God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1404: separate

There is no cloud in the boundless sea. There are only a few broken pieces of stars, and there are four-parted meteorites, and there are horrific hurricanes.

An island with a gimmick, carefully avoiding debris and meteorites along the way, and finally landed above the surface of the sea.

"It is very dangerous to break the sea. It is better to land directly on the sea and sail in the sea. It is much safer."

Xiao Yan immediately implemented.

This Yeouido landed slowly and landed on the sea that shattered the sea, like a huge ship, continuing to float.

A group of three people, riding on Yeouido, finally came to the sea.

Shi Yan looked at the little eyes who were alert to the eyes, and looked at the charm of the sudden relaxation. He said, "Where is the direction of the sea?"

"It's just a corner. It's still far from the depths of the ocean. Well, at today's speed, it will take half a month to reach the island where the Baigu people are stationed. However, we can temporarily stay in the place where our phantom family is stationed. There are only ten sun scenes in the territory of the tribe.

Shiyan nodded and looked at Xiaoyan. "What do you say?"

“How can I say?” Charm Ji Yangmei, naturally said: “He is a Baizhu ethnic group, naturally want to return to the ethnic group, the Baigu ethnic group, will definitely try their best to help his parents wake up.”

The Baigu people are scarce, so the Baigu people are most united in the seven races, and there is almost no internal struggle.

Every Baizhu ethnic group is born with a very long and difficult life. They have to work hard to fight with others. They have no energy to have a civil war. In fact, within the Baigu people, they are also extremely united and focused on the unity. occur.

Almost no one can see two white bones fighting each other.

"Returning to the Baigu, it is the best choice for him, we should respect his choice." Charm Ji seriously.

Shi Yan looked at Xiaoyan and said in his heart, "I have a way to wake up your parents. But the things you need are too much trouble, and the process will be very long. Well, you can go back to the White Bone, if I find a way, I can help you in the past."

Xiao Yan looked at him deeply, yelled at it, nodded slightly, and grateful in his eyes.

"You are with us. Anyway, the phantom family is on the road. After the phantom family, I will give you a name, you can go to the Baigu."

Xiao Yan nodded again.

then. The three people continued to sit on the island, snorkeling in the sea, and went to the place where the phantom family was stationed.

All the way. The island star is densely covered, such as the cold stars in the night sky.

On the way, there were quite a few huge ships wandering in the ocean. Many strange race warriors spoke loudly on the boat. Although the charms were brought back with masks, many of those people recognized her, sometimes they saw it. They are all surprised. I began to say hello.

A cold iron-tired ship, a dozen of sturdy, interracial people with a strong atmosphere, the upper body, muscles poured like gold and iron, shining with cold and lustrous.

Those people have natural animal prints on their bodies. There are corners on the top of the head, arms and thighs are very thick, and they are twice as thick as normal people, giving people an explosive feeling.

An interracial person can see the charm of Ji. There was ecstasy on his face, and he did not say that he was flying. Like a mountain, it crashed on the island.

This is a warrior of the immortal triple heaven. He cultivates the power of Jin Rui, and the body of the **** is like the body of steel. He is obviously familiar with the charm, and he laughs when he falls down. "Ghost Ji, I haven't seen it for a long time, I heard that. You went to the dragon lizard, and the aquarium was convinced by you?"

His eyes moved, looking at the little bones of the Baigu, and he was slightly surprised. "How can you come back with the Baigu? How can you come back with the Baigu people? Didn't you hear that you and the Baigu people also have friendship?"

He also glanced at Shiyan, and his sight was just a flash of light. Without paying too much attention, Shiyan was obviously treated as a small person.

"Jerbor, how can you break the sea?" Charm Ji grinned.

"Hey, I heard that some people are glimpsing the remains of the early dynasty at the bottom of the sea. The old man in the family asked me to come over. Charm Ji, you are stationed in the sea for the phantom family all the year round. Can you hear who is familiar with the seabed?" Asked with a smile.

"Under the sea?" Charm Ji frowned. "The real seabed, not you and I can go deep, I am stationed in the sea of ​​destruction is not to detect this." Jiao Ji shakes his head.

Yee Boer was not reluctant, haha ​​smiled and said: "It is said that Singer is dead. Now Tate is screaming around, saying that Singh was killed by the Xuan Tianzu. Recently, he is planning to start the Xuan Tian people. This is a great way to break the sea. It will be messed up again, you are careful, I heard that the dragon lizard star, you also have blended."

"Tat?" The charm of the singer, "What is he? With his realm of cultivation, what influence can it bring to the situation of the sea? He also wants to make trouble, and he does not know how to live."

"Tate only has the repair of the immortal double heaven. It does not really wind up the waves, but if his master is also here?" Jebel took a low drink.

This charm is discolored. "How can the old blame break the sea?"

"Perhaps it is also related to the destruction of the ruins of the sea at the bottom of the sea. Who knows, anyway, he is now breaking the sea, um, with the news of your phantom family, you should be able to determine this immediately after you return." When the words came here, Yee Boer suddenly lowered his voice and said: "I heard that you are in the dragon lizard and got a kid with a soul that is too young. Have you refining it? You tell me honestly, are you Looking at the threshold of breaking through the domain ancestors?"

It’s hard to look at the eyes of the charm, and look at Jeremy coldly. “What happened to the dragon lizard, is it all known now?”

"Don't ask me, this is Tate's message everywhere. I got the news from the soul family, and I don't know the truth." Yeller shrugged. "I’m just a little bit near you, don’t think about it. It’s hard to know, oh, there’s one more thing. Some people in the family are asking me, let me find two people, called Nazario and Bastos, saying that they have confirmed their death, let me inquire about the situation, if you have news I can inform you that I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

"Know it." Charm Ji cold face and waved: "We don't have time to marry you."

Yeller laughed, and Chongmei Ji and Xiaoyan nodded and flew back to the ship, and soon disappeared.

"Who is he?" Shi Yan looked at the ship slowly disappearing. "The cultivation of gold is absolutely righteous, and the realm of the immortal triple heaven is repaired. The body is extremely strong, fearing that it is not worse than Singer."

"Yellow is a branch of the ancient demon family. He is responsible for collecting all kinds of news about the virtual sea in the ancient demon family, so I am familiar with it. I did not expect that we are in the dragon lizard, even to everyone in Tate. Know, that old blame... actually ruined the sea."

"Tat's master, who is that person?" Shi Yandao.

He saw that the charm of Ji Ji heard that the man was quite horrified after the destruction of the sea, with the cultivation of the charm of the immortal peak, and only the strongest of the realm of the domain, can make her uneasy.

Sure enough, Charm Ji Dao: "He is the master of the refining soul, one of the domain ancestors of the soul family. This old monster has often been exposed to charcoal, and this will inevitably have a movement. His refining soul is said to have no The repair is complete, so the places he has been to these years will be full of turmoil, because he needs countless souls to restore the refining soul, truly possessing the power of the early artifacts."

"That tripod, no repair?" Shiyan was eclipsed.

"Nature is not repaired, you need a huge soul, or do you think that Singer can borrow?" Charm 撇 撇 mouth, "Singer surely guarantees the chest, to ensure that the soul of the dragon lizard can be collected, this makes the old blame. ”

Shi Yan was secretly surprised.

Yeouido continues to sail.

Ten days later, Yeouido was moored on the shore of a huge island. The island's flowers were everywhere, with large forests.

The beautiful palace on the island, built with jade, shines with a clear luster, making people's eyes shine.

The faint smog lingered on the island, and suddenly the island was in the smog, like a fairyland. The charm looked at the island, showing a comfortable smile, removing the mask from the face, and the face that charmed all beings reappeared. She looked at the familiar island and looked at the many enchantments and bans she was familiar with on the island. She pointed a direction to Xiaoyan and said: "You go there, about five days, you should be able to reach the island where the Baigu people are stationed. It is also a Yeouido, which is easy to identify."

Xiao Yan was a bit sad, and he looked deeply at Shi Yan.

Shi Yan thought for a moment and said: "Wake up your parents, I need time to prepare. This time... very long, I can't wait. I promise you, if I am ready, I will look for you."

Xiao Yan nodded, and then no longer talked, driving the island, slowly moving away from here, gradually drifting away.

Charm Ji looked at the disappearing Yeouido Island and sank for a while and said: "I don't know if you have any way to wake up his parents, but I can tell you that even if he returns to the Baigu, the Baigu is destroying the power of the sea. I also want to wake up his parents. The two strong players in the realm of the ancestral realm, all the vitality is exhausted, the power needed to add back is so large that you can hardly imagine, I advise you, it is best to dispel your mind, and then say You and him are not relatives, and you don’t need to do anything for him at all."

"I know what I am doing." Shi Yan was tired of it.

Charm Ji snorted and did not continue to persuade, "Go with me."

Her palm blossomed out of a snow lotus, the lotus blossoms in full bloom, and the layers of the island's faint mist gradually dissipated. Some kind of invisible enchantment was banned and it was solved.

Shi Yan followed behind her and went up to the island where the flowers were everywhere. The eyes were shining and I was watching everything around me.

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