God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1332: poisonous snake

The wonderful changes in the body made Shi Yan feel helpless, and it was difficult to accept at first, even instinctive rejection.

However, soon he acquiesced in physical changes and accepted it with pleasure.

Because he perceives the changes in the body, his strength in all aspects of the body has been amazingly improved! Every cell fiber in his body is full of explosive power. If you want to swell your body, it is a terrible energy sensation!

His acupoints continue to spurt the mysterious energy, the veins and bones are still greedy and sucking, the nails become sharp and the knife is sharp, and the back of the spine produces a bone wing that becomes horrible.

It is like the so-called humanoid pterosaur of the Tian Yao family!

The deputy soul sinking in the beginning of the boundary suddenly sheds an unknown memory thought. If the seal of the soul is untied, his mind has a lot more knowledge...

That should be the ancient memory of the ancient continent's grace, branded in the deputy soul, when he merged with the source, he became part of his deputy soul, but was dusted.

It can only be solved at a critical moment.

At this time, it is the key moment, and the memory is naturally unsealed!

He suddenly screamed and turned into a starlight and rushed to the body of the giant worm. A powerful and extreme momentum emanated from his body, as if it were a sharp sword!

Straight to the giant worm!

"This is its main brain! It is called '虺'! The eleven giant worms are only part of their body. '虺' is the weakest attacking power of the main brain. It is the source of wisdom. Once it is gathered, it will not be made. Live it!"

In the snoring, the stone lithification is a star-studded stream, stabbing the giant worm '虺', halfway through, the Ming dynasty, the Xuanhe scorpion god.

"Unlock the seal!" Shiyan is another drink.

The sound of the sound falls, the hot flame spreads in the star stream, the fires are clustered, and the surging of the flames is soaring. It is the magic of several kinds of natural fires.

Hesitated for a moment, splitting the seal he released, and a cluster of ghosts actively spread.

Xuanhe, Reddy everyone. Letting go of the soul and inspecting it, I found out that the fluctuations from the rock body at this time were extremely amazing. I listened to the ancient name of the giant worm, and I learned the meditation after a heartbeat. Hey, he has to seal the corner to let him drive in.

Di Carlo, 腓 特 也 also rely on the gourd painting scoop. Also open the passage for him. Allow him to wear a seal and drop directly to the giant worm.

In their hearts, the rock at the moment is a bit strange. Because he not only has a huge difference in appearance, but also can understand the name of the giant worm, so that they immediately feel the gods.

They all know that Shiyan inherits the inheritance of bloodthirsty. It also blends the ancient continent's grace, the most wonderful person in the world, and it is difficult to treat it with common sense.

Therefore, they allowed Shiyan's daring, and wanted to see what the wind and rock could pick up at this moment.

In the eyes of the public, Shiyan pierced the seal and went straight to the surface of the body of the cockroach. "哧啦" screamed.

Surprisingly, even the layer of bright yellow keratin that cannot be dissolved by the corrosive force, in his long nail puncture, such as the torn strip, cracks the crack and reveals a yellow sticky liquid. come out.

Di Carlo, the crowds of the people suddenly looked shocked!

Every one of them has tried and tried to puncture the body of the giant worm with their power. Then they found it extremely difficult to break through the defense of the giant worm.

That layer of bright yellow keratin armor is comparable to the bloodthirsty body of the year, almost in an unbreakable place.

They all felt helpless, but Shi Yan’s sudden and strange nails actually cut the body of the giant into a deep mouth. In an instant, they gave birth to a strange feeling.


Shiyan is like a giant giant body, and a pair of broad bone wings sway behind. Both fingernails are sharply cold and constantly penetrate the giant worm.

One by one, the mouth appeared on the body of the giant worm, and the "squeaky" sounded a strange whistling sound of violent anger, and the body squirmed wildly, and numerous sticky yellow liquids permeated.

The clusters are condensed in the sky, and the rock is sunk in the middle of the sea of ​​fire. The sticky liquid spills over and is burned by the skyfire, so that his body is not shocked.

At this time, the power of corrosion that Widson eroded the heavens and the earth was submerged.

The forces of corrosion can only melt the surface of the giant worm, and can't really dissolve its flesh. However, after Shiyan cracked a crack in it, the force of corrosion naturally penetrated into the flesh and blood. It hurts it.

"Forbid it, don't let it escape!"

Responding to me, I realized the intention of Shiyan, could not help but feel a shock, shouted.

Everyone eats a stimulant, and his face rises red, releasing the meaning of the immortal realm to the extreme. At one time, the Tianhe is discolored, the void is shaking, the thunder and the dragon are swimming, and the blood is boiling.

"虺" is the beginning of the living, is the birth of the original era, contains endless magic, has endless long life.

If there is a clear division of the living beings, "虺" is the topmost existence of the pyramid of life, the highest level of life.

If you can kill such a existence, you will find out its secrets and understand all its subtleties. It is afraid that it can directly subvert the true meaning of the world and understand what happened in the early days.

Space, time, the stars, the universe, the mystery, and the powers existed very early. They have been transformed to the present day. Most of them have lost their original appearance and become unrecognizable. What kind of appearance will be at the beginning, what is represented, how the universe is formed. What is the ultimate in the avenue, and what is the end of the cultivation, perhaps, can find the answer from the "虺"...

When they found out that they would kill the "虺", they all thrilled to the extreme, the blood in the body seemed to be ignited, and the righteousness was pushed to the extreme.

"虺" on the surface of the body of a meat group, where the Protoss elders star fire corpse is banned. At this time, the Sparks did not have a living corpse, and weirdly squirmed.

The eyes of the Xinghuo, which had been closed for a long time, quietly opened a gap, revealing a pair of smart eyes.

The eyes turned and slowly, and they gradually became life-like. The vague figure of God's Lord appeared in the eyelids. It seemed to be through the eyes of the sparks to reveal all the things happening here.

Few people know that the true fusion of the original source of the continent is extremely magical.

Haig’s fusion of the original Tianhuo was originally the most exquisite of Shiyan, Audrey, and Cangwu. He can easily mobilize the power of the ancient gods to enhance his power.

After his soul was smothered and taken over by the Lord, the progress of his natural fire was truly at its peak.

The Protoss was born in the ancient gods, and the **** of the ancient gods is the mainstay of the ancient gods. The ancient gods are like his other beginnings. After the true fusion of the natural fire, he can move and capture any one wanting to capture. To the Protoss.

As long as the body is flowing with the blood of the Protoss, no matter where the person is, he can accurately perceive it, and even use it as a medium to directly descend to a certain place!

This is a mystery that can only be realized by thoroughly integrating the natural fire of the source. It is cultivated in the realm of Shiyan, Cangwu and Aojiali. It is far from this level, and it is achieved without the power of the protoss. Can't achieve it.

At this time, the master of God is at the top of the Tianshen Peak in the ancient gods' continent, but he can see through the lost blood of the star fire that has not disappeared in the body.

Whether it is Shiyan, or the cicadas or the Di Carlos, they can't think of a meatball bulge on the "虺". God's Lord uses the eyes of the Spark to see the situation here. I don't know that God can directly pass the Spark. The residual blood veins came instantly from the body of the spark.

Giant comet.

The evil spirits are dark and cold, sitting alone in the waterhole, and the body is full of unidentified energy fluctuations. His expression is distorted, as if suffering a certain kind of pain.

The forehead, a root of blue veins emerged, making his handsome face look a little scary.

The eyebrows, the mark of a worm, floating out vividly, is like a worm growing in his eyebrows, still squirming.

A memory, a stock thought, overflowing from the imprint, poured into his mind.

The evil spirits accepted it silently. For a long time, he calmed down, and the worm mark on his forehead gradually faded and was hidden by him.

He returned to normal, his face was always smiling, and when he was in a flash, he came to the secret room where Lingxiang, Nishi, and Lorraine gathered. He said: "I have a special skill in cultivation and occasionally fall into the mirror. I have to calmly adjust and wait for a long time."

In the secret room, Lingxiang, Nishizawa, and Lorraine did not know the outside world. I don’t know the sky-turning movements that occurred between the eleven stars, and they were all polite.

They naturally do not know that when they waited for the evil spirits, what happened to the heavenly evils, and they did not know that the evil spirits had secretly issued orders, and that the majesty destroyed the domain of the eleven stars. Directly leading to the invasion of a large worm, brought a catastrophe.

"I have a ruthless invitation." The evil spirits are serious.

Ling Xiang three people look awe-inspiring, listening to God, want to know what decision he wants to make.

"I want all your help." The evil spirits sneered, and the eyes changed with strange and strange light.

"What?" Ling Xiang stunned.

"I want to eat you." Tianxie explained one sentence.

When Lingxiang, Nishizawa, and Lorraine looked stagnation, from the body of the evil spirits, they shot hundreds of millions of colorful clouds, such as the rainbow of the stars, and the colorful ties, which entangled the three bodies.

Tianxie body twisted, a sense of chills and sorrows, along the bond to penetrate the soul of the three minds.

The three men stunned and shook the fear and panic. However, when they were too late to scream, they were caught by the rainbow ties of the evil spirits and were dragged to the evil spirits one by one.

"Click! Karst!"

In a short time, in the secret room, there was a horrible smashing bones, and the leader of the Thousands of Magic, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace did not scream and screamed, and they went to the end of their lives.

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