God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1392: Transfer!


A crystal-clear, white and thin cockroach suddenly descended from the sky and fell into the middle of the two skulls.

Just staring at the bone dragon of the charm Ji smashed and biting, suddenly shrinking, such as the stunned wolf dog generally retreated, kneeling under his feet, the bones of the eyeballs flashed to please the charming color.

Meiji Ji stayed, Ming Hao was surprised, she looked at this little white bone child, and the cheeky and seductive cheeks appeared to be shocking.

She has a deep understanding of the birth of the Baigu people. She is very clear that even the two bones of men and women who are immortal peaks spend a lot of energy and think about "born" such a terrible child.

From this little white bone child, she perceives a very terrifying wave of volatility, which makes her faint and uneasy.

Charm Ji was scared for the first time.

She looked at the island in the awe of her, and she was cautious and dignified, and she no longer dared to act rashly.

The parents who can "refine" such a strong child, the horror of the realm is simply unimaginable. If it is really on the island, these characters must be the most powerful traits among the Bone ethnic group.

The whole body is white and white, and there is no flesh in the whole body. The eyelids are inlaid with stars and strange gems. The gems are red and white, respectively, releasing the meaning of hot and cold, and staring at his eyes, the charms are secretly scared. .

Xiaoyan has a core of nucleus, which is made up of a glowing, unidentified object. The core of the heart is the source of the power of the Baigu people, just like other ethnic elite trees.

The formation of the heart nucleus is very complicated, and it is related to the activation of the seed of life. It is also related to the material of "refining". The power contained in this little heart core seems to be endless, making Mei Ji feel that this child is mysterious.

"Hey, let's go!"

The two skulls squatted with their mouths, and they were like pet dogs. They described the body in front of the little cockroach and the bones swayed.

The eyes of Xiao Xiaoxing, shining and shining, listening to the description of the bone dragon, suddenly looked at the frozen rock.

One of his red eyes, "Peng" ignited the flame, and the high temperature carried the light wave through it and instantly fell on the ice.

Ice cubes condensed by the power of the charm of Ji Jibing, such as ice cream, are roasted in the fire, melted into ice water, and the stone rock is immediately restored. The spirit and the body are regaining strength.

He glanced at his eyes and his face was shocked and he couldn't help but scream.

He refined the stars and has a precise understanding of the Sun Star and the Moon Star. The eyes of the little ones are red and white. It is clearly the star of the Sun and the Moon. It is made of red eyes like gems. Inside, he sensed no less than ten solar heats!

It’s terrible!

He believes that if this small cockroach can detonate the sun inflammation of the left eye, it is enough to burn hundreds of life stars into ashes, enough to turn the immortal realm into coke.

The horrible and sultry sensation of the inflammatory energy caused him to be uneasy in the fire of his mind. Under the gaze of the eyes, the blood was evaporated.

This is still the case when the other party is extremely restrained.

In the same way, the eyes of this little sister are also made of the moon star, which is cold and cold, and implies some kind of wonder.

"He is the captive of my pursuit, child, can your parents be there? I am the charm of the phantom family. I don't want to have any misunderstanding with your Baigu. I am a bit wrong, but it is not a problem, but it is also a matter. If you have to, please please..."

Charm Ji sees that Xiaoyan lifts the ice of Shiyan, and the mind is in a mess, and the explanation of the soft words is busy.

At this moment, her mask was torn, her clothes were broken, and her slim waist and white legs were white and tender, and the looming beauty made anyone's blood spurt.

However, it is obviously not effective for the little cockroach. Xiao Yan’s eyes are turning and his eyes are turning on the stone rock, and he does not care about the explanation of the charm.

Shi Yan’s feelings are wrong, and he obviously senses the subtle volatility, which emerges from the little cockroach, and is moving in the middle of him.

This little white bone child was actually in a unique way to gain insight into his body's mystery. The strange fluctuations, in his veins, blood, sea, and altar wandering around, seems to have found many wonderful things.

Charm Ji's charming face is quite embarrassing. This kind of disregarded feeling makes her always arrogant to treat others, and she has a sense of shame.

But she dare not attack.

She did not know whether there would be a small parents sitting in the inner island of this island. If there is, then the realm must exceed her, she can't perceive it, naturally... and can't compete.


After a long time, Xiao Yan points to Shi Yan, and his mouth makes a strange noise, like what is said.

Shi Yan suddenly, shaking his head again and again, "I don't understand."

In the language memory that the Miao people passed to him that day, there was no such language. This Xiaoyan said that it was obviously not a lingua franca, and he naturally could not know.

Even the charm of the phantom family is also extremely confused. The slender and beautiful frown is tightly locked. After thinking for a long time, it is clear, "the language of the old generation Baigu!" She will point a green ring on her head. Suddenly pressed on her forehead, the oil green light rippled out of the ring and disappeared in her mind.

"He is my person!" Charm Ji immediately understood the words of Xiao Yan, angered: "You let him go with you? Why?"

She is talking about lingua franca. It is obvious that the little cockroach can understand, so he will look away from Shiyan and revisit the charm.


From his mouth, he spit out a series of quirky language. He seemed to be a little angry and his eyes were full of luster.

Charm Ji Han cold face, white neck shaking, shaking his head again and again, "No! He is my person, I don't care what you have, this guy, I have to take it away! Your child knows nothing? Your parents did not teach Have you ruled?"

The little sister was just annoyed, but there was no immediate attack. When he heard the charm, he mentioned his "parents", such as igniting his angry volcano.

There was a low voice in his mouth.

The shock and horror fluctuations came from inside the island, and if he was snorted, he activated the mysterious map.

The mysterious runes on his white skull, such as the stars shining, immediately, a star-like light spot, appeared on his bones, slammed, like the hole in his body, quite For the magic.

However, Shi Yan, but his eyes are greatly increased, showing strange light.

He is proficient in the space, and at first glance, the star-like light spots are a magical star! It was the star after the refining, and it became the little dragonfly. At this time, the shining stars are all the waves of the stars!

This little sister, like him, is also proficient in the stars!

"What do you want to do?!"

Charm Ji is also secretly hairy, she is not afraid of Xiaoyan, is afraid of the old Baigu people who may be lurking inside the island.

What Xiaoxiao said is the language of the older generation of the Baigu people. In today's Baigu ethnic group, almost no one has used it. From this point of view, this little parents are extremely ancient and terrible, if they are really Underneath, let alone her charm, even if it is the arrival of her ancestors, it may not be the opponent.


A stream of light like a meteor, like a small tow, flew out from all corners of Yeouido.

The beams, such as the Milky Way, fell, and they all fell to the charm. Under the lock of those beams, the charm of the ketone body was frightened. She almost did not hesitate, and immediately sacrificed the snow lotus to wrap her body. Live, and run the cold and cold, with her as the center, the surrounding area is frozen.

In an instant, an ice peak stands up, and her graceful body is embedded in the ice peak.

Little 骷髅 骷髅 咔 咔 怪 怪 怪 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引 牵引The ice peak quickly melted under the heat of the beam.

Those meteor-like beams are also eager to move, waiting for the ice peak to melt, and will immediately attack.

Charm Ji secretly complained.

If she is in a state of fullness, the attack to deal with this level will never be so passive, but at this moment, she can only defend with all her strength and can't take the energy to fight back.

She knew that she was trapped, unless she exhausted the energy in the red light beam, otherwise she would like to come out safely from the ice peak.

Xiao Yan didn't pay much attention to her. She saw that she was temporarily trapped and her anger was a little bit weak. So she turned her back to Shiyan, and it was a strange language that was more than a hand-painted foot. Attitude is much better.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but you seem to take me somewhere, um, I have no problem." Shi Yan said indifferently.

The strength of this little Baigu tribe is not inferior to the charm of Ji, this place is also the island of the island, is the territory of the Baigu, this little guy really wants to be malicious, he can not escape, it is better to wait and see, change this small What do you want to do.

Shi Yan quickly figured it out.

Xiao Yan could understand his words, seeing that he promised to come down, his eyes lit up, and he pointed his mouth to the skull dragon.

The bone dragon whistling out, kneeling at the foot of Shiyan, Xiaoyan pointed to the stone rock, and pointed to the phalanx dragon, indicating him to go up.

"Okay." Shi Yan also cooperated, and calmly fell on the bone dragon, and found that the bones of the bone dragon were as moist as jade.

Xiao Yan got another skull dragon body.


The two skull dragons, respectively, stared at Shiyan and Xiaoyan, disappeared from the sight of the charm, and flew in the direction of the dark giant mouth of the skull. Soon they came to the huge abyss and drilled in.

Charm Ji Yan looked at Shi Yan was taken away, there is no way, the heart hates.

The red-red beam, like the flame wire, burned to her condensed ice peaks, and there was a circle of meteor beams on the outer layer of the ice peak. The beam power was terrible, just waiting for the ice peak to melt and score, causing heavy damage to her body. .

"Damn! Who is the child, how can it be so abnormal!" Charm Ji dark, thinking hard about the outstanding figures of the old generation of the Bone, the more I think the more upset.

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