God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1410: She is my woman!

Fauloni practiced the spiritual meaning of the mind, and the sense of touch was always keen. She said that she did not feel abnormal, and that Jebel and Telega were disdainful.

- They obviously believe in Falone's judgment.

Shi Yan did not explain, he and the three people slightly opened a distance, in case there was a conflict, he secretly carefully, carefully moved the position.

Before the arrival of the person, he was not prepared to say a word. The newcomer was still a distance away from it. He discovered the clues with the space gods. Although Farone’s soul is quite mysterious, but at a long distance. The perception is still inferior.

"How is this guy disposed of?" Telega sinks.

The people who came with him died and suffered heavy injuries. Only he and Falone were still alive. He was in a very bad mood and wanted to find someone to vent.

"Whatever you do, I have no opinion anyway. Well, if you have the ability to kill him and refine his soul, it is naturally your way of transportation." Yeller shrugged his shoulders, his eyes were cold, and he could not wait for the killer. Come and explore the foundation of Shiyan.

"I just tried it." Telega snorted.

Jebler stunned and laughed: "I used to play against him before, did you have a win?"

Terega is ugly.

"Teleja, you go back to the sea and clarify the situation here. I am here to guard, wait for the masters of the family to come over, let's do this." Falone said suddenly.

"Why didn't you go back to the sea?" Teragan said.

"Also." Falone was grinning, not a woman's tender taste, like a rough man. "If you are not afraid of being killed by Jebel, I can return and leave you."

"How come I?" Jebel took a nose. A look of a look.

Terega's face changed. It is only when he thinks that Jebel is here, and the realm is in the triple sky of immortality.

He decisively did not insist on staying. "I don't think this kid is bad. Before I go, I want to kill him!"

"You are free." Falone did not care.

however. Her words fell, her face suddenly changed, and said: "No!"

She was first horrified in her eyes, and glanced at the stone rock. "Someone is coming..."

As soon as this statement came out, Terega and Jebel were also a little jealous, and looked at Shiyan with a little surprise.

After so long, he can see the proximity of the incoming person, and he can be more precise than Falone. Only this point can be seen that he is extraordinary.

The Teraic, who wanted to kill the man, immediately dismissed his thoughts and frowned without any movement.

ten minutes later.

A group of six people wore beautiful armor. The whole body is flashing. Like a ghost in the water, quietly approaching.

For the first woman, the armor is complex and complex, with gold, bright yellow and orange red lines. Forming the sun, flowers, flames, etc., the armor covered her straight legs, the bulging chest peaks, the wheat-colored skin, she bare shoulders, no fleshy belly and half long legs, hot.

Behind her, the five men were all black and black, and the breath was calm and cold.

Shi Yan just glanced at it, and he looked at it and whispered softly: "Xuan Tianzu..."

The former Xuan Tian women wore a hot dress, looking like a young man in his thirties, his cheeks were soft and his eyes were shiny.

Immortal peak!

Just glanced at it, Shi Yan immediately took out the real realm of the woman, and carefully and carefully.

"绫玫!" Foloney saw the coming of the person, his eyes flashed with amazement, and said: "I didn't expect the Xuantian people to come, or you came over personally. It seems that the relics of the early days are really interesting."

"Floroni, Jebel, Telega..."

The Xuan Tian woman, who is known as Yu Mei, gently nodded to the three people, telling their names, and looked down on them. It was not slow or slow, and said slowly: "How come you are so human?"

The three suddenly turned pale and ugly.

"It was natural that there was more than just such a person, but it was a pity that half of the time before you came over, no, it was in front of the green blisters." Shi Yan suddenly interjected, swaying to the front, the tone was indifferent.

"Shut up!" Foloney and Tregar were angry.

Shi Yan smiled lightly. "With your realm strength, I want to shut up. If you come to be a real strong person in your family, I will not only shut up, but also hide far away."

Xuantian women's clothes are hot, but their looks are as light as water. Her mouth is full of strange smiles, and I am interested in watching Shiyan. Suddenly my eyes are bright and my expression suddenly becomes dignified. "Are you called Shiyan?"

“Hey?” Shiyan was amazed. “Is that emoticon and Yayun, have you mentioned me to you?”

"It’s really you!" Yan Mei really smiled. "The two generations of the two generations are coming to the sea. They have sent me news and said things about you, saying that you may come to the sea." I didn't expect you to come so soon."

绫 神 神 神 , , , 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动I will do my best to help you."

Foloney, Jebel, and Telega listened to the singer and said that they were all eclipsed. When they looked at Shiyan, they all had strange expressions.

"Need to bother you Xuan Tianzu?" At this time, a charming and moving voice came from far away, and then an ice flashed through, and the charm Ji suddenly appeared.

The charm of a luxurious dress gown, the skin is like snow, the cheeks are charming, and the sound is soft and soft.

The phantom family is not born to be a stunner. As soon as she appeared, she immediately compared the 绫 绫, the mature charm of the style, so that Jebel and Terechal were hot eyes, almost squirting blood.

After Charisma appeared, he did not hesitate to stand by Shiyan. He blamed: "What are you doing? Even if there is anything, you should first let me know, don't you know that someone sold your message. Go out?"

When she got here, she looked coldly at Jebel, and the yin and yang grotesquely said: "Hey, are you there too? The voice is still my feelings, and I will sell it when I turn around. Jebel, are you doing good?"

Yebriel was a little embarrassed, and said: "The family and the soul are very high-spirited. You also know what I am doing, and I haven't resisted it for a while. That... I just went out."

Charm Ji giggled and waved gracefully: "I don't blame you, but I don't want to get any news from me in the future. The friendship between you and me is over."

"Shi Yan, what is the relationship between you and her?"

The Xuan Tianzu’s 绫 愕 愕 愕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 她 她 她 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅 雅Safety is guaranteed.

The emoticon also stated that it was said that Charm Ji was fully chasing Shiyan and tried to refine the stone rock to break through the domain ancestors.

During this time, Mei Mei was also secretly minded. Now, when she saw Shi Yan’s head on the sea floor, she was shocked and happy, and she made up her mind to protect him. I didn’t expect the charm to come out, so he was so close to him. Let Yan Mei suddenly stunned and began to doubt whether the emoticon was wrong.

"I..." Shi Yan Zhangkou wants to explain.

At this time, a pleasant aroma of phlegm and ketone body, stunned, and in the eyes of Telega, Jebel, and the eyes of the fire, the charm of the snow arm tightly hold him, will take the initiative Come together, the fascinating face is full of swaying look, eating and laughing: "Of course it is the closest relationship."

Shi Yan stunned, his eyes looked strange and looked at the enchanting charm of the initiative to send his arms, and looked at the opposite frowning 绫 ,, suddenly blessed to the soul, faintly understood something.

Charm Ji and Yu Mei are not right!

These two people are the person in charge of the phantom and the Xuantian in the sea. In the long struggle, these two women should have no less fighting. He heard the emoticon’s message and wanted to win him. It also showed the attitude before, and Mei Ji apparently heard it in secret.

Perhaps, she was not prepared to come out so early, but because of her attitude, she was forced to appear early, and deliberately competed with Yan Mei, which relied on selling to sell cheaper on him.

A series of thoughts flashed through the mind like a flint, and Shi Yan suddenly laughed at random. He was ruthlessly stunned in the arms, feeling the charm of Ji Feng’s body suddenly suddenly, he secretly laughed, but his face was serious. Follow the words of Charm Ji: "She is my woman."

This is like a stone!

Not only 绫 绫 , , 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法 法

Is this true?

Everyone knows that Batum, who was in the depths of the sea, said early, saying that the charm is destined to be his woman, so that no one is allowed to be distracted, otherwise Batum will be wiped out.

This incident, even the phantom family above secretly acquiesced, just wait for the charm of the cat to surrender, wait for Batum to really enter the domain ancestors, declare this matter to the various ethnic groups.

Nowadays, a kid who has entered the immortal realm, glaring at the charm of Ji, said that the charm is his woman, is this going to change?

Charm Ji also has a clear look, but only that, she will return to the original, smiling and said: "Yes, this is my man, my real man of charm Ji!"

Damn kid! This is your initiative to find death! Let you take the opportunity to take advantage of me! You are waiting to be smashed by Batum!

Feeling the back hip, Shi Yan's big hands are not honest, the charm of Ji Jin stiffened, secretly biting silver teeth, and cursing the stone rock.

"Charm Ji, aren't you laughing?" Yan Mei was amazed. "Everyone knows about you and Batum. You will not only make Shi Yan get into trouble, but you will find it hard to get rid of the relationship. Are you sure?" ”

She looked at Shiyan again and said seriously: "You must not know about the things between her and Batum. Batum is full of dark energy, immortal peaks, and only one step away from the ancestors, this person must report, extremely Vicious, if you let him know what is going on today, your situation... will be extremely difficult!"

Shi Yan pulled the corner of his mouth and calmed himself, and did not say much.

He is ready to find Audrey, and after determining the direction of the domain door, he will return to the wasteland. Later, he will not know when he will come to the sea without a domain. It is true, and it is not the realm of today. Then why should he be afraid? What is Batum?

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