God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1384: Dragon lizard

Shi Yan Xiang Xiang is in a sweet dream, unable to extricate himself.

In this dream, there is a clear and warm river. He bathes in the river, surrounded by a dozen smoldering ketone bodies, serving him with heart...

The enchanting family's spiritual charm is strictly not considered to be a mystery. It should be called a gift of talent. It is similar to the magic in the third eye of the Tianmu. The soul charm is only for the evil desires of the soul, and the man is hidden in the bottom of the heart and passed. To achieve the purpose of controlling people.

With Shiyan's tough nerves, it shouldn't be so unbearable, but he just broke through the immortal realm, and engulfed too many deaths with his body, so that the body filled with many negative emotions. The violent, killing, and ridiculous species were contained by him. It would not have affected him.

At this time, the mask woman suddenly dealt with him with spiritual charm, just like the thunder slammed the fire, and suddenly he suppressed the explosion, and doubled the madness, which instantly made him lost.

It can only be said that the mask woman's spiritual charm has chosen the most appropriate time.

The mask is as charming as a silky woman, and she smiles and smiles. The graceful figure dances, and a fascination stuns the ketone body from her body and tangles one by one.

Was involved in a temptation figure, Shi Yan waved like a smile, and took the initiative to the mask female.

"Sister will treat you well, as long as you follow the sister to the phantom family, my sister promises that you will not be happy. Come, my sister will take you away..."

The mask female voice is soft and soft, can penetrate the human mind and understand the sea. Some alien males in the far distance, listening to her voice are bloody, breathing extremely heavy, like trying to suppress the heart.

Soon, Shi Yan was entangled by the magical female water snake that she released, and she was brought to her in front of her.

"Awkward, aquarium things you can rest assured, our phantom family will inevitably take care of you." Mask girl grinning, she saw the desert is also a strange face. Knowing that she was influenced by her spiritual charm, her heart was disdainful, and she said with a smile on her face: "I don't get involved in the things here. Well, your aquarium will leave early."

Her white neck was raised high, looking cold, dark and nowhere, silently summoning something.

"call out!"

A dazzling glare came through. The glare dissipated. A chariot made of colorful crystals was displayed, and the chariot was awakened by a shuttle, flashing like a star.

She is moving. It fell on the chariot, and Shiyan was framed by the illusionist, and also on the colorful crystal chariot.

"Walk." Her jade hand slaps a bit.

Colorful crystal chariots are like first-class stars. Instantly penetrates the dark, and wants to leave the right and wrong.


The roar of the body of the dragon lizard ancestors suddenly came from the depths of the earth, and the 16 meteorites scattered on the outer edge of the mainland, like the bombardment of the hedgehog, instantly splashed hundreds of millions of thorns, those thorns are hot like fire, meteors Boom to the dragon lizard continent.


That colorful crystal chariot was instantly smashed into a horse's nest by the flames. There are countless thumb thick holes.

"Hey!" The inner core of the chariot was destroyed and suddenly stopped.

The mask female eyes are cold, cold and cold looking down to the dragon lizard continent, the fierce jade hands suddenly tighten the stone rock arms, they want to body flying, wearing the fire and rain thorns drowning, away from the dragon lizard continent.


In the depths of the earth, there was an explosion that destroyed the land. The dragon lizard's continental block splits. In a very short period of time, the continent splits into countless pieces of meteorites, and the entire dragon lizard turns into a meteorite sea.

A behemoth with a length of tens of millions of meters and a red body like a flame stone. When the mainland splits, it highlights the tip of the iceberg. Give the spine a surface.

The red-red back, like the endless mountains, runs through hundreds of rocks, the backs swaying, and the meteorites burst.

Immediately, the real body of the behemoth is completely revealed. It is a red crimson lizard, a red-flame scale, the head looks like a dragon, dragging a mountain-like long tail, the tail flames linger, the giant lizard mouth, a magma Such as a wide river spurting out.

This is the body of the dragon lizard ancestors! This is the real dragon lizard!

The dragon lizard came out, and the illusion of the giant liz, which fought with the giant crocodile, suddenly shrank to a point, and the red eyes of the dragon lizard like a star were hidden.


The dragon lizard screamed in the sky, and there was a magma in the whistling sound, as the meteor slammed into the sky.

Taking advantage of Shiyan’s enchanting masks and females, the colorful crystal chariots were turned off. They had not yet had time to leave, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the magma fire. Her eyes changed dramatically and immediately operated the righteousness. Quickly weave into a curtain.

The bright and colorful curtains wrapped her and Shi Yan together and were not affected by the magma.

However, it seems that it is not a one-time thing to rush out of the magma.

- She was temporarily tied up.

Overlooking the bottom, she saw the first part of the dragon lizard. There were two small humanoid spots. When I looked closely, it was the emoticon and the Yayun couple. At the moment, the two men also looked at her and looked at her. Obviously a bit bad.

She was stunned and moved, and went to search for the traces of Singer. She immediately found that Singer was so embarrassed that she returned to the giant crocodile and the murderous soul. At the side of Singer, the seven evil spirits all condensed together. There are five fierce souls dying, and the size is at least three times smaller.

The five murderous souls of dying are as Singer sinks into the ground and wants to kill the dragon lizard.

Now, at first glance, it is clear that Singer has suffered a big loss, not only has not got what he wants, but he has been hit hard.

"Dragon lizard, why is this?" Singer's eyes flashed, his face pale, his mouth, chest, and blood on his back. He sat on the top of the crocodile's murderous spirit. He said: "You and the emoticon, Yayun I also secretly counted me, and made me heavy, but how can this be? I am the soul of the lord, do you dare to kill me? You dragon lizard, is it really ready to destroy the family? Do you think the Xuan Tianzu can keep you? ”

"Dragon lizard! I am not interested in the dispute between you and the soul family. I no longer want to trade with you. I just want to stay away from this place as soon as possible. Why are you blocking me? Do you want to establish our phantom family as an enemy, you Can you eat it?!" There is nowhere, the mask of the phantom family is deep in the magma river, and the alum is cold and the voice is shouting.

At this moment, many small ethnic interracial people have quietly retired and left, knowing that what is happening now is not something they can join in.

There are also very few, still hiding in the dark, or watching in the faraway places.

These people are the real strong, at least the immortal two heavens, and the immortal triple heavens are five or six. Their race may not be able to compete with the soul, the Xuantian, and the phantom, but they are personal, but they have Qualifications and the power of the dragon lizard ancestor, Singer and others.

Many of them have moved quietly and flew away from the meteorite that has become a rocky sea, quietly approaching the masked woman.

Their attention is on the body of Shiyan. I want to grab the stone rock from the mask woman and fight for... the first-line opportunity to break through the domain ancestors!

"Let the stone rock down, I will let you leave, and give you an immortal Dan." The dragon lizard ancestors sounded like a thunder and lightning, his star-like red-eyed eyes, staring at the mask female, then the skull A turn, and look at Singer, said: "Singer! Anyone can go, you can't think of going away! This is why I try my best and kill you!"


The dragon lizard's giant claws waved and twisted a giant mountain-like meteorite, and went to Singh.

The rock was dark and hard, and under the infusion of his body, he was afraid that he could smash the small star of life. His giant claws fell, and the sky was bright, giving him a strong deterrent.

Singer’s face is chilly. “You really don’t know how!”

The giant crocodile under him suddenly shouted, temporarily engulfing the remaining five weak murderous souls, and instantly swelled his volume strength by three times. The giant crocodile was faintly concealed toward the essence.

If the giant crocodile is made of black iron, it is dark as ink, and it is thick and sultry. It is emitted from the giant crocodile. Under the instinct of Singer, the giant crocodile screams and madly rushes out. With the body hard to bear the smashing of the meteorite, the body actually sparked gold and iron sparks.

Really become an entity!

"Kill him!" Singer screamed, the giant crocodile roared and rushed to the body of the dragon lizard, while Singh himself sneered, took the bell and shook the bell.


Inside the huge meteorite under the crowd, there was a shattering sound, and the refining soul of the Soul was bursting out and suspended at the top of Singh.

The three-legged giant tripods are like mountains and rivers, rolling slowly on the top of Singh's head. The wonderful and deep sacred runes are flashing. The runes are like a wonderful soul. They are cultivated in the realm of Singer and can see the souls of those runes. The fierce breath is slowly condensing.

"We have a discussion." Singer suddenly looked at the mask girl of the Phantom of the Opera, saying: "You and I will work together to deal with the dragon lizard, Xuan Tianzu, after that, the kid you take away, I want the dragon lizard and the emoticon, couple The life, the female companion next to the kid, the two immortal Dan in the hands of the dragon lizard, also belong to you, how?"

As soon as this statement came out, the dragon lizard ancestors suddenly became angry and irritated, and the emoticons were also shaking their hearts.

The mask of the phantom family is bright and giggling. "This proposal is quite good. I am also very interested. My ancestors will not let me go. It is easy... I will stay."

She looked cold and shouted: "Singh, the dragon lizard ancestors are yours, emoticons, couples, I will help you!"

Singer was overjoyed and couldn’t help but laugh.

His own strength is slightly less than that of the dragon lizard. Because he was hit **** the ground, even if he added the spirit of the Taishou spirit, he could not cope with the dragon lizard and the emoticon. However, if he added the mask of the phantom family, he The situation will be reversed immediately!

He has already detected it, knowing that the mask girl's realm is exquisite and exquisite, and the strength is unfathomable.

The two sides joined forces to take the life of the dragon and the lizard, to supplement the soul of the refining soul, to fulfill the promise of the strong in the family, and to get Audrey to obtain the whereabouts of the wilderness, and then enter the wasteland refining wasteland and discard the stone. Rock exchanges so much, it is worthwhile to see this sale.

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