God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1365: Discouraged

The old man and the woman revealed their true feelings. It looks no different from the human race. Unlike the aliens in the trading districts, they look strange.

Audrey had guessed that the old man had deliberately changed his appearance, so she saw her new image of a dignified woman who still has a charm, but she did not show surprise.

When Shi Yan cracked the space lock, the deputy soul kept listening to their speeches and guessing the truth. It is also not surprising.

"It's useless, it hurts me to be trapped for so long." The old man's eyes squinted, and immediately frowned and looked at Shiyan. Suddenly he was surprised: "This kid can only unlock the space lock, but also unlock the space lock?"

The woman he called Yayun showed a smile on his face. "They are from the wilderness. This child, although the realm is not high, the strength is really good. He just used a condensed god, he will lock the space. Untie."

After a pause, she looked at Shiyan deeply and smiled. "How do you feel? There are many odd arrays in the interior of the space lock. It contains space and mystery. You can crack it. There should be a lot of improvement for your realm. ?"

Shi Yan took a ritual and seriously said: "On the basis of the inner righteousness of the space lock, I will get the reward for this crack, plus the remaining condensed **** Dan, I have already made a big profit."

The space inside the space lock is enchanted and hundreds of odd arrays. Most of them are unheard of. In the process of cracking, it is a kind of understanding of those righteousness. He feels really good at this moment, knowing his space. I am afraid that it has climbed a lot.

The same is true, he thinks that he is the biggest profiter, so that he is embarrassed to ask for the illusion stone.

"If you say that you will not treat you badly, you will definitely not. The people of our Xuan Tianzu will not speak without saying anything!" Yayun snorted and his fingers flicked, and he saw seven magical stones falling directly to him.

Shi Yan stunned and smiled a little. "Thank you!"

He raised his hand and grabbed it. The illusion stone disappeared inside his beginning and was placed in a special position.

"Fantasy stone should be displayed wonderfully. It still needs to be tempered, so that the inside of the illusion stone has your soul mark, so that you can take care of your heart." Yayun explained the situation.

When she spoke to Shi Yan, the old man did not make a sound, and he kept looking at Shiyan.

At this moment, the old man suddenly flashed a shadow, and in a moment he pinched the stone arm, and a hot warm current poured into the rock.

Shi Yan's face changed. I want to fight back immediately. Then suddenly found that the warm current is not malicious, it seems to only look at his body, and frowned no more action. Www.51o.net

"Old man. You see what is coming?" Yayun said casually.

The old man let go, his eyes became extremely complicated, and there were shocks, incomprehensions, and all kinds of colors flowing in his eyes. Half-sounding, he suddenly smiled bitterly. "You stupid woman may not know the degree of life change of this child. It is not inferior to us, perhaps, it is higher than ours."

When this statement came out, Yayun was shocked. "How is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." The old man took a deep breath. Suddenly introduce myself, "I am called emoticon, that is my wife Yayun, we are all Xuan Tianzu people, we are in the same realm, are immortal triple heaven realm, very happy to know you. Well. If you Interested, I can send an invitation on behalf of the Xuan Tianzu, please be a guest of the Xuan Tianzu, and enjoy the full treatment of my Xuan Tianzu.

"Old man, what crazy are you doing? Isn't the guest of my family not able to serve? There is no one god. I am qualified to be the guest of my family. If you send an invitation, you will know it. You must have a problem with your brain. It is absolutely impossible to pass!" Yayun screamed.

In the Xuantian family, the identity of the guest is extremely honorable, and only the strong and strong foreigners are qualified to serve.

Every guest of the Xuan Tianzu has a unique identity token. When enjoying activities in the virtual domain or in other domain circles, they enjoy the various preferential treatments of the Xuan Tianzu. They are regarded as VIPs by the Xuan Tian ethnic group, and many rares are released on time. The cultivation materials are eligible to enlighten many secrets of the mysterious people who can participate in the Xuan Tian tribe.

Among the Xinghai, many warriors who have reached the immortal two or three heavens, some patriarchs of second-rate and third-rate forces, I am afraid they are not necessarily qualified to serve as Xuan Tianzu.

Although the Xuan Tianzu is quite a bit identifiable and qualified to invite the guest, he still needs the above approval. If he casually sends out an invitation, he will only let the Xuan Tianzu people be uncomfortable.

Therefore, Yayun is extremely confused. I don't know what the old man is going crazy. He will suddenly make such an invitation to a god.

"I am not crazy, I am very awake, very awake, I know what I am doing!" The emoticon is cold and cold, and sincerely said: "As long as you nod, I can guarantee that you can quickly break through to immortality, my family still There are only a few immortal Dans left, I can assure you that you will be able to get two of them! In addition to the immortal Dan, you will also be provided with twenty condensed gods, beautiful women, stars, territories, and even no domain. The territory can be divided into a piece for you!"

"You are crazy! You must be crazy! There are a few left in my family's immortal Dan. It is for the inside of the family. Can you apply for it?" Yayun screamed.

Audrey is also amazed. These two people are Xuan Tianzu people. One of the strongest seven races in Xinghai has strong power. The two are immortal triple heavens. So, the identity, the strength, the old man will suddenly become abnormal. Will you make such an invitation?

She can't figure out how.

Shi Yan is also awkward, staying like a wooden chicken: "Old predecessors, are you doing something wrong?"

“Is it wrong?” The old man sneered and smiled, his eyes shining. “A future powerhouse destined to enter the realm of the ancestral realm, isn’t it worth special treatment?”

"Is destined to enter the domain ancestors?" Yayun screamed, "I said that you are not crazy? In the vast expanse of the sea, there are countless domain boundaries, and there are only a handful of domain ancestors. You and me are in the triple sky of immortality. There is no time in the future, and there may be no hope for breakthrough in life. He, how can he and him? The dragon lizard has been stuck in the realm of immortality for thousands of years? Is it still hopeless, he is destined to enter the realm of the domain?"

"If you can understand the true meaning of dark energy, the dragon lizard has already broken through. The most difficult part of breaking through the domain ancestors is the mastery of dark energy." The emoticon is awe-inspiring, sinking: "He, already holds dark energy!"

As soon as this statement came out, Yayun suddenly snorted and looked at Shiyan with a look of regret.

The emoticon grinned. "The young man is still a little tender. He doesn't know how to hide his strength. Otherwise, I can't really find out. Your life is amazing, and you can understand the true meaning of dark energy. Immortal Dan is enough to make you go further!"

"Predecessors are very powerful." Shi Yan sighed.

He admired the vision and ambition of the emoticon. As soon as he discovered his peculiarities, he invited him to become the guest of the Xuan Tianzu, and promised to give two immortal Dans, dozens of condensed gods, beautiful women. The territory of the star domain, the domain of the imaginary domain, the power of this old man is amazing.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? He began to understand the realm of dark energy, and there is no heaven." Yayun murmured, she believed her husband’s judgment, and finally understood the emoticon. Crazy.

A guest who was destined to enter the domain ancestors was enough to pay such a price within the family. She immediately realized that the old man was discouraged.

"How?" The emoticon looked at him deeply.

"I can't promise you anything for the time being. Let me think about it. But I can promise you. If I want to choose one of the seven races, I will choose you Xuan Tianzu!" Shi Yan Shen Shen for a long time, seriously responded.

He is afraid that one answer is not good. The emoticon will kill the killer and directly kill him and Audrey, lest he grow up in the future, and the opposite of the Xuantian people, it will not be worth the candle.

"You are very cautious, but we are not the kind of person you think. If you save me anyway, even if you don't agree, I won't forget the poisonous hand of you." The emoticon laughs and laughs. He shot his shoulder and said: "You are a magical little guy. I know that it is more beneficial for us to make good use of our Xuan Tianzu, and not to go to extreme paths. Well, the extreme route, the soul family prefers us. Xuan Tianzu does not like it, this is also the reputation of our Xuan Tianzu, you will naturally understand later."

Shi Yan smiled and said nothing.

"Yayun, what kind of remuneration are you still going to give him?" The emoticon turned back and shouted.

"A pair of armored refineries in our family."

"No, no." He shook his head. "The toughness of this little guy's body is beyond your imagination. The armor is not very good for him. Well, they should come and see, they are not familiar with the virtual sea, so..."

He flashed a silver beam on his cuffs and saw a star-studded compass emerge. He handed it to Shiyan and said, "This is the magical compass of our Xuan Tianzu refining. It is a compass in the virtual domain. Marked a lot of regional orientations, you will not get lost with this thing, know where to avoid, where to pass, and what ethnicity belongs."

"Old man, you are really generous, this day, the magic star compassion, our Xuan Tianzu are not easy to refine, and there are not many people in this family who are qualified to hold it." Yayun sighed, looking at the old man's gaze, flashing strangely I am more and more impressed by the old man.

The strength of the old man has always been a place for her to admire. This charm has nothing to do with age, and will never fade.

After receiving the magic star compass on that day, Shi Yan knows the movement, suddenly seeing the strange light, and the gods fall into the fantasy star compass. If you enter a miniature projection of hundreds of millions of times, there are clusters of Xinghai area, with detailed annotations. Explain that the peculiarity of each virtual sea area is simply a vivid star map that lives to the extreme.

This thing is definitely the most suitable thing for him, and it is definitely the treasure that all ethnic groups dream of.

"The predecessors are so angry that I really admire!" Shi Yan took the fantasy chain and expressed his sincerity. His impression of Xuan Tianzu, because of the reasons of the emoticon and the Yayun couple, became surprisingly good. .

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