God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1320: Unknown evil

In Shi Yan’s heart, the policeman’s warning was sudden, and he did not hesitate to take Xia Xin’s eyes to flash, and his face was as dark as ice.


A root vein, intestines, like a snake, crawled out of the sparkling body, and the agility was abnormal, and the strange hook was staring at the stone rock.

At the same time, a chilly and strange breath, followed by the long snake-like intestines and veins, actually penetrated into the sea, letting his altar run stagnation.

The chilly and strange atmosphere, such as the extension of the consciousness of a horrible soul, can affect the hearts of the people and detain the soul.


A vigorous explosion broke out, and his chest suddenly stunned, and he was unbelievable to see Xia Xinyi.

Xia Xinyi's pretty face is numb. If he is temporarily blocked by the soul, he won the control of the gods. The shackles of the eyes are not a trace of human emotions, such as cold swords.

It was just that she suddenly struck, slammed into the chest of the stone rock and broke free from the pull of the stone rock.

After she got rid of Shiyan's involvement, she did not continue to start, but she went to a cloud group not far away. The cloud was empty, as if the open demon was very different, waiting for the initiative of food.

"not good!"

Shiyan's eyes flashed with violent colors. I don't have to think about him. He also knows that Xia Xinyu was invaded by the chilly and strange forces, and was temporarily fixed.


Extending from the body of the spark, the veins and intestines, such as the demon snakes, such as the demon's tongue, are extremely dexterous, releasing a strange atmosphere that can confuse the soul, such as the lightning of the road.


Daddy, a cluster of fierce flames rose from his body, instantly turned into a raging fire, the original atmosphere of the natural fire exuded, and quickly spread to the surrounding.

The strips of veins and intestines, in the fire of the day, smashed the smoke, regained it, and fell into the chest of the Spark. The last life of the spark on the face of the fire was pumped away and became dead. Gives a feeling of dying.

The fire of the sky lingered around the body, and Shiyan became a burning fireman. He burst into the air and suddenly flashed out beside Xia Xin’s body and reached out.

"Oh! Hey!"

Suddenly, from the surrounding clusters of clouds, there are many extremely weird sounds.

That sound, like a liquid boiling. If the water flows out. Another example is the swallowing of something in a big mouth...


A strip of viscous liquid, gray and turbid color, like a kind of mucus that flows out of the strange mouth. Suddenly spattered from those clouds, the direction is very concentrated.

All shot at Shiyan!

Shi Yan sneered and shouted. The sea of ​​fire that enveloped the whole body became more and more fierce.

A hot red flame, attached to his life consciousness, suddenly separated from the sea of ​​fire, and quickly fell to Xia Xinyi.

Xi Xin Xin, who had a numb face, was slammed by the flame. The flame that had been violently wrapped around her, the breath suddenly changed. It was cold and fierce, and the transformation was very wonderful.

A cold snap. Directly infiltrated her mind, releasing an extremely cold and cold breath in her altar.

Her beauty recovered and her face changed. Suddenly, her thumb pressed her eyes to her eyes. A strange mystery of time suddenly appeared. The scene was as if she was playing back. She seemed to be in the state of the god. Instantly pulled before being invaded by the strange energy.

In the midst of the invasion of her unknown atmosphere, after the return of time, disappeared without a trace.

Time is righteous, Xuanzhi is mysterious, and cultivation is very deep. Can stay in the peak of the situation forever, can maintain the most peak state. Lock the time!

After recovering, her eyes chilled out, looking coldly at the surrounding clouds, and sighed: "Be careful, there are evils!"

At this time, a lot of sticky liquids fell into the hot sea created by the stone rock. Surprisingly, those liquids were not instantly evaporated and burned to ashes, but they could exist in the sea where he was condensed by the skyfire. Despite the gray smoke, when the liquid, but stubbornly spread to his body.

Shi Yan’s heart and soul are micro-shocks. Since he debuted, he has never seen much of the invincible things that can be burned in the sky.

This unknown mucus, I don't know where it came from, it is so terrible.


He pointed his hand to the eyebrows, and the burning fire was re-emerged in the altar. A new fire broke out.

Today, after several rounds of integration, there are four kinds of fires available. He just released a fire and did not do his best.

It is also a raging fire. This time, the skyfire is full of fine thunder and lightning, and there is a smell of corrosive soul. This is the fusion flame of the dying thunder and the nine secluded soul flames and the mysterious ice. Out, the jumping thunder and the dying of the soul, the power of this flame surged.

The mucus that came out of the strip finally could not withstand it, but it still did not melt immediately. All of them immediately flew away from the sea of ​​fire and returned to those clouds.

"Zi Yao is very likely to be wrapped in a cluster of clouds around him." Xia Xinyu swept, and stood still beside him, his face was cold, but his eyes were annoyed.

Achieving a pseudo-immortal spark, here is bound by the strange dark clouds, if Ziyao is also wrapped, can not persist until now, it is difficult to say...

"I add another fire!"

Shi Yan was silent for a long time, and he pulled away from the skyfire. He released the fire of the Taikoo demon fire, the ghosts and the wildfires, and the fire that merged with the corpse fire. It also formed the flame beside him, making the flame power around him suddenly rise several times. With him as the center, it has formed a sea of ​​fire and spread rapidly.

The tempering of the heat of the yang is a glimmer of fire, and the nearby clouds of darkness such as ink are drowned, and they are burned to ashes.

"No matter who you are, what kind of life is it, I just need to hand over the woman in purple clothes. As long as she is safe and sound, I will not continue to burn down. I will leave this place, and I will not make a river."

Shi Yan closed his eyes and closed his mouth, but let go of the thoughts of the gods. For example, the soul storm broke out in the sea of ​​fire, and the sense of the article was like a current lasing in all directions.

He believes that as long as it is a high-level creature, only the existence of a soul can feel his soul consciousness and can see his thoughts.

At this time, Zi Yao’s whereabouts are unknown, and it is very likely to be wrapped up by those clouds. I don’t know if I live and die. At this moment, I struggle with each other and win, and Ziwei is afraid that it is difficult to survive, so he must first do it. One point is to ensure that Zi Yao can survive.

This is the choice to negotiate with the soul.

Unfortunately, the conveyance of his soul idea has not been expected.

To be exact, there is no reaction. The clusters of clouds seem to die. It seems that there is no natural disaster of consciousness. It still exists around and does not move.

There is no living to give him a sense of return.

Shi Yan’s face was chilly and he said: “Don’t blame me for destroying everything here!”


For example, when the flash floods broke out, the fierce turmoil of the skyfire came from the fire, and the flames of the group turned out to be like meteorites. The precise impact on those clouds was on the warriors who were wrapped in it.

Those warriors, obviously died early, obviously have no vitality, but Shi Yan has a feeling that there is a consciousness in their body, the consciousness is scattered, just like a cluster of Taikoo Leilong Reddy. Divide the soul, on the barrier of the star field.

The only difference is that when Reddy's soul splits, there is no consciousness, only pure memory and breath. After the souls are all gathered and condensed, Reddy is considered to be resurrected, and he has independent consciousness and thoughts.

But those who are scattered in the body of a warrior seem to be able to survive alone, just like the sacred soul of the sacred soul, and the soul of a soul can be turned into a meditation in different stars. The consciousness of the cloud is like a situation like a meditation.

"Give me a burst!"

Shiyan stormed, the fierce flame drowned in the past, and each fire group slammed into a cloud group, and an earth-shattering explosion occurred.

Like the endless explosion in the distance, it bursts into a hollow cave, such as the formation of a void passage, connecting other stars.

However, his explosion with the origin of the skyfire, burning with the spread of the flame, still can not burn the clouds that are dark as ink, the clouds are still good, just like a narrowing.

The strange rain of the patter, connecting the heavens and the nine secluded, I do not know why suddenly became majestic, the light rain turned into a downpour, in this empty turbulent watershed, there should never be heavy rain, this is happening, those raindrops Such as the tears of the demon, with a strong penetrating power, such as the sword!

Shi Yan's face changed again. The difference here is beyond his imagination. He sinks for a few seconds, and he is very billions of stars. The starlight turns into a curtain, such as a huge fan on his head and Xia Xinyu.

The barriers that gathered by the stars resisted the falling of those strange rains, but they were braving the light smoke, consuming the power of the stars in the barriers.

"If this is the case, you will not be able to continue to replenish your strength. It will only be consumed quickly. It will not last long." Xia Xinzhen said calmly.

Shi Yan nodded and knew that she was not vocal. In this place, because the power of consumption could not be supplemented, when the energy was exhausted, it was the end of the day.

He himself could not absorb the energy of this place. Originally, he thought that there was no life to absorb the residual energy in the void, but when he discovered that Zi Yao could be, he knew that everything was not absolute.

He believes that this secret shot, this soul that has not known the gods, will certainly be able to absorb the disability of this place!

Fighting with the guy here, once you get stuck in a stalemate, you will end up losing yourself.

"There will be a way." Shi Yan calmly comforted her, suddenly relaxed, calmed the mind, let go of the extension of the knowledge, and slowly explore.

He wants to use his **** to know the sense of the soul, from the many clouds around him, to see if you can perceive the purple, and then you can have a direction to save.


Half-sounding, he suddenly screamed, and the horror of the horror.

He suddenly turned in the direction, and two far-reaching strong men were coming here, and the two were familiar with him.

Di Carlo and Reddy!

How can they come here?

Why come?


Ps: three more, small counter-request for Han heroes monthly ticket, recommended ticket support ~~~

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