God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1342: Cause and effect

In the depths of the Grand Palace Chamber of Commerce, Tianxie swallowed Nishizawa, Lingxiang, and Lorraine, thereby enhancing the realm of power and achieving the level of being able to compare with the Lord and the Mind. Now it is truly unusual to show strength.

Everyone on the field, if it is a single fight, it may be really no enemy of the evil spirits.

However, Qu Lie Te, Reddy, and Qinglong joined forces together, and with the addition of a Xuanhe River, it was the power of the evil spirits, and it also seemed to be left and right.

"Heavenly evil! You secretly colluded with the outside world, and plotted our world, you sinned to death!" Reddy was as thunderous as the thunder, and the inside of the lightning was mixed with the inner thunder ball, rolling down to the evil spirits.

"Joke!" Tianxie grinned, coldly said: "I am not the person in your world! I am the master and the mother created it, just like the wasteland created by bloodthirsty, I entered your world and entered the wild. The beginning of the world has always been prepared for the real awakening of the mother."

When everyone listened to him saying this, they were shocked and shocked.

The message revealed from the Tianxie mouth is really amazing. The origin of bloodthirsty has always been a mystery. Many people have traced it for a long time, and have not figured out the origin of bloodthirsty.

The evil spirits actually say that bloodthirsty is created by the wilderness. How is this possible?


The evil spirits bloomed out of the rainbow, and the Thunder's condensed Thunder electric ball was crushed, and the look was sullen: "How? Don't believe it? Don't you understand?"

Xuanhe and Qi Lieite also gathered at the side of Shiyan at this time, and they must fully protect the stone rock to ensure that he is not invaded.

They all see it, Zi Yao can use that mysterious energy to infiltrate the strange charm into the altar of each person's mind, and can instantly capture their reason. Only the stone rock that understands this energy can make them Resume awake.

therefore. The rock and roll of the stone is the key to the battle. They are a powerful barrier against Ziyao.

"If you say that bloodthirsty is created by the phagocytosis, we may be more accepting." At this moment, Shi Yan's expression is cold. The blood of the body surface fits, and the chest is like a bright red demon flower, and a pair of broad bone thorns move behind it. The fluctuations in the body's destruction of the earth have risen sharply.


The **** blood that has been transformed by the blood sword quietly floats on the top of his head, and the blood in his blood is shining, such as scanning everyone, constantly releasing the evil power that impacts the mind and the sea.

Audrey Meimei was surprised and unclear, staring at her deeply, and her lips were slightly open, and she was obviously shocked.

Her mother, Ayala and the royal family, were also shocked. Weird look at Shiyan.

They have not seen the evolutionary body of Shiyan, and suddenly they have been shocked by the huge impact. My heart is horrified. There is a very disturbing feeling.

Because of the violent life magnetic field that emerged from Shiyan, it is extremely vast. They are so unbeatable that they are unbeatable. This is a kind of jealousy in the depths of the soul, just like when they faced bloodthirsty.

If you are a low-level creature, you will feel the gap instinctively when you see a high-level creature for the first time.

Xuanhe, Qi Lie Te, Qing Long suspended the attack on the evil spirits, the expression was dignified, and the eyes shone with unclear luster, waiting for further explanation of the evil spirits.

As a leader of bloodthirsty, Xuanhe and Qi Lie have not been able to understand the origin of bloodthirsty. They have guessed before, guessing that bloodthirsty may have merged with four major races, but that is only Just guessing, not confirmed.

This evil person has a close relationship with the ape. He is one of the firstborn creatures. He should instill a lot of information into the early ages, and make the evil spirits extraordinary.

They think that the next words of the evil spirits may be true and can really explain the origin of bloodthirsty.

Tianxie suddenly looked back and looked at Zi Yao from afar. His expression revealed the taste of consultation.

Zi Yao arrogant slightly down.

The evil spirits were respectful and respectful, and immediately turned around and smiled: "The wilderness is severely damaged, the body splits into five, and the wildness is the main brain. God, grace, ancient god, ancient demon are all avatars, four individuals, four individuals. They created the Protoss, the Undead, the Heavenly Demon, and the Emperor."

"100,000 years ago, the four ethnic ancestors entered the wilderness and tried to ruin them. This is actually an action that wants to replace the main brain. Unfortunately, it eventually failed. After many years, the four avatars of the wilderness were fighting each other, driving four. The great race struggled immortally in its beginnings, and it caused the war to break out. The star field burst and destroyed, making it more bloated and slowing the speed of his main brain."

When Tianxie spoke this time, everyone was holding their breath and listening carefully.

No one continues to shoot.

Because the words of the evil spirits are related to the mystery of the Xinghai, which has plagued the people for countless years, everyone wants to know why.

"The four losers who were 100,000 years ago were killed by the savage. The wilderness realized that if the four avatars continue to be chaotic, they may become more and more difficult to control, and they will condense with the blood of the four ethnic ancestors. Bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty blood contains the advantages of the four races, close to the perfect blood of the early life. The bloodthirsty is created by the bloodthirsty, which is to let the bloodthirsty destroy the four races, and to complete the main brain and the avatar by means of bloodthirsty. One, and then completely wake up."

"Unfortunately, when the bloodthirsty just had a sense of life, and was given the sacred inheritance, it was suddenly invaded."

"Blood is a bloodthirsty **** sea, is a dark abyss, is also one of the firstborn creatures, but also a deadly enemy. When you are devastated by the ridiculous bloodthirsty, the power is inferior. The main meaning of phasing is to devour, taking into account the eight evil forces, and to destroy the beginning of the wilderness through bloodthirsty, destroying the main body of the star."

"Bloodthirsty is the key to the struggle of hundreds of millions of years. It is the ridiculous desire to complete the main body and the fusion of the body through bloodthirsty, but it has been inadvertently attacked and inherited. The ignorance of the ignorance directly led to the bloodthirth of the birth of the blood, in one fell swoop over the four major races, in the early days of bloodthirsty killing the Quartet, killing madly, let the souls smear, through the devouring of the righteousness to accumulate strength, to reach the strongest height."

"The bloodthirsty is not a strange genius. In the case of no one pointing at the end, I realized the dark energy that only the beginning of life was known, and gradually realized the meaning of his existence, realizing that he is only the key to the struggle of the wild."

"Therefore, the late bloodthirsty is uncharacteristic, no longer killing, but wide-ranging disciples, forming forces, and resisting all this. The end of the bloodthirsty cultivation, beyond the immortal realm, becomes comparable to the height of the firstborn, and he wants to break away from the wasteland. With the arbitrage of the gaze, he wants to soar in the sky, but he is bound by the phasing. He eventually fights with life and death, and he is actually devastated. Of course, bloodthirsty is also smothered. When he is weak, he is once again shot. Instructing the Lord God to unite with the people to encircle him and make him completely annihilated."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, bloodthirsty is the first strong man in this world that can surpass everything and truly fly the stars. He understands dark energy and has the ability to destroy this world. If it is not his life, it is here, maybe He really succeeded."

Tianxie turned back and looked at Zi Yao with awe and eyes. He immediately turned and continued: "My mother and mother were the ones who were the most affected. They could not fight with the wasteland, but because of the wasteland, the struggle for hundreds of millions of years has never stopped because The emergence of bloodthirsty causes the wasteland and the pharytx to be hit again, making them temporarily dormant, so in today's real universe, my mother is the strongest, as long as you convert to my mother, my mother You can forgive your offense so that you can escape the world."

"For hundreds of millions of years, the struggle for absurdity and ignorance has never stopped? Why didn't you stop?"

The evil spirits disdain a smile, saying: "In that universe, there is a holy place where your bloodthirsty exists. It is a dark abyss, that is, the consciousness of the phalanx, which is like the beginning of the invasion of the Xuanhe with your soul consciousness. In the world, let your soul consciousness be chaotic in the beginning of the Xuanhe River, to destroy the beginning of the Xuanhe River, so you understand?"

腓 特 特 讶 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我

"That's how they fight at this level. The battle may last for hundreds of millions of years. So, today, they are still in a state of war, fighting in a way we can never understand, bloodthirsty, just them. An episode in the battle." Heavenly evil explained.

Everyone is full of coziness.

Imagine, at this moment, in the vast universe, the dark abyss of the soul consciousness condensed, invading the beginning of the wilderness, the two souls that do not know how many millions of years are still fighting, and have been fighting for countless years.

And they are just the little creatures in the wilderness...

Perhaps, when they are too young, they are looking at them, just as they look at the insect ants in their original boundaries.

This is a huge destruction of their hearts!

The interpretation of Tianxie is straightforward and simple. The understanding of Shiyan is even more profound. During his change of mind, consciousness floats in the beginning of his candid sea, wandering around in a star, and his face is smiling. .

If, if you are just a drop of rain in the beginning of others, a small bug, every move is under the perception of others, eyes watching, what kind of sorrow?

It is no wonder that bloodthirsty is desperate to resist, to break free from everything, to break through the cage.

It is a pity that bloodthirsty is ruined. This is his greatest sadness and the root of his failure.

Just as he is now blending with the ancient mainland gods, he can gain insight into the birth of the gods on the mainland, and it has a huge binding force on the Tianxuan people. This is because he does not really integrate the source, if he completely With the fusion of the source, he can be like the Lord of God, and can master the life and death of every tribe of the Tian Yao people!

Shiyan really woke up and woke up completely.

He finally knows why before the bloodthirsty annihilation, leaving the only legacy, it is the inheritor of the three selected by Xuanhe, Xuanshan, and Yancheng, must be the soul outside the domain.

Because only in this way, we can ignore the rules of the rules in the life, can really break through the cage, not afraid of the terrible binding force of the fate.

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