God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1518: trample!

"Shi Yan! You dare to come to the land of the virtual, that is your own way to find a way! Hahaha, just to win the Olympics, refining a source of Ray!"

Ferrer screamed in the sky, and the whistle sounded like a shackle. It turned into a bright electric light wrapped around the castle, opening up many forbidden enchantments in the castle.

The city of this ancient Yaozu was given to Ferrer by Beverly. After the blessing of Ferrer Ray, the walls of the entire city were filled with terrible currents. His whistling sounds spread, and the majestic city has become a huge beast, and hundreds of millions of currents are intertwined with lightning.

"Hey! Kill!"

"Help the adults to annihilate him!"

Hundreds of ancient demon martial artists, driving lightning and lightning, rushing in the electric river, screaming and rushing over.

They are all the ancient demon people who voted for Ferrer. They cultivated the power of thunder and lightning. This city, which was changed by Ferrer’s righteousness, is very suitable for their cultivation of the righteousness. It can enhance their strength and make an ordinary first **** triple. The warrior in the realm of heaven has the strength of immortality.


A huge thunder ball, dark blue, thunder and lightning, lightning violent, from the rock wall next to the stone rock smashed out, a glimpse of it near his chest.

The power of overbearing thunder and lightning, suddenly shocked the body of Shiyan, "嗤嗤嗤", the current is like a python, smashing in the body of stone, to crush his flesh and bones into meat The **** is killed and smashed into ashes.

"Oh, I don't have to work hard to find out, save me a lot of time and energy." Ferrer excited, his face full of smiles, he stood there, like the only **** in charge of thunder and lightning between the heavens and the earth, the thunder lightning of the entire city They all echoed with him and could follow his thoughts to release a strong attack.


From the rock and rock body, the sound of blasting like a bean sprouted, his body shook slightly, but his expression was calm and abnormal.

"Ferrell. You really don't grow up, do you think that the ancestors of the ancestors can be undefeated?" Shiyan looks as usual, suddenly stunned, a violent momentum, such as the skylight, from his head Throughout the sky, in an instant, his body skyrocketed. A thick, hard, natural scale. Blame the spurs.

In the screams of all the ancient Yao people, the rock and blood flesh has undergone earth-shaking changes, turning into a giant giant. The giants are as **** as the sun, scarlet and terrible, and strong to the trembling of the soul. Spread quickly, so that the warriors in many nearby cities are discolored.


The giants tore apart, if they want to crack open the sky, tear the city of this ancient Yaozu to the hard life, his towering body is several times larger than this city, I saw him use his hands and feet in the ancient city. The entire city is turning to the ashes in a flash.

All the intertwined currents, all the lightning that was blasted. It is like a bite-proof mosquito bite that can't cause any harm on him.

Ferrer, under the ruined ancient city, looked up at the rock that became a giant, and for the first time gave birth to fear and timidity.

"The body of the beginning! The domain of the ancestors!"

He muttered and finally realized that Shi Yan dared to come alone, not a young and reckless. But there is a sure victory!

"The Star River covers the sky, the sun and the moon rotate!"

The roar of the earth-shattering sound came from the depths of the clouds, and the stars appeared one after another, condensing into a vast river. The sun and the moon in the Xinghai scrolled, and the light curtains of hot and cold were submerged. There are fierce meteors bursting down and there is a cold and cold pressure.

The tribes of the ancient Yaozu, watching the mysterious star river, suddenly spit blood.


Under the cover of the fallen star river, their soul altars were cracked without warning, and they slowly shattered, and the soul was also shivered into ashes.



The ancient demon warrior, who is slightly higher in the realm, screams and screams, and wants to leave here as soon as possible.


They only moved, suddenly found that there are more intangible enchantments around them, that is a thick space barrier, sealing their way back.

The space of a circle is fluctuating, and the water pattern spreads, and the surrounding area is shrouded in seals.

Unless you reach the realm of the domain ancestors, no one can break the space seal, and will be imprisoned in the flesh, and the dead and dead are here.

"Fareer, help!"

"Please save us!"

Six beautiful and ancient demon women who cultivated the thunder and lightning of the righteousness, the left and right impact, the head of the collision broke the blood, the messy mess, to crack the barriers to escape, but unfortunately with their realm of cultivation, there is no hope of success.

Before, I also smiled and watched the enchanting woman who was abused by Dai Lan. Nowadays, it is also miserable, and there is no way to ask for the protection of Ferrer.

"Shi Yan! You are the enemy of me, it is the enemy of the ancient demon! You will never have a good end!"

Ferrer angered, and a thunderball flew out of his domain. The thunderball evolved in the void and turned into a patch of thunder and lightning. The continents were filled with thunder and lightning, and the huge rock to Shiyan. The body of the early collision.

A piece of land, implying a thunder and lightning, has a pure thunder and power, a powerful power, and has a strong restraint on the foreign body of the soul. If Audrey is here, the evil spirits appearing inside the refining soul When you are hit by this, you will fly away in an instant.

However, it is not afraid of the stone rock that has completely withstood the thunder and lightning of the mainland.


It became the rock of the giant giant, and the foot was like a mountain peak. When one foot stepped on it, the life energy of the dragonfly did not enter the piece of the continent, and the lightning power of the continent was broken.

Suspending the fallen star river above his head, in his mind, he formed a giant bear-like constellation in vain. This is the power of the constellation driven by the fallen star of the artifact. The giant bear roars, and the fierce sound is in the land of the virtual land. Let the strong people shocked.

The giant bear condensed by the stars, smashed his chest and suddenly turned into a streamer, and smashed a thunderball at the top of Ferrer's head.


The blasting of the ruined land, came over Ferrer's head, and the huge thunderballs were pure dark energy. After being hit by the giant bear streamer, all the explosions were consumed.

"The ancient demon city is in a big battle!"

"It’s too early to be born! It’s too early to be born!”

"God! What the **** is going on?"

The various cities in the imaginary land, the martial artists belonging to different forces, have felt the volatility of the war. After the shock, those who are self-protecting in the realm of self-sufficiency are quickly gathering here.

Many of these people are familiar with Shiyan, such as the imitation of the 岐, the Yayun couple, the dragon lizard, and the people of the Baigu, the warriors of the Dark Lord, all gathered in the land of the virtual, waiting for the family. The arrangement of the strong, to come to the meeting, did not expect such a terrible battle on the virtual land, to attract them all.

"That is, it is the beginning of the living, is the real life of the beginning!" The dragon lizard ancestors closed their eyes for a while, suddenly screamed excitedly, and the movement from the giant body made him feel awkward.

Only the true power of the firstborn, the power of flesh and blood, can reach such an amazing height!

"Hey? How can there be a familiar feeling?" Looking at the stars changing, watching the breath of the space seal, the Yayun eyelashes quickly fanned, thinking hard, half-sounding, she could not believe in the voice: "Stone Rock! It is the breath of Shiyan!"

As soon as this statement came out, the dragon lizard and the emoticon were scared of the soul, and looked far away from the earth, the horrible figure on the top of the head, all gave birth to an unreal feeling.

"Endless darkness..."

Thick black, suddenly spread, drowning Ferrer and the ancient demon people, in the dark, two huge figures stand, one is stone rock, and the other is a giant bear gathered for a star, that The giant bear is shining brightly, roaring and bombarding the earth, and blasting the city into a ruin.

Among them, one of the ancient Yaozu people, was punched into a plasma!

In the deep darkness, it was filled with the power of destruction, despair, fear and corrosion. Gradually, the huge figure of the stone rock disappeared and was covered by the darkness. Only the giant bear held a chain of stars and condensed, staring at Ferrer Killing, smashing the land of Ferrerley’s domain, madly destroying Ferrer’s world.

The ancient sorcerer's warrior, the six women who exchanged their hues for the righteousness, had already had no bones.

In the **** flesh of the earth, the fascinating eyes of the phantom family recovered a little, and looked at the young man next to her. Her eyes were suddenly for a long time, and suddenly she said: "You, you are Shiyan? It is the charm of the adult." the man?"

Yu Lan suddenly found the body of the oil, and there was a strong vitality. Even the mind with blurred consciousness gradually recovered its memory. She squatted for a while and immediately understood it. She suddenly fell down and cried: "Thank you for your help." Grace, Cymbidium will never forget."

"You can't stay here, I will send you away first." Shi Yan nodded. In the darkness, he opened a gorgeous road and sent Xiaolan to leave the place.

After the departure of the cypress, the rock in the darkness, like a ghost in the darkness, suddenly stunned, and suddenly became a body, like a sea of ​​people, in the darkness of the darkness, this is the subtlety of the sacred soul.

Ferrer, who was being chased by the giant bear, suddenly felt cold in the bottom of his heart and found many powerful figures, playing different mysteries, and coming together with space, stars, life, death, destruction, despair, corrosion, chaos, etc. Encircle him.

At this moment, Ferrer raised a fear of being besieged by thousands of ancestors. He almost collapsed immediately and did not know how to cope.

That figure, all life is fluctuating strongly, the soul of the magnetic field is paralyzed, and his realm is cultivated, and it feels that it is a real strong, not an illusory shadow.

The mystery of those figures is also subtle, powerful, and full of impact, which brings him an irresistible negative sorrow.

"Ferrell, you are annihilated here today!"

Thousands of buzzing sounds came from all directions, and the rumbling reached the depths of his mind. The shock of his heart trembled, and he became more and more fearful.


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