God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1322: Melting

"In fact, very early on, I was paying attention to this thing, secretly observing its every move. Only in recent years, this thing has gradually become uneasy, perhaps with more and more bound warriors, it is like a serious wounded gradually It's back..."

Di Carlo's look is dignified and continues to explain: "There have been problems in many of the stars in the sea area over the years. There are many warriors who use the virtual passage to cross the star field, and will disappear inexplicably, even with me. The person who transports the space in the refining space will disappear from the air."

He looked at Shiyan and Xia Xinyu, and his expression became more and more heavy. "I have been unable to understand why, until I found an inexplicable disappearer who appeared in the clouds here, and I figured out the facts."

Di Carlo points to the surrounding clusters of black clouds, and said with a cold face: "Those who are lost are affected by this thing, and are dragged into the void and shackled by it!"

Shi Yan, Xia Xinxuan's heart and big earthquake, his face is not convinced, secretly chilling.

If this object can affect the void passage and pull the cross-border transporter into the void, then the shuttle between the stars will become dangerous.

Di Carlo is the most exquisite space in the world, and has built a number of space transmission arrays for the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce. The failure of those transmission arrays, the mysterious disappearance of those warriors, must have a huge impact on his reputation, forcing him to have Find out the real reason.

If everything is as he said, then the shuttle of the void passage in the future will make everyone feel fearful and will directly affect the situation in Xinghai.

“Not just that.” Di Carlo touched the white-and-white long beard and looked at the clusters of dark clouds around him. He said: “It seems to have secretly affected the starry sky barrier, and cultivates the space. It should know the power of the general military. Impact, it is difficult to cause the void to collapse. But now, many of the three gods in the beginning of the war, may be tempted to smash the void, may cause the star domain to collapse..."

Shiyan is amazed.

When he suddenly remembered the battle with the Spark, his blood sword slammed on the life of the starry ice jade piece of the Spark. Causes the void to crack and smash.

At that time, he suddenly developed a feeling that the void seemed too fragile and it was too easy to smash.

The void collapsed, causing thousands of Protoss martial arts to be plunged into the void. He knew that those people were afraid that it would be difficult to survive. When he contacted Di Carlo, his face suddenly became ugly, and there was a bad one. guess……

Will not. It is the mysterious thing that is secretly blamed. The purpose is to bind the one of the Protoss and drown it like a spark.

"The reason why I brought Reddy is because I found that the recent turmoil in the sea is getting more and more strange. Just recently! It seems... it suddenly increased a lot of power!" Di Carlo continued.


Shi Yan touched his nose and looked awkward. He said: "I had a battle with the Spark. I caused the fire and rain to burst into the sky, and there were 10,000 Protoss people plunging into the void. I don't know, its sudden increase in power will Will not be related to those Protoss and Sparks?"

When this statement came out, Reddy stunned, and Di Carlo showed a sudden change in appearance, a violently violent appearance, "it turned out to be awkward!"

"Don't be excited. Be excited, this is not, I also come to seek a solution?" Shi Yan sneered.

"Small Luo, don't forget the purpose of our coming, the matter is important." Reddy also hurriedly dissuaded him and said, "The kid is also the lucky star of our Tian Yaozu, and he wants to kill him. Our Tian Yaozu will want I’m not feeling well.”

"Hey, I don't dare to kill him." Di Carlo's face is very strange, like a dead mother, "He is a scourge, such as the Xinghai cancer. If he died, the Xinghai would be too flat, but now in the Xinghai. People People don't want to be peaceful, I don't want to offend the evil spirits, the meditation, the Xuanhe people."

"It's all right!" Reddy said again.

Di Carlo gradually calmed down. "Well, it's important to do things. I will remove the darkness of the sarcoma, and destroy the destruction with the power of the thunder. Then let the kid burn out to the ashes with the natural fire. See if this can be done. The thing slowly disappeared."

He has already made a decision.

"I want to be sure to be sure of nothing!" Lei Dihaha was rough and laughter, and Chong Shiyan made a look. "Oh no problem?"

"No problem." Shiyan shrugged his shoulders.

Di Carlo is also not awkward, directly hands-on, releasing the essence of the essence.

In this wonderful land, he has two hands to seal, such as pulling the emptiness of the void, the surface of the body flickers and flashes, such as the sparkling crystal, lasts for a few seconds, suddenly, there are hundreds of millions of sharp blades like a storm, mad, thousands of different, all The scorpion shot in the cluster of black clouds.

Such as the magical knife, the sharp blade sharply swept and swept, peeling off the shell from the dark cloud.

A group of ugly and disgusting meats, revealing the truth successively, such as a sarcoma hanging in the void, filling the surrounding skyline, there are tens of thousands of intensive, faintly seemingly quite a rule, forming Unknown singular ancient array.

Those meats secrete liquids that are sticky and infiltrating, such as the saliva spit from foreign bodies. The meat swells and slowly squirms, gradually moving closer.

It is like a cell that is magnified hundreds of millions of times. In the process of condensing and recombining, the people who look at it are horrified and chilling.

"Booming! Rumble!"

Suddenly, the road was accompanied by thunderous thunder and thunder lightning, as if hundreds of millions of thunder snakes emerged from the beginning of Lei Di, all into the big meat balls.


A large meat ball, suddenly with gray smoke, the meat ball swelled and squirmed, secreting more sticky things.

Many large meat **** are bound to the inside of the warriors. At this time, the martial arts veins and intestines of the martial arts are once again turned into tentacles, and they are swiftly spinning, densely entangled in the stone rock.

Those intestines, the sticky veins on the veins, and the scent of yellow water falling from the sky, how disgusting and disgusting.

At the same time, a sense of evil has spread through the release and rushed to the crowd.

"Reddy! I don't feel it?" Di Carlo suddenly yelled. "Is this a low-level creature's awareness?"

Reddy's expression is hard to look at, frowning and scrutinizing, and then suddenly said: "The feeling of swearing is correct, it seems to disdain to communicate with us, because it thinks it is a high-level life, and we are only ants in its eyes, indeed it is This feeling……"

Shi Yan and Xia Xin's realm are slightly lower, and they are not as deep-sighted as Lei Di and Di Carlo. At this moment, they are focused and are full of surprises.

"Release the skyfire! Blend here with the strongest power!" Di Carlo sank.

His words fell, and the clusters of flames that lingered around the stone rock, like the fire of the stars, suddenly spread to the surrounding area, and in a moment, they formed a fierce and violent source of fire. And split hundreds of millions of shares, and that Thunder lightning generally fell to that big meat group.

"Hey! Hey!"

Those large sarcomas, if burned by fire, really came to burn and turn into ashes.

The evil creature was first stripped of the outermost thickest defense by Di Carlo, and was bombarded by Reddy’s horror thunder and lightning. Finally, it was burned out by the natural fire. The three men cooperated together and seemed to find extinction. The method of this thing.

One large sarcoma, all of which was submerged by the natural fire, was burned by the surging.

"It doesn't look too difficult." Reddy grinned and snarled. "Hey, he can't keep anything to burn, and see how he can mess!"

Di Carlo obviously agrees with this guy, because the natural fire has burned all the creatures. He has a slightly friendly attitude towards Shiyan. He looks at the fierce flames everywhere. He said: "This place is just one place, light. There are dozens of similar areas that I know, and we will continue."

"I am looking for someone." Shi Yan frowned.

"I want to find someone who is definitely not here, or I will not burn so much. Before we come here, we must have checked it out." DiCarlo was so impatient, "First, for the safety of our numerous stars, I will do the business, perhaps the person I am looking for is bound by this thing in other areas. We are inspecting one by one, and it will take too much time anyway."

"Hey, what is that?" Reddy whispered.

Di Carlo and Shiyan looked at one direction at the same time. There was a big meat shackle that bound the spark, and it was also burned by the sky. There was no sign of melting into ash.

A cold, but revealed from it, the extreme cold power quietly turned into ice blue strange fog diffusion, where the fog passed, the fire of the release of Shiyan was extinguished one by one.

"That is the life of the Spark. It is very strange. According to what he said, the thing is called 'Starry Ice Jade Piece'. It is from the 'virtual domain sea'. It takes more than 700 years to refine the cost of life. The power is terrible!"

Shi Yanjing looked carefully for a while, and found the icy brilliance in the fleshy scorpion, and his heart suddenly moved and suddenly exclaimed.

"The things that come from the imaginary domain..."

Di Carlo looked tight and suddenly said: "Can not be burned under the fire of the sky, the cold has not been reduced, but also the cold fog to extinguish the immature skyfire, this thing is absolutely a strange thing."

When this statement came out, Reddy’s eyes were beaming, but the moment was also awkward. He shook his head and said: “It’s a pity that it’s not suitable for my cultivation.”

"Zi Yao!"

At this time, Xia Xinzhen could not help but scream and she pointed in one direction.

In the raging fire, one of the biggest meat masses, such as the cracked brain shell, emerged from the purple, her eyes were indifferent, there was no trace of emotion, cold and chilly, she reached out and grabbed, the piece of "Starry Ice Jade Tablet" For an ice, she fell into her hands.

A terrible wave of volatility suddenly erupted from her body, not inferior to Di Carlo and Reddy.

At the moment, Zi Yao, behind a layer of colored circles, like the spread of light, her whole person bathed in the center of the gorgeous light, giving a feeling of dreams.

But the breath that came out of her was terrifying, it was an ice cold desert that was not human.

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