God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1339: Main mother

Ten thousand years ago, bloodthirsty was smashed into the market by the crowds. Only one body was crushed, and it was obtained by the Protoss, Tianshui Palace, Thousands of Magic, and the ancestors of the Temple.

After a tens of thousands of years, the protoss of the powerful, Lingxiang, Nishi, and Lorraine all immortal realm, hoped for bloodthirsty bones, trying to gain insight into the mysterious power, and ultimately declared failure.

In the eyes of many people, that kind of power is the root cause of bloodthirsty and the strongest, and it is also the main reason why God and the public are killing bloodthirsty.

- Everyone wants to get that power!

Today, that kind of power reproduces the Xinghai, inspired by bloodthirsty inheritors.

How can it be shaken?

At this moment, everyone's eyes on Shiyan have become hot.


Suddenly, those who had previously escaped from the body of the scorpion, soaring in speed, such as a stream of light and flying, all came over.

For the first three warriors, the flesh is broken, and I don’t know how many years have been lost. There are holes in the chest, and there is a mucous mucus that flows, even faintly seeing the gastrointestinal squirm, making people chill, let the timid The scalp is numb.

The three eyes are empty and empty, there is no human emotion, and the strange force in the body is fierce.

"Take it up!"

A diamond-shaped sword light, sharp and sharp, actually burst out of their mouth.

The sword is chilly and shimmering, and it shines directly on the chest of the three Protoss elders. The three elders of the Protoss who are only in the realm of the gods did not even scream, and they lost their vitality.


Numerous diamond-shaped swords penetrated, densely rainy, and raging.

The strong ones with two eyes shining, no longer able to question the mystery of Shiyan, are all exerting their strengths, and each condenses the power of the gods.

Or divine power condenses into the sea. Or the cold force piled up into an iceberg. Or the golden light is like the radiance of the sun and the moon, or the blood is thick and thick like a river. The virtual empty watershed suddenly became unpredictable, such as countless fireworks.

The head of the giant worm "虺" quietly emerged as a beautiful figure. He smiled at his lips and his eyes were dark, and he quietly looked at everyone.

"Heavenly evil!"

Xuanhe, Qu Lie Te, and Di Carlo were violent at the same time, and they dared not believe in the extreme.

Tianxie is the president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce. In today's Xinghai, the power is enormous, second only to the Protoss, bloodthirsty, and the royal family. The most important ones are the thousands of illusions, the broken temples, and the Tianshui Palace. They are all headed by the evil spirits, all obeying the dispatch of the evil spirits.

How can the president of the mega-commercial chamber of the rich country appear in the head of the shackles. Can still stand still and safe.

Everyone is born with a bad feeling. Realizing that this strangeness is greatly inappropriate, even the four kings of the Protoss are frowning. Especially the **** Wuwu, he stared deeply at the evil spirits, his eyes flashed with fear and uneasiness, and suddenly shouted: "No! You were not so powerful before!"

Some time ago, he was shackled by the Lord of God and went to the headquarters of the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce to find the evil spirits. He tried to convince the evil spirits that he stood on the Protoss side.

Natural evil did not answer, because of this, Shenwu also engaged in warfare with the evil spirits. At that time, the evil spirits were immortal two heavens, practicing the flames of the righteousness, and the power was not inferior to the gods. The two men evenly fought against each other.

But today's evil spirits make the martial arts chill out. The chill comes from the soul instinct. He knows that the evil spirits at this moment are much stronger than they were at the time!

If he is once again fighting the evil spirits at this moment, he believes that he will inevitably lose, and he may not even succeed in escape.

Because, at this moment, the atmosphere of the evil spirits, there is a feeling that makes him face God.

"Don't come innocent." The evil spirits smiled and sighed with anger. "Welcome everyone to come here, my goddess will represent my mother and say hello to everyone."

A charming and beautiful figure emerges behind the evil spirits. It is a purple glory. At this moment, Zi Yao is sitting on a magnificent and magnificent throne. The throne is made up of many crystal jade, which looks beautiful. Bright and bright.

She sat on the colorful throne on the knees, her expression indifferent, with a condescending shackle, cold eyes on everyone.

After she appeared, Tianxie took the initiative to bow, and the attitude became more and more humble, introducing to everyone: "This is my mother."

After the emergence of Zi Yao and Tian Xie, those fierce and cold-blooded warriors suspended their movements. For example, the stiff body floated around the crowd, and the empty eyes were faintly looking at everyone.

"Heavenly evil! What kind of ghost do you do?" Xuanhe's face is very strange, and he is pressing against the wrath. He said: "When did she become your mother? You are the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and you are kneeling under a woman's account. When did you become so shameless?"

This is the confusion of everyone.

"The mother has always been my mother, and has never changed from beginning to end. Being a servant of the mother is the glory of my evil spirits. And I, as the mother, created it." Less, arrogant in front of everyone, not ashamed to be proud.

Everyone looks at Zi Yao.

Almost everyone showed inexplicable horror, frowning and contemplative, secretly guessing the origin of Zi Yao’s identity.

Among the people, not many people know the origin of Zi Yao. Only Xuanhe and Yan Lie know that there is such a woman in the side of Shiyan. It seems that this woman...when became the mother of the evil spirits?

Everyone is puzzling.

"She is the giant worm!" Audrey whispered.

"She is the worm?" Aunta looked inexplicable and said: "How is it possible? She is so beautiful and moving, is it so disgusting?"

"It's her." Audrey took a sigh of cold, and she was full of enthusiasm and fullness, which made her charming body more attractive. "I have a fusion of the origin of the ancestral star, which has a memory mark, she uploaded it. The breath is exactly the same as the giant worm, she is the firstborn!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was horrified and their expressions became dignified.

"Kid, what she said is true?" 腓 瞪 瞪 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石

Shiyan sighed and nodded. "Audrey said yes, Zi Yao, it is indeed awkward."

When he spoke, the purple glare that disregarded everyone, the beautiful swaying out of the light, far away from Shiyan, no emotional eyes changed, revealing complex and inexplicable emotions.

Shi Yan’s heart is bitter, and he realizes that the current situation has been completely controlled by Zi Yao. The emergence of the evil spirits, the emergence of those martial bodies, means that Zi Yao has a full grasp, he knows that he was soft and gave Zi Yao had enough time to plan and prepare, and directly reversed the situation.

Hudson, who can devastated her, has run out of life, and the gods and sorrows that can threaten her have been sent to the “virtual sea”. At this moment, she rushed quickly, and who can stop her?

"The evil spirits, what is the matter?" Xuanhe shouted.

The evil spirits of the evil spirits are gentle, shrugging and shouting: "The mother is the same as the wilderness and the phlegm. It is the beginning of life. It is the first born creature. It is not a low-level creature that can understand the insight. The mother needs your strength to recover. It is as simple as the mother to destroy the beginnings of the wasteland and the wasteland, that is, the universe in which you live."

The tribes of the Protoss, listening to the evil spirits, do not have much feeling, because they have listened to the analysis of the Lord before, and they have roughly realized the mystery.

Ke Shiyan, Xuanhe, Ayala, and Qinglong people, listening to the evil spirits, said that they all shocked, and their minds exploded like lightning, and they were dizzy.

The universe in which they lived is actually the beginning of the wild, and it is created by the wild!

This blockbuster destroyed every soul and knew that they were all blindfolded, and squatted there in a huge horror.

"The universe we have been living in is only the beginning of the wasteland. Then we, we are creatures?" Xuanhe whispered, if the soul was lost, the rest of the people were similar to him, and there was a feeling of collapse.

Everyone on the field, only Shi Yan quickly awake and calm down, the feeling of incomparable mystery.

The words of the evil spirits were a shock to him, which made him wake up in an epiphany and made him realize the truth.

All along, he has some suspicions and doubts about everything, because his own beginnings, nowadays, also extended toward the vast Xinghai Sea. He just looked at his own mind and found that his beginning of the stars, the sun, the moon, and the stars, Mountains and rivers, wind and lightning have been a lot of different!

When he was physically and soul-changing, he did not expect that the beginning of the world changed as well. Now his beginnings are outside the life and race without a strong and powerful life, and he is almost similar to the Xinghai he lives in.

He can create a starry sky, can condense the world of the stars, that is why, why not?

He almost immediately believed in the evil spirits.

"You are all created by the wild, no. To be exact, it is created by the four individuals who have been abandoned. The grace, the gods, the ancient gods, and the ancient devils are the bodies of the past year. They are only split because they are hit hard." Evil turned back, see Zi Yao look indifferent, and no unhappy movements, it is very refreshing to explain the reasons.

Everyone is indulging in the impact of the great soul of the discourse of the evil spirits.

"Her eleven avatars will come soon, do you want to continue listening?" Dicko, biting his teeth, screamed.

Everyone slammed into a huge earthquake, and suddenly they woke up and realized that Zi Yao was not in a hurry at the moment.

The urgency is actually they, once she is reunited, who else can survive?

Zi Yao’s eyes showed a taunting color, and looking at the direction of Di Carlo, it seems that he is not afraid of what he can do.

The return of the evil spirits, the annihilation of Widson, the disappearance of the Lord and the meditation, when she came to see this place alone, she was able to shock everything.

"Give you a living path." Tian Xie smiled and seriously suggested: "All of them will surrender a sacred seal, serve my mother and mother, and give power to my mother. You will return to the wasteland according to my mother's command." Doing things in the beginning can guarantee that you will not be annihilated."

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