God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1364: Life Soul Tree and Aoyi Source

"The wilderness is the domain boundary of the beginning of the soul, and it has disappeared for many years. You... really come from the wasteland?" She looked very dignified, her face changed and she looked deeply at Audrey, and she was shocked. The appearance, "How come you?"

Inside the stone cave, Shiyan breathlessly condenses the gods, concentrating on the power of the gods, condensing the spirits into one, infiltrating into the space lock, and breaking the mystery of the space lock with the greatest will.

"We lost our way. When we came over, we had an accident. We didn't know how to come. We didn't know how to go back." Audrey answered with an answer. She didn't expect the old lady to react so much. She stopped, she was strange. Looking at the old man, said: "You seem to be very surprised about the wilderness? According to my friends of the Tianmu, the wilderness is a domain that is very partial, even the language of the wilderness is very rare, according to his It is said that the wilderness is quite common compared to countless domain boundaries. Why do you react so much?"

The old lady grinned and said, "Is the Tianmu clan? What are the insights of the last-class clan? What about the wilderness, except for the seven major races, how many people understand the inside story? You don't even know how Did you know how to go back? Really..."

She took a deep breath and her face was grim. She said: "Over the years, the seven ethnic groups have not given up their search for the wilderness. Among them, the soul and the family are the most active because there are only seven races. The tribe knows what the wasteland means?"

Audrey was amazed. "What does the wasteland mean?"

She looked at Audrey meaningfully and indulged for a while, saying: "The wilderness is one of the most powerful in the early life. In today's vast river, there are only a handful of surviving spirits, most of which are crouching. No one dared to provoke. The wasteland was once famous in the early life. At present, the seven races know that the wilderness has been hit hard, the flesh has been divided, and it is in the weakest state."

After a pause, she sorted out her thoughts and said quietly: "Do you know what it means to be a devastating wasteland for the domain ancestors? If it can be ruined, the strength of the domain ancestors will be greatly improved. The normal immortal triple heaven realm, once it is ruined, can immediately hold dark energy, can break through the realm of domain ancestors."

"It is said that the wasteland has been extremely powerful. It is one of the few super-existences in the early life. It holds at least two pieces of the artifact in the hand, can refine it, and take its original artifact as its own. Any strong person from the race is a temptation to resist."

"Two kinds of artifacts at the beginning?" Audrey was amazed.

"One is the soul tree of life, and the other is the source of the righteousness. It is the strange thing that was born in the beginning of the artifact. The soul of the soul of the soul is unpredictable, and it can be transformed into a new kind of spiritual race, containing the soul of heaven and earth to deep mystery." The source prints, and there are many imprints on the inside. The fusion can penetrate many mysteries."

"The soul tree of life is a huge ancient tree. The source of the righteousness is like the ocean. The interior is engraved with all kinds of strangeness. You, for the spiritual race in the wilderness, you should be the life structure of the soulless soul through the tree of life and its Dafa. The new race created by force, because your physique and soul are very similar, I think that the warriors in your wilderness should have many people who are proficient in lightning, wind, frost, flames, etc., all of which are printed from the source of the righteousness. Go out."

Old eyes squinted, staring at Audrey for a while, slow explanation.

Audrey's body was slightly shocked, and the alum was full of amazing luster, apparently contemplative.

She is convinced of what the old man said.

When the wilderness was recently opened, she personally entered the interior of the wilderness, and in the wild mountain formed by the wilderness, she saw a rhizome deep into the interior of the planet, and the ancient tree that was so great that the source was from ancient times. The tree is bred, and ancient trees such as veins are filled in the wasteland, with magical vitality.

At that time, the old tree gave her an incomparable shock. Until today, she realized that the old tree was the soul tree of life. It turned out to be an artifact at the beginning, and it was able to evolve a new ethnic life. The royal family was actually a wasteland. The souls of the seven races are rejoined by standards.

As for the source of the Olympiad, she is also very bright, as the fusion of the gods and the mainland, the master of the skyfire, the source of the mystery that she can enter the soul at will, is another original artifact of the old saying, the meaning of the original source, the internal imprint There are many mysteries.

The source of the righteousness is in the interior of the wilderness. In her eyes, it is the beginning of the rules of the righteousness, and the soul of the wild is merged into one. It brings many choices to the hundreds of millions of people in the wasteland, so that there are many different meanings in the wilderness, so that many warriors are different. s Choice.

Today, through this old man’s words, her understanding of the wasteland is deepened for the first time.

"Singer of the Souls, walking in the forefront of the crowd, he even refining the soul of a wilderness strongman into a murderous soul, has been forcing the search for the gates of the wilderness. Singer is at the peak of immortality, the realm is exquisite, and the wasteland is also I know very well that if he can enter the wasteland, he will be ruined and get two artifacts at the beginning, he will immediately break through to the domain ancestors and become the peak of the soul family.

The old man licked his mouth and said coldly: "It's a pity that the evil spirit is also very strange. The soul seal and the memory are one. Once you lose your mind, you are attacked by the soul. You immediately blew your soul and die. Singer has no ability to hurt. In the case of his soul, he forced to ask the location of the gates of the wilderness domain, but the ancestors of the other ethnic groups could reach it, but Singh did not want to share the mystery of the wasteland with anyone - he has been reporting this matter and has not reported it. Exclusive harvest of the wasteland..."

"What was the name of the soul who was smelted into the soul of the soul?" Audrey asked quickly.

"What is called Minghong, there is no physical body, only the soul form. When we are fighting Singh, Singer releases the murderous spirit to attack us. Even though she is involuntarily, she does not lose her consciousness, so We revealed a bit and hope that we will save him, but unfortunately,..."

When the words came here, the old sighed a sigh and looked at the space lock.

It seems that in the space lock, something that is extremely important to her is trapped, making her very headache and irritability.

"That honghong is the ancestor of my family." Audrey suddenly said.

The old man stunned and smirked and said: "That's a coincidence. You don't know the way back and forth. You know that you don't know what to do, um, advise you, don't talk again in the wilderness language. Otherwise, once you are discovered by the Soha people, you will have no life."

Audrey has a pretty face, but she has no defense. "You, can fight Singh, can you kill it?"

"Kill it?" The old man looked bitter and shook his head. "We just had to sneak out because of the defeat. I was afraid of being recognized by the soul people. I can't figure out what the dragon lizard is." I only know that he and Singer have a good relationship, so in his dragon lizard, I can only be careful."

When I get here, Audrey can be sure that the origins of the old man are definitely extraordinary. According to the mysterious truth about her wildness, only the seven ethnic groups know that she has fought with Singh, and she has seven ethnic groups, Just because it was defeated, and for other reasons, it can only be concealed and dare not reveal its true identity.

When the two talked, Shi Yan remained silent, and the strength of his body did not enter the space lock.

At this moment, the space locks are fascinating, and the whole stone room is radiant, and the old man looks excited and looks forward to it. He muttered: "Good boy, power is really extraordinary, it seems that the old man is ready to go!"

"Old man? Is your wife trapped?" Audrey asked.

The old man smiled and admitted: "We are fighting against Singer. In order to slam Singh, he is also seriously injured. The space lock has a miraculous effect, which is hidden in the space lock, the power of the body, the broken soul force, Will not dissipate, will be wrapped in the internal space, once he stabilizes inside, he can quickly reunite his undisappeared strength to recover."

She sighed. "But when I covered him with a space lock, I was attacked by Singer, the key was broken, and he was trapped inside. At this time, he should have recovered as early as possible, but unfortunately he I can't crack the space myself. Otherwise, once the internal space is shattered, he will die. It can only be slowly broken by the outside world, but I don't know the space, so..."

Audrey fully understood.

If the old lady is not trapped because of her husband, she should not risk the dragon lizard, because the dragon lizard and Singer are old, and Singer may also be in the dragon lizard, she can only conceal her identity and come to the third-rate small The forces rushed to the point, using the illusion stone to induce the cultivation of the space sinisters, helping her to crack the space lock and get her husband out.

This is why she introduced Shiyan into the cave, and immediately cautiously condensed out more than a dozen layers of enchantments, and the reason why the sacred gods gave the rock to crack the space lock.

She is sure that her identity is extraordinary and her realm is bound to be deep. Therefore, the financial situation is thick and she will make a heavy profit from the beginning.


At this time, the inside of the space lock came strangely and crisply, and the fine space lines on the lock surface slowly exploded.

Immediately, a beam of glare exploded, a wonderful - space door slowly solidified.

A long figure, and suddenly came out of the door. When he appeared in the cave, he screamed: "Yayun, what kind of ghost do you have? How long did it take me to let me out? My mother was not beaten by Singh. Dead, but you are dying!"

The old man was thin, his spirits were awkward, his bald head was shining, his brocade was beautiful, his clothes were covered with strange singular ancient characters. When he came out, he shouted a few words and immediately shouted: "How do you make this look?" ?"

The ugly old lady breathed a sigh of relief and shook her body into a dignified woman who seemed to be only forty years old. It seemed to have a charm. In the old man’s swearing, she was a little embarrassed, "the key to the space lock, not Cautiously broken by that Singh, I, I found a child who cultivated the space to solve the problem."

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