God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1333: God

On the huge body, covered with a strip of wounds, the wounds appeared sticky yellow water, and there was a pungent smell.

Widson's body was inflated, such as a sharply inflated ball, which seemed to burst open, and a fine crack in his mouth, which burst into his abdomen.

From the abdomen, there was a fierce temperament that was going to die, and the fierce air ignited his life potential, consuming his soul and inspiring him all the power!

Anyone can see that the outbreak of Widson is at the expense of his life!

No one really cares about his life and death.

The Ming and Xuanhe are waiting, waiting for the giant worm to be corroded, and the body's defenses are completely erased. At that time, they are approaching, and it is the best time for them to harvest the spoils.

The body of the giant worm is gradually rotted and melted. From the inside, the thick smoke such as ink emerges. The smog is absorbed by the stone caves and promotes the physical soul of the stone rock.

Suddenly, Shiyan suddenly stopped the destruction of his body, and he stopped in one direction.

The wonderful sense of sublimation of the soul, escaping into the heart of the field, his acupoints, tendons, and ancient trees have become a whole, and they have reached a subtle connection with each other. The ancient branches are connected with the veins, and the veins are connected with the acupoints. The force that permeated inside the scorpion did not enter his dantian along the veins.

The ancient tree of the gods that is as clear as the crystal, once again thrives, and even with it, his mind has passed through a warm current, and the warm current escapes into his knowledge of the sea.

The feeling of Shutai is full of soul sacrifices. The dregs, dregs, and dirt in the altar seem to be washed away by the water that has been cleared to the extreme, and it becomes clean to the extreme.

At that moment, his soul ceremonial table seemed to become a jade without any impurities, becoming crystal clear, becoming transparent, and becoming endlessly wonderful.

He suddenly felt his knowledge of space, stars, and the meaning of life and death. It suddenly became a lot deeper. Just like a ignorant teenager, he was opened up and became intelligent and intelligent.

The mind is changing. The warmth of the silk washes the altar, and the righteousness of the light is in the altar.

A burst of mysterious and mysterious enlightenment, so it is reflected in my heart. Become deep, he seems to be in the source of the righteousness, to capture the deepest mysterious...

This is the sublimation of the soul altar, and it is the realm of the realm. He went straight into the realm of the triple heaven from the beginning of the gods!

An incredible breakthrough!

He was there, feeling the magical changes of the body, the altar, and the soul. The eyes flashed the magical light of the epiphany, staring at the giant worm below.

Suddenly. His face suddenly changed.

In the direction of his gaze, he saw a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that should not be opened at this time. That is the eyes of a spark.

The star fire is violently dying. He carefully checked before, and he was sure that the sparks and the magnetic field of life would disappear. A little imprint does not exist.

It’s completely dead, can you open your eyes again? Things are weird!

His first thought was to use the body of the Spark and want to finally struggle. However, staring at the eyes for a few seconds, he immediately vetoed this suspicion.

Because the emotions revealed by the eyes of Sparks are definitely not the kind of feelings that are not embarrassing, the eyes, deep in the sky, with a bit of ridicule and indifference, as if the hunter quietly waiting for the prey to enter the net, let him get out of trouble .

What is even more strange is that the eye, still looking at him, does not evade him, obviously not afraid of his discovery.

"No! What is wrong!"

He gave birth to a kind of unfavorable intuition, as if the eyes were very familiar. He was so ill-conceived that he suddenly emerged from the beginning of the boundary and re-entered the altar.

When I looked at the eyes again, he was shocked and couldn’t help but whisper: "Hague!"

There are subtle connections between the four ancient continents of God, God, ancient gods and ancient devils. He who blends with the gods of the mainland can sense the unique atmosphere of Haig.

That is the special smell that the ancient continent has. Only the same kind can capture it. It is the imprint of the soul after the fusion, and it cannot be hidden.

After a low drink, the eyes looked horrified and looked at him deeply, and the color in his eyes was unpredictable.

He expressed a strong sense of uneasiness. He did not wait for the eyes to continue to change. He suddenly retreated and turned into a cluster of stars. He penetrated the seal with space and moved from the surface of his body.

"call out!"

He stood beside the holy animal blue dragon, his face was heavy, and he called: "The giant worm, the eyes of the star fire opened, the owner of the eye... should be a black, I can feel his unique breath!"

"Hague?" He stunned and shook his head. "You must have made a mistake. Haig, it is no longer there. He is dead."

"Dead?" Shiyan stunned, no channel: "Impossible! The guy has a natural atmosphere of the ancient gods. I am integrating the source of the gods and the mainland, will you perceive the mistake?"

The sorrow was first and foremost, and suddenly it was shocked, and his face became extremely dignified. "You mean, his body reveals the atmosphere of the ancient gods of the mainland?"

“It’s true!”

Mind, Xuanhe, Qinglong, and Di Carlo have become gloomy and difficult to look at, and they all look at the surface of the body, and they are all enemies.

"Brian! Come here, why bother to hide the tail?"

"Brian" three words out, Reddy, 腓 特 悚 悚 悚 悚 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"How can he come?" The pale face of Juliet became paler. This was not his fear of fear, but the sign that the corpse was condensed to the extreme.

He has gone all out.


A sturdy thunder and lightning, from the body of the Holy Beast Qinglong, formed a thunder and electric sea, bursting with the power of the thunder and madness of the heavens and the earth, the emptiness of the emptiness of the void.

When they had dealt with the cockroaches before, they were not as dignified as they were, and they all looked at the direction of Shiyan’s fingers.

The cicada looked at Widson, and the look was dark. Suddenly, "I know why Widson suddenly surged in strength. It turned out that you are adding fire to the secret. It seems that your protoss collected my master's bones these years. All used up?"


A group of sarcoma on the surface of the sputum bursts fiercely, and in the splash of yellow water, a cluster of sacred and mighty rays condenses and gradually becomes a form of "black box".


He broke out from the body of the Spark, and on the sly body, he calmly looked at the crowd, and said indifferently: "After the bloodthirsty annihilation, you have changed a lot, and then there is no sharpness in the past, I saw You haven’t really dared to rush over for so long, and you have to go all out to get into the body of the firstborn."

"It's no wonder that in the past ten years, you have only made a slight breakthrough. If I didn't break down to the physical destruction of the past, I am afraid that I am already out of the world, and that bloodthirsty in the past is a vain-free sea, and there is no restriction."

During his speech, the gemstones, like crystals, reflect hundreds of millions of glare.

The radiance is so vast, such as the intensive sword, piercing every corner of the space, and every ray of light contains life fluctuations, as if one of his souls is separated.


The beam of light shattered, and the dagger beside him was smashed by the light, and the light spurred on the bright yellow horny, and even the defense that could not immediately corrode the esoteric escaping was directly penetrated through his ray impact.

He is the second defender who can really break the squad.

Unlike Shiyan, he did not resort to any weapon of the gods, but relied on the magical sword of the righteousness of the gods.


The glare of the road is spurred, and the light contains the essence of his righteousness. The Xuanhe and the Ming dynasty have to be treated with sorrow, and each of them is wonderfully displayed, and the enchantment of the defensive stagnation is built up.

Shiyan is no exception.

From that beam of light, he saw the style of the first generation of the protoss of the protoss. In the wild, he merged the star of the protoss of the Protoss, and learned the deep understanding of the realm.

Nowadays, the Lord of God releases his righteousness, and Shiyan condenses the gods to feel it. He carefully observes and discovers that the Lord God is in the fortune of the light and the righteousness, fearing that it is more than 100,000 years ago, the protoss of the Protoss, the most terrible existence of the Protoss from ancient times to the present!

"Xinghai disillusionment!"

Shi Yan was shocked and stunned, and his face was suddenly fascinated.

The speed of the power of the whole body has been increased several times in the past! This is not a breakthrough in the realm of the gods, but the deep transformation of the whole body, veins, flesh and blood, which is the evolution of life!

In a thought, a star-shaped sea appeared in front of his eyes, and the starry sea was illusory, such as the moon in the mirror, constantly changing and wonderful, sometimes clear and thorough, sometimes blurred as nothing.

The beam of light of the Lord God penetrated and seemed to be assimilated. As if he had lost his way, he flew in the starry sea that he reflected, and he could never get out of the stone body.

This is the fusion of the stars and the space, and the stone power of the rock is as clear as the epiphany. It is the transformation of the soul to the soul.


The Lord God shouted, and the deep sorrows fell to him. His expression was slightly moved, and he suddenly smiled and said: "When you stop, you will first take your soul and merge the source of God's grace."

He moved and crossed the air, and instantly fell into the starry sea of ​​Shiyan.

At this moment, a thick cluster of blood was splashed from the body of Widson, and the blood was like a key, spinning in the void.

The blood suddenly changed, turning into a window door, and the figure was directly penetrated by the trend.

The four kings of Happy, Bright, Free, and Shenwu first emerged, and immediately, the patriarchs of the Protoss and the patriarchs of the Twelve Family, which were sealed up and appeared one after another, were all visible next to Widson.

Surprisingly, the power of corrosion that Navidson released did not pose a threat to them.

Because of the glaring light beam, puncture in the Widson field, forcibly changed the force of corrosion, and greatly reduced the mystery of corrosion.

The light beam comes from the Lord of God. He releases the light beam. In addition to the shocking and mysterious rivers, the main purpose is to let the happy people land safely.

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