God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1321: Big meat group

The light curtain of the star covered the top of the head, resisting the penetration of the heavy rain. The stone rock looked dignified and the face showed a horror.

Xia Xinyu was keenly aware of his subtle changes, and he said, "What did you find?"

"Someone is coming."

A thought flashed through the heart of Shi Yan, actively releasing life movements and extending consciousness.

He wants to know if Decaro and Reddy are here exclusively.

A sense of soul wandered out, flashing in the stream outside the field, and concentrating on insight.

It is indeed for this place!

The destinations of Di Carlo and Reddy are exactly here. When he was released, Di Carlo and Reddy made mistakes at the same time. They ignored one eye and frowned slightly into two bundles. Electric awning light, instantaneously through the space distance.

The next moment, Reddy and Di Carlo came to Shiyan and Xia Xinzhen, both of whom had reached the immortal dual heavens. When they saw Shiyan, their expressions became extremely strange.

"How can you be here?" Di Carlo was puzzled.

Shi Yan is also confused. "Where do you come from?"

"You gave me a pure power!" At the same time, Xia Xinyi also whispered, Meilu flashed a strange light, staring at Di Carlo, asked: "I don't know you, you Why do you put that pure power on me?"

"Because you cultivate time and righteousness. In the vast sea of ​​stars, you are not the only one who cultivates the time of the righteous, but it is the one with the highest level in the present." Di Carlo swept her, and the warm voice said: "It seems your heart The magic is cleared, um, so good, so that you can continue to break through the realm and continue to improve."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"For the time being, you don't need to understand, because your realm is still too low. When the time is ripe, until you have enough realm, I will naturally tell you why."

"Why are you coming?"

Di Carlo suddenly frowned and silent, took a deep breath, looked at the clusters of clouds around him, and looked at Shiyan and Xia Xinyu, saying: "How do you know this place?"

"It’s just a matter of chance."

Shi Yan touched his forehead and indulged in a moment. He felt that it was necessary to tell the truth to help the insight of the matter, so that-<>-the case of Ming, "I was a friend who accidentally came here, seems to be those The cloud swallowed, and I felt her life fluctuating..."

"That's not a cloud!" Reddy said.

Di Carlo looked at him. "Is there any connection with the guys of your demon?"

Reddy shook his head and hesitated. He looked at Shi Yan. "You should ask him, I think he will know better than me."

Di Carlo's eyes are slightly bright, and he doesn't bend his corners. He said: "The kid, here, do you have a familiar feeling? Are there only the unique atmosphere of the first generation of the Tian Yao family, is there a periphery?"

Shiyan looked around and looked at the clusters of clouds and looked at the weird rain. He tried to say: "Do you mean the creature that may exist here?"

Reddy and Di Carlo nodded at the same time.

"No, there is no trace of the celestial ancestors of the celestial ancestors, or I will be able to detect it. At that time, when I was in the thunderstorm, I first saw the soul of the thunder and lightning, and immediately I could sense the subtlety, but here, I There is no such feeling." Shi Yan said calmly.

When this statement came out, Reddy and Di Carlo looked at each other at the same time.

Half-sounding, Di Carlo said: "We guessed wrong, it is not one of the ancestors of the Tian Yaozu, then ... what will it be? Is it not the life of our Xinghai?"

"What are you talking about?" Shi Yan was amazed.

Di Carlo looked at him and hesitated. He said: "In this emptiness of the emptiness, this thing has always existed. In the past few years, many warriors who accidentally fell into this place have been engulfed by it. It is very strange, such as splitting. I have lived in the void for many years, and I have seen it in many different regions. It has life consciousness and can absorb the energy here. It seems to be slow. Creeping, but never communicate with the soul..."

When talking about this wonderful thing, Dikaro's eyes have a fascination and confusion, and there seems to be a bit of uneasiness, as if he is worried about something.

"It's not a cluster of clouds. Is this cloud, its body?" Xia Xinyi whispered.

I don't know why, when Di Carlo treated Shiyan, he didn't catch a cold, and even said that he was not good at his attitude, but he was very gentle with Xia Xinyu, and he also paid much attention to Xia Xinyu's question.

"The cloud is just a layer of the surface. I will let you see what it looks like. You look carefully." Di Carlo's two hands are printed, the fingers are interlaced, and the fingertips spurt a sharp blade like a scissors. All shot at a dark cloud.

The sharp edge is like a smart scissors. Peeling the orange peel usually spreads out the dark clouds, and a cluster of black cloud cotton, such as smoke, splits.

Immediately as ugly things, the real emergence...

The thing was a taupe, covered with spots, such as a person's nostrils with a sticky nose, as if a worm, such as a meat sputum, such as a sarcoma, is still slowly creeping, extremely disgusting.

Just glanced at it, Xia Xinyu looked disgusted. "It's disgusting."

"There are tens of thousands of clouds here. There is such a thing inside each cluster of clouds. Many of the meat corps are bound by the martial arts. They are accidentally falling into the void, and they are slowly getting rid of it. Dead. This cluster of clouds is an ugly meat mass, such as insects, such as tumors, sometimes condensed, but most of them are scattered. Also tell you a little, in the emptiness of the void There are many similar clouds in many areas. I have seen many, and I have not repaired the end of the emptiness in my realm. Perhaps in the faraway and deeper places, there are more. The existence of things..."

Di Carlo explained.

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyu were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

In the endless stream of emptiness, there are many places where there are tumor-like creatures, and I don’t know how long it has existed. I don’t know how many times I have swallowed the warriors who have entered this place.

This thing, in the end there is no high-level wisdom, even Di Carlo can not understand.

Because he has never established an exchange with this thing, but Di Carlo has always had a feeling of faintness. He feels that this thing must be wise and has a complete sense of life. The reason why he does not communicate with him is that he feels because of this thing... It is simply disdainful.

"I have a very ridiculous feeling. I feel that it doesn't bother to communicate with us because it thinks we don't deserve it. It's like we don't communicate with a worm, because we are high-level creatures, and insects are only the lowest level. Creatures, the two sides have an insurmountable distance..."

Di Carlo added.

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous, you must feel wrong." Even Reddy couldn't listen, and kept shaking his head, questioning DiCarlo's feelings.

"Your things, besides you, who knows exist?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

Di Carlo snorted. "I don't know. As far as I know, people who know this thing don't seem to have any living. The realm of Xuanhe, Qi Lie Te, and Tian Xie is really superb, but it is limited to other areas. In the void, they are all restrained everywhere and can't stay too long."

"Then what are you going to do here?" Shi Yan asked again.

"He feels that this object is a hidden threat and cannot be exchanged, so he is ready to ruin. The ones that he knows are gathered one by one, and we will destroy them one by one, so as to avoid any future problems." Reddy is kind to him. , casually explained.

After all, Shi Yan resurrected him, and he was the original fusion of his ancestors. In the depths of his soul, he felt that he and Shi Yan were very harmonious, and the instinct would be close to Shiyan.

This is the brand of the soul, which existed from birth and could never be erased.

"Destroy this place?" Shi Yan grinned. "The idea is very good. I also have this plan. It seems that we have coincided."

"You should have tried it." Di Carlo frowned, his expression dignified: "While you are not high in the realm, you have integrated the origins of the ancient continent, and you are surrounded by skyfire. Skyfire is said to refine any creature, you try After that, I didn’t succeed?"

Reddy also sank. "This guy, is it really tricky?"

"I can't refine it, maybe it's not the reason for all integration, but this thing is really very strange." Shiyan nodded.

Di Carlo squinted and looked around in the distance. After a while, he suddenly said to Shi Yan: "Now, you are bloodthirsty and fighting with the Protoss. You are doing something right, what are you doing here? Things, I will solve with Reddy, you still leave early, don't waste the Xuanhe, the meditation on your weight."

"One of my friends has disappeared." Shi Yan snorted.

"It turned out that because of women, hey, boy has my style of the year!" Lei Dihaha laughed, the emptiness of the earthquake blasted like a blast, and his evil spirits glanced at Xia Xinyu, and grinned again: "I still take it back. Two girls are coming out, amazing!"

Whether Reddy or Qinglong are the blood of the dragons, they are all ridiculous. It is rumored that the first ancestors of the two demon people, Lei Di and Qing Yi, have been fighting for many years, because of the women's struggle.

"Moreover, the elders of the Protoss are just dying, and the Fire and Rain Stars have also won for the first time. The details of the battles in the bigger game are naturally planned by Xuanhe, Ming, and Lie. I don't have to worry too much." Indifferent.

He has self-knowledge, and before he has not broken through immortality, he truly possesses the qualifications of Xuanhe and Minglu, and his new bloodthirsty lord is indeed only awkward.

He can be honored as the position of the Lord, because of the identity of the new lord of the Xuanhe, the Ming dynasty, and the martyrdom, and the good name is justified.

Unless Xuanhe, Minglu, and Lie Te are disregarding the rules of bloodthirsty, they will not be qualified to summon all the eight evil spirits and wage war against the Protoss.

"If you really insist on staying, I will tell you something more, because you can still help a little." Di Carlo was half-sounding and nodded slightly.

Shiyan eyes are bright.

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