God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1361: Swap

In the center of the jade platform in the valley, many different ethnic races sit down and sit in front of them. There are special cultivation materials in front of them. Most of the materials are quite rare, some are jade, some are weapons of the gods. Some are hyperthyroidism, which are extremely beautifully built.

The cultivation materials are dazzling, all of which are used to exchange the materials for their own cultivation. This is the trading area specially developed by the dragon lizards for the waiters to communicate with each other.

At the moment, Shiyan, Audrey, and Evelyn, five people, walked around the trading area, and looked at the goods with gaze.

"Tianmu stone, not killing the lotus platform, the soul-harvesting silk, this can be all worthy of the city." Ao Lili bright and bright, said softly: "In our place, these things are valuable treasures without a market, Even in the wild, it was extremely difficult to breed, and I didn’t expect to be able to trade anywhere."

Evelyn smiled lightly and explained: "The wasteland is just a remote domain. No one knows even the domain gates. There are countless people in the Xinghai area. Real top players will come to the virtual sea, so they walk in nothing. Most of the warriors in the domain are at the top of their own domain, and what they hold is naturally extraordinary."

After stopping, he looked positive and said: "What's more, this imaginary domain is the formation of countless domain circles in the early days. Many strange places still have the rare treasures of the early ages. If we go to other areas, we can find more good things."

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

He knows that the area here only occupies part of the dragon lizard. This is a three-stream ethnic activity area. The ethnic groups such as the aquarium will be arranged in a better area. The trading areas of those places must be rarer than here. Wonderful things.

"The transactions here are mostly barter. They are rarely sold in Shenjing. In the vast sea of ​​stars, many domain boundaries have Shenjing veins, Shenjing...not rare, rare is just suitable for their own cultivation. Material. You pay attention, you will find that they will write what they ask for." Evelyn whispered.

In the trading area, such as intricate streets, there are scattered vendors, and there are also interracial people who are traveling. They are all wandering around the streets, and they will stay with them and talk to each other. If you happen to have something that the other person needs. That transaction can be successfully achieved.

Under the reminder of Evelyn, Shi Yan and Audrey paid attention to it and found many people who sold the materials. They are all writing their own easy-to-change things in the common language. For example, an alien who sold Tianmu Stone wrote that it only exchanges materials suitable for lightning.

The man was repaired for the first god. The fluctuation of lightning on the body is extremely obvious. Naturally, it is hard to repair the lightning.

After wandering around, Shi Yan and Audrey had an understanding of the trading zone, but they did not find the treasures that suit them, and they continued to sway.

"You continue to go shopping, let's go there and see, we will see you in our residence when we are tired." Evelyn suggested that everyone act separately.

Shiyan and Audrey naturally have no opinions, and immediately, the three warriors of the Tianmu. Then I changed an area and went to another location to explore.

Shi Yan and the two wandered side by side, looking indifferent, sometimes talking a sentence or two, such as a couple.

There are many interracial people here, but most of them seem to be blue icon books as humans, and some aliens have the first corners. Some have a tail on the back, some have long ears, and some are covered with strange patterns...

There are too many aliens and different languages, so everyone uses lingua franca. So there will be no obstacles to trading.


Suddenly, Audrey whispered. Stopped in front of an interracial person and witnessed the strange light.

The interracial man, who has a wavy blue pattern, is a middle-aged man. He should be trained in the wind and Lei Oyi, and there is a faint thunder in his body.

What attracted Audrey was a dark wine cellar in front of his eyes. The soul of the wine cellar was very obvious. With Audrey's unique soul, she was only slightly inductive, and she knew that the soul was not weak.

Shiyan’s secret sense is also a reflection. “The soul of the three gods in the three heavens, the consciousness is erased, only the pure soul energy is left, very good.”

He knows Audrey's righteousness and can absorb powerful souls to enhance the power of the realm. This is the unique meaning of the royal family. It is also the same. The meditation is the most suitable for the soul of the soul. Because of the soul, this is the soul. One of the most magical mysteries of the righteousness.

"Only redeem the things that suit my righteousness!" The middle-aged man opened his eyes with his eyes open and looked at Shi Yan and Audrey. The disappointment sighed and said: "Nothing." Don't block the sight of others!"

He is one of only a few immortal warriors in this trading zone. When he saw Shiyan and Audrey, he was only a martial artist in the beginning of the world. He guessed that the two couldn’t get any good things, naturally they didn’t have a good face, and they were afraid of stone. Rock, Ao Lili ink, blocking the sight of the real windy alien treasure, so the heart is resentful.

"Unfortunately, I don't have anything for him." Audrey was quite reluctant to swear, and whispered, and she wanted to leave.

The souls of the three gods in the temple are very attractive to her. If she is integrated into the depths of her soul, she may help her to break through to the soul of the three gods. Extremely amazing, for her, it is a big potion.

Audrey Manman was so excited that he was ready to walk away and found that Shiyan couldn’t move. He couldn’t help but be surprised. “There is no need to waste time.”

The middle-aged man, rolling on the wavy pattern, was also impatient with the rock, saying: "What does the kid do? Is it necessary to stop the road?"

Shiyan grinned, a little eyebrow, and a dozen strange spar suddenly fell into his palm. The spar flashed with lightning, and it was covered with round holes. The wind shouted in the hole, and the power of the wind and thunder emerged.

The wind and thunder stone is the strange stone that the Thunder star field Chen Jialai survives. It is also the power of the thunderstorm when the Taikoo Leilong Reddy bones are silent. It has been concealing for thousands of years. Out of it, Reddy cultivated the righteousness of the thunder, but the area was violent, and he and the hurricane unconsciously confronted each other, and the wind and stone were wonderfully formed.

Wind and stone, is the most suitable stone for the integration of the wind and the Leo, and can greatly enhance the power and enhance the comprehension ability of the righteousness.

The middle-aged man, who wanted to exchange the wind's mysterious treasures, or the materials of Lei's righteousness, did not expect to see the natural fusion of wind and thunder, and the two stones that awake in the wind, he appeared in the wind and the stone, he As soon as he turned his face, he immediately changed into a smile.

"Little brother, this spar can be exchanged, you give me ten winds and stones, this wine cellar you can take away the woman who gave you, the three gods of the three gods, who chased me that year, did not expect I just broke through to immortality, and I was all killed by me, erased the soul consciousness, and became a pure soul group..." He smiled and explained.

Audrey sees Shiyan and takes out the wind and thunder. At that time, the cold face was full of surprises. When the man mistaken her for being a woman of Shiyan, she was a pretty woman, and she was covered with blush. Out of the rare and delicate, the neck is blushing, the beauty is bright and swaying, and some are embarrassed.

Her face is very thin, and it is hard to be embarrassed. For a time, she doesn't know how to be good.

"My woman..." Shi Yan laughed and laughed. When he said a word, he accepted it calmly. "That's it. This wine cellar I took it, and the wind and stone are yours."

Grinning and laughing, he placed the block of wind and thunder stone, and twisted the soul of the three gods in one hand, and held the slender waist of Audrey in one hand, and walked away proudly.

"Bastard! You let go!" Audrey was full of red eyes, and the inside of the alum was sparkling. He glanced at him. When he saw no one around him, he quickly broke free, took a breath, and pretended to calm down: "That Something, I am in great need, that...just when I owe you, I will return it to you in the future."

Then, she hid the wine cellar from Shiyan’s hands, her eyes were light, and the surface was calm: “With these three souls of the three gods, I can break through to the next realm. I really didn’t expect that. This level of soul can be sold! In our place, they are equivalent to the strength of the twelve protoss of the Protoss. This imaginary sea is really a terrible place."

Shi Yan, who was forcibly pushed away by her, smiled and shook the right hand that had just licked her waist. Her eyes glanced at her waist and naked, and the naked princess played the cold and proud princess. I also know that I owe me? Well, what are you going to do? You said before, I am a woman who is not happy, very lascivious, you and I are wandering outside the field, and all are unaccompanied. You see, we are Isn't that more intimate?"

Audrey stayed, "Are you so shameless?"

"You didn't know it long ago?" Shi Yan said with amazement.

"How can you stand up to your confidante? As far as I know, on the mainland of God, you have several women who are infatuated with you. It will not be long before you leave. You want to be happy, you have passed your heart." A pass?" Audrey was a serious drink.

Shi Yan’s brow wrinkled, and his eyes appeared gray and silent. He said: “No one knows what the future is, and I don’t know if I can return to the wasteland. Perhaps they can’t see me anymore, I don’t know. Here, can you live fortunately forever, can have a good day, be happy for a day, just go on like this..."

The deeper the understanding of the imaginary domain, the more he realizes his own powerlessness, the seven races are high, the ancestors of the ranks of the wilderness and the shackles exist, and there is more than one, he is a small god. It is a big problem to be able to survive safely before finding the direction to go back.

The complex environment here has cast a shadow on his heart, so that he does not dare to think about the future, just want to live well now.

The rhetoric of Audrey is also a way of self-relaxation and self-extraction, because here, every time he knows something, knowing some people will be under great pressure.

The same is true, he only gave a strong desire to the immortal Dan, and secretly decided to fight for the immortal Dan in the hands of the dragon lizard at all costs, it is necessary to get one, and break through to the immortal realm as soon as possible!

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