God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1349: Tianmu

Extending in the endless stream of meteorites, on top of a piece of fire crystal meteorite, standing three interracial people who are very similar to the Terran, all of them are thin and thin, all of them are maroon curls, looks like a human being, but only in the eyebrows, there is a erected meat. Sew, like a vertical closed eye.

In their foreheads, there is one more eye than normal humans. Although the eyes are closed, they give a very strange feeling.

Three people, a vulgar old man, with skin like a chicken skin covered with wrinkles, wearing a gray and white gown. A middle-aged man with a stunned look, holding a deadwood stick, looks cautious. The last 30-year-old woman, wearing a brocade, is as eye-catching as her body.

The three people are the same family, and their eyebrows are more than one eye. At this moment, the old man, the eyebrows of the eyebrows are shaking, and the roots are squirming on the forehead, making his face appear haze.

The middle-aged man of the interracial, and the woman, looked at him nervously and watched out.

Daddy, the old man trembled, his eyebrows closed his eyes, his mouth was overflowing with two blood marks, the blood was gray-brown, not bright red.



The middle-aged man and the woman, together with the alien language, exclaimed, their faces were extremely ugly, and they had to exert their power to help the old man recover.

The old man’s eyebrows contracted into a suture, but his eyebrows opened his eyes. His face was pale and waved to stop their help. He advised: “Don’t waste power, I hurt the soul, not the body and the power.”

He stood up and looked back at the corner of the fiery stone. The middle-aged man and the woman were busy coming over and waiting for his explanation.

"The two aliens behind me are not high in their realm. They are only the beginning of God. But the meteorites under them are extremely strange. The soul storm I released, at least half of the soul was swallowed, I still can't detect it. The mystery inside the meteorite. Perhaps inside the meteorite, there are two interracial men, so be careful."

He was shutting down his eyes. Suddenly, the third eye conveyed a sense of guilt. When I looked at it, I immediately discovered the life of Shiyan and Audrey. So I did not hesitate to probe with the soul, but I didn’t expect the soul storm to fall down. At least half failed. Take it back.

Just like this, he was hurt by the soul and the people were scared.

"Senior brother, how is it going to be good? The meteorites under them are extremely fast. Will it catch up with it for a long time, we... Do you want to find a way to avoid?" The 30-faced interracial woman heard a sigh of relief. Hurry and be cautious. She should be very careful and encounter unclear dangers. Will take the initiative to let go.

The vast and empty "virtual domain" is generally not deliberately sought, it is difficult to meet other creatures, but the creatures who can be active in the "virtual domain" are often difficult to entangle, among the three of them, the lowest in her realm. It’s just the beginning of the three heavens. This is also coming from the two brothers. I dare not be too rash.

"Leaving the fire crystal boat, it will be extremely troublesome. We must always face those meteorite explosions, those space blades, and the bombardment of thunder and lightning. With your realm, it can't be supported for too long. This method is not desirable." Shake his head.

The fiery stone underneath them is indeed strange. From the inside of the sparkling spar, the clusters of cloud cotton flow, rolling like a cloud of flames, the fire of the surrounding meteorite explosion, the awesome space blade, dramatic The hurricane ice blade seems to be unable to lock them, crossing the side of their rock.

They are safe and sound all the way, they don't have to worry about the sinister danger of the "virtual domain", so they can have leisurely cultivation and be keenly aware of the fluctuations of life of Shiyan and Audrey.

"What should I do?" The woman was helpless.

"The meteorites under the two people are weird, but it's just my guess. Maybe there won't be their predecessors. If that's the case, we don't have to worry about anything." The old man stunned and decided: "Wait for them." Close, we cross-examine the questions and see their origins. Well, if you don’t figure out the situation, try not to have conflicts. If, if only they are two, hey!”

His eyes suddenly chilly, and his strong murder is like the essence, if he can destroy the mind.

His cultivation is not low, and the soul energy that was previously absorbed by the three-legged giants has caused tremendous trauma to his soul and may take a long time to recover.

In the depths of his heart, he has already hated the stone rock, Audrey, if he is not worried about the mystery of the three-legged giant tripod, he has already rushed to the past, stone rock and Audrey to the body and bones, a sigh of hatred.

"Listen to the brothers." The middle-aged man nodded, his eyes sparkling with faint cold light, and his heart was alive.


The core is above the meteorite of the three-legged giant tripod.

Shi Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the rock flow in front of him. He said: "How long will it take us to meet each other? There are three people in the other side. The soul magnetic field is very strong. The realm is not weak, but what is it? At the level of strength, I can't detect it for the time being. I can only see it clearly, and I can see it clearly."

"This is the first time we saw here in this place!" Audrey raised her eyebrows, secretly excited, and looked forward to a look. "But that guy’s soul is worn out, it will definitely not give us a good look. You are sure to cope with it." ?"

"Be careful, it should be fine." Shi Yandao.

"I hope that through them, I can know useful news. We don't know how long it has been here. Our world may have changed dramatically. You said, then, have you destroyed our world? Didn't you really wake up?" Audrey whispered.

She can't estimate the exact time, but she can roughly guess that it has been stuck for a while, and at least ten years should pass.

During this time, she and the Pluto could not be contacted, and there was no way to gain insight into any fluctuations in the Shenze continent through the power of the source.

She is very worried, worried about the tribe of the Emperor, worried about the ancestral star, but also worried about her mother's poor pool.

"My original soul is safe and sound, this shows that my **** is on the mainland as usual, your soul is not abnormal, your ancestral star is surely no problem, don't worry too much." Shi Yan said comfortably.

Almost all of his relatives and friends have been accepted on the mainland of God. As long as God is as old as the mainland, he will not be too worried.

The battle between the Protoss and the bloodthirsty, the fierce battles that swept the stars, did not have too much concern in his mind. When he sent Xia Xinyi back to the Shen En Continent, he secretly passed it, let Xia Xinyi The characters who have made good relations with him are calling back, and they all return to God.

After he merged the original source, the grace of the gods changed dramatically, and a layer of sinuous energy lingered on the surface of the stars, guarding the grace of the stars all the time.

He believes that even if you use the power of the ontology, you will not want to rely on the avatar alone, and destroy the gods.

No matter what happens in the world, as long as the gods are safe and sound, his true core family and friends will not have anything. With this premise, he is very peace of mind.

Audrey gave him such a relief, but also calmed down a little and sighed, "I hope so."

The meteorites underneath continue to accelerate the flight.

Suddenly, a dazzling fiery stone appeared in front of it, and the fiery stone was smashed and smashed. Among the many gray, brown and black meteorites, the bright colors were very eye-catching.

The surface of the meteorite flame clouds clustered, the meteorite was in the form of a voyage boat, slender and beautiful, three interracial people, at the moment behind the meteorite, looking at them with gaze.

"They have an eye in their eyebrows!" Audrey screamed.

Shi Yan is also amazed, deeply looking at the three interracial people, whispered: "Old and middle-aged men are immortal and heavenly, the woman, in the beginning of the three heavens, the oldest strongest It may reach the point where it is about to enter the immortal double heaven, only a line..."

He has been in contact with Nishizawa, Lingxiang, and Lorraine. He has been in contact with Xuanhe, Qu Lie Te, and Di Carlo. He has also seen the power of the Lord and the Ming Dynasty. With his keen soul magnetic field perception, he can accurately Breaking the real world of the other side, through the vitality of the flesh and blood, the subtle changes in the soul's magnetic field can be clearly understood.

Audrey listened to his whispered explanation, and his heart was slightly cold, and he could not help him to move closer to him.

Only Audrey, who was a **** of the first day, realized that in her vain domain, her poor realm was really at the end of the food chain, and she was really weak.

The three interracial people of the fire crystal cloud boat, the meat erection of the eyebrows squirmed, they stared at the stone rock, and the ears shook, seemingly distinguishing the words and identity of Shiyan and Audrey.

After half a ring, the old man who was headed suddenly showed a gentle smile. Yang Sheng said in the words of Shi Yan and Audrey: "We are Tianmu people. I am very happy to see two people here. I would like to ask you the elders." Is it inside the meteorite, don't you know if we are honored to see it?"

Audrey stayed, "Do you speak our language?"

The old man smiled lightly and explained with awkwardness: "In the imaginary domain, it is natural to be more prepared. We are proficient in hundreds of different star language languages ​​through a rubbing of soul memories. Your language is very biased. You don't have to be surprised, you don't have to be surprised. If you need it, you can master many different domain languages ​​as soon as you print a memory of your soul."

His gentle attitude, like a humble and eager elder who did not have the slightest chill before.

Shi Yan looks indifferent, but the mind is cautious to the extreme. The old guy is very hypocritical. It seems to be a sly character. Be careful.

If this person is angered by the sin of the sin, he may be more acceptable. After all, this person clearly suffered a big loss on the three-legged giant tripod. But nowadays, there is a gentle appearance that has never happened, and Shiyan is immediately uneasy. He knows that this role is the most difficult to deal with.

He paid close attention to it and found that the sight of the three men looked at him and the meteorite under Audrey. He immediately became fascinated and knew why the old man was so careful.

- The other party is not sure about their depth!

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