God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1523: Urgently waiting

"Clark! Did you find the location?"

The screaming of the Tiangong people sipped in a place where the magnetic field was distorted. Six or seven warriors who reached the realm of the ancestral dynasty, standing with him, were also anxious.

Clarke's face was awkward, his swaying swaying, and it was a bit of a failure to get to this position, and he couldn't continue to give direction.

"Let's give the master a look. If it is damaged, you can let the master fix it for you." Jia Ni's voice is soft and soft, and his eyes are deep and he puts forward his own suggestions.

Like the screaming, Jia Ni is not a seven-nation nationality, but she is equally honorable. She and Xuantian's Judy are said to be the righteous Jinlan, commensurate with their sisters.

Jia Ni is a mysterious ethnic group. Although there are not many people in this area of ​​the imaginary sea, most of the realm is deep. Because of the relationship between Jia Ni and Judi, the mysterious and the Xuan Tian are closely related, but the mysterious family It is not the vassal race of the Xuan Tianzu, but it remains **.

Jia Ni is tall and tall, and the tall, crispy chest is covered with exquisite armor. Her arms, legs and neck are exposed. The bare parts are full of mysterious patterns. These patterns are naturally formed, such as the veins of the river. Such as flowers, such as palm prints, is very beautiful.

Her delicate face is also covered with wonderful blue and dark purple patterns. Look carefully, like a fairy flower blooming on her cheek. The tattoo not only does not damage her appearance, but adds another one to her. The beauty of the evil spirits is just that beauty is not something that ordinary people can enjoy.

Jia Ni’s eyes are deep and sneer, and his mouth is sneer. When he treats Neptune and others, he is also disdainful.

She is a domain ancestor of a heavenly realm, practicing strange secret spells, she has been immersed in this realm for many years, earlier than Napton, Keith breakthrough time, secret curse is the unique meaning of the mysterious family. Other races can't even get started. They use the secret spell to swim in the sea of ​​nothingness. Jia Ni rarely meets opponents.

It is said that even Judy, when he did not break through the realm of the ancestors of the ancestors, he would have to go down the battle with her.

"Clark, how is this secret treasure really damaged? It is indeed possible for the master of the roaring to show you." Napton saw Clark always unable to touch the direction, and his heart was intolerant. Also cold face to drink.

"What the **** is going on?" Keith of the ancient demon. Also frowned.

Clark, who was equally anxious, in desperation, handed the gold needle to the scream of the Tiangong people, saying: "Master is careful..."

Roaring a messy red hair, he took the gold needle unceremoniously, and the palm suddenly burst into a fierce flame. The flame wrapped around the golden needle "噼里啪啦" burning, screaming the red face that was reflected by the fire, it seems very focused at the moment. Show the master style.

His hands are changing, and a group of flames magically form a wonderful seal, and some flames become flowers. Some of the flames are fruitful, and some of the flames become elves fire people. Those are the seals that have their own lives and are transformed by the flame energy.

A lot of flame marks, one by one on the gold needle. I only heard the golden needle "beep" and it became golden red in a moment.


The golden needle rang, and the smoke suddenly appeared, and the smell of sour was heard in the smoke.

"This secret treasure is contaminated with too much dregs in your **** body, and it becomes not pure enough, so it is easy to be affected by the magnetic field." The roaring and violent hands together, countless flames will disappear into his palm, and then the golden needle will become a little golden man, Re-fall into Clark's hands. "When it's okay, don't use your hands to play. Your hands are sweaty, and there are dregs on the sweat. This sharp-thinking gold needle is very precious and cannot be contaminated by any dross. ”

Clark of the ancient Yaozu was taught by him. He also looked at him with a look. He used his power to make a hand, and held the golden needle with the light. He released the probe of the righteousness and immediately smiled. He smiled again and again: "Thank you for your guidance."

If the words fall, the golden needle freezes and specifies a position.

It is the star of Shiyan and the dragon lizard.

That star, now in a circle of gray smog, do not look carefully, in a star of obvious stars, that one is easily overlooked.

——The stars hidden by the power of Ziyao, if they were erased from the domain, she was originally prepared to take off the blood of the dragon lizard ancestors and swallow it.

The same is true, she does not want to be discovered, so deliberately concealed the star.

Without Clark's secret gold needle, it may take a longer time for everyone to find this star.

After accurately locking the position, Neptune and the screaming, Jia Ni, a group of warriors who were not afraid of death, swiftly across the Milky Way, and soon descended on the starred by the haze.

Deep inside the smog, they changed their faces one by one, watching the dazzling light weaving in the stars below, and everyone's expressions were dignified.

The heavens and the earth below the smog are so magnificent, the light curtains condensed by the patterns on the body of Zi Yao, each of which is filled with the power of the earth-shattering explosion. Their realm is repaired and cannot penetrate the giant net-like light. The curtain, inside the mainland, can't know what is going on in the mainland at the moment.

However, the deterrent power of the two oppressed souls penetrated from the stars below, leaving each of their souls secretly uneasy.

The sense of oppression of the soul is not the light curtain that can be hindered. The souls of the strong who reach the realm of the domain are very sensitive, and can feel the horrible deterrent power of the Yuan and Zi Yao.

"Under, I am afraid that there are two terrible existences to fight, the horror of breath, no less than the top ten ancestors..."

The secret of the mysterious family, the demon and mysterious face, appeared to be bitter, she sighed, the tall figure stagnated, did not dare to go to the next inch.

Closed her eyes, the delicate pattern of her left arm, like a fresh life, strangely twisted, she has already displayed a secret spell, with her own secret lines as a context, try to determine the following situation.

Everyone clearly saw that the beautiful green pattern of Jia Ni’s left arm gradually turned into a pair of green eyes, and the eyes were very mysterious. The people just looked at it, as if they thought that the eye could see through all the fog.

The green eyes, such as the sashimi in the snow white arm of Ghanna, the eyes are vivid, such as the real thing.

Suddenly, a drop of red blood flashed from the corner of the eye!

Jia Ni’s body suddenly trembled, and the blood-stained eyes suddenly shattered and split into numerous fine patterns, which were scattered again and spread all over the white skin of Jia Ni’s left arm.

"Two, two..."

The trembling voice of Jia Ni suddenly screamed out sharply, and her eyes showed a strange color of excitement and fear.


The crowd did not understand for a moment, asked subconsciously, asking her to explain clearly.

"Two! There are two supernatural spirits in the same level fighting!" Jia Ni was so excited with a strange voice, she was so smug that she even had a drop of blood that appeared in her mouth. Did not notice.

The careful person will find the drop of blood in her mouth, just the drop in the eye of her left arm...

She used a secret spell to gain insight into her, and she had already spent a part of her efforts, but because of the emergence of two early-born creatures, this excitement made her temporarily forget the pain.

Greedy desires have already drowned her, and they have drowned everyone in this place in an instant.

"God! There are actually two supernatural beings! It’s too rare for thousands of years to see the firstborn, and this time it’s two manifestations!"

"It's still in battle! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Yes! There is no better time than this. Hey, we must not worry, wait until they fight first, and then we will have the results, then we will go in and pick the fruits of victory!"

"The luck is coming, I can't stop it! Hahaha!"

“Everyone will discuss it first, how should we distribute it?”

All the people who have been chasing all the way from the land of imaginary land, bloody, red-faced, with greedy luster in their eyes, as if they have killed two early-born creatures, they are excited to start discussing how to divide accounts.

Not yet rushed into the direction below, these people have gradually become mad, thus showing the attraction of the beginning of the living, how big for them.

"That's true, Jia Ni is the first to remember! It is indeed the strongman who cultivates the mysterious curse. It is indeed mysterious!" The roaring haha ​​laughed, and he seemed to have seen an artifact that was tempered by him. Seeing the name of his screaming, it was passed down in the era of one after another.

"The two are too young, one of them is Shiyan?" Napton suddenly said.

This sentence instantly attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked forward to seeing Jiani, because from the tone of Jia Ni, they speculated that Shiyan should not be one of them, because Shiyan had just condensed the body of the beginning, strictly It is still not a real birth.

After all, he has not experienced the long-lasting era of destruction, no vast knowledge, no understanding of the beginning of life.

Without these, it can't be regarded as a supernatural being in the true sense. Shiyan is only a strong person who has condensed the body of the beginning.

"Not him! Certainly not!" Jia Ni affirmed everyone's speculation. "The two existent bodies have a long-lasting ancient atmosphere unique to the beginning of life! The breath is only available to living creatures that have survived for hundreds of millions of years. That's two real primates!"

When the words came out, everyone was grinding their fists and their faces were full of excitement.

"Slightly safe! Don't be too embarrassed!" Keith stopped everyone's swearing and persuaded everyone to sigh, so as not to be stared at by the underlying spirits, thus destroying their major events.

"Well, squatting at them, the battle is not over. Let's discuss it and discuss how to deal with them." Napton touched his chin and his eyes sparkled with a sneer and sneer. "We should split them into two and deal with them separately. Let's talk about it." Talk, um, I suggest that we and Keith, Rabit, one of the other land of your virtual land."

"no problem."

"Just do it!"

"it is good!"


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