God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1354: Dragon lizard

Above the meteorite-shaped fire crystal cloud boat, Evelyn and Adams released the green and blue halo, and the halo wrapped the body of Ma Xisha, like the life liquid to raise the magnetic field of Ma Xisha. The heart of Heath's slow beating has gradually become firm and powerful.

During the period, Shi Yan imprinted the **** clouds, branded on the chest of Evelyn and Adams, and fell into their hearts.

The two felt clear, but they were unable to resist. Only after Maheshha recovered, they dared to do more care.

Not far away, Audrey saw that Shiyan did not immediately kill the hand, and looked a little loose. When she heard the invitation from Shi Yan, she frowned and shouted: "How can I be a rock?"

The meteorite under her body is the mysterious three-legged giant tripod. There are many early runes on the giant tripod, which contain unspeakable mystery. She and Shiyan both want to break through the mystery of the three-legged giant tripod. I don't want that Yu Ding to get out of their sight and sway into areas that they can't grasp.

She said this, Shi Yan is also a look, immediately said: "It is also simple."

The voice is falling, and the power of a star-shaped star, such as the chain of chains, will smash the fiery stone. Under the condensed pull of his power, this fire crystal cloud boat suddenly whispers and flies in the direction of Audrey. .

The masters of the three cloud boats, Adams, Evelyn, and Maheshha, were distracted at this moment, and they could only watch him change his direction with divine power.


The fire crystal meteorites all fall on the rock where Ao Lili is located. The meteorite made of fire crystal is not big. It falls on the meteorite whose core is the three-legged giant tripod, which only accounts for a quarter of the position. .

The fire crystal meteorites stagnated, and Ao Lili stunned and danced. After a while, she stood by Shiyan’s body and looked at the three people in front of her eyes.

Evelyn and Adams are still releasing energy and injecting them into the body of their sister, Ma Xisha. The breath of Ma Xisha is getting stronger and stronger, and the magnetic field of depleted life is gradually filling up.

"The Tianmu people are very strange. Their soul energy can be interoperable. It can be complemented by the third order. It is a mysterious spiritual race."

Audrey was fascinated for a moment, and she saw the strange light, looked surprised, and looked more curiously at the three people.

Her soul is magical and has a keen instinct for the fluctuation of the soul. She found that Evelyn and Adams can belong to the energy of their soul through the third eye. Infiltrated in the body of Mathia. Enhancing the volatility of Mathia's life, reviving her life.

This is like a magical means unique to the Tianmu people. It can only be achieved with the third order. Because the three people are obviously not good at life, but they can do the same thing with the third eye. It is indeed very powerful.

"This may be a unique racial talent." Shi Yan nodded.

Different living races. There are different characteristics, such as the Protoss, the Pluto, and the Heavenly Demon. They are also special. They are good at the flesh and the soul. There are countless ethnic creatures in the vast expanse of the sea. Naturally, everyone will be the same. All connected with the gods.

He and Audrey talked indifferently, watching the actions of the three people in silence. After a long time, Evelyn and Adams were silent, but Maheshha woke up. She opened her eyes and the scorpion was full of cold hostility. She said, "What have you done to my two brothers?"

In order to restore her to the original, Evelyn and Adams, who had been hit hard, once again spent their time. It was really worse, which caused the two people to be inferior to her at the moment, so she woke up first, and the two still needed to stabilize their minds and calm the fluctuations in the altar.

"It's really moving." Shi Yan pulled the corner of his mouth. Pi Xiao meat does not smile: "While your two brothers are very ruthless, they don't talk about rules and morality. But when they treat you, they are really sincere. Oh, for you to save your life, the two ignore their own safety. You have to go to life and hurt yourself, so that my onlookers are very moving."

If it weren’t for the preservation of Maheshha, Adams and Evelyn could not bear the **** cloud that was imprinted on the heart of Shiyan. They could have left and left, but because of the safety of Ma Xisha’s life, she chose to keep her life in desperation. I can't even take care of myself.

"I admit that my two brothers are indeed a bit too much, but they have not really hurt you. They also gave you a detailed introduction to the common sense between the stars and the sea. What do you want?" Maheshha took a deep breath and suddenly looked away. Become sharp, "You don't deceive too much, or I will kill you all at the expense of self-destruction!"

"Shi Yan..." Audrey raised her eyebrows and suddenly said, "Give it to me to deal with it."

Shiyan shrugged and said: "Alright, talking between women may be more convenient."

"You two brothers can do everything for you, don't know you, can you also take into account the lives of your two brothers?" Audrey said coldly, proudly said: "At this moment, your two brothers are in our hands, As long as we are willing, we can kill both of you brothers in an instant!"

Ma Xisha's face changed, biting her teeth and looking at her.

Audrey looked the same and said indifferently: "We are not really going to kill you. We just need your knowledge and you need your cooperation. If you carefully understand for us and do things according to our requirements, I promise you can do well. Live."

She is not looking at the stone rock road: "Right?"

Spreading his hand, Shi Yan said: "You are right."

Audrey is a princess of the royal family. She once worked with the rock and the rock. Before he did not emerge, Audrey was the leader of the stars. Her wisdom and vision were outstanding. Shiyan was also very relieved. Knowing Audrey's approach is the most correct for them.

He really wants to kill the three people. He has already started. What he wants is what Audrey is doing now. He has to ask more knowledge about the Xinghai. It is best to find the direction to return to the wasteland. You can know this. There are all kinds of mysteries in the virtual domain, and there is a plan for your future trip.

Obviously, Audrey also knows what the two are most lacking at the moment. She is not too slow or nervous. She looks indifferent. "It is not good for us to kill you. We want your cooperation!"

Ma Xisha listened to her saying that her hatred on her face slowed down a little. She indulged for a while and said, "When I wait for my two brothers to wake up."

"No problem, here we are more time." Audrey was calm.

After a long time.

Evelyn opened his eyes and his face was dark. His eyes full of hatred condensed on Shiyan, biting his teeth, such as the trapped beast, and his emotions were extremely unstable.

Shi Yan grinned, his heart was moved, and his strength was stimulated.

Evelyn’s heart was slammed by a giant hammer, and his body suddenly slammed, his face paled and his chest squatted halfway down.


Ma Xisha screamed, if the mad mother is going to rush and stone rock.

"Calm a little, do you want your two brothers to survive? It is your brother's first anger, I think you should talk to your two brothers, let them recognize the reality, don't think that everything is still in their control! ”

Audrey's eyes were cold, and suddenly he shouted. He added the soul power to the sound and directly rushed into Maheshha to know the sea.

When Maheshha was perfused with cold ice, her body trembled and immediately returned to reason. She quickly persuaded: "Brothers, they don't want us to die, just, just want us to cooperate."

At this moment, Adams also woke up. He looked sad and sighed. "You are too naive to the sisters. They won't let us live. When they ask what they want to know, they will kill us. It's not as good as it is. Fighting hard, our brothers slammed them with death, and you can leave and leave."

He himself is so ridiculous, and when everyone is like him, he measures others with the worst malice, and does not believe in Audrey’s promise and guarantee.

Like his thoughts, and Evelyn, he also has an uncooperative attitude.

Audrey’s brow wrinkled, and it was a bit of a headache for the two people’s malicious guesses. If the other party does not believe it, it’s really hard to do it.

She could not help but look at Shiyan.

Shi Yan looks weird. In fact, he does not care well. In his eyes, such characters as Evelyn and Adams should be killed and devoured by him after he has no use of value, thus enhancing his own strength. People are so bachelor, they are not prepared to prepare for the burning of jade.

Touching his chin, he sighed in his heart and had a new round of understanding of the sizzling of these aliens. If he knew that the matter was not handled properly, he was afraid that he could only get three bodies. The rest would like to ask if he could not get a trace. .

"Come on you!"

He snorted, his heart changed, and he was in the heart of Evelyn and Adams. He was reclaimed and he immediately said: "Now you are free, we will fight again, it will be difficult to kill you. Hey, now, I think you should not be our soft persimmon, can you kill it casually?"

Letting go, let go, for the purpose of the heart, can be so determined and decisive, is the essential element of the big event.

Audrey was bright, and did not hide it. He nodded and smiled at him, and immediately said: "Now can we talk about it?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Ma Xisha looked and looked at the highlights on the arm bracelet. "The dragon lizards are in front, we are coming across with each other. It seems that we are away from the dragon lizard. The ethnic group of the ethnic group should not be far away. We must go through some checks."

"You play us?!" Shi Yan face a cold!

Adams and Evelyn, who had just lifted their hearts, were snoring, and they were close to Ma Xisha, and they had to fight at any time.

"I also discovered the situation, not deliberately treating the matter. After waiting for the checkpoint, we will talk about it again." Ma Xisha coldened her face and then looked soft. "Two brothers, this matter is handed over to I will deal with it, you should not be too radical. If you listen to me earlier, you will not be so hurt."

Adams and Evelyn hesitated, sighed inside and nodded at the same time.

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