moves forward like a teleport.

His face became more and more serious. He didn't expect Zi Yao to be so far away from him, because now he is farther away than from the far west of the Malang Star to the Far East. In a short period of time, it is not clear that the space is righteous and only the purple glory of the peak of the virtual god, can travel so far away, which makes him feel incredible.

Daddy, he suddenly stopped.

"This place is very weird!" Xia Xinyi whispered softly, and the lightness of the place turned around, showing amazement.

"It is a bit strange." Shi Yan brows deep lock.

Here is the limit of his perception. He can only trace it through the blood of the magic. The surrounding area is covered with thick clouds like ink. A cluster of cotton, like cotton, fills the void, and the turbid raindrops of the patter are connected. On the top of the sky, there are nine secluded, not far from thunder, lightning, like a beast roaring, thrilling, and surging hurricanes blowing, can blow the soul altar from the body of God, and a big explosion in the distance, once it is produced, Explode the emptiness of the void, such as forming an entrance into the emptiness of the void...

Here, even Xia Xinyu, who does not practice the space and righteousness, has produced a miracle.


Shi Yan's face changed slightly and slammed into one direction. It was a dark cloud cluster, where there was a faint chill and a faint shadow.

Like a starlight, he instantly reached the cloud cluster. As soon as he approached, the bottom of his heart was chilly. The frozen bones of the veins of the veins came, and it was just a cluster of clouds. It was extremely strong. !

He had to use the source of the skyfire, and the hot skyfire turned nine turns in the body, which only offset the chill.

He stared at the depths of the cloud, his expression shook, his face became dark and ugly.

The cloud clusters are like a sticky liquid, which binds one person tightly. The person who is stuck is like a light gray, giving a feeling of suffocating suffocation.

This person, Shi Yan recognized, he is a spark!

It was the elder of the Protoss Presbyterian Church, the strongest who achieved the pseudo-immortal realm. He was previously slammed by the "Stars Ice Jade Piece", and he had to break into the emptiness of the void to find his life to treasure, and to repair it with the realm of Spark, even if it was a soul. Creation, it should not be so embarrassing in the emptiness of the void.

At this time, he was wrapped in the sticky cloud clusters. If he lost his consciousness, his eyes were gray and there was no vitality. There was no emotional color of normal people, only he was indifferent.

Looking at him, Shi Yan looked like a beggar, no soul.

He suddenly had a chilly chill!

This place is too strange!

The reason why he discovered the spark is because there is still a slight fluctuation in life on the spark, and he can be seen by him.

As the mind changes, he turns into a residual image, plunging into the nearest cluster of clouds, cautiously keeping distance from the clouds and staring at the top.

His face became more and more difficult to look at.

Because, in that cluster of clouds, there is also a person who is sticky, that person is very strange, he has never seen it, but is bound to the same as the spark, the life has long been gone, such as a statue, nor I know how many years I have been condensed here.

He constantly changed his position and flashed in a nearby cloud group. After a while, he suddenly stopped in the direction of the spark.

There are clusters of clouds around the area, all over the outer edge of the area. I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of them. He simply checked and found that many clouds are glued to a warrior, and many clouds are empty, such as Zhang Kou. The demon who is devastated by people, waiting for the right time.

He had a creepy feeling, his face was chilly and his heart was cold.

"This person, do you know?" Xia Xinyu quietly dive, carefully avoiding the clouds that made her feel very uncomfortable, standing by Shiyan.

"He is called Spark, a senior elder of the Protoss Presbyterian Church, a pseudo-immortal realm, so that Yu Nan and Gorefiend feel the tricky lurking in the fire and rain star field, this is the person." Tooth, said: "In the surrounding cloud group, many are glued to a warrior, but most of the warriors have no life fluctuations, only him, there is a little left..."

Xia Xin suddenly changed color.

At this time, the face of the fire was distorted and the eyes suddenly showed a few awake looks. He squirmed and stared at Shiyan and screamed: "Kill me! Kill me!"

Xia Xinyu slammed like a frightened bird, and was suddenly scared by the sparkling fire, and his face was pale.

Shi Yan is a very dignified look, staring at the spark, and said: "How did you become like this? What happened? Here, have you seen a girl in purple, tell me!"

"Kill me! Leave this place immediately! This is my advice to you! Kill me!" Sparks hysterical screams, in the screams, the muscles in his body are creeping, like a rope The tentacles of life broke through his body and extended from his abdominal cavity, such as the rope whip, to hold the rock.

"Hey!" The star fire screamed, and a trace of waking in the eyes disappeared and turned into a numbness.

If you are taken a soul.

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