God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1396: Detoxification!

Charm Ji sighed, and for the first time regretted provoked Shi Yan, feeling that all troubles were caused by her greed.

Not to blame Shiyan, she will not be offended in the dragon lizard star dragon lizard ancestor, Xuan Tianzu emoticon couple, will not be forced to join forces with Singer, will not be hit by Shi Yan in the boundary of the boundary, attracted She was angry and attacked, and she was exhausted, and she also chased the white bones of the island.

Everything is self-defeating, and now it is forced to come up by Shiyan, and eventually it will end in tragic death.

Charm Ji regrets the death.

Daddy, a pair of slightly rough hands, suddenly pressed down on her bare back...

The hand was quite warm, and the glimpse of her beautiful back did not have a fatal impact. This made the charm of the genius move, and immediately gnawed up, biting her lip, and she pressed the voice very low and low: "Little thief! You are so daring, you are dead, and you have to take the opportunity to be thin?"

She thought that Shiyan would take advantage of her to take advantage of her.

"Light and thin you?" Shi Yan's tone behind him is cold. "I don't have that leisure! I only ask you, if I rescue you, you and me, how to solve it?"

"Rescue me?" Charm Ji felt that before he died, he also heard a good joke. "Is it by you? I will kill my body poison and help me break through this python. You think that you have reached the realm." Grandfather? You can see yourself too!"

In the charm of Ji, unless you reach the realm of the domain ancestors, otherwise I want to help her get rid of the situation at the moment!

The evil ethics of the phalanx has always been strange, and the corpse is even more sinister and sinister. It is slowly eroded by the corpse, and it is hard to recover from a short time.

Shi Yan is only a small warrior who is immortal in the realm of the heavens, and she is still seeing the recent breakthroughs. How can she be able to free her from the corpse?

It’s a big joke!

"You and I don't have much time, I will ask again, if I can save you. How do you solve my problems? You want to answer me again. If I am not satisfied with the answer, you will lose the only chance of survival. "The tone of Shi Yan behind him is cold and ruthless, but the words are powerful!"

Although she feels ridiculous, she feels that she is not tall and thick, and she says: "You must help me break through this deadlock. I am willing to practice myself. I will serve you once! I am a woman of the phantom family. It is the hope of all men, I promise. Let you enjoy endless wonderful!"

"I have never been interested in women who do their best." Shi Yan is cold. "But your attitude is still satisfying me..."

"Who do you say who can do it?!" Charm Ji's charming cheeks covered with frost, the sigh of the body trembled, cold channel: "My enchantress woman is naturally proficient in the charm of the soul. But all are self-cleaning, If I can get active, I will cut your tongue first!"

"Everything has fallen so far, and there is still a prestige, unreasonable woman." Shi Yan sneered.

The next moment, the charm of Ji Ji suddenly a tight, she found that the rough big hand, swimming from her back, falling to her sensitive waist and hip. Still sliding all the way...

"You, what are you doing?" She whispered her teeth.

"Afraid of what?" Shi Yan behind him, the voice sneered, "You **** chasing the old man for so long, so hungry, since you said that you are self-sufficient, I will check it. See if it is true, if it is Really, Laozi will give you face and solve your hunger and thirst..."

"You dare!" Charm Ji Ming trembled, and suddenly he was worried.

What she really cultivated is the cold and cold. The charm of the soul is just the talent of the phantom family. From the point of view of her choice, she knows that she is not a slutty person.

For the phantom family woman, the technique of charm is just a means, a means of asking others to die! Rather than really pleasing men, even if you want to please men, it is also for those "male guests" who are loyal to serve the phantom family, and treat these life-mates arranged in the family.

The real-life exquisite and glamorous woman of the phantom family will never be used for sacrifice. They will not have men. They are the trump cards in the family. They are enough to provoke the disaster of the Xinghai. They are also self-sufficient.

Charm Ji, is this kind of person!

Shi Yan’s big hand, swimming on her back and hips, slipped in her silky gown and moved toward her groin, which made her feel terrified and made her angry.

She couldn't turn around, naturally she didn't know the rock rock at the moment, her face was cold and extreme, not only did she have no sense of obscenity, but also her eyes were dignified, and her forehead was faintly sweaty.

He slowly fell under the enchantment of one hand and stayed in her private place. When the charm trembled and angered and provoked the last force to resist, the palm of Shiyan’s palm suddenly appeared. The tiny black hole, the black hole swirls at a very fast speed, and there is a strange adsorption force!

The land of the charm Jifang grass suddenly warmed up, a suction came, such as a current in the whole body lasing, her body venom was attracted, suddenly rushed toward the lower body.

She couldn't help but have a sense of urine, and she couldn't restrain it.

Her body was poisoned and mixed in the urine. In a very humiliating way, she quickly flowed out of the privacy, broke into the palm of the rock, and the urine flowed through the cracks of the stone rock. But was swallowed up by his black hole in his palm.

Even the python that wraps around the charm of the charm, like the flowers withered, strangely dried up.

If the life nutrient is extracted in an instant, it is swallowed up to maintain its energy, from the thickness of the arm, to the thickness of the finger, and is still shrinking rapidly.

Charm Ji's stiff and paralyzed body, because of the incontinence of urine, turned out to be magically improved, seeing that the python gradually shrinks, and the charm of Ji Ji is humiliating, but also feels incredible, unclear this corpse poison, how to be pumped by Shi Yan Lost.

- Still in such a perverted way!

She wouldn't think of breaking her head, and the devour of the ecstasy in the ward is running in the palm of Shiyan's private place.

The family of the genus, the devote of the esoteric, is the first sin of the supreme, the eight evils are engulfed by the righteousness, and the energy formed by all the eight evil forces can be swallowed up, the poison of the corpse, the poison of corrosion, the power of death. Even dark energy can be swallowed up.

This is also the reason why Shiyan’s forehead imprints every time he swallows, and can transform the excess energy in his body to those who cultivate the eight evil spirits.


The python suddenly disappeared completely. A rope woven from the white hair on the corpse fell to the ground without power support. This secret treasure fell from the charm.

Charm Ji suddenly resumed action.

Her delicate body trembled, the satin skirt was wet, and the lower body was wet. She looked down and saw the hand that was still at the junction of her legs. She had an indescribable humiliation and anger. Self-destructive on the spot.

She is famous for her, she is proud of her group, and all her glory is well-received, and she will be put to death by this shame.

The urinary incontinence that was made by people was so big that it was no less than the heavy blow of the flesh, which made her full of sadness and hate, but there was nowhere to vent.

"It looks like you are recovering."

Before her volcanic eruption, Shiyan’s interesting handcuffs suddenly pushed away. When she turned around, she found that Shiyan shook her left hand and pulled out a lot of water.

The water is shining brightly, such as laughing at her previous ugly state, making her more crazy.

Shi Yan licked his hands on the urine, in front of the charm of Ji, a slight disgust on his face, but also used that hand to wipe a few times on his waist shirt.

He was immediately a calm and calm example of what had never happened. He said: "If the two idiots of the family are not dead, we will all finish playing. Although you are not working hard now, you are the immortal peak after all. The situation, um, should I not need to teach you how to do it?"

Charm Ji immediately understood.

Shi Yan helped her to untie the bondage. She wanted her and the two idiots to work hard. She wanted her to use her last strength in exchange for his hope of survival.

With this in mind, Charm Ji is even more hateful to itch. As for how Shiyan **** her corpse poison, she doesn't want it for a while, and her body is shaking. "I only have one million of power, you are now." Is it ready to help you out of this danger at the expense of the self-destructive soul altar?"

Shiyan shrugged. "You won't let me die in the past? If I go, I can't turn things around. You have more or less useful."

His real thoughts are indeed to let the charms of the past and the two clan races together. He observed for a long time, and saw that the charm Ji has an endless resistance to becoming a corpse slave, and also sees that the charm Ji was previously desperate and had a desperate heart.

Anyway, you are asking to die. If you can pull a circumstance, you can use it.

——For this woman who wants to refine his soul and break through the domain ancestors, Shi Yan has no mercy, everything he has done is just to reverse the current situation!


At this moment, another bone dragon is also smashed into broken bones. Two of the pharyngeal geeks exert a soul pressure on the giant palm line in the sky. The other one, holding a white eyeball, is condensing strength, and will give the bones of Xiaoyan Heavy hit.

Suddenly, Bastos’s eyes shook, and he turned his head and looked at it.

He finally noticed that something was wrong!

Shi Yan pointed to the white-haired braided rope at the foot of the charm. "It will be equally terrible once the toy is reinjected into the corpse."

"Damn! You don't say it early!" The charm of the face changed dramatically, and the body's divine power condensed out, forming an ice ridge above the rope, a stab, stabbing on the white rope, the white rope is crisp. Loud, but there is no break.

But Bastos was shocked and his face was pale.

"It is the life of his life to repair the treasure!" Shi Yan violently drink, do not want to think, blood sword also fluctuated, a hundred meters of blood awning, banged open the white rope.

The white rope woven from the white hair of the body of the patriarchs was cut by the blood sword and finally broke into two pieces.


Bastos couldn't help but spurt a blood, and the temperament instantly screamed for two points. He suddenly screamed hysterically and roared wildly.

He temporarily took down all the little sisters.

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