God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1350: Three forms of life

The three Tianmu tribes, their eyes glanced over, and the line of sight stayed for the longest time under the meteorite under them. The head of the old man opened his mouth and asked if there was any predecessor inside the meteorite...

Shi Yan smiled in the heart, and understood each other's minds. They knew that they would speak so gently, not because they had the cultivation of courtesy, but they could not guess their strength.

Looking down at the meteorite underneath, Shiyan looked respectfully, slightly squatted, then looked up and said proudly: "Sorry, my seniors are practicing in the interior, can't meet you, please forgive me."

"You are polite." The old man's eyes flashed a bit. He looked at Shiyan deeply. He saw Shi Yan's attitude and pride. He was a fearless attitude, secretly cautious, more cautious, and his smile was more and more gentle. Modest and modest: "Let me introduce it seriously, my name is Evelyn. They are my younger brother and sister, called Adams and Ma Xisha. We are going to drop the road to the territory of the dragon liar. I don't know if it is. With you?"

When he introduced it, the middle-aged man named Adams and Namasa smiled a little, and Oishiishi and Audrey nodded their heads.

The two looked at him under the rock, and they were full of jealousy. They remembered Evelyn’s words and dared not open the war easily. They were afraid of attracting the rock in the rock and the arrogance of Audrey’s “masters’ elders”. .

The speed of the flying meteorite is always turbulent. When the two dialects speak, the speed of the meteorite under Shiyan and Audrey is gradually increasing. It is getting closer and closer to the fire crystal boat that Evelyn is riding. According to this trend, two dials People will soon be staggered and will not rush.

When Shiyan talked, Audrey looked indifferent, just listening carefully, did not take the initiative to speak, she was smart and snowy, and she looked at the concerns of the three Tianmu people. Putting your own arrogant shelf more than Shiyan, even the eyes are not the same as the day of the tribe.

The more Audrey is cold and arrogant, the more cautious they are, the more cautious they are, and when she and Shi Yan really have no fear, the heart is also a bit hairy, thinking about whether to actively avoid it.

As for the fact that Evelyn’s soul was created, he did not even mention it, and he was afraid of causing the disaster.

"Dragon Lizard?" Just retired in Evelyn. When I was ready to stay away from the two as soon as possible, Shi Yan’s brows suddenly moved, and suddenly he laughed. “To be honest, the elders of the division’s elders are working hard in the middle, and they will hand over the responsibility to the two of us. Just...”

When he got here, he looked awkward and said: "The two of us came here for the first time. We accidentally made mistakes. Now we have lost our way. The elders still don’t know, we are squatting, and we don’t know where we are now. You Said the dragon lizard territory. Just nearby?"

Audrey confessed to Shiyan’s wit, and she also showed her grace. Her face was indifferent and faded. She sighed softly and was worried about the elders’ blame.

The three Tianmu tribes ignored one's eyes and looked up. The only female of the three, Ma Xisha, smiled softly and said, "Yes. This area is the territory of the dragon lizards. The second generation of the dragon lizards The ancestors dragon lizard is eating at the moment. The meteorite flow next to us is his food. When he eats, he will absorb the nearby meteorites into the abdomen and strengthen his strength. After eating, the dragon lizard will wake up for a while, those three generations The dragon lizards will hold a grand meeting to celebrate the sobriety of the dragon lizard and sell many of the treasures collected in the family. We are going to look at it and see if there is any cultivation material we need."

The words of Ma Xisha, listening to the stone rock, Ao Lili heart giant earthquake, the dragon lizard's second generation of the ancestors dragon lizard, when they eat, actually formed a meteorite stream, absorbing tens of thousands of stones into the abdomen, this guy, What is it, can't it be, is it too early?

"That dragon lizard, is it too early to be born?" Audrey asked.

Evelyn looked at the two strangely, touched the squat, and suddenly said: "You should come from the wasteland?"

"The wilderness?" Audrey was amazed, still in the fog, could not understand the meaning of Evelyn.

Evelyn’s look became more and more amazing. “Your ancestors did not talk to you about the situation here. Didn’t tell you the basic common sense in the domain?”

Audrey was pretty and her face was unchanged. She looked cold and snorted. "As soon as we came in, the old guys hid in it and said that after waiting for the destination, we explained it in detail. They just gave us a former The direction of the line is some irresponsible old guy!"

She slammed her feet and stepped on the rock below to smash and explode, which was extremely angry.

The three Tianmu tribes, their faces have changed, their expressions have become more taboo, and they are secretly horrified by Audrey’s so-called "they". This shows that there are definitely more than one strong insider in the meteorite. It is not respectful to see Audrey. Attitudes are obviously extremely favored, which makes them more and more scared.

"It turns out." Evelyn was shocked and saw that the two sides were about to approach. His mind moved and he said, "If you don't mind, I will explain the explanation to you first, so that you can save your ancestors' ancestors. Explain."

Audrey’s heart leaps and bounds, naturally it’s a must, with a slight nod on the surface, and casually said: “Thank you all.”

"You're welcome." Evelyn smiled and explained in detail. "In general, the creatures living in the virtual seas are divided into three situations. The first one is like the dragon lizard. The first generation ancestors. For the beginning of the birth, called 'lizard', the real name of the first birth is only one early ancient text, the second generation of 'lizard' is two words, the dragon lizard is the second generation, the third generation after the dragon lizard is called dragon Lizards, regardless of the dragon lizard or the dragon lizard, are descendants of the first-born "lizard", the first case of life."

"The second situation is like our Tianmu ethnic group. The ancestors are not too early, but the high-level creatures born in the universe after the early days. Of course, perhaps our blood, more or less A little imprint of the beginning of life, but it is not the key, we are a new life in the new era."

"The third case..."

When I got here, Evelyn got a bit, and smiled weirdly. He said, "It’s just like you. You are the life created by the spirit of the firstborn, the power of the ancestral level of the etheric spirit, and the insight into the true meaning of life. Inspire the life factor and the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, and form a new life, because you are created by the beginning of the living spirit, the soul is born in the domain of the beginning of the living, the life will be restricted by the beginning of the living. Unless you kill your Creator, Or replace it with refining, otherwise there will be a slave print in your soul, bound by your creator."

"So, among the three kinds of creatures, our class is the most discriminated against, the most inferior?" Audrey bit his teeth.

“No, no!” Evelyn shook his head and explained it earnestly: “You are such a creature. You can cultivate to a very high and terrible realm, and the level of life can evolve indefinitely. Even in your life, there are some terrible things. Generations, can kill your creator, or completely replace it. Of course, before you succeed, you will indeed be bound, but only your creator can bind you, but no one else has this ability."

After a pause, he said: "The three kinds of souls are cultivated to the extreme, and after reaching a deep level of life, there is actually not much difference in essence. In your life, there are many super-generations, no more than two other creatures. Inferior form, if you can kill the Creator, you can replace it, you will be even more powerful."

Evelyn's explanation makes Shi Yan and Audrey face each other, revealing a deep thought.

I came to this "virtual domain sea" and saw this Tianmu ethnic group and listened to such a speech. They are on the pattern of the vast universe. Only after a clearer understanding, was in the wild star field. They are like frogs sitting in the sky, just living in a dry well, not knowing how vast the real starry sky is.

But now, they finally understand a little, know the mystery.

"How do you know that we are from the wasteland? Is there any clear division here?"

Evelyn has not been surprised by the ignorance of the two people. He said: "The language you use is in the memory of my memory. It is the language of the wilderness. The wasteland is the domain of the wilderness. In the old days, there were also The souls of your wilderness have entered the domain, so your language has been passed down."

After a pause, he continued: "On the outside of the 'virtual domain sea', there are many domain boundaries similar to the wilderness domain, and some real domain boundaries are the initial formation of the universe. There are many domains in the 'virtual domain sea'. Doors, can directly connect to the outer domain, the three different creatures I have just told you, many of them live in the domain of the virtual domain, and there is also a person living in the void of the domain, such as the dragon lizard, Living in the void of the sea."

"So, the virtual domain is the center of those domain boundaries? The outer domain is like a different world, all around the virtual sea." Audrey was amazed.

Evelyn nodded. "That's it. Your wilderness is the domain created by the beginning of the world. It is no different from the real domain. Even if it is gone, the domain will still be inexhaustible. Of course, our Tianmu The domain domain is not created by the beginning of life, but the universe is naturally formed by billions of years. The vast domain of the outside world is actually formed by nature. The domain created by the early births is rarely rare. Relatively safe, in fact, you are extremely fortunate. The smooth and smooth water can be cultivated in such a realm and grow in the greenhouse. We don’t know how many people in the domain do not envy you."

"Envy us?" Audrey's expression is weird.

"Of course envy." This time, Mahisha interjected, her eyes stunned. "Our family lives in a star in our domain. There are hundreds of children who were as big as me when I was born. Two-thirds of the deaths were killed by the naturally formed Tianwei when they were practicing outside."

"Is it as dangerous as this sea?"

"Of course, there is no such abnormality here. If they live here, they will all die. It is impossible to have one third left. Although our domain is not dangerous here, it is also insecure, and it is a storm everywhere. The wind that destroys the soul, and we must take risks to cultivate, death is really a very common thing." Ma Xisha said.

"The domain domain of this imaginary domain is mostly the same as the domain of our Tianmu people. It is also full of dangers. Only after experiencing countless tests in the outer domain, it is qualified to step into it after breaking through a certain level of realm. Here, come to this imaginary sea. "Adams, who was silent from beginning to end, also sighed at this time.

Shi Yan and Audrey listened silently. At this point, they have a clear understanding of the "virtual domain" and finally know the strangeness of this place. They know that there are many domain boundaries like him in the vast universe. They are all in the outer layer of the "virtual domain."

This place, the center of countless domain boundaries, is a mysterious place that attracts many high-level souls to explore.

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