God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1415: That is... life!

"Let's go over and see if you can break the light curtain and leave."

When the Lord Lord Brian was immersed in meditation, the meditation gestured to let Shiyan plunging into the sky.

Shiyan nodded and didn't think much. He took the place as the center and went straight to the top of the sky-like light curtain.

After a long time, he came under the light curtain, overlooking the ground, and looked at the broken ruins at once. The collapsed ancient temple was really only under the ruins, and the ancient building of God was still intact.

Turned into a starlight, he tried to penetrate the light curtain.


If it hits the invisible ball, his body is bounced back and hard, and he laughs, he runs dark energy, the body hides and rushes up again.


He was once again bounced back, sore and soaked in bones.

His face was hard to look at. He frowned deeply and looked at the light curtain. He found the ripples on the light curtain, only the outside, not the inside, the ripples he could see, but the light curtain blocked, the sea above the light curtain The strange surge, seems to be caused by his impact.

A starlight turned into a hand blade, stabbed toward the light curtain, "Ka!"

The blade of the hand bursts and becomes a spattered star raindrop, and the light curtain remains unbroken.

He frowned and tried to condense the power of the space, trying to smash the top of the head with a space blade. However, I don’t know why, once his space blade is about to take shape, it will be affected by an unknown force, and suddenly it will burst. Can not form a sharp edge.

Repeatedly tried many times, he gradually died, his face became extremely heavy.

"It's weird, I can't get in and out. I tried to use all the means, I can't get out of the light curtain." He stood still in the middle of the meditation, Brian, and his face was very bad. "It is estimated that you have been trapped for decades. Also used all the means?"

Ming, Brian listened to him. The expressions are heavy, and I look at the ancient buildings that are full of early runes.

After a long time, Brian said indifferently: "It seems that the key is still here. Our direction is not wrong. Only by breaking the mystery of this ancient building can we really find a way to leave."

Mind nodded and agreed.


The ruins under the light curtain.

When Audrey fell, she flew in the direction of the soul in the opposite direction. The direction was the exact position of Shiyan.

Charm Ji always pays attention to her, seeing her as if she has a goal, secretly has an idea, and quietly followed the past.

Yan Mei, Falone, Yee Boer and others. Falling into this ruin, the six gods have nowhere to wander, and they are wandering around, admiring the magnificence of this early relic.

"It used to be like an ancient city pool. I don't know what happened. It turned out to be a ruin." Jebel took a turn and found no valuable things. He said: "It's very wide, maybe we can act separately, everyone can get a little harvest. Maybe, what do you think?"

Foloney and Yan Mei are all indifferent. Before they were discovered, everyone did not want to open the war easily.

Everyone spread out and walked around the ruins. I am swaying, I hope to find something.

I don't know how long it took, a gray figure descended from the sky, just falling beside Faulone and Telega. This is a very ugly old man with a bloated body. Like a ball, there are many flaws on his face. Such as suede, watching is disgusting.

His eyes are very small, shimmering with a sinister, greasy glow, and a diamond-shaped cane with a gemstone in his hand.

He landed down and looked up at his head. He said in a gloomy voice: "You can come down, no more trouble, remember to promise me."

As the words fell, the soul of the Tat Haha laughed, slowly descending from the top, and several souls also came together.

A family of old-fashioned cockroaches, with a strong and erosive smell, the green faint eyeballs turned into a strange luster, and the viper generally looked around and came down after Tate.


Both Froni and Telega changed their faces and screamed at them. They looked shocked at the sudden arrival.

They have been in this ruin for a few days. They have been wandering for a long time, and there is nothing to discover. Now they see acquaintances down, and they are shocked.

"I have seen Batum's predecessors!" After a glimpse of Tregar, he suddenly laughed and greeted the ugly old man who was swollen.

The ball-like Batum, as ugly as a cockroach, turned his eyes and smashed the targas, and the sinister smile: "The guys of the Dark Lord, you are coming fast, how, what did you find? ?"

When he spoke, his eyes were lingering on Telega and Falone. It seemed that if he found an abnormality, he would not hesitate to **** it.

Telega and Falone were secretly chilling, and the subconscious retreat was made by Trejas. "Nothing has been found. There is only a ruin of the collapsed palace. There is nothing worthwhile."

He raised his hand and said: "When we came over, please ask above. The old man knows where we are. Can the seniors not want to be against us?"

"How do you know that I will be bad for you?" Batum pouted, his expression sullen.

"Magic Ji is also there." Faroney suddenly said.

Batum was successfully diverted attention, his small eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed. "My woman is inside, very good. I went to find her several times. She has been absent. It turned out to be after the sea." I came here directly, she is really positive, and the news is also very well-informed."

"Don't waste everyone's time!" The old-fashioned clan, suddenly snorted, and glared at Batum.

Batum’s expression was cold. “I was invited by Tate and I was not bound by you. You are less arrogant to me!”

"The two seniors are angry." Tate quickly made a round. "Everyone's goal is the same, and I have more accurate news. Don't be angry at this time. In order to search for this place, my souls have secretly planned for hundreds of years. I finally got here, don’t mess up when I haven’t seen anything yet.”

Batum and the old-fashioned sorcerer, listening to Tate, said nothing, no more words.

When Frononi and Telega ignored one look, they all stunned from the other's eyes and finally realized that the news they received might be extremely shallow. The souls sacrificed hundreds of people for this relic, and secretly did not know how many years they had played. Master 趟 Tate personally came to the sea, they did not know what they were, and now they finally guessed it.

They realized that Tate’s master might have come because of this.

Thinking so, they subconsciously look around and want to search for the old monster.

Unfortunately, nothing has been seen.

"Where is my woman?" Batum slammed into Telega.

Telega smiled and shook his head. "She left when she came. It is so big. Who knows where she is?"

Your woman?

In the bottom of my heart, Telega secretly groaned, remembering the previous statements of Shiyan and Charm, he secretly looked forward to not knowing how much madness would be made after letting Batum know about it.

He didn't dare to uncover the incident. He was afraid that Batum would go crazy and disregard the power of the Dark Lord. He directly killed him and Falone.

"It's all right." Tate looked into the distance. "We go to the destination first."

Batum, and the old man of the family, nodded their words. Under the leadership of Tate, the group flew in the direction of the disappearance of Audrey and Charm.

Watching them leave in a hurry, Falone was silent for a long time, saying: "What you know is just a very shallow part. The charm is coming to the side. Now they are also in that direction, which means there should be there. Important things, do we still need to waste time?"

"Let's go, let's take a look at the past, at least we need to know what will happen, and we will have an account after going back." Telega reluctantly said.


The ruins in the light curtain are deep.

The people of Yan Mei and Xuan Tianzu are searching around, then suddenly look up to the top of the head.

Batum and Tate, a group of people, passed over them, and Batum squinted at her, revealing a hint of surprise, and then did not stay for a moment.

绫 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻Instead, we can't have a purposeless wandering."

"Please ask the adults to decide!" Those people shouted.

"We are also gone!" Yan Mei decided to take the clan to the sky, and soon found that Telega and Foloney also secretly followed, and the heart became more and more sure that this is the right direction.


"If we don't break this ancient building, we can't get rid of it. It's the key here." Ming dying down his head, as the old man entered, "I can't sense the call of this place. The key to cracking is on both of you. You want to Ways."

"What can I do?" God's main character is hard. "There is a way I should go out!"

"You can't get in?" Shiyan was amazed.

"You can try it." God Lord ridiculed.

"I think about it first." Shi Yan saw that there was no way for the Lord of God to try. He did not even try to try. In the rock pile not far from the two people, he also found a position to sit down and looked up at the beginning of the character. The creeping ancient building is frowning.

He quietly turned the soul altar and operated the mystery within the mystery layer, which made the mystery constantly changing.

The stars, the engulfing, the space, and the death of the righteousness flowed one by one. The breath of his body also changed at a rapid speed. For a while, the evil was like an endless dark cave. If it disappeared for a while, it would be dead for a while. If the water is not qualitative, there will be wonderful changes.

He runs to life...

Suddenly, a strong incitement came from the mysterious layer, and the life of the mystery suddenly became awkward. His mind became a sea of ​​life, containing infinite vitality.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of millions of early runes on the ancient buildings were suddenly bright as stars!

Brian and the sorrow were all eclipsed, looking up at the ancient buildings, and stayed for a while.

At this moment, Shi Yan suddenly understood the meaning of the first rune of the same word, and the same rune that represents a meaning - life!

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