God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1340: Twelve giant snakes

Tianxie smiles and gives advice.

Everyone has a heavy expression, and when they look at the evil spirits, they are all cold-eyed and can’t wait to smash the evil spirits.

Zi Yao Duan sat in the colorful bright stone throne, cold and cold overlooking the people, look proud, not to put everyone in the eye, as if to let the evil spirits and the people to negotiate, it is her great mercy.

"Xuanhe, this guy is so powerful?" Aunta first came to see it. The cognition of the early life was still very shallow. The frown was horizontal and revealed a cold disdain. "Can she really kill us all? But it is the volume." It’s a bit bigger, but what else is there?”

"Mother." Audrey whispered, her cheeks on her cheeks, full of horror. "She...is really terrible."

Audrey blends with the origin of the goddess of the mainland, and is very jealous of her in the seal of the soul. She knows that this life is too big for the first life, fearing that it is far beyond them, and bitterly explains: "She compares with us. Like our four major races, the Terran and the Barbarians, there is a huge gap at the level of life that cannot be exceeded."

Ayala finally changed color.

"My family only serves one master." The white-bearded elder of a Protoss Presbyterian in the distance, screamed and sneered: "I want to serve us like this monster that doesn't know anything. God is evil, you are too naive." Is it because the thing has eroded the mind, and the mind has become unclear."

This person is the beginning of the two heavens, the power of cultivation, the temperament has always been arrogant.

For thousands of years, the protoss in the vast sea of ​​stars are the hegemons. The bloodthirsty, the heavenly demon, and the royal family are all hidden and do not dare to compete with the protoss. They conquered a star field and cultivated a proud and proud nature. Riding on the head?

In this person's eyes, the evil spirit is the shit, trying to use the prestige of the Taisheng spirit to replace the protoss of the Protoss with the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce.

This is something they can't allow.

Zi Yao looked indifferent and looked at the man far away. Slightly frowning.

The evil spirits smiled indifferently, and the meaning of change was magical.

The beam of light is a bright purple-red, such as a sudden shooting star, and instantly flies to the elder.

Shi Yan’s heart sank, and a stunned look appeared on his face, slamming into the meteor.

Within that beam of meteors, there is a horrible power comparable to God and meditation. The power is not the new power he has now. But it is also very strange, such as the ability to cross the void distance.

The two protoss kings, Xiaoyao and Shenwu, are very close to the provocative elder. When I saw the evil spirits, I sneered and worked.

However, they have not inspired the ups and downs. The elder suddenly screamed.

In his chest, there was a **** rumor. The internal organs, heart and lungs, and the spleen and stomach were all stirred into meat and mud. The blood rushed like a fountain. As the blood was separated, his life was sharply weakened.

The purple-red meteor, strangely appeared in his heart, unreasonably crossed the space distance, and instantly hit him.


He spit out a piece of blood in his mouth. The magnetic field of life is slowly and rapidly depleted, and the altar of the sea has collapsed.

Before he died, he looked at Xiaoyao and Shenwu with a look of disappointment. He seemed to wonder why the kings of the two families did not lend a helping hand to him.

He did not know that in fact, Shenwu and Xiaoyao all operated the righteousness, but the meteor was too fast, and they were still in the stage of cohesion. He was born to death.

The evil spirits and the scorpions were shot together, and in the face of the happy and the martial arts, the elders of their tribes were killed. This immediately angered the four kings.

In an instant, Xiaoyao, Shenwu, free, bright four kings. Without a word, at the same time plunging in the direction of the evil spirits.

It is like four lightning bolts.


The body of a cold and chilly warrior. For example, if the meat wall is blocked in front of the evil spirits, the martial artists have a fascinating expression, and their eyes are hollow. Suddenly, the gushing air flows together, and the airflow is filled with the energy magnetic field of the riot outside the field, which leads to the influx of various unknowns in the void.

Among them, there are several corpses, and the fluctuations in the body's breath reach the level of immortality. If they still have life consciousness, they can also use their own meanings.

Ice walls, cold knives, hot seas, and violent thunder and lightning erupted, which made the area like the ruin of the purgatory, which gave birth to endless fierceness. Even the four kings were tired of coping with it. Evil causes a threat.

The smile on the face of Tianxie is not reduced. He is standing in the throne of Zi Yao, and he rushes to the crowd and says: "The opportunity is for you, can you grasp it, you will see yourself."

"If you can't match it, evacuate it early." At this time, Di Carlo's face was heavy, and his heart sighed and made a suggestion.

The crowd did not understand to him.

"It’s too late, her eleven avatars are coming soon." Di Carlo’s eyes were gray and unable to explain: “She’s too strong, she was scattered in the corners of the void, and she sucked through the long time. The invaders recovered, and now she is still in the recovery phase, far from reaching the peak. So, she only converges under the outbreak of Widson, only to remove the gods and the sorrows, but even if it is not in a state of prosperity. She is still not the one we can match. When she gathers eleven and one by one, it is the Lord of God and returning to her, and she is afraid that she will not be able to shake her."

"Is it so terrible?" Ayala was slightly pale.

As a patriarch of the Emperor, she rarely fears anything. When she treats the Lord God, she is also calm and will not be too jealous.

But now, listening to the horror of Di Carlo, she realized for the first time that in this innocent world, the Lord God, the meditation is not the ultimate in the world, the true birth of the first spirit, is the top of the pyramid of life.

In the eyes of the beginning of the living, they are all just weak ants!

"Good! It is up to you to open the void channel!" Xuanhe sank for a few seconds, and suddenly made a decisive statement.

Di Carlo no longer has nonsense, and the confession of a stomach is to run through a channel.

At this time, Shi Yan saw the gaze of Zi Yao’s projection, and his heart suddenly became cold.

In Zi Yao’s eyes, there is a taunting color. It is a kind of carelessness in winning the game. It is the pride of everything in her mastery.

"Don't tamper with space fluctuations!" His intuition is not good, and he screams and wants to stop.

Unfortunately, it is still a slow step.

Di Carlo runs the righteousness and uses the sacredness to connect with the space. But when he reverses the mystery of space with his own righteousness, he finds that the space is injected with unknown energy if it is forcibly intervened.

The change of his knowledge has led to the mysterious powers invading the sea, and suddenly the sea is pierced by the sword, and immediately becomes riddled with holes.

Even his soul altar, there was a crack in an instant, and the soul suffered a sudden blow.


A **** scorpion shot, Di Carlo's face pale as paper, horrified to look at the indifferent purple glare, holding his chest, desperately said: "She used that energy to influence the space, I can not split the space, but also Reinvented the soul."

His body is like a broken mirror, and there are fine cracks. The blood leaks directly out. If the blood cloth is twisted, the blood drops out.

The space of the immortal two heavens and the realm of the righteousness of the realm, even can not even leave, can be swayed in the space, and suddenly hit.

Di Carlo is recognized as the most difficult to kill. According to the speculation that even the Lord and the escaping ability of the gods are afraid of being inferior to Di Carlo, he was once considered the most difficult person, but today he suffered heavy losses. And those two who can be compared with him, but also Zi Yao did not know where to send it.

His heavy blows, like a heavy punch on the chest of everyone, everyone is hanging up.

At this time, the first giant worm came from the wind and waves, and suddenly blended into the squatting body in the layered space ripples.

In the screams of everyone, next, the giant worms appeared one after another, and they all merged with the main soul of the giant worm, waiting for the body of the eleven giant worms, one by one into it, and when everyone looked at it again, it was awesome. It was found that the volume of the giant worm was ten times larger than the size of the worm.

Its shape has also changed, becoming no longer a giant worm, but a giant snake with twelve heads.

The real body of the cockroach is a twelve-headed horrible snake. The snake body is green and strange. It is covered with cumbersome and difficult textures. It contains the wonders of the heavens and the earth. The twelve heads of snakes give people a perfect and magnificent appearance. Feeling, as if the creator carefully condensed the artwork, it is beautiful and beautiful.

Twelve heads, only one head in the center has a beautiful crown, that is her main brain.

Today, above the beautiful colorful crown, sitting on the purple glory, Zi Yao is now more and more demon, charming, glamorous, sexy, fascinating all kinds of advantages and one, exudes the magnetic field of the people swaying strongly charm.

Even the four kings, the Xuanhe, and the holy beasts are among the top of the world. Even the women, such as Ayala and Ayala, are dazzled, such as being stunned by the ghosts, revealing the fascinating color.

Her power of charm, even men and women kill, to achieve an incredible degree of magic.

On that day, the evil has been bent, the attitude is more humble, and it seems more and more awe. It seems that the more beautiful the purple, the more chilling he is.

He knows that Zi Yao at the moment is the most terrible time. The kind of deterrent instinctive shocks his heart and soul, makes him tremble, and does not dare to stand up straight.

At the moment, many beautiful and beautiful purple glare, at this moment, the beautiful glory shines with a touch of color, such as pink halo, can take the soul and win the heart, her eyes crossed the crowd, far away to the stone rock, the jade lips lightly creep, A soft, soft voice rang in the mind of Shiyan. "Come to me..."

The stone rock around Audrey, the eyes first appeared in the gloom, step by step toward her direction.

However, at the middle of the moment, Shi Yan suddenly shocked, such as suddenly waking up, revealing the hustle and bustle, not only immediately in the body, but also directly turned around, without a word of withdrawal and retreat, the walk is extremely determined and decisive.

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