God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1414: I dare not take that step...

Lord Brian stood up, and the sun and the moon were shining in the eyes, and the light in the body was also sprinkled.

As tomorrow, God is coming.

He looked to his side and looked indifferent. "You and I have been trapped for many years. Our domain is at the most difficult time. You may have gradually eroded the domain. If you don't want us to return in the future, you will see endless." The emptiness, seeing the destruction of the race, you should know how to choose."

After a pause, Brian took a deep breath and said: "One thing has always been clear to you. If our domain is destroyed, if the wilderness is eaten and killed, all the creatures created by the waste are all The souls of the wilderness are likely to fly in the air."

"Even if you and me, you can't even get rid of the shackles of fate, unless we can break through the domain ancestors in a short time, maybe we can have a chance!"

The ancient buildings that radiate the icy luster, such as the mountains, the stone piles in the corners of the building, the small ants like the ants, he frowned deeply, silent.

When Shi Yan looked out, he hesitated and hesitated to take the advice of the Lord.

After being trapped for decades, the meditation gradually understands that this well-preserved ancient building may be the key to leaving. The Lord Brian blends with the ancient origin of the ancient gods, and integrates a soul of the wild, can hear the call, may indeed It is the key to cracking this place.

God's proposal is also very moving. He wants Shiyan's deputy soul to let go of the main soul that engulfs the mystery, so that he can truly absorb the bloodthirsty inheritance.

To be tempted, it is a lie, but the sorrow is still hesitating.

Shiyan is the inheritor of bloodthirsty selection. Now the new master of this generation is also integrated into the ancient continent. He is also qualified to unravel the mysterious ancient architecture.

Joining Shiyan to kill the gods, it is also an option to crack the ancient buildings by Shiyan.

It’s just that this road is very difficult. He knows the horror of God. Here he has been fighting with the Lord for many years. He already knows the terrible extent of the Lord, and with a rock, he believes that there is still no chance of success.

He hesitated, looking at the meditation, and looking at the stone rock.

Suddenly, he looked sad and asked indefinitely: "Immy?"

From being opened. It has been decades since. For less than a hundred years, Shiyan went further in such a short time. Entering the realm of immortality, it is very embarrassing.

The Lord of God also discovered this and his face changed slightly. "You can break through immortality so shortly. It seems that this time you will not kill you, there will be no chance in the future."

He looked at the meditation again. "This is my chance and your chance. If you miss this time, you may really have to serve in his life for the rest of your life. You really have to serve him like a million years ago. I know you very well, I know who you are, what are you still hesitating?"

"Mind, I have seen the glory, he is still alive, living in the void of the sea. Now it is a fusion with Audrey." Shiyan suddenly said.

The heart trembled, "Is the old man still there?"

"Mind, kill him, got his main soul, these memories you can slowly search!" God is cold and indifferent.

“It’s hard to leave here? If it’s so hard. How can I get in easily?” Shi Yan suddenly said.

Looked up at him and looked at him deeply. "How did you come in?"

"Are you not sent it?" This time the Lord God was surprised.

"I came in from the sea, from the outside of the light curtain, above us to break the sea, is the most prosperous and lively place in the imaginary sea, the Bais are standing." Shi Yan calmly said.

The eyes of the gods and the gods are all bright.

"Do you know where to enter the domain door of our domain?" Shi Yan felt a move.

"Nature knows." Looking at the huge ancient building behind him, I looked at the light curtain. "If I can leave this place, I can find the domain door to return. You can come in and you should be able to leave. But we both try. However, in any case, it is impossible to break the top light curtain. The hub of the light curtain may be there."

He pointed to the ancient building in front of him.

"What is written on it? Just a naïve ancient text, what does it mean?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

"You ask him." Frowning.

Shiyan looks at the Lord of God. "In our midst, you have the most integration of the skyfire. I walked around the sea of ​​nothingness and knew one thing. If we can integrate all the skyfire, we can truly unravel the soul of the Taishou spirit, knowing The secret of a long time, you can also understand the text of the beginning, and you can still understand the truth..."

"When the fires are all integrated, can you really understand the dark energy?" Before he finished speaking, Brian was excited for the first time, cut off his words and violently said: "Who did you listen to?"

"The seven racial powers of the imaginary domain are unanimously recognized. Some people know that I am a fusion of the souls of the early life, and I am entangled in my death. I want to refine my soul and break through the realm of the domain." Explanation.

"Domains in the realm of the ancestors?"

"After immortality, it is the realm of the domain ancestors, bloodthirsty ... is definitely the domain ancestor, dark energy is the key to breakthrough."

Shiyan was amazed, and the two peaks in the wilderness, the most peak of existence, even confused the realm, showing how far from the vain domain, how closed.

"For thousands of years, I have focused my energies on the deep research of bloodthirsty bones. I have never thought of integrating the skyfire with all my strength. It seems that I have gone astray at the beginning. It turns out that Tantan Avenue is on me. It is ridiculous. Brian smirked and his expression became extremely weird.

"I have come to the sea for many years and have never met a living being. I think that the virtual sea is really nothing. Why do you see so many creatures when you come over?"

This rock stone is also puzzled. He does not know that there is an answer to Minghong. I don’t know that all the mistakes of the ancestors’ roads have deviated from the center of the virtual sea. I don’t know where to go from where I am, but I can’t see it. To those higher creatures that are free between the stars and the sea.

"I don't know, I can ask him if you see him," Shi Yan shook his head.

"I am still in the same line from Skyfire. I have been restrained for years. I dare not take that step." God looked at the ancient buildings in front of them, looked at the unidentified runes, and hesitated.

"What are you afraid of?" Shi Yandao.

"If you can fully integrate the skyfire according to what you said, I can activate the memory of the soul, and I can see the dark energy. With my realm, I can naturally break through the smooth domain ancestors. I can understand the beginning of the rune. But I am not sure. At that time, I will not be me..."

"What do you mean?"

"With its soulful integration, will it be exactly what it has been looking forward to, will it become part of it, and lose self? At that time, I may be only part of its soul, it is the soul Do you know, who knows? In these years, I dare not take that step, based on this consideration, I am afraid to move." God whispered.

The meditation locks the brow.

Shi Yan is also silent.

He can understand the fears of the Lord.

In fact, the confusion of the Lord also confuses him. He has always worried that he fears that one day the soul will be completely integrated. He will lose himself in an instant and be replaced by the source of God’s mainland, but he is not as far away as God’s thought. So deep.

"I want to ask, how many souls do you have?" Shi Yandao.

"There is only one nature." The Lord replied casually, and then said: "I know that you have two souls. You are different from us. The cultivation of your ignorance is too evil and terrible, and the wild is a deadly enemy. If you do not form a deputy soul, Its soul, the origin of the gods of the mainland may be directly engulfed."

The eyes of God's Lord suddenly lit up, and when they thought of something, they suddenly moved.

He immediately knew what Shiyan would say.


Shi Yan smirked. "How do you kill me? Kill me, it is to merge my soul, you are still a soul, you are afraid, you still don't know what happens after you activate the soul source. I don't know if I will be replaced? You are afraid, but I am not afraid, because I have two souls, I have more choices than you! Even if it is as you say, I lose the soul at most, I will not die. ”

He also understood and looked at the Lord God. He said, "If you are afraid, you really need him to try it first, let him really integrate with the source and see what happens."

"When he integrates all the sources of the fire, I don't know how many years I have waited, I have been waiting for 10,000 years!" God is cold.

"I am only the last two shares of Tianhuo, there is no integration, I think, do not need to wait for hundreds of millions of years." Shi Yan grinned.

The Lord of God was silent. After a long time, he sat down again in the stone pile. "Maybe I should really wait."

He is still afraid, afraid that after the integration of the skyfire, it will be replaced by the ancient gods.

Earlier, the words left behind when bloodthirsty annihilation had already let him know that he was just a piece of chess, a means of killing bloodthirsty, and I could feel the wildness affecting his place all the time. Domain boundary.

Because he is conscious of the existence of the wasteland, he knows the terribleness of the wasteland, so he is afraid.

Therefore, he would rather spend thousands of years on the bones of deep bloodthirsty, through this method to try to understand the dark energy, and not dare to take the final step.

In some ways, he believes that the road to bloodthirsty is right, and the words before bloodthirsty annihilation have affected him for thousands of years.

Of course, if he merges all the skyfires and smoothly understands the dark energy, he will break through the realm of the domain ancestors, and he will still be him afterwards, and he will not become the origin of the ancient gods and become a part of the wilderness.

Really like that, the last sentence of bloodthirsty is to harm him, deliberately misleading him, set a bureau for him, stop him for thousands of years, and put him hard to be stuck in the peak of immortality, not let him break through the domain ancestors.

God God himself can't judge which kind of situation is. Only after waiting for the fusion of stone and rock, he may be able to really understand and know the true intention of bloodthirsty.

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