God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1380: play off

The dragon lizard has become a continent, and many interracial people gather together, and their eyes look hot on Shiyan.

In the imaginary domain, there are many sayings. It is said that the souls that are too strong and powerful can be integrated into the minds of the warriors. This is a way for the early life to leave behind, and replace the warriors at the right time, even if other souls Off, you can also be revived in another way.

Such a warrior with a second soul, when the realm is not superb, can't activate the memories of the souls of the firstborn spirits.

If there is a strong immortal realm, refining the souls of such people, and absorbing the soul marks of the firstborn, then you can gain insight into the true meaning of dark energy, know the secrets of the supernatural beings, and even have a deeper recognition of the mysterious supernatural powers. know.

This kind of person is the fat that everyone is coveting, and will make the immortal triple heavenly realm greedy.

Shi Yan, in their eyes, is undoubtedly this kind of person. Even the dragon lizard ancestors knew the wonders of him and hesitated and had new ideas.

For the dragon lizard ancestors, there is no way to absorb the fossil rock, and it is more direct to absorb the soul of the early life, which will make him enter the realm of the domain.

Here, there are two people whose realm is cultivated. Similar to him, Singer and the masked female of the phantom are also in the checkpoint. In their eyes, the attraction of Shiyan is equally amazing.

Of course, some of the second-rate powers have reached the immortal two heavens, and there are also a few people who have also entered the immortal triple heaven. Although they have not reached the peak, they also have the qualification to break through the domain ancestors. Kill and absorb, they can also squid jump the dragon gate, step into the domain ancestors.

It is simply an irresistible temptation!

If the non-stone rock suddenly shows strength, revealing his space and the identity of the stars and the righteous warriors, there may be riots soon.

The dragon lizard ancestors calmed down first. Think of the Xuan Tianzu emoticon, Yayun's embarrassment. He calmed down, dispelled the evil thoughts in his heart, and expressed his enthusiasm.

Shiyan's top meteorite, broken star, and space blade flutter. The voice is horrible, he tilted the dragon lizard ancestors, his smile was weird. Nodded, pretending to be afraid: "I thought the ancestor would kill me."

The dragon lizard ancestors looked a little embarrassed, smiled and didn't know how to answer.

The corner of Shiyan’s mouth moved, and the ice was cold in his heart. He looked at Audrey and deliberately said in the language of the wilderness: “Are you okay? Break through to the beginning of God?”

Audrey was shocked, her face was horrified, and her heart was suddenly confused.

The desert of the aquarium. The Xuan Tianzu's emoticons, Yayun, and those who know Singh's expectations for the wilderness are repeated. Let her and Shi Yan never communicate in the wilderness language. It is not to be discovered by people of Singer, Soul, and Ghosts, which in turn makes Singer move.

Audrey knew that Shiyan had always been cautious. I don't understand why Shiyan suddenly became confused in this level. In the face of everyone, the language was exchanged in the wilderness. The voice was so high that so many people heard it.

She subconsciously looked at Singh.

Audrey’s heart was tight. She really found out that after Singer heard Shiyan’s words, like a thief seeing a naked woman, the whole person was excited and immediately laughed and said: “Treading There is no flaw in the iron shoes, it takes no effort, it’s wonderful, wonderful!”

"You?" Audrey said bitterly.

"No problem, just let him know." Shi Yan whispered.

"Dragon lizard!" Singer figured a move, suddenly came to the front of the dragon lizard ancestors, smiled, and reached out to Shiyan, Audrey, said: "The two men, can you give me one, Well, that woman’s is OK, I want a living, and afterwards, I must have a restatement!”

Dragon lizard ancestors stunned.

Audrey was pale and nervous, and felt that things were out of control and became beyond his expectation.

"They came from my invitation." The dragon lizard ancestors hated Singer. He had suppressed his inner anger and prepared to settle it later. Singer suddenly faced him and asked him. He was a little depressed and screamed: "Singh, what do you want to do? I’m doing it right with me today, can’t I be bullied by my dragon lizard?”

Originally, Singer was also planning to wait for the end of the event, and slowly started the dragon lizard ancestors, but because Shi Yan "inadvertently" revealed the identity of the wilderness, all of a sudden his inner flame ignited, and his whole body boiled up. "I only want one person, I will ask the dragon lizard a word, don't give me a person!"

He pointed to Audrey, "This woman! She is not good for the cultivation of the dragon lizard, you give her to me, I will bear your love!"

"Don't let go!" The dragon lizard was suppressed and finally suppressed. In front of many interracial people, he was screamed by Singer. His deep anger broke out and he said: "I really thought that you are invincible." I will fight with you to see if you have any skill in Singer to tell me!"


Such as a volcanic eruption, a horrible roar came from the dragon lizard ancestors, and in an instant, the earth under his feet cracked a deep and deep cave, and the violent magma emerged as a boiling water fountain, watering the dragon lizard ancestors. On the body, the dragon lizard ancestors were like a raging fire, and there was just a fierce wave.


The dragon lizard splits in the earth, and a piece of meteorite and broken star smashes the explosion. Many forces, such as red fireworks, are thrown out of the rock and turned into a giant lizard-like creature. The creature is bigger than the mountains and rivers. It is not an entity, but it is still imposing.

The monitor lizard condensed by the force of the rock, holding a meteorite, the meteorite suddenly burst, the gravel like rain, such as dense arrows, all slammed toward Singh.

"I didn't want to make a big move, but the dragon lizard has a prejudice against my soul. I have to correct it for you." Singer was not afraid, sullen and smiling, the fierce soul floating behind him, like a donkey. The evil spirits, fluttering upwards and rushing toward the meteorite rain.


Under the tears of the murderous souls, the meteorite did not fall on Singer, and it was directly turned into powder.

"That kid is very sinister!" The mask girl of the phantom family, looking at the battle of the dragon lizard ancestor and Singh, suddenly said: "Without his provocation, the dragon lizard ancestor and Singh will not fight so early, he will The battle between the two was hard, and the kid was a bit cunning."

She saw early that the dragon lizard ancestor and Singer were not as harmonious as the rumors. From the conversations between the two sides, the breath of the atmosphere, the change of expression, she saw that the two must have a battle, but regardless of the dragon lizard ancestor, or that Singh, They all deliberately concealed, and should not want to tear their faces in the eyes of the public.

However, due to the few words of Shiyan, the two men who finally provoked could not resist, and the anger of hysteria made them violently shot.

When the battle was motivated, she turned her attention to Shiyan and was secretly vigilant.

At this moment, Shiyan looked like a movement, and there was a layer of space fluctuations in his body, which led to the top of the rock, such as a windmill. The Adams, Evelyn, Mahisha, and Audrey of the day were all affected by With the traction of a force, it instantly fell to a rolling meteorite.

The meteorite is like a shuttle, swimming in the ripples of space, making Adams, Evelyn, Mahisha, and Audrey gradually blurred, if they want to disappear from here.

On the other hand, Shiyan still stays there and does not move, feeling indifferent, and the eyes appear cold.

"This kid is indeed a comer from the wilderness. We have seen it on the way."

"The people in the wasteland should not be simple, the wasteland, but it is one of the most powerful creatures in the early days. Although it has disappeared for many years, all the strong people who know it are highly respected for it!" The phantom family mask whispered.

When they spoke, suddenly they were shocked and looked at the emptiness of the mainland with a look of horror.

I saw the meteorites and broken stars at the top of Shiyan, and the serrated space of the blade. It seemed to be out of control, and it fell from the sky. The space blade was several kilometers long, and it was glaring, such as Jingliang. The flickering light blade is sharp and unstoppable. If it falls, it is afraid that not many people can eat it.

This is the natural fierceness of the virtual domain!

When this fierce power is manipulated, from the sky, the terrible degree is not only reduced, but more powerful because of accuracy.

"He is crazy!" Indifferent, screaming quickly: "Have it! Avoid the crazy man!"

The mask woman of the phantom family is also shocked and trembled. Looking at the top of the head, the sharp edge of the blade is falling, and the distorted space is disturbed by the turmoil. "What does this guy want to do?"

Like them, the people of the second-rate and third-rate races who are surrounded by them are also holding their heads and screaming, yelling at the whole family of Shiyan, and wishing to kill Shiyan.

They all saw it, and the fallen stones and broken stars, the space-cut blades that were cut and cut, all suffered from the trend of stone rock.


A few kilometers of space fell, cutting in the dragon lizard continent, the mainland land, such as the cut tofu, instantly split a large piece, the magma deep in the ground, rushing hot.

An earth-shattering roar, also came from the ground, that is... the roar of the body of the dragon lizard!

The dragon lizard ancestor who is fighting Singh is also suffering from violent pain. He glares at Shiyan and swears: "What are you doing?"

Shi Yan stayed for a while, showing a dry smile, and said: "The mistakes are made, please also bear with me."

"Insane! Is he crazy?" Already away from a rock on the dragon lizard continent, Ma Xisha looked cloudy and looked at the chaotic dragon lizard star, licking her hair: "What is this? ?"

"I don't understand." Evelyn smiled.

They all looked at Audrey, and hoped that Audrey could solve the problem. But Audrey, in their expectation, also shook his head. "I don't understand. He seems to deliberately want the dragon lizard to become a mess. I can't wait here. The people are more dead."

With that said, she moved her mind and suddenly stopped, revealing a thoughtful look.

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