God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1355: Early artifacts?

Where the meteorite flow in front gathers, on a chariot built with the white bones of the forest, dozens of interracial people are armed with guns.

The interracial people are gray-brown, with high ridges on the back, sharp heads, a long tail attached to the caudal vertebrae, and a hard tail like a stone, full of demon patterns.

They are nearly three meters tall, and they look ugly and horrible. Their palms are wide and huge, their fingers are like hooks, and their bodies are fierce.

Ten interracial people, riding the Mori white animal bone chariot, such as the guardian of the patrol, squatting in the meteorite stream.

"They are dragon lizards."

Ma Xisha looked far away to the aliens, the bracelets on the arms flashed, such as a strange pass token, so that the dragon lizards also noticed them, immediately surrounded by this side.

Audrey's face changed, quietly leaning against Shiyan, at this time did not dare to take the initiative.

Her realm is still too low. In those dragon lizards, she sensed a terrible breath, so it was wise to retreat.

"An immortal day, the rest is only the beginning of the **** level, do not worry too much." Shi Yan relieved.

"They are the peripheral guardians of the dragon lizard. This dragon lizard wakes up and eats, attracting a lot of people to come, but only those who have the token can really enter the dragon lizard territory. They are responsible for the investigation, and the dragon lizards are evil. Will be intercepted, not allowed to go deep." Ma Xisha explained.

She also entered the field for the first time, but before Adam came over and explained everything to Adams and Evelyn, so many things were clear, not like Shiyan.

Shi Yan nodded slightly, but his expression was dignified to the extreme, and he was ready to shoot at any time.

He did not know what kind of trajectory the two treacherous and sinister Tianmu tribes, Adams and Evelyn, would lose after they lost their bondage. If the other party cooperated with the dragon lizards to deal with him, he must guarantee the form of battle and immediately take a fierce offensive. To disintegrate their confidence.

"I will deal with it." Ma Xisha looked deeply at the two brothers.

Adams and Evelyn were cold-faced and didn't say anything. It means the default.

Ma Xisha immediately sang with strange words and communicated with the dragon lizards, took out the bracelet on the arm and handed it to the dragon lizard immortal warrior. The man’s eyes were fierce and he was suffocating. He took the bracelet himself. Checked, the face is gentle.

He pointed to the stone rock and Audrey, which are distinctly different from Mahisha, as if they were asked about their identity. Ma Xisha had a long time to speak. Explain it immediately.

The man sank a bit, waved his hand and gestured to release.

Immediately. The meteorites under the stone rock passed through the first guards of the dragon lizards and re-into the meteorite stream. Continue to the territory of the dragon lizards.

"What did you say to him?" Audrey was amazed.

"I said, you are our slaves." Maheshha did not hide. "You have a slightly lower realm. Only by saying that they will allow you to pass together, because the people in your wilderness have not been active in the domain for a long time. The dragon lizards are even more strange to you."

Crossing the dragon lizard's cross-examination, Ma Xisha's face relaxed, Adams and Evelyn also clearly felt a lot safe. The frowning brows stretched out.

"The people in our wilderness, there are also many immortal people who are tempered here. Can't anyone see it?" Audrey is not clear.

This is also the doubt of Shiyan.

As far as he knows, the four kings of the Xuanhe and the Protoss wandered in the imaginary sea, and even the pseudo-immortal Spark was also active in the outer layer. The sacred soul of the sacred prince, the body is always in the void of the domain, why does Maheshha say that the wilderness of the wilderness has not appeared for a long time?

Can't you, Xuanhe, the four kings, and the monks, haven't communicated with the aliens in these years?

Simply incredible.

"Maybe people in your wilderness are also wandering in the domain, but if they don't take the initiative to have places where the souls gather. If you don't know the special places where high-level creatures often appear, then they may be wandering for thousands of years, maybe It’s rare to meet one person, because the virtual domain is too big."

Ma Xisha explained.

“It’s like you alone, wandering in the vast expanse of the sea. In the sea, there may be many people like you, from different shores, but how big can you meet, unless you know Some islands, know the islands where everyone often stops, and arrive here, so that you have the opportunity to meet other people."

Her metaphor is very intuitive, and it is clear that Shi Yan and Audrey immediately understood.

There are a lot of aliens in the vast expanse of the sea, but they will all be in some fixed areas. If you don't know the fixed areas, it is like a needle in the sea, and the chance of encountering aliens is small. Poor.

Because the domain sea is too big, it can take hundreds or even thousands of years for an immortal warrior to travel from one area to another.

Adams and Evelyn were still not good at Shiyan. However, the two did not say anything to stop Ma Xisha's explanation, because those are common sense, have no influence on them, and are not related to any secrets of the Tianmu.

The words of Ma Xisha made Audrey look stunned. For a long time, there is no life in the wilderness, which means that it is difficult for Ma Xisha to contact people who are familiar with him. Naturally, he will not be able to find the domain door to go back. Said they still have to be trapped for a while.

“How do you think about dark energy?” Shi Yan suddenly said.

Through the words of Zi Yao and Tian Xie, he knows that he knows the new power in the sea, that is, the dark energy, which is the energy that the bloodthirsty mastered in the past.

That energy, in addition to bloodthirsty in the wilderness, he is the second to comprehend.

He knows that the dark energy is endless and the power is amazing, but he does not know the various uses of this energy. He does not know the origin and the specific magic. In his view, Ma Xisha exchanges with the aliens. Frequently, you must know the special features of dark energy.

He wants to know more about dark energy.

He asked, surprisingly, Ma Xisha looked blank and shook his head: "Dark energy? What energy is that? I have not heard it anyway."

Evelyn, who had been silent, was discolored. He looked blank and looked at Shiyan deeply. Suddenly, "You, have you killed the Lord of the Wasteland and completely replaced the Taishou creature?"

"No." Shi Yan shook his head.

"How do you know the dark energy?" Evelyn was shocked.

Shiyan was amazed, and immediately moved to the heart, to grasp the power of the sea, the flesh was suddenly in an illusion, an invisible soul waved out, the surrounding voids collapsed, the meteorite was invisible to the giant hand bombardment, the block was broken drop.

"I can use dark energy, although it is only at the initial stage of understanding, but I do." he explained.

Evelyn was shocked and took a deep breath, bitterly saying: "I said that you know the dark energy, I will not provoke you if you kill, it is a monster!"

"Brother?" At this moment, even Adams was confused. He did not know the mysterious meaning of dark energy, revealing doubts and expressions.

"Dark energy is also called negative energy. It is the opposite of the power we have mastered. This energy is invisible, but it is pushing the energy of the universe. It is also called the creation energy. Only by knowing the dark energy can we create the universe. Break through immortality and reach the realm of the domain ancestor."

"In the vast expanse of the sea, the insight into the dark energy is also very rare. Every one is a heavenly character! Dark energy can create the world, form a new universe, and can destroy the world, destroy the existing universe. This is the domain. The mysterious power unique to the ancestors is the most powerful creatures of the early dynasty."

"It is said that the end of the early era was due to the abuse of dark energy, which led to the collapse of the universe, the annihilation of large tracts, and the formation of today's imaginary sea."

"Our Tianmu people have not yet learned about the ancestors of dark energy. As far as I know, every person who knows the dark energy is the domain ancestor of today's universe. The domain ancestor, for the name of breaking through the immortal realm, can create a unique The genus of the universe, the refining of the living spirits, every powerful primordial being, is a domain ancestor, an ancestor of the universe, controlling the life and death of a universe, tampering with the rules of the heavens and the earth, and being the only true God."

When he looked at Shiyan again, his look was full of jealousy. "You only started the three heavens, you can see the dark energy. It's no wonder so terrible. This means that in the future, if you break through immortality, you will become more and more horrible. Refining your own universe and creating your own creatures."

His words made everyone shocked. Adams and Ma Xisha were also upset, and Shi Yan’s expression was different.

"The second generation of the dragon lizard, called the dragon lizard, can attract the meteorites when eating. Do you have an insight into the true meaning of dark energy?"

"No." Evelyn shook his head. "His power is very close to the domain ancestors. Unfortunately, because there is no hole in the dark energy, you can't condense a new domain, so you can't count it as a domain ancestor. But even so, he is terrible. The strong, famous in the imaginary domain of the sea."

After learning that Shiyan was in dark energy, Evelyn’s attitude was completely different. He seemed to forget the hatred of the past and became questionable and answered. His attitude was very good.

Shi Yan was disappointed.

He heard the dragon lizard as the second generation of the early-born "lizard". When the dragon lizard mastered the dark energy, he was full of expectation and asked for the opportunity to ask the mysterious. He did not expect such a terrible creature, but he did not break the true meaning of dark energy. .

He suddenly realized that the bloodthirsty of the year, if it was not dead, even in the virtual domain, it is also called the existence of the hegemon level!

Touching the chin, he thought about it. Suddenly, he cut the rock under the space with a sharp blade. He revealed the three-legged jade, and made those embarrassing runes flash. Then he asked: "Is this too early rune? You Is it denying, and, can you know how to refine this kind of thing?"

Evelyn glanced down and stayed straight like a chicken, as if he was scared.

After a long while, he asked weakly: "You honestly said, have you killed your domain ancestors? Completed the supernatural beings, otherwise, why do you not only master dark energy, but also have artifacts at the beginning?"

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