God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1381: Lord of the stars

Shi Yan feels very good at this moment!

An immortal Dan helps him break the bottleneck in a short time and directly enters the immortal realm!

In the new realm, his gods, ancient trees, and soul altars all have varying degrees of change, but the biggest change is actually dark energy!

Nowadays, in his body, in addition to the power of ancient trees as a source of strength, his knowledge of the sea has also become a new source of strength!

Divine power nourishes the whole body, so that his body is full of abundant strength, dark energy nourishes the soul altar, so that he is very skilled and exquisite, so that his main soul is full of vitality, even the altar is like having endless stamina, every ignorance of his **** Released, it seems to be able to extend infinitely.

The stars and the space are all kinds of ambiguous, so there is a novel breakthrough. It is also because of this that he can run the ambiguous room and gather the huge space blades of the cruising, and he can control as much as he wants.

He can even perceive blind spots in the vicinity!

The so-called blind spot of space is a hidden space area that the military can't detect. Only the space-conscious space can capture it, hide it with space, or suddenly launch a crit.

Space, like a room, like a forest, has a shadow-like land, which is invisible to ordinary warriors, and those areas are called blind spots.

Audrey, Evelyn, Adams, and Mahisha are all on a rock, and the distance from the dragon lizard is not particularly far. They can see the dragon lizard and Singh on the rock. Fight and see the skyrocketing movement over there.

However, many of these aliens are barely aware of the meteorites that Audrey and others are in.

Because the meteorite, in the blind spot of space, unless the Singer, the dragon lizard ancestor, the mask female, the level of the strong, calm down to have a good feeling, or they are hard to find.

That is to say, in a short time, Audrey will not have the worry of life, to the subtlety of the stone rock space, to break through the real power of the immortal realm. He is really not afraid of the anger of Singer and the dragon lizard ancestors, so he stayed in the same place.


The seven fierce souls are like evil spirits, and the claws of the claws are torn around the dragon lizard ancestors. The dragon lizards sneer and condense, condensing the body of the unreal giant lizard, the giant lizard is red as fireworks, and Singh’s seven fierce souls are killed. A piece of heaven and earth stirred apart. Let the dragon lizard continent seem to be going to collapse.

During this period, the top of Shiyan's head meteorite fell, the broken star was like rain, the light blade cut, and it was also devastated.

Many interracial people, when Singh and Dragon Lizard ancestors fought. In fact, they are all greedy, want to take the opportunity to take the stone rock, kill and absorb Shiyan, so as to enhance their confidence in breaking through the domain ancestors, some people have taken the initiative to close, quietly prepared.

However, because of the sudden madness of Shiyan, the meteorites and broken stars were raging, causing the light blade to wander like lightning. Directly seconds, at least a dozen interracial people.

Those people, the realm is not low, and there is an immortal double heaven.

They miscalculated the horror of Shiyan, and also roughly estimated the madness and brutality of Shiyan. They were fried into bolognese by the ochre, and they were built into pieces by the space blade. Only one soul left, and the roar of sorrow and sorrow.

Shi Yan did not dare to expose the mysterious mystery, and he did not release the black hole cautiously. Just the adsorption of the hole. Absorb the life of their passing.

Just breaking through the immortal day, his body is like a sponge. Urgently need strength to supplement, those deaths are injected into the acupoints, and he is immediately comfortable.

"I know that you really want to kill me, I really want to refine my soul and help you break through the realm of the domain."

Shiyan looked around and smiled and relaxed: "People who have this idea may wish to come and try, maybe you can succeed. Well, I will stay and give you the opportunity to give you an opportunity to break through the ancestors. Don't miss it."

At this moment, the dragon lizard ancestor and Singer are still killing, Singer has not used the big killer so far, and did not activate the mysterious spirit of the refining soul, just thinking that at the most appropriate time, the refining soul will play a hit. The role of Qiankun, the dragon lizard ancestors directly killed.

The dragon lizard eagerly hated Singer’s insidiousness, but there was no mercy in the shot, but he is only a form of avatar, and his strength is limited. He can’t really kill Singh. In his heart, he has other plans, so it’s not Especially anxious, waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Wait for the emoticon to be a fatal blow to the couple.

These two fierce gods are self-satisfied. Those other interracial people naturally have an idea. They feel that they have taken the opportunity to take stone rock and immediately leave it by the dragon lizard. Maybe they can win the fruits of victory.

The tragic death of those who had previously played a vigilant role, let them know that Shi Yan is not without the power to fight back, but Shi Yan has just broken through the immortal realm after all, they think that the rock fangs of Shiyan are only those meteorites and broken stars. I feel that Shiyan can only rely on external forces.

Gradually there are real strong people, quietly moving toward the side of Shiyan, those people look awe-inspiring, revealing the tempting color.

"Do we want it?" The apathy of the aquarium, hesitated, and asked softly.

"Mo urgency." The phantom family's mask female eyes are deep and quiet. She and Shiyan are separated by the blasting mountains. She stopped the movement of the aquarium and chuckled: "The kid... not so easy to deal with, he dares to take the initiative At the end of the battle, there must be some shackles. Let us wait and see."

During the speech, she swam her eyes and looked down at the huge pit that was broken below.

She felt weird in her heart, and felt that the dragon lizard ancestors were a bit abnormal, and I always felt that there might be other changes in the depths of the dragon lizard.


Suddenly, a burst of eruption came, an interracial alien in the immortal world, in front of Shiyan, thunder and lightning like a mad snake, those mad snakes leave his body, instantly become thick and long, change in the air. Thousands of buckets of thick lightning giants, giant pythons, and spit out lightning frost.

When dozens of giant pythons are flying, they are distorted and changed, and they form a sinuous array of twists and turns. The array is like a dense grid, with giant pythons as the veins, and it is wrapped in stone rock.


When the giant grid was entangled, another big explosion occurred, the thunder roared, the lightning was fierce, and the rock was to be submerged.

In the explosion of the thunder and lightning giants, Shiyan frowned. He found that the aliens who were suffering from the power of thunder and lightning were also immortal, but the real power could not be compared with the Taikoo Leilong Reddy. The realm of morality or the level of divine power is too much.

"Gemstone Stars!"

Surprisingly, Shiyan sat down in the same place and looked up at the sky. The stars in the eyes of the two scorpions were covered with stars, such as the stars and stars.

The meteorites and broken stars that floated above his head, like the collapse of the Milky Way, crashed down.

"Booming! Rumble!"

Many thunder and lightning giants were hit by meteorites that were bigger than mountains and rivers. They were spurred by a meteor, and they immediately shot and turned into a long wire.

Even the one who reached the immortal double heavenly realm was also stunned by thunder and lightning, thundered and thundered, and the current spurred, like being grilled by fire, turning black as charcoal.

"Life magnetic field!"

Shi Yan grinned and smiled, and with him as the center, a strong magnetic field of life spread.

Close to the magnetic field, one heart beats uncontrollably, and the life potential is stimulated, and the redness of the face rises, such as being endlessly endowed with infinite power.

However, this power is the potential of overdraft life, nor is it that they can immediately become familiar with the control, so that those people's flesh and blood will come out.

- This is a feature that is so powerful that the potential of life is so powerful that the body can't bear it. If it is not well controlled, they will quickly die.

"Life is righteous!"

The mask of the phantom family once again screamed, the soft and soft voice, so it became sharp, her deep eyes, and the amazing color, such as the discovery of the New World.


Looking at an immortal one who is in the realm of heaven, Shi Yan grinned and screamed at the same time, and rushed into the body with a hot eye, such as igniting the sea of ​​fire.

The man's body, such as the balloon filled with the air, bursts suddenly, the internal organs are blown up, and the meat splashes everywhere.

The scene is extremely bloody.

"He is so strong!" Space blind spots on the rock, Ma Xisha Jiao Qu, watching the rock at the moment, gave birth to a chilling feeling.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we see the machine fast, did not offend this killing." Adams smiled and smiled secretly.

Evelyn was silent, his face was straight and his back was cold.

At this moment, the fierce and violent display of Shiyan is far beyond their imagination. After breaking through to the immortal realm, Shiyan has achieved a qualitative leap, and the strength is terrible beyond imagination.

Even Ao Lili, who knows Shiyan’s knowledge, is also amazed. She knows that Shiyan is very strong, but she can’t think of Shiyan’s strength to such a degree that she will be able to kill the immortal two heavens. It is simply incredible and violates the laws of power between the stars and the sea.

"While the realm of the martial arts domain is not weak, it can be strength... It is very general, it is not as powerful as Xuanhe, 腓 特 、, and Reddy, strange..." Shi Yan himself is also amazed, secretly confused,

He found that those who were killed by him, perhaps the realm is the same as Xuanhe and Reddy, but the level of power they showed, the superb cognition of the righteousness, but the roots are better than the Xuanhe, 腓right and others, to be inferior Not only.

He did not know that the peak figures of the wilderness areas such as Xuanhe and Qi Lieite were originally the ones of the 10,000-year-old era. After being bloodthirsty and inheriting the righteousness, the realm of the realm of the realm was leaps and bounds. After years of precipitation, all of them reached the limit. A horrible character with a strong degree.

Xuanhe, Yan Lie Te and others, the real strength, can be compared with the shoulders of the seven seas of the same level of the sea is not inferior!

The belligerents with him are only second-rate and third-rate ethnic groups. There is no way to compare them with the people of the seven major races. This is also the reason why he feels that the other side is weak.

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