God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1405: Also a poor man

After the separation of Jebel and Charm, the cold iron ship sailed to the base of the ancient demon in the sea, which is also a huge island.

He went straight to a mountainside on the island. There were caves in the hillside, criss-crossed stone roads, and many spacious stone rooms.

When I came to one of the stone rooms, Jebel took a look at what he said without a word. Soon, he found a picture, and the person on the picture was a rock stone!

Jebel sneered, "Sure enough, that kid!"

When he talked with Meiji, he only looked at Shiyan and looked back. He looked back and didn't care. But that one, he had already made the stone rock deep and clear, guessing the identity, "a fusion of the beginning of the soul. Kid, it’s just a matter of immortality, it’s really a big fat. Tate has a high price news, do you want to give it?”

He just hesitated for a few seconds, then he made a decision and snorted: "The things that make money are naturally important, and the affair of the enchanted Ji has already been returned. Well, there is that little cockroach. The two people who are looking for the gang are also related. This is a good way to go, only to come to the sea to make two strokes, haha!"

Soon, he contacted the Tat of the Clan and the Soul and spread the news he had learned.


"Gui Ji adults are back!"

"Charm Ji adults go home!"

"Welcome to the charm of the adults!"


On the island where the flowers are everywhere, many beautiful and charming phantom-headed men and women cheered and gave a sincere laughter along the road.

Those men and women are handsome and handsome, and the women are charming and charming. They are all superior, and when they look at it, they will admire the creator for being too popular with this race.

The Phantom of the Opera does not have a ugly man's rhetoric. All the way. Stone rock is dazzling and secretly surprised.

The phantom family of men and women on this island is very complicated. There are imaginary gods, source gods, and gods in the realm of the gods. Those people are quite young and are sent by the people to destroy the sea. Practice and survive here, responsible for collecting and destroying intelligence in the sea.

In the depths of the imaginary domain, only those who reach the immortal realm can swim without fear.

However, such a deep race as the seven races, there are naturally powerful warships that can resist external dangers and send their low-profile people to any area. The young men and women of these phantom families are transported through warships that avoid risks. Come.

The heavens and the bottom of the sea that have shattered the sea are all dangerous. It’s hard for people in the realm of the gods to have fun activities.

However, on the sea that shattered the sea, on those islands. It is very safe. Even the realm of the king of God can survive very well.

This island is the stronghold of the phantom family. Charm Ji is the leader of the island, responsible for the co-ordination of all the news. It is also the backbone of the island. It is the highest in the realm. When she is not there, the phantom family and men on the island will be uneasy. Now she is secretly loose after she returns. Tone.

The phantoms are the most well-informed race, and they are specifically responsible for destroying the sea. Naturally, they know what happened on the dragon lizard.

After the disappearance of the charm, they are all secretly worried that there will be an accident in the charm, and now the charms are returned without a flaw, which naturally surprises them.

Of course, many of them are also very curious about Shiyan, and they are looking at Shiyan along the way.

At this moment, Shiyan has a blue-colored martial arts suit, which is strong and handsome, and looks like a handsome girl. It is a girl who looks at his fascination.

Charm Ji went straight to the gorgeous palace in the center. The interior of the palace was flat and beautiful. There were countless beautifully carved ornaments and brilliant pearls. She came to the center of the main hall and sat on the upper seat, indicating that Shi Yan stood by and said nothing. I started to read the latest news stories.

Several enchanted girls, the source god, the beginning of the realm of the realm of cultivation, talking in the hall, from time to time beautiful flow, aiming at Shiyan side, and then low and low smile, it is heart-warming.

Charm Ji concentrated on watching the classics, did not go to the stone rock, her plain white fingers kept flipping, the brows gradually wrinkled.

At the end of the day, her face suddenly became cold, and she said: "The **** Yebler is so ungrateful!"

Shi Yan looked up at her.

"Yellow has released your message, saying that you are the one who merged with the soul of the beginning of life, and said that you came here with me. At least, the Tat of the soul family already knows this, and that Nazario, Bastos died, and Jebel also said that it is related to us." Charm Ji explained.

Shi Yan’s heart was cold, thinking of the ancient demon man who was like a steel, saying: “I will try to kill him next time I see you.”

As soon as this statement came out, the girls of the phantom family in the temple suddenly snorted and looked at him strangely.

They all know the origins and cultivations of Jebel, and the cultivation of the immortal triple heavens, even if they are the charms of their adults, they can beat Yeebol at most, and it is impossible to kill them. This is an unknown boy. It’s just a matter of immortality, and I dare to speak out arrogantly, making them a little ridiculous.

However, the following sentence of Charm Ji further surprised them. "Want to kill him? Unless you enter the immortal double heaven, now you fight with him, at most, not dead."

This made the girls more and more surprised, looking at Shiyan's gaze, and it was deeply puzzled.

Charm Ji puts those books down and looks at the girls around them. "From the dragon lizard, I left a girl, called Audrey, and should break the sea. You should pay attention." She recognized a piece of jade, "You will take her." The appearance is printed on it for easy searching, we will try to search for her."

Shiyan said according to the words.

"It is impossible to get the news soon, so you have to wait. As for how long it will take, I can't say it."

Shiyan nodded and understood.

"Recently, you better not leave this place. I am afraid that some people have thoughts about you. Here are the strongholds of the phantom family. The seven races of the tribes, unless they want to fight the two races, or they will not tear our agreement and swear here. So here you will be safe." Charm Ji again.

Shi Yan frowned and didn't answer.

"Adult, when you are not there, that Batum... sent someone to come." A girl of the phantom family, when the charm Ji did not speak, suddenly took the opportunity.

The charm of the face immediately became extremely ugly, and the look was very annoying. He said coldly: "Don't mention this person to me in the future!"

Those girls are ashamed, and they are still stunned, and they are bitter in their hearts.

"Yu Lian, you arranged for him to stay on the island for a while." Charm Ji waved.

A phantom girl from the beginning of the realm, bowed and bowed reverently, then rushed to the stone road: "Follow me."

Shi Yan silently, leaving behind the hall behind her, and building an elegant jade building in another place. At halfway, he was curious: "Who is that Batum? After you heard this person, how do you? So irritated?"

Yulian’s ten-year-old appearance, a green dress, charming and moving, she turned back and sneaked a look behind her, whispered: "I will say it later."

In a short time, she took Shiyan to a pavilion and said: "Batum is a terrible strong man. He is not a seven-ethnic race. He is alone and cultivates. His methods are cruel. It is definitely the most terrible type in the sea. The character has already realized that the dark energy is sincere, and for a maximum of ten years, he will become the domain ancestor. He has been living in the bottom of the sea, and once came out to exchange for cultivation materials to see the charm of the adults, immediately shocked to heaven, right Charm Ji Daren has been struggling for many years. He also asked for our family, saying that as long as the family will marry him, he will be willing to work for us."

"A strong ancestor of the ancestors..." Shi Yan nodded. "This person is destined to be a strong ancestor. How do the elders in your family view this matter?"

"I think this is feasible. I also sent a message to let the enchantress Ji seriously take the matter seriously, but the adults did not agree, and the above is very stiff." Yulian sighed. "That Batum is a real and terrifying horror. But he is really... extremely ugly and ugly, and adults are not willing to take it for granted. I am naturally reluctant to change it. If it looks pretty, look at his mastery, but he is like that..."

The girl apparently stood on the side of the charm, and secretly filled the decision of the elders in the family, complaining with a grin.

“How is the result?” Shi Yan asked.

"The above and the charm of the adults stalemate for a while, and then given a plan above, if the charm of the adults can step into the domain of the ancestors of Batum, the above will not force the matter, otherwise it will force Adults promised. Adults, adults still really agreed to this matter, I really don't know what she thinks. She doesn't have the secret of dark energy. How can she break through to the ancestors faster than that of Batum? We all think adults. In the rounds, I am worried that adults may do something bad." Yulian sighs secretly.

Shiyan is amazed.

He finally understood that Charm Ji found that he was so desperate after the fusion of the souls of the firstborn, and there was such a layer of ruin in the middle.

In order to quickly break through the realm of the ancestors, there is no faster way to refine him. Under the pressure of the family, she can do anything to resist the lifelong events of the arrangement.

"Nat Batum has now treated the adults as his imprisonment, and released words in the ruin of the sea, saying that adults are destined to be his women, and often come to harass adults. He must think that adults can not be faster than him. Breaking through the domain ancestors, I feel that the future is doomed." Yulian said again, "He came again after the adults left, and told us that he is one step closer to breaking through the domain ancestors, already refining his own domain. Be the first to become the master of the world. Once he has completely transformed into the domain, he is a true domain ancestor."

Shi Yan understands that the domain ancestors must re-harden the beginning boundary and become a domain boundary, so that they can truly be called the ancestral martial artists.

He sighed, but did not expect that the charm of Ji as a group of seven ethnic groups, but also involuntarily, but also a poor person.

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