God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1390: Yeouido


At this moment, Shiyan is really on the verge of a life.

In the icy, dark, vain domain, the rock is turned into a starlight, twisted and worn, sometimes disappearing, and blind spots pass through many spaces, making the lock of the mask woman temporarily invalid, and the starlight is sometimes invisible. No trace can be found, in the Xinghai, such as the integration of nothingness.

He didn't dare to rest for a moment.

The phantom family mask woman, like his shadow, is chasing after the shadow. Whenever he relaxes a little, the shadow will come close, and a thorough chill will be locked in.

Every moment, he felt from the masked woman that he hated him and killed him.

Long-term pursuit, did not kill a little of her intolerance, did not let her give up a trace of distracting, but more determined her determination!

"Giggle, good brother, don't run, my sister sincerely treats you, why bother to hide Tibet and waste energy. Besides, you are destined to escape, your cultivation is the realm, how long can you sustain the consumption of power, you always have the power to dry up The day."

The mask is a woman who smiles and smiles. The temperature is soft and soft. It can be heard in Shiyan’s ear, which is even more terrible than the cold knife.

The mask of the phantom family, the inner hatred is like the flood of mountains and rivers, the more it condenses, the softer and softer her laughter is, and she hopes to let Shiyan relax.

A person who is a superb space for the righteousness, if he is escaping, is simply a nightmare for the chaser.

And Shiyan, not only cultivated exquisite, strength, ambition, resilience, decisiveness, and alertness are all outstanding. In this long chasing consumption, the mask women are secretly admire, and the toughness and pure power of Shiyan show their power. .

Shiyan is clearly just breaking through the immortal realm. With this degree of cultivation and divine power, in this long consumption, it should have dried up and died.

Until now. Shiyan is still alive and alive, and there is no tendency for the gods to exhaust their power.

This surprised the mask girl.

She did not know that on the dragon lizard continent, because of her sizzling killings, many lurking interracial people died, and those death spirits were absorbed by Shiyan caves. The reason why Shiyan was supported on this road, All of them are supplemented by the power of the purification of the essence of the death, so that he can measure the ability, and can always be the gods of ancient trees.

just. Today, the power of his body after purification is gradually exhausted.

There is no cultivation along the way. Without gathering power, he is always consuming, and more power, there is a day of exhaustion.

He and the mask girl gradually became more resilient. In the moment of patience and patience, he found no further feedback on the power of the hole. He decisively swallowed the two meditation gods presented by Yayun. When the medicinal body melted, a new force was full of vitality.

He is once again alive and kicking.

Moreover, he also deliberately revealed the trace. Immediately tearing the front space curtain, and suddenly disappeared.

The face of the mask was cold, just as she found signs of depletion of the rock. Shi Yan once again had a lot of divine power, which greatly affected her confidence.

On the mainland of the dragon lizard, she was attacked by Shiyan, and was injured by the blasting snow lotus in the middle of the boundary. She also lost a lot of power. After a long pursuit, to the present. Her power is also very depleted.

If she is not in the triple realm of immortality, the strength is pure and pure, and I am afraid that it will not be enough.

She is not reconciled!

As the strong man of the immortal peak, he tried his best to chase a young Wuwu who was immortal. If he could not succeed, it would be a shame of his life!

Therefore, she struggled to bear more trauma, and she still insisted on biting her teeth and insisted on afflicting Shiyan to death.

Shi Yan’s heart was in a hurry for the first time.

The two condensed gods are his last strength, but the power of the two condensed gods is exhausted, and he can only continue to escape through the ancient trees of divine power.

Along the way, every time a short space teleportation takes a lot of power. If it weren’t for the purifying power in those caves, he would have been exhausted and died. Now, he found that the mask girl is still chasing. If you don't give up, you can only keep moving, otherwise you will be caught up.

Feeling the passing of the divine power in the body, he knows that as the mask woman said, he is afraid that it is finally difficult to escape.

The mask woman of the phantom family, who first saw him to understand the dark energy, was ready to bring him into the phantom family, ready to treat him as a male guest. However, when the mask woman of the phantom family later found out that he had merged the soul of the early birth, he changed his mind.

The mask woman is in the realm of immortality. Like the dragon lizard, she only understands the true meaning of dark energy and can break through the domain ancestors.

As long as he kills and refines, he will inspire the memory of the soul of the firstborn, and the mask woman can take the opportunity to break through the domain ancestors! This is obviously more tempting than treating him as a guest of the phantom family, so he can only escape now, or he will be smelted to death.

In the imaginary domain, meteorites, broken stars, broken mountains and islands, and dusty islands are scattered all over the place.

Here, you can see the fragments of a continent, a huge island floating in it, suddenly flashing in the shadow of the front, the island is white, very horrible, at the moment when the island emerges, if there is a power flash Let the island hide again.

Shi Yan was keen to catch the anomaly. He was slightly indulged and suddenly rushed to the island.


Breaking through the layers of white fog, he suddenly flashed on the island, smashing hundreds of times of gravity, he was like a meteor meteorite, crashed down and squatted on the island.

Break the island into a cave.

Climbing out of the cave, he ran power, floated again for dozens of meters, looked at the vast land, looked at the mountains and rivers, and looked horrified.

The island is huge, about ten times bigger than the undead island. At first glance, the entire island is covered with white skeletons. The skeletons are humanoid, there are fierce animals, and there are all kinds of interracial people, most of them. The bones are incomplete, fragmented, scattered throughout every part of the island, faintly, as if there are several epiphyseal areas, and also form a special formation.

When he looked around, the masked female of the phantom family also came to the top of the island.

The island in her eyes is different. She went to see it and found that the whole island is like a huge gimmick floating in the void, and there are two empty eyes and big mouths. It is three deep caves. ......

The huge island like a gimmick, swaying, releasing bursts of undulations, what the **** is adjusting, as if it can isolate the line of sight.

"The Baigu's Yeouido..."

The female eye of the mask appeared in amazement. She hesitated, knowing that this island belongs to the territory of the Baigu tribe. If it enters, it may cause disputes and may also offend the Baigu people.

However, she is not willing to go all the way to the present, she can not give up.

Slightly hesitant, she suddenly called the right color: "The phantom family charm Ji, something to go to the island, I do not know which friend of the Baigu family on the island?" She confided her name for the first time, toward a suspended Shantou giant island, The identity is indicated.

The island is still flickering, and the two empty eyelids are flashing with strange colors.

No one responded.

"That is offensive." Charm Ji thought about it, and shouted, and immediately rushed to Shantou Judao.

Crossing the white mist layer, her moving figure also descended on the island. Under the gravity of hundreds of times, she was still floating in the void, like a fairy, and a pair of cold eyes, searching around. .

She did not catch a glimpse of the stone rock.

With a cold cry, she searched with her soul. God knows like a meticulous net, shrouded from the sky, and captures any subtleties.

The skull of the skull is the surface of the island, and numerous white bones are scattered and divided into pieces.

At this moment, when Charm Ji releases the soul consciousness search, because of the turbulence of the soul force, such as the activation of a certain secret magnetic field, only three scattered bones gather, and those bones faintly exude the luster of white, a strange and gloomy Breath, uploaded from those bones.

Looking from the outside, you will find the empty eyelids of the giant skull, suddenly flashing the white sensation of the enchanting light, the light flashed away.

"I am looking for someone, I will not bother you to practice, please don't be surprised."

Charm Ji seems to be extremely scrupulous to the Baizhu ethnic group. When the soul searched, it also screamed to show that he was not malicious, but there was no way to come up.

"call out!"

The graceful body of Charm Ji, suddenly swept, flew toward a white bone.


The bones are shattered, and the hidden body of Shiyan suddenly appears, and immediately runs the righteousness, and it has to be teleported.


A strange energy, suddenly came out from the top of the white mist, the space is bound by layers of clouds, his space is arrogant, and can not build a bridge of teleportation.

He stayed in the same place, watching the enchanting look of the charm, and the madness in his eyes suddenly appeared!

"Then fight for a fight!"

As a beastly animal whispered, his power did not stagnate, but instead bursted out with full force, and in a moment stimulated the power of blood, the back of the bones frustrated, a thorny armor covered with the whole body, all potentials were stimulated.

He made up his mind that he will have no reservations in this battle! Death, devouring the righteousness will be fully motivated, in order to save his life, he will do whatever it takes!

A fierce temper, suddenly overflowing from his body, his thoughts change, immediately take the lead in life and death, quickly form the soul of death!

Surprisingly, in the countless white bones, there are hundreds of thousands of white spots, and the light spots, such as fireflies, like raindrops, all converge toward him.

The charm of the singer, the eyes of a chaotic, can not help but frown: "I have said that I have no intention to bother, this person I squatted and left, will not stay a second!"

She thought it was the Baigu people on the island, and suddenly shot, those energy spots that flew from the bones, she did not think it was related to stone rock.

Yeouido has no voice response.

Charm Ji snorted, and no longer talked about it. Su Baiyu's hand, like a smart snake, suddenly grabbed the head of Shiyan.

The coldness of the forest is like a glacier. It comes from the bones and penetrates into the rock and limbs. His body is frozen.

......(To be continued) RQ{飘天天文学www.ptwxz.comThank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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