God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1341: bloody battle

All the warriors in the voided watershed, at this moment, are confused and revealing their fascinating look.

Both men and women are now charmed by Zi Yao, and their minds are lost and they are captured.

It is a kind of enchanting evil force that can't be spoken. It shocks everyone's soul and knows the sea, so that they can't help but be affected.

Shi Yan looked blank and did not dare to continue to stay, turned around and retreated, and his look was determined and decisive.

If the source of the volatility is not touched, if he does not have insight into the mysterious energy, his soul altar will be invaded and lose his mind.

He is very clear, Zi Yao through the kind of invisible mysterious energy, the huge gods are released, directly invading the minds of the people, confusing their main soul, so that they are dizzy, appearing today is unbearable.

Among the people, only he touched the magic of the mysterious energy, and realized that it was not good, and this was not confusing.

He no longer dared to stay.

At this moment, at the time of retreating, his deputy soul surging, taking the initiative to hook the star of the gods, through the soul consciousness through the passage.


A light gate of Can Ruo Yin River emerged behind him, and the vastness of the endless sea appeared in the light door.

As the Lord of God's Continent, no matter where you are, you can change your mind and return to the land in an instant. This is a special magical power that blends the origins of the ancient continent.

Of course, the two worlds of Cangwu and Audrey are low-minded, and they do not understand the true meaning of space. I am afraid that this cannot be achieved.

But he knows that God can do it. He is secretly guessing at this time, guessing whether God will return to the ancient gods and find a suitable opportunity to come over again.

The people in this area are temporarily confused by their minds, and may be in great danger. But he knows to cultivate his current realm. Even if you understand the mysterious energy, I am afraid I can't change it all.

What's more, there are people here. The only thing that he really remembered was Zi Yao.

But Zi Yao, turned into the culprit, is really a make-up.

He wants to avoid the edge. After cracking the light door, it is ready to descend on the mainland.

The glory of the Violet Ming dynasty flows, looking at him from afar, showing surprise, as if he is curious that he can get rid of the charm of the soul, but also decisively withdraw.

After the integration of the giant snake body, Zi Yao's consistently cold and ruthless look has undergone great changes and has become richer in emotions. If it really became a bloody, fleshy and **** creature, she saw Shiyan to go, and whispered. "Why do you have to go? I will eat you, you are not? In so many people. I will not kill you if you are alone, can you not stay with me?"

Her tone of voice this time. This time the soul fluctuations are exactly the same as the real Zi Yao.

As if Zi Yao’s soul consciousness is back...

However, Shi Yan never dared to believe it. He did not even respond to one sentence. He did not say a word to seal the sea.

The purple glory is suddenly chilly and can't help but chill. The humming sound contains endless magic. If the emptiness of the sky is reversed, the light door that runs through the rock is blocked by layers of ripples. The endless sea scene suddenly became blurred.

"I don't know how to lift!" Zi Yao looks unhappy.

The evil spirits were cold and cold, and they did not wait for Zi Yao to give orders, and they took the initiative to become a rainbow of light. They crossed the Protoss and the Xuanhe people, and they immediately came to Shiyan, and they wanted to take Shiyan.

Shi Yan was shocked. At this critical moment, he suddenly calmed down and thought through his mind.

He suddenly realized that if he relied on his own strength, he said that he had escaped. He was afraid that even if he lived, it would be difficult. Today, Zi Yao is too strange and terrible, and no one can compete alone.

In order to successfully get rid of Zi Yao, only the scene is completely messed up, only relying on more people.

This thought grew up, and he took the initiative to break his eyebrows. His changing consciousness, such as the invisible water ripples, swayed in an instant.

In that god's knowledge, one of the cold and cold chills is dedicated to washing the soul to restore the mind to lucidity.

The power he possesses is exactly the same as that of Zi Yao. It is also the mysterious force that can only be mastered by the beginning of life.

As he expected, this power really has a miraculous effect!

The ice was cold and the soul consciousness infiltrated invisibly. As soon as it fell into the nearest Audrey altar, Audrey became a stunned spirit, and immediately became awake. The graceful body was slightly shocked and suddenly exclaimed: "How could that be?"

His soul consciousness spread and spread. Soon, Xuanhe, Ayala, and Lieite also woke up one by one. Even the people of the Protoss were awakened by him. They all changed their faces and condensed their strengths. Move, form a layer of seal enchantment, cover your own soul sacrifice.

They all understand that they have just won the mind by Zi Yao. This time they learned to be smart. They closed the altar and knew the sea to prevent another spiritual invasion.

"Stone, what's the matter?" Audrey, who first woke up, saw Shiyan at first sight. She was clever and snowy. She immediately knew that it was Shiyan, and asked quickly.

"You are really crazy!"

Xuanhe sneered, turned into a long blood river, and shot in the direction of the evil spirits.

At this time, the evil spirits are about to be shot, and the rock will be imprisoned.

Xuanhe has discovered that only Shiyan can break the purple charm of the soul, knowing that once Shiyan is restrained, everyone will not be able to go offline at all, and they will exert their full strength to solve the surrounding of Shiyan.

Like him, there are many things that are natural. The singer, the sacred beast, the sacred dragon, and the singer are all in the heart. They are all gathered on the side of the stone rock, and the stone rock is first taken to prevent the stone from being smited by the evil spirits. fall upon.

"Carry the kid!" Auntie squatted, and woke up, and immediately screamed.

The tribes of the Emperor, also moved, gathered around Shiyan and joined hands to help Xuanhe exert pressure on the evil spirits.

The evil spirits are full of rainbows, and the sounds of the rainbows are all strange sounds. If the insects with life consciousness are talking to each other, those outside the field are exactly the same as those of Zi Yao. They have the same origin as Tianhuo. It is more mysterious than the light and mystery of the Protoss.


The Xuanhe Shuangyu became scarlet, and a scarlet and thick **** river flew out from his scorpion. The **** river was full of blood, and it showed a strong **** smell. The **** water spurted **** bubbles, and a blood bubble burst, and it flew out. Blood stasis, blood gas condenses in one piece, such as turning into a blood dragon, containing the breath of death, to bring all life into death.

Deep in the red blood river, but surging with vitality, the vitality and death not only do not oppose each other, but also provoke the power of death, so that the death field is earth-shattering.

The eternal red light of the evil spirits was submerged by the blood river of Xuanhe, but the evil spirits were as usual, and they said: "Xuanhe, you and I were evenly matched, but now you are inferior to me."

The road rainbow is like a dragon that breaks away from the abyss. It is hard to penetrate from the blood river and shoots in the direction of Shiyan.


Xuanhe spit out a scarlet blood, blood vaginal condensation as a blood diamond, crystal clear, suddenly rushing out of the extreme life fluctuations.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Xuanhe Shen drink, the blood river such as boiled boiling water, such as the gushing magma pool, became fierce, and a blood bubble burst.

A scarlet blood dragon, double red crimson reveals a strong sense of death, but inside the dragon's body contains horror of life fluctuations, directly condensed out of the blood river, making a silent roar, to bite the evil spirits.

The evil spirits are not moved, the gods are different and change, and suddenly burst into a myriad of broken lights disappear.

Immediately re-condensed behind the stone rock, raised his hand to grab the rock, to shield the rock from the rock.

"go with!"

Shiyan Town is set as usual, and a blood spurts on the blood sword. In a flash, all the blood scorpions on the blood sword are opened and become extremely sinister. Each **** eye is like a worm crawling on the sword body, making the blood The sword is incomparably evil, turning into a **** man, directly puncturing the evil spirits.

After his life form has changed dramatically, blood is no longer an undead blood, but a kind of blood that he can't comprehend at the moment.

The blood contains unknown power, and the energy of the flow is higher than that of the undead blood, just like the difference between the human blood and the undead blood. There are more unknown magic, so is the blood. The blood of the sword is all open in an instant, and the greatest power is born.


An earth-shattering explosion, the blood sword turned into a demon blood, and slammed into the chest of the evil spirits.

The skeleton of the evil spirits is broken, and the face is not calm. It looks like a huge **** chest to the chest, and suddenly it is blindfolded.

"Meat armor!"

Shi Yan whispered in the heart, and the blood shield, such as the demon flower, grew on his body and quickly covered him.

During the change of the gods, he became the form of the previous manifestation, and the whole body blamed the spurs, and the back of the spine split a pair of huge bone wings. The nails were as sharp as a knife, and the blood in the body burned like a spirit, and the energy of destroying the earth was destroyed. Crazy in the body veins, flesh and blood, bones, internal organs and swells.

At this moment, Shiyan has the confidence of the world, and the ability to resist the immortal warriors.

The **** slamming on the chest of the evil spirits, sparkling with the **** light of the scarlet scarlet, like a hedgehog, sputtered countless blood, and the blood was pierced into the chest of the evil spirit.

The evil spirits couldn't help but sigh and stunned, and said: "Your life form has reached the height of bloodthirsty that year, and it really is his inheritor."


The heart of the evil spirits heard the loud sound of the stars bursting, and the power of the heavens, which is comparable to the immortal triple heaven, broke out from his chest, and the **** ball, like a rolling ball, was pushed straight.

Juli hits the trend, such as the ocean where the power is condensed, along the **** stone to the rock, to drown him.

At this moment, the deterrent of the evil eruption is comparable to that of the Lord Brian, which is comparable to the imperial soul.

"you dare!"

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Inside the crown of the cherished beast, the purple jewels are overlooking the lower part, and the beautiful condensed on the stone rock, also holding a moving look.

It seems that at this moment, it has become a new battle form, and the rock stone that inspired the mysterious energy reminds her of the past.

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