God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1383: Goddess Man Dance

"you you?"

The mask of the phantom family was horrified, and her lush jade pointed to the dragon lizard ancestors, and exclaimed several times.

The Dulle trio is also a stay.

The dragon lizard screamed coldly and looked up at the crocodile soul of the giant crocodile. The mouth snarled, and the reddish giant lizard was infused with a new life energy, and once again lived alive and tiger, fighting the giant crocodile.

Here, the dragon lizard has been turbulent, as if it is going to be overwhelming. The blazing magma, like the flaming juice, overflows from the deep pits of many gullies on the ground.

The continent has become red and red, and many reddish-brown rocks are as heart-like as jumping.

The roar of the thunder, like a thunder, came from the depths of the earth. The body of the dragon lizard ancestors seemed to suffer tremendous pain, and was struggling at the end of the death.

Many ethnic minorities watched the changes in the mainland. Many people were shocked and eager to participate, and they felt that their strength was not good.

Some people have already missed the event of the dragon lizard and quietly evacuated to avoid this right and wrong place.

There are also more consciously good luck, or more confident in their own realm, still staying, hiding in the dark, looking for the right opportunity.

"I am abrupt, I also ask the ancestors not to blame." The mask of the phantom family, a reaction, instantly restored as early as, charming smile, soft and soft voice: "It seems that the ancestors have prepared, um, I see the soul The family Singh is also not pleasing to the eye, first wish the ancestors flag to win."

In this way, she also pulled away and shook again in the aquarium, and said coldly: "Singer is terrible!"

"Singh is also the land of immortal peaks, and the dragon lizard ancestors are equal, even if it is concealed, it should not be killed?"

The mask girl looked at the bottom of the magma pool, and her eyes sparkled. "The Xuan Tianzu's emoticons and Yayun couples should be hidden in the ground. They have been waiting for the arrival of Singh. Together with the dragon's ancestors' body, I think that Singh is afraid that it is difficult to escape. The underground magma pool is the habitat of the dragon lizard ancestors. It must be rectified by him. Singh should not come out."

Indifference, "When is the dragon lizard ancestor and the Xuantian people on the line?"

The mask female shook her head.

She did not answer, and suddenly calmed down. With her wonderful soul consciousness of the immortal triple heaven, she quietly searched for the surrounding.

She had a new decision, the dragon lizard ancestors were not counted, and Singer must have been bad. She knew that she could not take the opportunity to harvest the immortal Dan from the dragon lizard ancestors. Prepare to take Shiyan as the main target.

The fusion of the soul of the beginning of the soul, insight into the dark energy of the seedlings, this is simply a rare treasure, even if it can not be used by the phantom family, can not be cheaper than other racial forces!

She wants to determine the position of the stone rock!


The murderous soul that has absorbed thousands of souls and shattered the giant lizard like the giant crocodile. This murderous soul is the most unique among the seven souls of Singh, because this murderous soul is human, although the height is 10 Times. But the face, body shape, and movement are all human forms.

This murderous soul is naturally the glory of Aohong, the grandfather of Audrey's ancestors.

After being refining into a murderous soul, once Singer is engaged in war, he will be unable to control himself. He must cooperate with Singer's enemies. At this time, he is involuntarily to start with the monitor lizard.

A wonderful wave of volatility, suddenly in the depths of his soul. Staying on the hunter of the giant lizard.

A thought blooms in the depths of his heart. "My name is Shi Yan, and I am from the wilderness like you. My female companion is Audrey, who is the child of the current emperor's patriarch Ayala. On our way, I was influenced by the early birth of the coffin and was sent to this imaginary sea. Lost the way home..."

The singer turned into a murderous soul, and together with the 10,000-meter-long giant crocodile, he co-operated against the monitor lizard, and a thought rang in his mind.

"We want to go back to the wasteland and want to help you get rid of it. I don't know how to help you?" The voice is still slowly speaking.

Hung Hung is a surprise.

"Auntie's child! It turned out to be Audrey's child!" he screamed inside.

Strictly calculated, he is a figure of grandfather and grandfather, which is the grandfather of Audrey. He has also taught the mystery of ignorance, and he is a brother and sister. He naturally remembers that Audrey and his origins are also very shallow.

Even without this relationship, Audrey is their Pluto, and he will try his best to help.

- This, when he came over himself, was confirmed by Audrey's cultivation.

Self family! It is a family member!

After Ming Hong affirmed the incident, while fighting with the giant lizard, he secretly communicated with Shi Yan.

At this moment, the avatars of the dragon lizard ancestors also rushed to the depths of the earth after smashing Dulle, offering, and Walker. On the surface, only the giant lizard illusion condensed by the dragon lizard ancestors, the illusion The giant crocodile and the entangled entanglement made them unable to help Singh.

The same is true, the pressure of Charlie is not great, although it is involuntarily, but there is no obstacle to the communication of the soul.

"Singer is not dead, I can't get rid of it. If Singer is dead, I have a way to get out. I know that as long as I can get out, I can take you back to the wasteland."

"Reassured, Singer must die, except for the dragon lizard ancestors, there are also the emperors of the Xuan Tianzu, and the couple are waiting for him. Underneath, there is the arrangement of the dragon lizard ancestors, and Singh dares to go on, I don't think about it. Can come out!" Shi Yan guarantee.

When Ming Hong listened to him, he was so ecstatic and cried: "As long as Singer is killed, I will be able to get rid of his bondage. I will surprise Audrey at that time!"

"What surprise?"

"Oh, this is the thing of our royal family, you should not ask more."

The mask of the phantom family, the green eyes, suddenly brightened.

She acted again, and in the blink of an eye, she reached the end of the stone hole leading to the ground and looked up. She looked at the giant crocodile and the lizard, and grinned.

In the laughter, she raised her hand and pulled it, as if she had pulled down an invisible object.


On the gravel floor in front of her, a gray shadow condensed into a substance, which is a hidden stone rock.

"Good brother, what are you doing?" She smiled and walked toward Shiyan. "Well, you and the dragon lizard should have a tacit understanding? I see it, you must have hooked it." The emperor of the Shanglong lizard and the Xuantian people have a couple of emoticons. Ha, you are really bad enough. The singer and the dragon lizard ancestors fought in advance."

Shi Yan's body is cold, watching her smile, and deep in the heart feels that a giant mountain will be forced to come over.

This masked woman of the phantom family gave him a terrible deterrent. Now, seeing the dragon lizard ancestor, Singer, and the emoticon, all of them are fighting in the underground. The mask girl must feel that the timing is right, and she can’t help herself. I want to give him a good look.


A gold and iron interlaced sound, from the bones of Shiyan's body, a root of the cold and sharp bones, a pile of bone wings, one by one from his body.

When the body changed, he became mad, his life was fluctuating, and his body's strength changed.

His eyes are scarlet, and his body is full of enthusiasm. The numerous warriors in the surrounding area are mad, and they are gathered together in madness. A fierce light column rises from the top of his head like a blood-red giant tree.


His heart beats several times, such as the intensive drums. Every time he beats strongly, the blood seems to be burning in the boiling.

"Whirring whirring!"

With him as the center, the gravel and broken stars next to him suddenly floated from the dragon lizard star, tens of thousands of stones flew up, and suddenly flew in the void, faint stars and stars, a majestic star power, also I don’t know where to project it, and I’m injecting this star-like star map.


The strange star chart, came cold and extinct, a star that could destroy the star of life, and shot at the mask of the phantom.

The mask girl had long been smirked, and a pair of green scorpions were thoroughly stunned. Seeing that the starlight came through, the mask on her face was cracked as if it had been pressed.

"It’s so cold heart, it’s so hot to my sister, you can really destroy the flowers.”

The mask girl, the graceful and sultry, danced in the original place, and the enchanting **** woman phantoms flew out of her body. The women were dressed in tulle, holding a jade plate, or holding fruit, or Undressing, it is like the most beautiful fairy in the dream, and smiles and wraps around the stone.

Starlight shot down.

The illusion of a young woman is gone, and whenever a woman disappears, the power of the star will be reduced. The eyes of the mask woman are trembled, such as a little power.

In the end, the starlight did not fall, and it had been cleaned up. However, the enchanting woman who flew out of her body was still very tempted to tease, one after another, laughing and entangled, to pull him into the gentle town. Let him never wake up.

"Sister is kind, you bad boy is not aware of the lift, so that my sister's heart is broken. Well, my sister is helpless, can only ask you to take a trip with me, go to our phantom family to enjoy the wonderful, rest assured, my sister will not I am sorry for you, Xuan Tianzu can give you, my sister can give you, our enchantress woman, but more than the Xuan Tianzu woman, my sister promises you willing to return..."

The mask girl chuckled and watched the wonderful women entangled in the stone rock, and let out a sigh of relief.

Her "God Girl Man Dance" is a unique charm of the phantom family. It has magical effects on any male creature between heaven and earth, and it has almost no disadvantage.

She believes that under the entanglement of the goddess who is condensed with her soul consciousness, the man who is hard-hearted will be gradually melted, and will be embarrassed.

One enchanting "Goddess", such as the incarnation of the man's heart, came to him, fluttering to him.

Shiyan's eyes are hot, and if they move, they are stagnant there. They are armed with a enchanting "Goddess" with arms and thighs, and they are carrying the masked female.

The mask girl giggled.

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