God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1363: Crack space lock

Inside the closed stone cave.

The old man looked excited, she re-entered the hole, and for a few seconds, there was a very strong volatility in the body. The various meanings were different. There were lightning, wind, frost, and flames, and many cumbersome and mysterious Enchantment, such as a layer of spider web cover to the hole.

Shiyan stared at it and found that there were more than one dozen strange enchantments at the mouth of the hole. Those enchantments could not be seen by the naked eye and could only be captured by the soul consciousness.

From those enchantments, there was an extremely fierce breath. He had no doubt that even if Evelyn, Adams, and Maheshha came together hard, they would be enchanted and killed on the spot.

"No!" Shi Yan's face changed, showing the color of horror, Shen said: "You definitely not only immortality and the realm of heaven!"

The power contained in those enchantments is amazing, not to mention the immortality of a heaven, even if you reach the immortal two heavens, if you want to enter it, I am afraid that it will be a life of nine deaths.

The power that the old man showed in an instant was far beyond the realm of her active vision of the human being. It is obvious that she concealed the cultivation.

Audrey is also a pretty cold face, nervous inside, quietly condensing the power of the whole body, ready to do it at any time.

"Don't!" Shi Yan shook his heart and hurriedly comforted him. He smiled bitterly: "If she wants to kill you, she can move her thoughts. Even if you use all your strength, you can't shake her!"

The old man smiled and glanced at Shiyan and said: "The young man’s eyes are like a torch. You can rest assured. I don’t have any maliciousness. As long as you can unlock the space lock, not only the seven magical stones will be served, but there will still be The rest of the gifts will definitely satisfy you."

She looked at Audrey again, frowning slightly, and suddenly said: "Your soul is similar to the Soul. You are not related to the Soul?"

When she spoke, her eyes were unpredictable, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

"The Soul?" Audrey shook her head. "I am a royalist. It is true that the cultivation of the righteousness is related to the soul, but I have nothing to do with the Soha people."

"That's good." The old dagger, snorted: "I don't have any good feelings for any of the Souls!"

Then. Her palm was bright, and three more rounded Dan pills were added. There was a strong energy fluctuation inside, and she handed it to Shiyan, saying: "This is the unique sacred **** of the Xuantian. The power of the inside of a condensed god, equivalent to the sum of the ordinary three gods, and can Soon absorption, instantly restore the power, give you the space to lock. Whether you succeed or fail, these three condensed gods are yours, exhausted will not blame you."

Shi Yan looked shocked and said: "This is a good thing!"

The remedies that can instantly restore the power of God are extremely rare. When fighting with people, if you don't have the power to devour such a remedy, it will be extremely cheap. The extraction and condensation of Shenjing is an extremely slow process, and the speed of restoring power is slow and innumerable. Far from being able to compare with such drugs.

"What is your identity?" Audrey is very sensitive. She looks at the old lady deeply. She said: "The medicinal medicine that can instantly restore the power of the gods is worthy of the city, and it is still one of the seven races of the Xuan Tianzu refining. You Just to give him a crack in the space lock. It is really amazing to take out three condensed gods."

Shi Yan gave her a say. It is also a secret surprise, guessing that the identity of this old man is not the same.

"Take your realm, personal strength, should go to a better trading area, where there may be more space for the righteous, why choose this place?" He did not understand.

"You two juniors have a lot of problems." The old lady was frowning with dissatisfaction and her attitude was cold. "Let's ask less about the topic that shouldn't be asked. You are here to seduce you. You are now working on cracking the space lock. Closed, no one can break in, you can be bold and bold."

Then, she sat down on the knees and closed her eyes, apparently not wanting to continue discussing other things.

Shi Yan was also very interested, shrugged and said: "Understood." He looked at Audrey, let Audrey protect him for his law, and did his best.

He didn't know the true identity of the old man, but he was sure that the other person was very concerned about the unlocking of the space lock. Therefore, before the space lock was unlocked, the old man would definitely help him. This is because he did not get three condensed gods. , you can see a little clue.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and looked at the strange space lock in front of him. One hand was holding three meditation gods.

Half-sounding, he grinned, but he swallowed a condensed **** directly, and the medicinal herbs were in the abdomen. A warm current dispersed countless shares, and the scented scented in the veins, and the strong power of the scorpion excites him. , gave birth to a sense of power and violence that does not spit.

"Good energy!" He couldn't help but violently drink, and the sound was like a thunder, and the rocky cave of the earthquake rang.

The old man opened his eyes and stared at him strangely. He snorted and snorted: "The young man is very cautious, thinking that I will harm you with Dan. When you successfully restore your power, let the medicinal make your body. Crash, um, it seems that the cultivation of these years has not been in vain, knowing to beware of the people."

As she said, the reason why Shiyan did not start to eat a condensed **** Dan, it is really cautious, swallowing the gods when the power is full, the medicinal medicine can have energy to deal with even if there is a problem.

If the medicinal medicine is really problematic, he can't resist it. Before he can unlock the space lock, the old man will also take care of his life.

People are outside the strange world of nothingness, he has to be careful, caution is not a bad thing.

When he found that there was no problem with Condensed Dan, he did give him the power of sorrow. He grinned and his consciousness suddenly condensed. In an instant, there was a strange space fluctuation in his body, and a layer of space rippled from his body. Come out and fill the cave.

After the mixture of the gods and the pure power of his body, this moment, the momentum that emerged from his body climbed to a terrible height!

Audrey's eyes sparkled with amazement. At this moment, she knew the height of Shiyan's strength, and she felt a sigh in her heart and realized the gap with him.

The old man is the eye to generate electricity, his eyes condensed on the stone rock for a moment, and nodded secretly, and the expectation in his heart was a little more.

——The momentum and strength that Shi Yan showed at this moment is beyond the ordinary immortality of the heavenly realm, and can be compared with the genius figures of many realms!

Although it can achieve this level by means of the efficacy of the condensate, it also shows that the strength of the stone itself is amazing.

"Very good, really good, even better than some of the little guys in the family, it's surprising, this little guy is from where, unlike the people of the seven races, it's weird..."

Staring at Shiyan, her heart was secretly meditating, her eyes were amazed, and she became more and more confused.

At this moment, Shi Yan's soul consciousness deliberately concealed the dark energy breath and plunged into the space lock in the normal state.

As soon as he enters the space lock, he enters an infinite sky. On the sky, there are numerous holes and cumbersome holes. Each hole has a strange space array inside. It needs space power to recognize the space. Knowing that it is slowly cracked, only all space arrays are broken, and the space lock can be solved.

Only then can the inner world be closed!

His soul consciousness, condensed with divine power, such as a scattered river, falls into that different holes, and circulates in different spatial arrays. He slowly uses his many years of understanding of space. Recognize the mystery of those formations.

Many of these space array methods are the mutual connection of space nodes, and some are like a mess of scattered lines. They have to pull out one by one, and a little bit of chaos.

Just like the fishing line of fishing, you have to slowly untie the fishing line. The hundreds of space arrays are hundreds of complicated and complicated mysteries, and they are still connected with each other. All cracked, otherwise they can influence each other and breed more problems.

In the cracking, his divine power is rapidly depleted, and the consciousness of taking the space as the source of the meaning is also deeply trapped in that space array.

Multi-purpose, he is like a refraction of numerous avatars, active in different space arrays.

Some of the wonderful space arrays, he has seen it, cracking is easy, and some of them existed in the memory of Bello in the past, and can be easily solved, but more arrays he has never seen before, there is no previous Appeared, very mysterious, in the process of cracking, is also a new understanding of the space.

Once the new enchantment of the formation is broken, his understanding of the space will reach a new height.

The process of cracking this space lock is to test his understanding of the space for many years, and it is a process of a thorough understanding.

He has a hunch that he feels that the cracking of this space lock will be a deep learning for his space.

Those unknown mystical methods, such as opening a different door to the space of the righteousness, led him into a wider world of ambition, letting his understanding of the space's mystery enter a new level.

"Not only divine refinement, the strength of the leap-level challenge, the comprehension is extraordinary, this kid... the surprise for me is getting bigger and bigger!"

The old-fashioned ugly old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Shiyan deeply. His heart was full of shock.

"Only the outstanding people of the seven races can do this. He is obviously not a tribe of the seven races. Why is it so strange? It’s weird, it’s weird, and he’s sure to have a mystery.”

In her meditation, she moved in her heart and looked at Audrey next to her. Asked casually: "Which domain do you come from?"

"The wilderness." Audrey replied casually.

"The wilderness!" She suddenly screamed and screamed, and for the first time changed her face, and the body of the old dragon was also shocked.

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