God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1519: Fierce

After breaking through the realm of the domain ancestors, the great harvest of Shiyan is beyond everyone's expectations!

In particular, he also refining the body of the beginning of the world. This is the body of the most powerful body in the Xinghai. Only the creatures of the early age can hold it. When you read it, you can swell as a star, and you can shrink into a human shape. The power of ** contained in the body of the beginning is far less powerful than that of the imaginary domain.

Even the body of the ancient demon and the black devil, who are famous for their strength, is far worse than the body of the early days.

He is proficient in ten kinds of esoteric, possesses two souls, holds the Oyifu Tower and the Taishui artifacts, and he is the most powerful ancestor.

Even if it is the ancestor of the dragon lizard, although it is strong after reaching the realm of the domain ancestors, if it is really fighting with him, it will be defeated.

This point, from the horror expression of the dragon lizard ancestors watching in the distance, can be seen a little.

In the field of Yunmeng domain, he broke through the domain ancestors and swept the strong people of the Yun family. In order to devour the mystery, he took the power of the gods and smelt them into the souls and souls of the souls. Turning a source of too early, or enhancing the condensation of his power.

This is not the case. After breaking through the realm of the domain ancestors, he realized that there is a huge gap between the realm of the domain and the immortal realm, which is simply insurmountable.

In the past, during the period of immortality, he strangled the power formed by the strong, enhanced his power, refined his body, and strengthened his strength.

However, after he became the body of the beginning and broke through the realm of the ancestors, he found that his need for divine power was too large, and the power of the transformation and transformation of the entire cloud-strong powerhouse could not help him to improve his power.

He secretly measured it and found the power of the transformation. It only makes his power increase by about one or two. It is still far from being saturated.

He suddenly realized that after forming the body of the beginning, he broke through the realm of the domain. If you want to be fast and powerful, you only have to look at other domain ancestors!

Only by killing the domain ancestors can we quickly accumulate strength. Enhance your divine power and temper your body!

The threat of absurdity, such as a layer of shadows around his mind, never scatters, even now, he feels that facing the wild, I am afraid there is no way to escape, that waste... Every day is getting stronger, with an amazing Speed ​​increases strength. This pressure is always there.

Therefore, he condensed his eyes on Ferrer, aiming at hunting the ancestors. Get strong as soon as possible. Can reach the bottleneck of breaking through the domain ancestors very early!

"Stone rock, is that you?" The voice of the dragon lizard ancestors. From afar.

The dragon lizard ancestor who changed into a human form, his face was dignified, and his tone was still somewhat uncertain. "How do you form the beginning of the world? God, you, you have reached this height, it is amazing."

He is speaking in the dark and dark, his power realm, and there is no way to penetrate the infinite darkness and see the true face of Shiyan.

In the strong darkness, all kinds of forces are impacting, becoming the giant shadow of the giant bear, holding the fallen star river, only seeing the stars and the stars spinning around, releasing the mysterious and desolate mood of the stars, covering the entire sky, in the dark area In the middle of the road, there are a lot of ghosts, as if they are cooperating with different mysteries, putting heavy pressure on Ferrer.

The earth-shattering thunder, from the dark area, has Ferrer's roar from time to time.

Obviously, Ferrer is passive and is being beaten!

A figure of a warrior is shot from the various cities of the virtual land, such as a meteor.

Among them, there is a figure that looks extremely outstanding. She is dressed in a colorful dress, looks gorgeous and has a curvy curve. There is a road outside her behind the gods and light, forming a rainbow, she seems to have a wide rainbow wing, volley When I came, the huge atmosphere brought many warriors back to shock.

"Who is this? A strong atmosphere?"

"I haven't seen it, it doesn't seem to be a Seven ethnic group?"

"The smell of her body is very strange, that is righteous... I have never seen it, is this an outsider?"

"I do not know."

Many of the martial land warriors, when the woman emptied, were slammed by energy and had to shun.

They were exposed to the fascinating gaze of the beauty, and they were all talking about it, asking about the whereabouts of the woman.

The glamorous woman, such as the bright pearl, is **** and sultry, with a smile on her eyebrows, and the beautiful swaying waves of the heart swaying. Under the lingering rainbow, she suddenly landed next to the dragon lizard and the emoticon and Yayun. The woman smiled awkwardly and nodded at the dragon lizard ancestors. She smiled and said: "The **** smell on your body is very fragrant..."

When the dragon lizard stayed, he suddenly felt a shock and pointed at the woman stuttering: "You, you? You are also a predecessor of the early ages?"

"Little lizard, your eyes are not ordinary, um, it seems that your ancestors passed on the blood of your body, but it is also strong." The person is Zi Yao, she smiles and looks at the dragon lizard ancestors, highlighting The color of ice is cold. "So, the taste should be good, maybe it will restore a lot of strength."


A rainbow of roads stretched for thousands of miles, spurred out from Zi Yao, and Huo Ran entangled the dragon lizard ancestors.

The dragon lizard's face changed dramatically, and he whispered, and instantly changed his body into a huge giant lizard. He roared and screamed out of the magma, to shoot the rainbow.

The rainbow, for the stream outside the field, has the will of life, has a very intelligent soul, they follow the purple magic of the meaning of change, forming a magnificent and gorgeous array, in the colorful rainbow crossing of the rainbow, the dragon lizard ancestors The magma has been subtly eliminated.

The emoticons and Yayun’s face have become extremely ugly, shouting to show their meaning, to cope with the constraints of Zi Yao’s ancestors.

Zi Yao is the official out of the space and chaos after the Shiyan people entered the cloud and Mongolian domain. She came out to restore strength!

The dragon lizard has the blood power of the "lizard" in his body. For the current Zi Yao, it is the big complement! In the recent period, Zi Yao, whose strength has gradually recovered, does not put the dragon lizard ancestors who have reached the realm of the ancestors in the realm of the heavens. She is hiding in the corner of the virtual land and waiting for the opportunity. I saw the dragon lizard ancestors take the lead. I immediately walked out and killed the killer without any politeness.

"Little lizard, even your ancestors. It was not my opponent that year, let alone you?" Zi Yaojiao smiled.

A wide rainbow suddenly changed. Forming a scorpion giant snake, the scorpion giant snake is tens of thousands of miles long, and it is a glimpse of the sky. In the faint ambiguity, the true body of Zi Yao emerges, and the atmosphere of destroying the earth annihilates the earth. Land.

Those strong people of all ethnic groups who came from Shiyan felt their hearts horrified and looked up at the sky subconsciously. It is found that there is nowhere in the land of the imaginary land. The beginning of a twelve-headed snake quietly emerges, the kind of oppressive soul. Let a lot of low-level people sit down. The body is shaking violently.

They were scared to death under the terrible momentum of the early life. At the root of the battle can not produce.

All along, the martial arts of the imaginary domain is looking for the beginning of the living, hoping to break through the realm of the ancestors by hunting the primaries, and to transform the flesh and evolve the magnetic field by eating the flesh and blood of the firstborn.

They thought that after a long time, the beginning of the early era was over, and they still survived the current life of the early life, they should all be very weak. It is taken for granted that the beginning of the soul is equivalent to a slightly stronger beast, and it is easy to hunt.

Today, Shiyan first became the body of the early days, trampled on the ancient sacred city, and killed the ancient sects.

Then Zi Yao was attracted by the flesh and blood of the dragon lizard ancestors, flashing in the virtual land of the land, the momentum of the destruction of the earth spread, so that all the warriors trembled, and they suddenly woke up, understand the early days of the glory These horrible creatures are by no means what they can provoke.

The rainbow of the road turns into a giant snake, and the snakes squirm, tangling the dragon lizard ancestors.

Under the impact of the terrible momentum, the emoticons and Yayun were directly taken to the hundred miles away. They did not reach the realm of the domain ancestors, and they did not even have the qualification to intervene.

The body of the dragon lizard ancestors is struggling in a roaring roar. A lava world formed by the diffusion of magma pool releases hot and hot, and the volcanic explosion of the volcanic explosion. In the volcanic blasting magma splash, the dragon lizard is old. The ancestors shouted and swayed the rainbow shackles of Zi Yao.

"Little lizard, give up, give me the blood of your ancestors, I can recover a lot of strength, don't struggle in vain." Zi Yao smiled calmly.

On her head, her true body completely emerged, and the huge shadows of the twelve pythons simply covered the imaginary land, so that all the strongmen here were shocked and aware of the horror of the early life.


Suddenly, in the darkness of the darkness, the giant giant that disappeared before, once again emerged!

He was covered in scales and covered with thorns. The back of the spine was like two continents. The five fingers, like the invincible edge, had already caught Ferrer's body.

Everyone looked at it and found that Ferrer changed into the demon of the ancient demon. Under the giant claws, a sea lion buckled by an iron anchor was torn by the claws. .

Ferrer's ancient demon family, like a small mountain, and then compared with the giant, like a chicken and giant elephant.


Ferrer's body burst in the thunderballs, and his body gradually shrank, and the flesh and blood that was torn by the giants was blurred.

Shiyan, who changed to the beginning of the body, grinned and looked up at the real body of the Ziyan twelve-headed snake that was flush with him. He said: "The dragon lizard ancestors are old with me, you give me away! ”

Zi Yao floated in the sky above the head of the giant lizard. He heard that her eyes were cold and her face was not smiling. "You are a futile guy, even this little lizard is reluctant to give it to me. Do you really want me? Have a little feeling?"

When the words came out, her eyes changed, showing infinite affection, and the temptation and temptation deeply looked at Shi Yan. "We have experienced so much in the flame field, I followed you all the way to the Marathon, infatuation, etc. You have been doing this to me for many years? Can I refine and absorb this little lizard, I can't restore my strength, I will be killed in the morning and evening, will you bear to watch me die?"

At this moment, she seems to be Zi Yao.


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