God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1382: Hidden

The sky is full of meteorites and broken stars, and one is proficient in the thunder and lightning, so the body is broken.

The top of Shiyan suddenly became empty.

Looking forward to the three immortal people of the immortal double heavens, the moths rushed to the stone rock, and finally revealed the fangs. The frost, hurricane and gold that emerged from their bodies were enough to bring to the mainland. More damage is enough to dismember the normal and immortal.

At this moment, there is no flying sapphire, broken star, stone rock in their eyes, like a hedgehog without a thorn.

The stone rock, which was regarded as fat meat, blinked slightly and looked calm and still sat still.

The mask of the phantom family, with a grin of interest, laughter came, she was strangely inserted between the three alien strong.

Her plump ketone body shook a few times in a tremor, and an abyss that collapsed the soul, swaying around her.


The three immortal people in the immortal double heavens, Qi Qi mouth vomiting blood clots, pale face like paper, one hand pressed the heart, one hand pressed the eyebrows, regardless of the blood on the chest, the wolf smashed away.

Instantly away from the rock.

The darker viper-like selection of the remaining number of stronger people, always waited calmly, patiently, at this moment also changed his face slightly, quietly hiding his body in the shadow of the stone, hidden in the body next to the body.

No one dares to recklessly come forward.

The figure is enchanting and charming, and a pair of blue-eyed eyes suddenly become a glamorous mask girl, and she smiles and smiles. She twists her waist and walks straight, ignoring a pair of eyes that want to be bloodshot.

"You are very powerful." The soft voice was confusing. She stopped at ten meters in front of Shiyan, and her eyes condensed.

Shi Yan frowned.

This woman's body is very hot and sexy. She only looks at her beautiful posture of twisting her hips. The heart of Shiyan is a little unstoppable. The mask is horrible, but with her graceful cooperation, it breeds a kind of demon. The incomprehensible charm makes people's face under her area grow infinite imagination.

Know the sea. The blazing atmosphere of the fire layer suddenly changed. A cold and chilly water was poured down like ice water, and it swept through the whole body, and it was cold and bone-permeable.

He instantly calmed down and indifferently said: "What advice does the predecessor have?"

"Call people, sisters, people like you to call, hehe." Mask female laughter soft, speech temperature soft bones. "Sister and you have a discussion. You promised your sister one thing, my sister will help you drive away all these annoying guys, how?"

She looks around. Looking at the poisonous snakes that are hidden in each other, Jiao Di drip: "Well, my sister knows that you are very powerful. But after all, you have just broken through. It is a headache to deal with so many snakes. As long as you nod, your sister will treat you well. I am satisfied with you."

Every direction that was swept by her beautiful eyes was sent to the suppressed swallowing sound. The hidden people, the realm of the realm is not low, it should not be so bad. But it was impossible to resist her smile, showing an ugly pig brother-like appearance, like being eaten by her.

"What are you promised?" Shi Yan's brows gradually emerged with frost. In order to resist the woman's secret mystery, he consumes divine power every moment, which is quite hard.

He was also secretly scared and discovered the terrible degree of this phantom woman. Not inferior to Singer, the dragon lizard ancestor.

"I promised to come to my phantom family, to be the male guest of my phantom family. Well, I can be the master to let you choose the girl in our family to become a relative. The cultivation resources in my family are open to you." The mask girl looks like a water show. Enthusiastic imagination.

Many interracial people suddenly disappeared.

The male guest of the phantom family is the same as the guest of the Xuan Tianzu. Enshrined by the fascination of the phantom family, the responsibility is to contribute to the phantom family. Every masculine man's guest can choose a beautiful phantom family woman to marry.

The woman of the phantom family is the most charming and enchanting dream in the Xinghai, and many people will linger.

She invited Shi Yan to join the Phantom of the Shadows.

"I don't know the shameful woman!" On the rock in the blind spot, Audrey was pretty cold and cold.

Ma Xisha glanced at her and smiled inside. She knew that her relationship with Shi Yan was unclear. The invitation of the phantom family woman naturally angered her.

Audrey Ming is like an ice arrow, shot on Shiyan, with a soul in his eyes.

Shi Yan’s heart was cold, and he couldn’t help but look back at the sky with a blank space. The eyes crossed the blind spot and directly condensed on Audrey’s body.

Audrey stayed, did not expect that so far away, Shi Yan could still see her.

Her cold cheeks suddenly felt hot, and the two squirrels were flushed. They hurriedly stepped back and shrunk behind Ma Xisha, like a frightened cub.

Shiyan’s mouth was full of strange smiles, regaining his gaze, and the masked woman shook his head. “No interest.”

The mask woman smiled and stopped, her eyes were slightly cold, and she nodded lightly. She turned away without saying a word and returned to the aquarium.

Those who are hidden in the dark, such as the demons are excited, the sudden anger of the unclear, and the fear of death and impact on the rock.

At the bottom of the desert, the ice was cold. He looked at the masked woman deeply, and the bowed body became more and more humble.

The horrible thing about the phantom family is that here, every woman of the phantom family is not only exquisitely crafted, but also has outstanding strength. It also has unknowingly confusing people, so that the world’s man’s soul is deeply immersed, and then the horror of control is put away. Ability, this power is born, every Phantom of the women are proficient.

At this moment, those interracial people were quietly influenced by the mask women, and the greed in their hearts was doubled up, even in spite of the timing of the shots, even their own safety was ignored.

"you are vicious!"

Shi Yan looked at the mask girl coldly, stepping on it with one foot, and the stone under the foot burst into flames. Numerous gravels swept across the surface.

When the gravel is covered with sand, the shadow of the stone rock becomes blurred, and the layers are rippled, such as wrapping him.

He suddenly disappeared.

There are dozens of interracial men rushing to him, and ten of them have reached the immortal double heaven, and one person is actually in the immortal triple heaven!

Those people are irrational and will not be afraid of death, aiming at killing him.

He also had to temporarily avoid the edge, with dark energy filled with muscles and veins, to achieve instant stealth invisible purpose.

The naked eye is invisible, and the gods are invisible. This is a true invisibility!

Even the masked woman of the phantom family is also fascinated and surprised. Her beauty is swaying and exploring with ambition. The bottom of my heart is strange: this space is wonderful, but even I can avoid it, it is incredible... ...

Suddenly, her horrible ketone body trembled, and she suddenly remembered something, and the beauty became extremely wonderful.

Dark energy!

This is the effect of dark energy!

She painted red rose nails, deep in the palm of the tender meat, she is still trying hard, the heart is stirring, the eyes are colorful, searching around.


A six-armed arm, such as a dragon body, a fierce soul with a blue-grained face, a fist like a landslide, falls on a reddish giant lizard, and the sky is thundering and roaring.

The dragon lizard's ancestors turned red and the muscles of the whole body squirmed like softballs, and they rushed into the giant lizard again.

"Dragon lizard! You are pushing me!"

Singer ignited the real fire, and the cluster of souls underneath suddenly screamed and screamed, and a murderous soul with a length of 10,000 meters roared out. The murderous soul was in the shape of a giant crocodile, and the bite of the madness was directed at the monitor lizard.

At the same time, Singer has a jade bell in his hand. If Audrey pays attention to it, they will find that the material of the bell is exactly the same as that of the three-legged jade. Even the surface of the bell is covered with mysterious early runes, which is implied. Endless mysterious.

"Hey! Hey!"

Singh swayed the bell, and the rune on the bell was alive, and the snake squirmed.

The meat cut by the dragon lizard, deep in the depths of the earth, loses flesh and blood at the speed visible to the naked eye, such as instantly becoming bacon, and losing blood.

"Finally got it!"

The emoticon and Yayun looked shocked and immediately swept away to the cave at the bottom of the earth, like a glimmer of light.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The body of the dragon lizard ancestors, with the screaming, a terrible earthquake occurred across the continent, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the meteorites burst, and the dragon lizards would be completely destroyed.

Above, the dragon lizard's ancestor, also knows how to act, and his chest is full of rolling, his face is awkward, "Singer! What have you done to me?!"

Singer did not answer at all. On the one hand, he drove the giant crocodile to smash his hand, and he did not idle himself. He sneaked toward a hole and went to kill the dragon scorpion ancestor.

Excited enchanted mask mask female, this is the search for Shiyan out, at this moment I saw Singer, the dragon lizard ancestors suddenly changed suddenly, her eyes lit up, my mind suddenly moved.

Many interracial people who lost their goals and were about to kill each other, did not know why they suddenly changed direction, and all of them flocked to the hole where Singer fell.

At the mouth of the cave, the former gushing out of the magma, straight through the depths of the dragon lizard, which is the body of the dragon lizard.

The mask girl smiled softly and temporarily put down the big surprise that Shiyan gave her. The money went to the painful dragon lizard ancestor. She walked along and carefully avoided the **** place, and she was clean and picky. It seems that you have been deeply immersed in the body, um, in the mouth of the activation of the refining soul, and by Singer, I think you really can't escape this disaster."

She leaned over to the dragon lizard ancestors and seriously said: "Give me the two remaining immortal Dans. I promise you to leave some seeds for your dragon lizards and let your dragon lizards not be destroyed."

She looked at Dulle, Devotion, and Walker. He said sincerely: "They are in the realm of immortality. If they are sheltered by our phantom family, if you can break through the ancestors in the future, you will have a hope of turning over the dragon lizards. This is you. The last chance, I hope you seriously consider my suggestion."

"Old ancestors!"

"Old ancestors!"

"Old ancestors!"

The Dulle three people screamed in unison, and they came together and looked worried.

The painful dragon dragon lizard avatar, at this moment, suddenly surprisingly stopped screaming, **** and poisonous in the eyes, faintly said: "My dragon lizard thing, not to worry about your phantom family."

The mask girl is discolored.

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