God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1409: Change!

One transparent green blisters, such as the green lanterns, quietly stay in the sea, and like a demon-like eyelid, silently watching the depths of coming.

In the center of almost every blisters, there is a corpse of a warrior. The corpse experienced great horror before death, and his face was desperate and fearful.

"Everyone is careful!"

Faroney reminded her that she was more burly than a man, and was wrapped in a circle of silver-white light curtains. The mask was like a goose egg shape, constantly releasing strange soul waves, like a sense of freedom. Explore towards the outside.

The people of the Dark Lord are gathered by her side. Even the farthest Terechal is only twenty steps away from her. If you look carefully, you will find that they form a formation, with Falone as the center. Gradually spread out.

The ancient demon family led by Jebel, deliberately and Faroney alienated them, and did not intersect with each other.

They also swallowed in the direction of the green blisters.

Farrowy cultivates a rare spiritual mystery and has a keen insight into all kinds of consciousness. She also has magical vigilance and often finds danger by intuition.

She spread the soul consciousness...

Suddenly, she looked at the place where the sea was exploding, and she had a doubt in her heart.

Just before, her soul consciousness spread, she seemed to perceive a slight faint soul wave, the volatility... flashed away, and once again, it was found to have disappeared.


She shook her head secretly, convinced her inner confusion, and continued to search in the direction of green blisters.

dark place.

Shi Yan’s mind was tight and he was immediately cautious. The Falone was just an immortal triple heaven, not a peak. It is impossible to accurately ascertain the position when he hides with dark energy like the charm Ji, but the woman’s ambiguity is special. He was exposed because of his own carelessness.

This made him secretly vigilant.

It is difficult for him to compete with so many Black Devils and Ancient Demons. As long as it is exposed, it will fall into a miserable end, and it will be sacrificed as a cannon fodder.

He must ensure that he or she will not be discovered before the other party is in danger, ensuring that it is always in the dark.

He took back the previously released gods. Cut off the breath, completely close it, don't perceive everything around you, just look at it with your eyes and listen with your ears.

His eyes suddenly shrink!

A strong man of the ancient demon family entered the green blisters and suddenly there was a horror on his face. Immediately, it was instantly captured by the will of the mind, and immediately mad, and even violently shot, screaming at a recent ancient demon tribe.


A violent giant screamed out from his palm. The steamed buns swollen in an instant, opened the mouth of the blood, and swallowed the ancient demon people, chewing on the staggered mouth, and blurring the flesh of the person.


The sound of the sound screamed and screamed, and suddenly came from the depths of the sea. Like a sharp knife, the thorns are stuck in every heart and cut into every altar.

Release the soul consciousness. Wanting to gain insight into the mysterious Flemish Froni, the burly man’s body can’t help but tremble and tremble, and a **** smudge from her mouth, nose, nose, eyes and ears, like a small blood snake, let The creeps are creepy.

Her eyes were deeply scared and she screamed: "Remove! All withdraw!"

She called hysterically. The subconscious is ready to flee, but the sea can grow thousands of times in gravity. If there are many invisible chains entangled, they will be bound by everyone.

The black devils and the ancient demon tribes are all struggling, and they will be able to bloom for thousands of years. The lightning bursts, the sea is roaring like a dragon, the ice is like a saw, and the colorful rainbow is bursting. The sea area, such as purgatory, suddenly exploded.

Those who are deeply involved in it are like souls being invaded, and their faces are deeply desperate and fearful, and they are trying to escape.

Some people are gradually being captured by the soul, and they begin to violently attack the people around them, and use their most powerful power to kill the comrades who have worked together for many years.

The stumps are flying, the flesh and blood splashes, and the infernal sea is terrible!

The desire to wait for an opportunity to shoot, the stone that those who pay the price, the mind is lost, the dark energy returns to the mind, resumes whereabouts, and stuns in the distance to look ahead.

In front, it became a completely closed area, and the tragic figure from there did not overflow with a trace of breath.

He can't get any benefit.

He looked far away and watched the people of the Dark Lord and the ancient Yaozu in a desperate situation. They looked at the three noble characters who were supposed to be honorable, such as Falone, Telega, and Yebel, each taking out the treasure, to fine The blood is motivated, and all the mana is used to infuse it into three electric lights.

He did not know that the three tribes of Falone, Tregar, and Yebel were outstanding in the Dark Lord and the Ancient Demon. They were the key cultivation objects in the family. A weapon for the life-saving gods that are specially honed for them.

In the hands of Falone, a crystal ball was held tightly. There were countless cumbersome lights in the ball. Teracar held a long gun. The gun had a number of thunderous patterns, like a python, and the jewels were worn. A golden glitter armor, the armor at this time, obviously cracked.

The leaders of the three respective ethnic groups, relying on the weapon of life-saving gods given by the ancestors of the Yi people, rushed out of a **** path and walked out of the strange place.

They had unpredictable fear in their eyes. They all stared at the front and watched the people kill each other to death, watching them sink to the bottom of the sea.

Those green blisters, dry corpses in the blisters, the expression of desperate fear on the face, such as quietly changed, turned into gloomy ridicule...

They seem to have revived a short moment before, releasing some kind of evil consciousness, thus affecting the entrant.

Soon, the area returned to calm, and the blood did not fall apart. The people brought by Falone and Jebel, the bones sank to the bottom of the sea, and it seemed to be restored.

The three men of Foloney, Telega, and Yebler were cold, standing there and motionless, and the tragic death of the tribes made them horrified to the extreme, but did not dare to go deep into them.

From their 100 meters, Shiyan has already appeared, they have seen it, but there is no abrupt move.

They just look to the front.

For a long time, Faroney took the lead to recover. In the eyes, the fear was still not completely dissipated. "With our strength, we can't go deep. We don't have to waste our time. Let's go back and report the matter to it."

Jebel did not answer, but just nodded hard. He knew that Foloney was right. The dangers in the sea were not what they could bear.

If they are not the weapon of the gods given by the ancestors of the Dai people, the three of them will be the same and will become one of the dead bodies in front.

Jebel turned his head and looked at the direction of Shiyan. His expression suddenly changed. "Is it you?"

Shi Yan looked indifferent, and now he took the initiative to come here. "Are you ready to evacuate?"

No one cares about him.

Although the essence of Shiyan cultivation is subtle, but the realm is too low, it is only one of the seven heavens. It is not one of the seven races. They are just hit hard. When they are most irritated, they see him re-appear and take the initiative. They are all grotesque.

Did he come to die?

"Is it dumb?" Frowning, Shi Yan looked at Falone, and drankly: "Where do you feel there? I know that you practice the magic, you should feel something..."

He hid in the dark, and when the Dark Lords and the Ancient Demons were hit hard, they released the knowledge and opened the mind of the deputy.

From the depths of the sea, he once again noticed the familiar atmosphere and felt the call of the gods.

However, the horror consciousness that killed the Dark Lord and the Ancient Demon is not the familiar one in his soul. This is also to make him extremely cautious and not dare to rush.

"I am very curious about what method you have hidden. Even me, I have not been able to find out you. What strength do you cultivate in addition to the cultivation of space?" Farrowi did not answer.

"I asked first." Shi Yandao.

Farrow's rough face is full of irritability, "What are you doing? The area is immortal and one of the seven races, and you have a fair dialogue with me?"

"Ghost Ji did not come over together?" Jebel suddenly asked.

As soon as this statement came out, Foloney and Telega were a glimpse, and looked at Jebel in surprise.

"He should be called Shiyan, and there is a lot of wind and waves on the side of the dragon lizard. Well, you guessed it is good. He is the lucky one who merged with the spirit of the beginning of the soul. I am also very curious. Why is it that the charm of the charm is not refining? You? As far as I know, Charm and Batum are more true, and they are going to break through the realm of the domain ancestor at all costs. She can keep you from killing. Is it not that you are not?" Jebel took a deep breath.

When Frononi and Telega heard him say this, they all reacted, and the eyes showed a sense of surprise, and there was greed in the faint.

"You also want to smelt me ​​and get the soul of the fusion of the beginning of my life?" Shi Yan was dumbfounded. "The charms have failed. You really are sure, can you do?"

Charm Ji failed?

Everyone is ashamed.

Among the three, Faloni and Jebel are immortal triple heavens, not the peak. Terechal is only a double heaven. No matter the prestige qualification or the realm power, they are not as good as the charm. If the charm is really a failure, then Are they not successful?

However, the small warrior who is immortal in the realm of the realm of the heavens, will be defeated?

If it is not a failure, how is this guy still alive?

The three are puzzled, because Shi Yan’s words are suspicious and do not know whether he is true or false.

"Someone has come over." Shi Yan's face changed slightly. He looked at him behind him and said indifferently: "It should be the family of your seven races. It seems that the ruins of the early ruins are well known. You are only the first one." The batch is also the most unlucky one."

Jebel and Terechal looked at Falone.

Falone was slightly puzzled and shook his head and said, "I didn't feel it, and I don't know if he said it was true or not."

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