God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1391: Xiao Yan


Hundreds of millions of white light spots, from the countless white bones fly out, all flocked to the stone rock.

The icy, gloomy little energy wandered around the rocky rock and merged with his soul burial ground, letting him suddenly have control over this novelty.

At this moment, the phantom family charm shot, her plain white arm is caught, such as a smart snake.

Infiltrating the ice cold of the soul altar, the stone rock slammed into the bones. He could see the body slowly freeze, and the surrounding space was frozen. The bones with white feet became Crystal popsicles are generally.

- All were sealed by the power of the charm of Ji Jihan.

Charm Ji is a genie of the phantom family. She is good at the charm of the soul. She talks with people and smiles. The graceful posture is hot and attractive, giving her the illusion of her slutty.

However, in essence, her inner sin is cold and harsh, and the real cultivation is also cold and cold. Usually, she only uses the soul charm, which is enough to kill the opponent. When treating Shiyan, because Shiyan’s willpower is strong, there is a source flame. With the help, she has no choice but to be truly loyal.


The sound of freezing is not coming, the charm of the eyes is cold, and the posture of the monks is also very cold.


The billion-year-old white light spot on the side of the stone rock is frosted under the force of freezing and chilling, and a thick layer of frost wraps the stone rock body.

However, the stone in the frost stone is extremely bright, and the soul of the mind is completely unaffected.

His fingernails are like sharp knives, and the **** is twisted, and the frost is cold, and it is suddenly injected into the inside of his fingers.


With both hands and tears, the frost was unsealed, and the power of pure silence was shot from his two fingers.

Ten Dawson white fire, such as the chains of the soul. Ignore the layer of chill infiltration, entangled into the charm of the white 皙 皙 玉 玉 。 neck neck.

Charm Ji's eyes are cold, and he sighs: "I am the enchantress of the phantom family. I have already said that I have no intention of disturbing. If you have been secretly deceiving, help this kid to deal with me. I will not give you the face of the Bone!"

The smell of the ten Daosen white fire, cold and sinister, clearly is the unique atmosphere of the Baigu tribe, so she mistakenly thought that someone was helping Shiyan. Therefore, Shiyan can show such a powerful force.

In the cold drink, Charm Ji spit out an ice lotus, and the lotus petals are crystal creamy white. The chill is deep, the inside of the petals, and a cluster of snow-white flames swaying, such as the fluctuation of life.

The ten Daosen was white and fire, and wanted to avoid the ice lotus. However, it was attracted by a cluster of flames inside the ice lotus flower. It was separated from the stone rock and the heart was entangled in the ice lotus. The crystal ice lotus came with a crisp and pleasant sound, like a spring water. Gradually weak in the strange sound, slowly disappearing...


A scarlet **** sea, such as a dragon out of the abyss. Roaring from the front of Shiyan's chest.

The scarlet **** sea emptiness becomes a demon **** of killing and killing, high hundred feet, body wide as a mountain, and a pair of giant claws such as red iron anchor. Suddenly banged, straight down the charm of the head.

The charm of Mei Ming is amazing. Condensed to see the giant statue of the demon **** condensed with blood sword, the heart is darkly shocked: actually the secret magic acrobatics of the black devil, what is the origin of this kid, how to master all kinds of rare Austrian 诀...

She raised her hand and grabbed it. On the other hand, the ice mirror suddenly flashed. The ice mirror reflected countless ice, and the ice blazed, like a knife splash.

The giant devil of the demon **** came down and banged on the ice-cold prism. He only heard a loud noise, and the ice prism did not move.

Charm Ji did not look at the prism, the graceful body water snake generally twisted a few times, suddenly, a thick thick ice wall, from the foot of Shiyan, the top of the head, around the condensed flash, and instantly squeezed, he will give Suddenly tied up.

"There are a lot of tricks, but although you have dark energy, you don't know how to use it to exert real power. Otherwise, it is really not a simple matter to kill you." Charm Ji smiled and finally came to the stone. In front of the rock body, the jade hand pressed on one side of the ice wall.

The number of colds has skyrocketed!

The ice wall was completely formed into a quadrangular ice block, and the rock was frozen in it.

The veins, bones, nerves, and consciousness were frozen at the moment. He even stopped thinking, and even the altar was frosty!

Into a living ice sculpture!

Charm Ji showed a satisfactory color, and he secretly sighed with relief. He said: "If I am finished, I will not bother. If my friend is free, I will come to the phantom family later. The charm will be personally received."

She went to the empty space of Yeouido, and took a ritual with the ceremonies of the phantom family. She immediately stuck the huge square ice with one hand and left the island. After leaving the land, she slowly refining the stone. Let her gain an opportunity to break through the realm of the domain.

When she is ready to leave, if someone looks out from the outside, they will find a faint glow from the hollow eyelids of Yeouido.

That girl, if suddenly wake up, if she has life!


Two snow-white bone dragons, hundreds of meters long, flew out of the empty eyelids of the skull.

The bone dragon is covered with white skeletal bone. The dragon's eye is inlaid with strange gems. The body is white and crystal clear. When it flies out, it will go straight toward the charm.

A snow-white bone dragon spurts, and a green and secluded swamp river emerges. The smell of sour inside is soaring, which is obviously poisonous.

Another skull dragon, the bones fanned, and the front blade hurricane formed a storm, which was swayed by two tornadoes, and the target was also charm.

Charm Ji heart bottom Mori cold, could not help but sighed: "My phantom family and you Baigu people have always been a river without water, you dare to poison my hands, but to provoke disputes between the two communities?!"

Yeouido still has no response.

Charm Ji took a deep breath and immediately calmed down. Her eyes gradually became dignified and she had to drop Stone Rock first.

The dangerous atmosphere of the two snow-white bone dragons is not weaker than the emoticons and Yayun couples, and she also knows the bone slaves of the Baigu tribes, who do not know the pain, fear of death, and can detonate at any time. Terrible embarrassment.

If she is at the peak, even if she is rocking her hand, she is not afraid of these two skull dragons.

But now...

In the dragon lizard was hit by the explosion in the middle of the stone rock, and after such a long time chase, she is in a very bad state, and even half of the power during the heyday does not have a distraction to the enemy. The rock is separated from the island.

Among the square ice cubes, the stone rock has completely become an ice sculpture, and the gods and souls are temporarily frozen.

There is only one position, and there is a fine microwave movement. It is the fire layer of the sky. The fire sea formed by the cluster of skyfire has not really extinguished from beginning to end. The sea of ​​fire slowly burns, gradually waking up his deputy soul, let His frozen second soul gradually turned up.

Two snow-white bone dragons, spewing poisonous, set off a storm, and shocked and attacked the charm Ji.

Charm Ji’s righteousness, the body is cold and cold, the ice skates, the ice ribs, the ice swords, and the ice storms are all displayed together, just like the two snow-and-bone dragons fighting, the new mask is also torn, and the clothes are also More rupture, the snow muscles flashed a jade-like luster, and the ketone body was extremely hot.

Unfortunately, the bone dragon does not understand her **** beauty, the stone rock that appreciates it, is frozen, and the consciousness has not yet woken up.

The giant island of Shantou is as dark as the abyss. At this time, the strange squirming, a small body, climbed out of the big mouth, and jumped in the direction of the charm.

He jumped and could cross the distance that the bone dragon could not fly. Baisensen’s bones fell heavily, and the entire island was violently shocked.

This is a small cockroach with a height of only about one meter. The whole body is white, and each bone is crystal-clear like jade. It shines with a luster, giving a very strange feeling. In the Baigu ethnic group, this height is only Children, there is still a long time from adulthood.

He jumped at a speed, but it was very fast, and he was getting closer and closer to the charm.

The Baigu people are a very special race. Their children are not born through the mother's physical body. Every newborn white bone baby is “refined” by the parents!

The parents gathered countless bones, looking for the bones of powerful creatures, and quenching them with the "bone pool" of the Baigu people. This process is hundreds of years, many thousands of years!

Through the "bone pool", the absorption of energy in hundreds of millions of white bones accumulates and accumulates, and then slowly forms a young white bone child. After the formation of the bones, the parents and the souls of the parents will pay for the parents and the energy and energy. Form a seed of life, immediately implanted on the child's bones, and after many years of combination of life seeds and bones, a true white bone newborn is truly formed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Bole is the most difficult race in the world.

The birth of a white bone child can take at least a few thousand years, and a little longer, tens of thousands of years are possible.

The children of the Baigu family are born so hard and naturally different from ordinary people after birth.

Generally speaking, if the parents of the Baigu ethnic group are sufficiently powerful, and the tempered bones sought are also scarce, then the child’s body shape will be very scary, and even reach the strength of the body of the immortal warrior. If the parents’ souls are Very exquisite and profound, the seeds of life formed by the soul will be extremely extraordinary.

Generally speaking, the children of the Baigu people are born at least at the kingdom of the king.

Parents are powerful, children are born to be virtual gods, there are also many sources of realm, even the beginning of God, may be formed at the moment of the activation of life seeds.

At this moment, the little white bone child who jumped to the charm of Ji, the skull of the little girl, has numerous mysterious and mysterious runes, which is faintly branded as a rune in the beginning. It is very wonderful. He will come all the way to the island. They all slammed into the earthquake.

The strength of the kind of foot bones is simply amazing. I am afraid that it is difficult for many immortal powers to reach!

This little sly, at least reached the immortal realm! Such a small age, such a high level of cultivation, do not know what his parents are!

......(To be continued) RQ{飘天天文学www.ptwxz.comThank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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