God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1395: Xuan Yin corpse


The white-white python is formed by the corpse, and the thick rope of the hand binds the charm.

The charm of the body is suspended in the sky in the island, the battle is difficult, a sigh of scorpion with the grotesque whistling of the python, have penetrated into her flesh and blood ketone body.

There are eight branches of the family, and they cultivate the eight evils. This Nazario and Bastos belong to the corpse. The division in this respect is consistent with the eight lines of bloodthirsty. Good at smelting slaves, some powerful corpses, even stronger than the master.

There are many ways to warden the corpse, and the corpse gradually penetrates into the body, gradually making people squat around the body, which is the basis of the corpse.

Bastos’s python, which is condensed by the corpse, is actually the strange treasure of refining the corpse in his hand. This singular treasure can gradually invade the body and change the vitality of any living creatures, so that it contains the corpse and is convenient. He smelt the body.

Once the body is eroded, it is gradually becoming a corpse, and the body and soul of the soul will be stiff and paralyzed. It is easy for him to take his mind and become a corpse without self-awareness.

Feel the infiltration of a corpse poison, the charm of the mind slowly breeds many illusions, and the mind is also stagnant.

Her abundance of luster gradually lost, and she became ignorant of her spirit. Even her original white skin was unhealthy.

She knows that this kind of python, which is metamorphosed, is eroding her with a corpse poison. She gathers the little reason left, suddenly biting the corner of her lips, and the two corners of her mouth show the blood marks that extend to the neck. The blood marks are shocking, such as scarlet. It’s amazing.


Her full bodied chest, a wave of cool turmoil, a shock in the heart.

A crystal snow lotus, the lotus petals are bloodshot, growing from her chest and wraping her graceful figure.

In the eyes of the charm, he recovered a trace of look, looking far away to the two phalanx, reaching out to the head of the python. The snake head is facing her chest snow lotus!

An ice cold front blade is now!

The head of the snake burst into smashing, and the corpse slammed into pieces, but it was only a glimpse. The corpses re-condensed and turned into smaller smoke, once again covering the charm.

Not far away, Bastos looked over with a cold eye and taunted: "I am tempted by your realm. It would not be easily bound by me. Unfortunately, you hurt too much, almost 30% of your power, how can you Confronting the gradual corrosion of my corpse?"

really. His voice fell, and the python, which was enchanted by the charm, once again condensed. Re-enclose the charm with the snow lotus.

Charm Ji condensed snow lotus, at the expense of the creation of the body, this failure will make it difficult for her to organize an effective attack again. Before she loses her language ability, she clearly stares at Xiaoxiao, weak and delicate: "I only I can try my best to distract him. I hope that you can kill these two people, hope you. Can hold on!"

She is very clear that it is difficult to counter any of Bastos and Nazario in her state. She can only hope that she can support her.

What she can do is simply not giving in, with only a small amount of power left in exchange for Bastos' distraction.

She didn't take a look at the stone rock. At this point, her survival is the first problem. Refining the fossil rock to help her break through the realm of the domain ancestor has long been an unattainable expectation, and she lacks spirit and does not want to waste her power on a useless junior.

Stone rock. In this battle, it is destined to be a small and insignificant role.

She thinks so.

Xiao Yan also thinks so. He turned his head and looked at Shiyan. The crystal snow-white arm twitched, indicating that the bone dragon would take the stone rock a little farther away, so as not to be served by the two clan people.


The skull dragon flew in the wings, and sure enough to avoid the battle with the stone rock flying far away.

The bone dragon put down the rock and re-flyed to the sky, floating next to the little dragon.


The cuffs of the Barstos green bubble, strange noises, and suddenly, a white worm, from his cuffs.

Those insects have many feet like a dragonfly. Each foot is magnified as a sharp sword. The insects are only the size of a thumb, but there are hundreds of thousands. After landing, they squirm and the speed is extremely fast. Climb in the direction of you.

The rock in the distance, with a wink, his face changed slightly.

Xuan Yin corpse!

As a new sage of bloodthirsty, Shi Yan is not proficient in the eight evil forces, but he is sure to know many secret techniques of the Eight Great Forces.

This Xuan Yin corpse is a kind of tempered foreign body of a cultivating corpse. It is a common corpse that passes the secret method and passes through the corpse of the foraging. After at least a hundred years, it can gradually become a sacred corpse. insect.

This kind of corpse is covered with chills and claws like a knife. It can easily break through the body of the warrior and directly dig into the body of the warrior to bite flesh and blood. Starting from the stomach and the organs, the inside of a warrior is swallowed and cleaned.

The powerful Xuan Yin corpse, not only invulnerable, but also invading the water, has the strange fluctuations that affect the mind and the sea. The corpses that flow from the crest of Bastos make a sharp whistling sound, all the way to the small scorpion. At that time, even Shiyan’s soul came with a sting, such as being stabbed by a thorn!

He immediately knew that these mysterious corpses were extremely difficult, and each refining was painstaking. At least hundreds of strong bones were swallowed and tempered for hundreds of years.

A Xuan Yin corpse is only the size of the finger, but Shi Yan knows that the Xuan Yin corpse has a great appetite. Even if it is one, it can also clean the body of a warrior in an hour.

So many Xuan Yin corpses come over, let alone the general creatures, even the huge monsters of the Tian Yaozu, I am afraid that they will not last long, they will be eaten without bones.

However, these Xuan Yin corpses seem to be restrained against the Baigu people.

The corpse poison, the power of swallowing flesh and blood, is useless to the little cockroach!

In front of the two skull dragons, Otaru looked at the sinister corpse of a place, and there was no such thing as escaping from the body. The corpse poison released by the sinister corpse, the bite of the corpse on his body, He didn't care, and it didn't work for him.

He looked up at Bastos and seemed to be doing nothing in the strange Bastos, which made him a bit puzzled.

"Hey." Bastos sneered, and the palms of his hands appeared in white light. His palms and hands were wonderfully fluttering from the palm of his hand, as two wonderful curtains became bigger and suspended above the corpse.

If the two strange images have magic power, they will violently smother those sinister corpses, and the sound of screaming and screaming will be heard.

The corpse instantly drowned the cockroach!

The sound of howling can tear the eardrum, and the stone face is cold, and it has to close the space with space to prevent the erosion of those sound waves.

Charm Ji, in the whistle of the whistle, nose, nose, eyes and ears are bleeding, the charming face is getting paler.

"My captive corpse can only disturb his soul and can't take his life. This little hybrid bone is extremely hard, the corpse is biting, or you need me to fight together." Bastos is After the little cockroach was drowned, he took a deep breath and said to Nazario, who was next to him.

"Of course, I am here to help you." Nazario nodded, coughing, and slowly heading toward Xiaoyan.


The two skull dragons suddenly violently bite and came to protect them.

Nazario looked calm and reached a little eyebrow, and his beginnings suddenly emerged from the top of his head...

The bones are like mountains and seas, and they are piled up in the endless world of the sky. The center of the world, the sea is vast, the sea is thick and thick like a corpse, and the bodies and stumps of hundreds of millions of peoples are floating on the sea. Broken arms, fingers, bursts Eyes and heads are all floating in the dead sea.

A strange white eyeball, the size of a fist, floated out of the corpse.

In the corpse of the sea, countless corpses condensed and turned into a white air into the eyeballs. The eyeballs were caught by him from the beginning of Nazario.


Holding the weird white-eyed beads, with the eyeballs facing the two skull dragons, Nazario screamed in the ancient language of the family.


The bones of the two skull dragons suddenly appeared in many fine cracks, such as the invisible sharp edge.


A skull dragon bursts and smashes, and when it falls, it becomes a broken bone.

Nazario frowned, avoiding the broken bones of the skull dragon and heading in the direction of Xiaoyan.

Along the way, those Xuan Yin corpses, as if they perceive the terrible smell of him, took the initiative to avoid it and gave him a path of the intestines so that he could reach the front of Xiao Xiao directly.

Bastos is suspended in the void, dedicated to the operation of the righteousness, two huge palm prints, such as the giant hand emptiness cover, igniting the violent screams of the black worms, so that they put pressure on the soul of Xiaoyan, and then by Nazar Leo shot, and took the opportunity to smash the bones of Xiaoyan.

Shi Yan looked at it quietly, and immediately started without an impulse. He stared at the actions of the two clan people and watched their ethical display.

When they were preparing to kill the little sorrow, his thoughts changed, and a strange wave of swaying from his position.

Like a burst of smoke, he suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already behind the body of the charm.

Charm Ji, facing the direction of Bastos and Nazario, these two people are also bent on killing Xiaoyan, not paying too much attention to him from beginning to end.

The movement that he disappeared was also ignored by the two. After reappearing, he was blocked by the charm of the body. The two men did not care too much about the charm, and naturally he could not see him behind him.

Bastos and Nazario did not pay attention to him, but the charm of Ji, but it was a fluttering body, keenly aware of his movements, his heart suddenly tightened, and the beauty of the breeding thirst.

I have to be killed by this little thief. It’s retribution, or at least better than falling into the hands of the two old geeks...

Charm Ji sighs secretly.

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