God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1393: Parental heart

The small bones of the Baigu people, with Shiyan all the way into the depths of the interior of the island, across the huge cave-like cave, Shiyan suddenly feels dark, nothing can be confused.

The bone dragon danced the bone wing, passed through a dim squat, and after a while, gradually white light appeared.

Such as a little bit of phosphorus on the bones.

Shi Yan’s mind was serene and calm, and he concentrated his eyes on the eyelids. The dim environment gradually became clearer.

The surrounding areas are all rock walls. The walls are gray and white. Look carefully at the decaying bones. On those rock walls, there are many mysterious arrays, such as sun and moon stars, mountains and lakes, and vivid images.

After a while, the bone dragon suddenly stopped, and the dark stone cave suddenly became bright.


The two skull dragons stopped at the same time and stopped in a huge stone room. This is the center of Yeouido. The stone chamber is extremely large, and there are forty-nine stone roads connecting the place. The stone roads are like huge gullies, connecting all directions of the island, inside the stone road. There are numerous gray bones piled up.

Those bones don't have a trace of energy, and Shiyan let go of the gods, and those bones are turned into ashes.

Inside the stone room, there is a sink-like ditch, which forms a huge pattern with cumbersome and unclear patterns. There are two stone sarcophagi in the center of the pattern. The stone sarcophagus is open. There is a huge bone pool in the center of the stone sarcophagus. It has already dried up and the ground is empty.

The little bones of the Baigu people are next to the two stone sarcophagis, and the eyes of the stars are sorrowful.

The atmosphere in the entire stone room was influenced by his emotions, haunting the feelings of sorrow and sorrow, his skull swaying and swimming in the sight of two stone sarcophagi.

Shi Yan silently stepped forward and took a look at the front and saw two stone sarcophagi. There are two men, one woman and two white bones.

The two white bones, apparently the parents of the children, are lying quietly, without life, and their bones are gray-brown, like the dead bones that have been eroding for many years.

Staring at the two stone sarcophagi, staring at the bone pool and watching it for a while, Shi Yan’s eyes were slightly bright.

On the body of the two sarcophagus, there is a long bone. Extending in the bone pool, as if to convey something to the bone pool...

Shiyan became more curious and looked at the surroundings carefully. It was discovered that the stone roads and sinks in the stone room were concentrated in the direction of two stone sarcophagi, and then the mysterious energy of some purification and refining was injected into the bone pool by two stone sarcophagi, which seemed to be gestating.

He looked at Xiao Yan. I quickly understood it.

Regarding the Baigu people's "refining" children, he heard a little from the population of Evelyn and other people. Now it seems that the parents of this child use the secret technique of the Baigu to condense the strength of countless bones inside the island. Quenching and condensing. Inject it into the bone pool.

Naturally, in order to condense the bones of the little cockroaches, after the formation of the small shins, the parents of the Baigu people do not know what is going on. It is like running out of your own vitality, in order to fulfill your own children, you finally sacrifice yourself.

In the meantime, there should be some unknown change, otherwise the couple will not sacrifice.

When he was thinking about it. The little man suddenly looked at him and pointed to the parents in Shijie. The sorrowful screaming of the mouth, what is said about Shiyan than the hand and foot.

Shi Yan couldn't understand his language, but he could guess what he meant and shook his head. "Your parents don't have a slight wave of fluctuations. They should... have lost their lives. I am afraid I can't do anything about it."

The small bones of the Baigu people shook their heads again and again, and the eyes released red, frosty and white luster, and the light fell on the gray-brown bones of the male white bones.

Surprisingly, a very weak soul wave suddenly flashed.

The little eyes blinked and pointed at his father's body, and the rock was called.

Shi Yan was shocked and stunned. He found that there was indeed a very weak soul fluctuation in the skull part of the Baigu man. It was only that the man’s vitality was exhausted. The weak soul wave was not enough to support him to wake up unless he The bones have a vitality.

Xiaoxie point to him, constantly stroking, and then lying in the bone pool, the body released a vitality, the vitality from the bone pool connected to the white bone of the stone, but failed to really penetrate the stone, not able Infused into his parents' body.

Shi Yan looked at it seriously, and suddenly realized that there was a strange emotion in his heart.

The stone chamber inside the island is a strange ancient array of white bones. A couple of white bones are born for their children, and they spend a lot of pains and sorrows. This strange array sends life energy through the stone shovel and injects into the bone pool. The bone pool is only part of the odd array.

There may be some kind of accident in the middle process. Maybe the child has some kind of accident. For the child's survival, the couple will spare their vitality to let the child survive and be born, but they will be weak until there is only one weak soul fluctuation. The power of all life in the body is not left.

Xiao Xiao sees his power to cultivate life. He hopes that he can change this method, let the bone pool infuse the power, and flow back into the two stone sarcophagi, so as to awaken the parents with the vitality of Xiaoyan.

"Poor parents in the world..." Shi Yan shook his head and sighed: "This strange array can only infuse vitality and come in. You can't guide your life energy to Shijie by your bone pool. Your parents may know you. I will do that in the future. They have not left you with the way to do this. They should not want you to wake them up at the expense of themselves."

Xiao Yan’s body is more sad, his mouth is wide open, and he even points to Shiyan, which is slightly anxious.

Shi Yan smiled bitterly. "It is true that I cultivate my life, but my realm is not enough. I can't tamper with this strange array. Well, but I can try it out with my life, see the energy of my life, can you give it to your parents? help."

Xiao Yan nodded again and again, his eyes were bright, and he was guilty and embarrassed to him, and he looked very funny.

"I can only try, you don't have much hope." Shi Yan leaned forward and reached out to touch the heart of the white bone man.

The core of the heart is supported by the power of the Baigu tribes. For example, the ancient tree of the gods of the martial arts, the heart of the white bone man, is in the shape of a diamond, and is carved with unadorned jade.

The core of the heart is cold, but there is no trace of energy fluctuations. Such as a pool of stagnant water.

Shiyan carefully, quietly running the life of the righteousness, a drop of blood condensed at the fingertips, the blood is full of vitality, as if there is a magical effect of the dead wood.


The blood fell on the heart nucleus, and the heart nucleus, such as a sponge, instantly sucked the blood, and the heart nucleus suddenly lit up, and a heartbeat came, and immediately, the sarcophagus lit up white light. A milky white luster, from the bones on the stone, fell directly into the bone pool. At the bottom of the depleted pool of the bone pool, there was a bit more viscous liquid.

"Hey, let's go!"

Xiao Yan suddenly screamed and yelled at the bottom of the pool. The sad one was going crazy.

Shiyan is also a stay.

He did not expect this pair of Baizhu parents to die before dying. Just remembering to let the children live, all the vitality that penetrates their body, and follow the original trajectory, through their gods, through the stone, through the white bones on the stone. Continue to inject into the bone pool.

Everything they did was for the little cockroaches in the bone pool, and they never thought about their own survival.

Shiyan is in another world. When his parents died young, he inherited many family wealth, but he did not really feel the kind of affectionate family. Since he debuted, he has rarely touched something. Today, he was deeply touched by the practice of two skeletons in the stone sarcophagus.

"As long as the energy is injected, it will re-enter the bone pool. They will do all the sacrifices they can make for you to survive!" Shi Yan took a deep breath and said: "This is not the case, try to take their bones from the stone." Move inside out, then I will try again, how do you see it?"

The little curled up and curled into the corner of the bone pool. It seemed to be silent and sobbing. It seemed helpless and sad. If you were desperate, and heard his advice, he would regain his strength and nod his head and jump out of the bone pool. Ready to move his father's body.

Just as he was ready to start, the island was shocked, and there was a strong energy fluctuation from the direction of Shiyan’s head.

Xiao Yan’s eyes showed extreme anger and irritability. After hesitating, he decided to go out and see, but he did not feel that Shiyan stayed, so he called the bone dragon and let the bone dragon go to the rock.

Shi Yan is also awkward, thinking that the charm of the phantom family is really amazing, even so quickly break free from bondage.


The surface of the skull of the island.

A cold and icy ice peak was entangled in the stream, and a red-red flame released an amazing heat, still melting the ice peak.

Inside the ice crystal, the charm of the charm is graceful, and the cheeks that charm the sentient beings are full of paleness, and a pair of eyes are frightened and uneasy.

She looks far upwards.

In the white mist above the head, two figures of the line slowly landed. It was the old man who was thin and dry and covered with a thick corpse.

They are dressed in bizarre green robes, with mysterious black hole patterns on the chest. The two are tall and thin like bamboo rafts. The eyes are green and faint. The skin is also greenish. The two arms are long and sturdy. There are only three green fingers on the palm, such as a knife like a sword.

Two pairs of green faint eyes, such as snakes, saw the prey, and suddenly looked at the charm.

The charm of the face changed dramatically. Just looking at the two people, they recognized their identity and their heart was cold.


After they landed, the island was hit by a huge earthquake. This huge earthquake was also felt by Xiaoyan and Shiyan in the inner stone chamber, not caused by the charm.

"People of the phantom family!" One of the old men, sullen and cold, walked toward the charm, and muttered to himself: "It was still funny because of the little hybrid."

"I am the charm of the phantom family, the friends of the two family members. I don't know what you are doing on this island. If you are also dealing with the Bone ethnic people on this island, maybe we will discuss it." A smile, affectionate money to see the two clan people, initiatively throwing olive branches.

It’s a pity that the two men didn’t have the feeling of joining hands, but they suddenly started to smash their hands.

The man who came over, Zhang mouth squirted a corpse condensed python, and drilled toward the bottom of the charm Ji Bingfeng. The python bite and smashed the bite of the ice, trying to bite the charm from the bottom.


Ps: Hey, today is a chapter. If tomorrow is not the end of the world, I will make up (unfinished.)

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