God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1411: Haitian ruins

Yan Mei looked at Shiyan deeply. She didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly asked, "How do you think about our Xuan Tianzu?"

"I am an emoticon and Yayun is a predecessor. I am very grateful to both of them. However, I have no intention of becoming a guest of the Xuan Tianzu. I am very sorry about this." Shi Yan is calm.

The reason why he wants to take the opportunity to talk nonsense, along with the words of the charm of Ji, is also the hope of dispelling the feeling of 绫.

He is very clear about what Mei Mei thinks.

Through the news of the emoticon, Yan Mei should know his value. Yan Mei and the emoticon see his potential. He hopes to win him to join the Xuantian people and become the powerful guest of the future of the Xuan Tianzu. Come to do things.

At this point, the emoticon has stated his position earlier and asked him to consider it.

He does not want to join any family!

"I understand." Yan Mei nodded lightly. "Your decision will tell the predecessors, but I still have to remind you that some words can't be talked about, that Batum...not good, he will ask you. Life."

“Thank you for your reminder.” Shi Yancheng said.

Regarding the things of the charms and Batum, he is naturally clear that he is not prepared to stay in the sea for too long. Batum will break through the realm of the ancestors in a very short time. Otherwise, he will not be able to beat his own mystery. Can escape.

"Giggle." Charm Ji Jiao smiled, quietly moved to move the body, and Shi Yan pulled off a little distance, the provincial stone rock continues to take advantage of it, "he even if he wants to rely on, naturally also rely on our phantom family, 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫You don't think too much."

Yan Mei snorted and looked at the green blisters area, frowning: "What happened?"

Foloney, Jebel, and Telega did not speak, and the three thought of the previous scenes, and the expression was quite unnatural.

"For me." Shi Yan interrupted again.

Yan Mei and Charm Ji both looked at him.

"Is such that……"

Shi Yan said the situation simply and clearly. "They have powerful weapons of the gods in their hands, so they can break free. If not, the result will be the same."

I paused. He looked at Falone, "In the depths of the sea, there is an evil consciousness to shoot out. I want to come to her most deeply, how to ask her."

"I don't know the situation." Faroney chilled his face and said coldly: "The ruins of the early days are deep in the sea below the green blisters. You have to explore, but it is better to be prepared. Lest you be as bad as us. ""

Everyone is silent.

“Is it so dangerous?” Jiao Ji whispered.

Shi Yan’s expression is extremely heavy. “It’s not terrible. If you want to get deeper, you may need to be able to isolate the secrets and power of the soul invasion, otherwise you should not easily get involved.”

Give him this, the charm of the charm is very heavy. Then suddenly said: "How do you touch it?"

The people of Foloney can come because they have the right direction. Charm Ji is sure that Shiyan absolutely does not know if he is here, but he is here now. This makes Meiji unable to figure out.

Shiyan naturally wouldn't tell her because she felt the call of the bottom of the sea and slowly found it according to the call.

He said casually: "I just wanted to go into the seabed to see if there was any luck, and then I saw these people sneaky. I have nothing to do with leisure, and I secretly followed." His face sank. "What about you? How can you find it?"

"I know that you are going to the bottom of the sea. If you don't feel relieved, you will come down and look at them. When you meet them on the way, you will come over." Jiao Ji smiled.

The two ignored one and knew that the other person was hiding, and then they all wisely did not continue to ask.

"What to do?" Telega looked at Faloni. "Is it going back? Or wait a while?"

Jebel was alone, and he was still hesitating. I feel that staying to no avail, can not cross the area, staying here is just a waste of time.

Soon, the three men of Foloney, Telega, and Jebel decided to leave temporarily. When they were determined, they prepared to return.

The strange changes happen suddenly at this moment!

The green blisters, the dried corpses in the blisters, suddenly burst open, and a gloomy and faint energy suddenly dissipated, suddenly sinking toward the bottom.

In a very short time, there was no abnormality in the area covered with green blisters.

The nearest Yebler, stunned, tried to travel a little inside.

He did not find any danger.

When the look was shocked, he immediately broke into it and looked down at the position.

The green blisters underneath are sinking at a rapid speed, and the broken bodies are turned into pure energy, such as light spots falling.

The star-like light point, in the process of falling, faintly turned into a symbol of the beginning of the gods, the green bubble, such as a certain array of eyes, in the process of falling, the bottom of the sea, I do not know how far away, suddenly bloom Bright glow.

Deep in the sea, the buildings with faint glory and glory disappeared.

When everyone stayed, they all rushed to the direction of Jebel, and they all overlooked the underside, faintly seeing the blurred architectural images.

At the same time, Shi Yan’s heart trembled fiercely, and he clearly sensed that there was a strong cry from the depths of the sea!

It was the unique whisper of the beginning of the living. He heard it from the hustle and bustle. Now the voice circulates directly in his knowledge of the sea. The voice is somewhat unreal, and the specific content cannot be heard, as if he wanted him to fall.

His face changed slightly and hesitated for the first time.

He doesn't know what is deep in the bottom of the sea. If there is a living spirit in the beginning, then everyone in the field may not be able to compete. Even the most inferior creature, it is not the enemy of any person here!

Through the tragic death of the ancient demon and the black demon, he is sure that if there is a supernatural being, the other party may not be kind.

In his realm of cultivation, under the murder of the early life, the horror died earlier and faster, even if it is space-based, it is not necessarily able to save him.

Go or not go...

"Come on, what are you hesitating?" At this time, the charm Ji Yao was waving to him, and he was very happy. He said: "There are really ruins in the beginning, a majestic palace, although it is not clear, but it must be extremely spectacular! ”

Shi Yan was indulging, biting his teeth and decided to go to the bottom. Once there was something wrong, he immediately evacuated.

Thinking like this, he has not really passed, and he has begun to secretly set it.

In his position, the water rippled out of the water, as a buoy was condensed.

Carefully aware of the space, and determined that it could be moved in an instant, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and this came to the direction of the charm.

The place that was originally cruel and **** became very calm. The people stopped at that position for a while and couldn’t help but start sinking.

The water pressure of the seawater suddenly increased. Every time it sinks, the masks of the people are all deformed.

Shiyan gradually had a kind of difficulty to breathe. When he sank to the bottom of the sea, he was crushed by mountains and rivers, and was struck by countless walls. His bones were faintly painful.

He looked at the charm, and the charm was safe and sound, and the bright mask was close to her perfect ketone body, as if it was not affected too much.

He indulged a bit, ready to spur the power of blood, to complete the blood catalyzed transformation.

"Come on, come with me, there should be no things in a short time." Charm Ji suddenly said.

Shi Yan squatted down, smiled, and bluntly flew in her direction. The bright and colorful mask of the charm, suddenly split a hole, and suddenly rose, accepting Shiyan.

The mask is like a goose egg, the two are crowded together, the shoulders are close to each other, the stone rock can smell the scent of her body, can feel the richness of her ketone body, "Do you know Batum?" Road.

Shi Yan looked blank and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Let's lie to me!" Charm Ji bites his teeth. "When you say Batum, you don't have a bit of surprise. You must know him from the mouth of Yulian. I am very curious, you know Why is Batum's realm of power dare to provoke me? Are you really afraid of death?"

"You can take it for yourself, even if it is dead, it is worth it." Shi Yan shrugged his shoulders.

"You know that this is impossible." Charm Ji smiled, and her body gradually became cold, which shows that her heart is still cold.

"You take the initiative to come up, I think no man can refuse, if I refuse, how much do you lose face?" Shi Yan calmly and casually responded, "I don't care who Batum is. In short, after I find Audrey, I will leave." Breaking the sea, and even leaving the sea of ​​nothingness, his Batum is even more powerful, can you help me?"

"You have to go? Back to the wasteland?" Charm Ji suddenly felt a little annoyed at the bottom of my heart. "I haven't settled with you yet, are you ready to leave?"

"I settled with me?" Shi Yan looked cold and turned to look at her. You were welcome: "Those lessons may have been forgotten, but you should know that you are not recovering from the situation that you have not recovered yet. A little bit."

"I did not fully recover, but do you think I have no way for you?" Charm Ji was angry.

Shiyan snorted and did not continue to bicker, but looked down at him.

Below, a huge light curtain, such as the sky, slowly appeared, under the curtain of the light curtain, a majestic ruins of ancient buildings gradually emerged.

Under the cover of the light curtain, the ruins of the building were not submerged by the sea. The light curtains were criss-crossed with numerous blood-colored lines, and the lines were like gullies and scent.

Shiyan wrinkled and looked at it. He suddenly said: "The bloodstains of those **** lines are those who were killed before. This is a blood sacrifice, a light curtain that starts with blood."

"You mean, we can come in, the disappearance of the green blisters, because those who died before, the blood of those people is enough to open this place?" Charm Ji accurately grasped the meaning of his words.

Shiyan nodded.

"How do you know?" Charm Ji was puzzled.

"Feeling." Shi Yan frowned.

It is indeed a feeling, looking at the huge light curtains underneath, the ancient buildings that are ruined, he gave birth to an inexplicable familiarity.

There was a trace of blood on the light curtain. He just glanced at it and knew that it was started by the blood sacrifice. It felt very weird, but it made him feel that it was a fact.

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