God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1362: Magic stone

The imaginary domain is surrounded by aliens in the sea. The strong is like a star, and the competition is cruel. If there is no self-protection strength, he will be struggling step by step and may even be killed.

The immortal realm is an important bargaining chip that can enhance his survival. Therefore, he needs the immortal Dan in the hands of the dragon lizard to break through the new realm very early.

His words made Audrey indulge in nothing and did not continue to say anything.

Carefully close the wine cellar, Audrey secretly made up his mind to raise his own realm with the help of the three souls in the wine cellar.

Even Shiyan, who has reached the three realms of the beginning of the gods, has shown a heavy pressure. Her district is a god, and she needs to strengthen her strength. If not, she will always be tired and need Shiyan to shelter her.

As a princess of the royal family, the **** of heaven in the wilderness, it is a shame for her to shelter a man.

"I have to look for it to see if there is any kind of treasure that suits me. If I can add more power, I will condense a little more. The future is unknown. Be cautious."

Shi Yan frowned and let go of his heart. He quietly pervaded the surrounding area with his unique knowledge and sensed the cultivation materials that could help him.

His knowledge is rippled, spreading slowly, centering on him and spreading continuously.

There was a disappointment on his face, and his knowledge spread, and the search area was about to be searched. He did not feel the right material.

Just as he was about to give up, suddenly, he was moved.

A very mysterious space fluctuation, from a remote point in Shitai, let his eyes shine, without hesitation, he went straight in that direction.

Audrey’s eyes always condensed on him, and when he saw his sudden realization, he suddenly followed and followed him.

Her beautiful cheeks, a few strange colors, looked at the back of Shiyan. She sighed softly and didn't know what to think.

Not long after, the two were in a corner of Yutai, and saw an ugly interracial man. It was an old man with a face like a suede, awkward, and her ears were sharp. A wild grass that exudes like a madness. The hair covered her whole body, making her as if she were in the haystack.

There was a small glassware in front of her, and there were seven crystal jade in the interior. The jade gloss is not obvious, because the seal of the vessel does not have any special fluctuations. The old man was asleep, and there was no movement there. After Shi Yan and Audrey came over, she still looked down and did not respond.

However, Audrey was cautious. When she came over, she noticed a soul fluctuation. If the poisonous snake letter sneaked over, she would be around her. Her heart was clear, and the old man did not open his eyes. They are already quietly paying attention to them.

The soul was released, and her face became more and more careful, and she sneaked a glimpse of the rock.

The old man, who is also an immortal and heavenly realm, and the fluctuations in his body is very mysterious. She seems to be able to form many illusions, when Audrey perceives it. There are many fantasies in the soul, and there is a tendency to sink.

"Fantasy stone, what is this strange stone?" Suddenly, Shi Yan opened his mouth to ask.

He just perceived it from the stone inside the vessel. I was aware of the strange spatial fluctuations, so I followed the perception. Close to the careful perception, he found that the interior of the seven small stones, he gave birth to a mysterious sense of seven worlds, the heart is quite curious.

The old-fashioned cockroach finally opened his eyes and said coldly: "The illusion stone is only useful for the cultivating space philosophers. It is inspired by the space power. A illusion stone can create a small space. Like a balloon, the more the power is injected, Just like the more you blow, the bigger the magic stone can rise."

"A magical stone, it is a small world? Is it so amazing?" Shiyan is amazed.

The old man snorted and snorted: "Of course not. The small world formed by the illusion stone cannot exist forever. It can only be preserved for a while, or how can it bring a 'magic' word? This illusion stone is for the spiritual space. It can be used as a weapon to display and bind the enemy. Once the enemy is included, it can ignite the small world formed by the illusion stone, kill or destroy the enemy!"

Shiyan’s eyes lit up and he nodded secretly. He smiled and said, “What level of enemies can you kill?”

"That would vary from person to person." Laojia thought for a moment and explained: "You only have the three gods of the beginning of the world, and the small world that has been rushed by your divine power. Once detonated, you should be able to kill the same-level warrior and hit hard. A person with a slightly higher realm, or a short time to bind the immortal warrior. Of course, the small world formed by this illusion stone can work mainly depending on whether you can suddenly pull the other party into it. This is the premise."

The illusion stone did not appear in the wasteland. Shiyan didn't know its mystery, but after listening to her explanation, Shiyan definitely decided that this thing would suit him. After refining, he suddenly formed a small world, could confine the enemy and detonate. Reinventing and even killing opponents, it is not a strange treasure.

"She didn't say that she would exchange something." Audrey whispered.

Shi Yan also noticed that he found that the utensils in front of the old man had no special marks, and they needed to exchange the things. This made him somewhat surprised.

Just as he was about to ask, the old man took the initiative to open his mouth. "What I need is related to this illusion stone. I need the help of a spiritual space philosopher. Those who are interested in the illusion stone are naturally cultivating space. People, so I don't have to mark it."

Unleashed a wave of volatility, Shi Yan smiled lightly. "Look, I just cultivate the space, what do you need to help?"

The old woman’s eyes slanted and stared at him for a moment. She shook her head and said, “You don’t have enough realm. If you have a master, you might be able to help me. This magic stone can give you. But with your personal ability, you can’t do it. Go to what I need you to do."

"What? Let's talk about it first?" Shi Yan was amazed.

The old lady hesitated, the gloss in the cuffs flashed, a strange silvery lock, suddenly appeared, the silver lock is only a large palm, engraved with a lot of fine space lines, dense and cumbersome, at least Hundreds of small spaces are branded on it.

"This space lock is closed. There is a small space inside. There is something important in it. I don't have the key. I need to be able to use the space to solve the problem. I will solve it a little bit. The crack of the space lock must be tempered to your realm. Repairing, the power is obviously not enough."

She shook her head, unknowingly lacking the name of Shiyan, and immediately said: "If you have a master, or a friend who has reached the immortal realm, you can try it. But I will explain that only the space lock is cracked, the magic stone Can be redeemed, if it fails, it will not be given."

The space lock locks a small space. If you don't know how to force the method to crack, the small space will be directly destroyed by nothing, and nothing can be obtained. If you can't get it, you will lose your life. Only the cultivation space is righteous, unique. Space consciousness and space power, a little bit of cracking the space array of locks, can really be solved.

In the meantime, you can't stop a bit, you have to make a bang, or the space will re-combine and change, creating new complexities.

The old lady will elaborate on the esoteric of it. It is to see the esoteric part of the Shiyan cultivation space. He hopes that he can bring some surprises to his teacher and friends.

"Cracking the space lock, mainly the understanding of the righteousness, or the profound refinement of the divine power?" Shi Yan indulged, suddenly said.

"But both. However, the purity and purity of divine power is even more crucial, because as long as the divine power is sufficient for perfusion, the time is relatively much, and there is better time to think and crack. Otherwise, even if it is enough for understanding the space, there is not enough power. With support, it will soon fail." The old man explained the mystery.

Shiyan nodded and gestured to know that it was amazing. He touched his chin and indulged for a while, saying: "Can you change the place to talk about it?"

The old lady’s muddy eyes suddenly became bright, and her body’s fluctuations became quite weird. A strange scent of fragrance swayed from her ugly body, making Shi Yan’s face look awkward, the fragrance was very good. Smell, like the intoxicating mellowness of a mature woman, completely inconsistent with her ugly appearance.

"If you don't mind, go to my side to talk?" She invited.

Shi Yan and Audrey ignored the glance and immediately nodded by Shi Yan. They said with a smile: "Good."

The old man reached out and the utensils and the illusion stone disappeared. She got up and walked outside the trading area. When she left free to fly, she floated and went to the surrounding stone wall.

Shi Yan and Audrey followed in the back. After a while, the old man brought them into a remote cave. The caves were as spacious as they were, but they were equally simple.

The old lady waited for them to enter the cave, and immediately arranged the enchantment carefully, and sealed the cave, and then solemnly said: "Young man, do you really have any predecessors, but also cultivate space, if he is nearby Please come over and tell me, as long as I can crack the space lock, I will not only give seven magical stone, but also other gifts to ensure his satisfaction!"

"How do you see me?" Shi Yan smiled.

Her brows were wrinkled and suddenly she was angry. "I didn't bother to waste time with you. If it's just you, please ask to leave immediately. It's not enough to crack the space lock!"

"You say that power is the key..."

Shi Yan grinned, not angry, stretched out a finger and pointed her to her.

There is a bright luster in the fingertips, and the gaps in the voids are tearing like ribbons. The sharp edge of the space, such as the delicate and bright sharp knife, emerges one by one. When he spurs forward at his fingertips, he directly stabs. To the old lady, the space fluctuations contained therein are extremely embarrassing.

The old turbid eyes, a dazzling crystal, she sensed a moment, suddenly surprised to drink lightly: "The strength of refinement, the breath is long, the young man's realm, but the power is indeed very solid, not weaker than ordinary immortal Realm, um, I can give it a try."

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