God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1524: Over the sea

Killing God 1524_ Killing God Full Text Free Reading _ The first thousand five hundred and twenty-four chapters

Unfamiliar domain boundaries, strange planets, two behemoths have fierce battles, and terrible energy shocks have caused the mainland to explode as the endless earthquake has occurred. Many of the ocean rivers have been razed to the ground.

Fortunately, this planet is deserted, otherwise the mortal is afraid that it is difficult to escape, and it will be affected by the influence of the early life, and then the soul will be smeared.

A remote corner of the mainland.

In the earth-shattering explosion roaring, Shi Yan woke up, and the first thing he saw was the cautious and guarded old face of the dragon lizard ancestors.

The dragon lizard's face is dark red, and there are heavy wrinkles on the cheeks. When you look at it, it looks like a cracked old bark. There is no beauty at all.

This old face is covered with dignified color. When he sees Shiyan blinking, he looks happy and says, "You can wake up."

Shi Yan smiled and got up and said, "How long has it been? What is the situation now?"

"Not long, but a few days, I don't know what the situation is now, because I didn't dare to leave this place." The dragon lizard ancestors apparently breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, during this time, no one else Come, or I will not be so relaxed."

Shi Yan did not answer immediately. He secretly observed the situation of the body and the soul altar. The dark and unpredictable luster appeared in his eyes...

The gods in the body of God are powerful, the roots are crystal clear, and the pure power flows. However, in the top position of the ancient trees, there are many branches that are foggy and do not condense into the essence of the crystal. - This is a manifestation that the power is not fully filled.

When the angle of view turns, he looks at the sea with his heart and looks at the soul pool in the sea.

In the vast sea of ​​knowledge, the area of ​​the soul pool has obviously expanded a lot. Although it is not compared with the whole sea of ​​knowledge, his heart is bright. After understanding the absorption of Ferrer's soul altar, the darkness can flow into his soul pool, so that the soul of the soul in his soul pool can be greatly increased.

The realm of the domain ancestors is the peak realm!

He secretly admired that his face naturally flashed with joy and joy. In the cloud and Mongolian domain, he killed so many cloud-strongers, and the sum of the energy they captured was not enough for Ferrer!

The power produced by Ferrer alone. More than a dozen low-level immortals are abundant. More powerful than hundreds of thousands of the first gods!

However, his ancient power tree and soul pool still did not reach the critical point of breakthrough. He felt it carefully. He realized that Ferrer’s strength was strong, but he himself broke through the domain ancestors, so he had to advance to the double. Heaven realm. The sum of the energy needed is also an astronomical number.

A single Ferrer is still far from the breakthrough limit, and perhaps three to five strong players like Ferrer. All of it is absorbed by him, and the energy after refining is integrated into the ancient trees and soul pools of God, and it is hoped that the critical point can be reached.

A breakthrough in the realm of the domain. It is not the same as the previous realm. In addition to the power of the ancient tree, you need the understanding of the righteousness, and you need the soul of the soul pool to be enough!

Soul energy, in the realm of the domain. It is also one of the key elements of the breakthrough. Only when the ancient trees and soul pools of the gods are condensed to a certain extent, and they are clearly understood in the righteousness, can they break through.

This is also the reason why the domain ancestors have more people in the realm of the heavens, and the double heavens are extremely rare, because the breakthrough process of the domain ancestors is extremely long!

Normally a domain ancestor, light is the condensation of the ancient trees of the gods, all need tens of thousands of years of accumulation, in order to reach the critical point of breakthrough!

"Ferrell... was you completely refining?" The dragon lizard ancestors saw him silent, his eyes flashing, suddenly realized what, the strange tone of inquiry.

With a grin, Shiyan nodded. "Ferrell has completely disappeared."

"Or, let's see the battle between them?" The dragon lizard tempted.

The battles that took place on the mainland have caused the land to sink deep, causing many volcanoes to erupt, causing the mountains and rivers to collapse. The huge fluctuations of the mountains and rivers make the dragon lizard ancestors feel every moment. He stayed beside Shiyan in the past few days. From time to time, from the vibration of the earth to guess the scene of the battle of the early life, I have long been unable to bear, and I want to know how spectacular this battle is.

"it is good!"

The blast of Shiyan’s eyes shot an amazing light.

In the next moment, countless stars flashed in his body, and he seemed to be a meteor rising into the sky, and instantly in the sky.

In the extremely high void, the stone rock condenses to look down, and the face suddenly becomes dignified.

There are countless abyss on the mainland, and those deep abyss are extremely deep, far from the bottom, far-sighted, countless mountains and rivers fall down, countless oceans are filled in, and only the bodies of the twelve heavenly snakes of Zi Yao are gathered, sometimes gathered together. An arc of snakes and tails is connected, and twelve kinds of different colors of light are spewed out in the twelve snake heads. When the gods come out, they are turned into a river condensed by strange energy in the sky!

A strip of gods and light, the spider silk is intertwined on the sky, filling the sky.

The snake body connected by the snake tail will change from time to time and become a separate snake. Each snake has a length of ten thousand miles, such as a strip of mountains and mountains, on the upper reaches of the mainland.

Where the snakes lived, there was a deep gully on the mainland, which became a crisscross pattern.

In the center of the twelve snakes, a giant behemoth resembles a giant tortoise. The creature carries a thick shell, and there is a hard and mysterious turtle pattern on the shell. The creature of this giant tortoise is the true body of the Yuan, the beginning of life. One of the "鼋".

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred martial arts is the life that was created by the original form of "鼋", but compared with the true body of the sacred sacred sacred martial arts, it is not a level.

Under the "鼋", for the ocean, the ocean is made by his cohesive transformation. The sea is dark and inky, very mysterious.

Any one of the twelve snakes is smaller than the giant tortoise. Only twelve snakes are united. The huge shape of the meat mountain can be compared with the giant tortoise.

In the sky, Shiyan measured it and found that the body of the "鼋" almost occupied the position of more than half of the mainland. When I saw it, it was like a turtle lying on a table tennis bat. The stone rock was dark and surprised. Even sighing at the beginning of the birth of the spirit is really overbearing, the body is huge and shocking.

In a comparison, he discovered that after he changed to the beginning of his life, he should be considered a small one compared to the "鼋" and "虺".

As for the true body of the dragon lizard ancestors, it is even more incomparable. The dragon lizard ancestors are only the second generation of the "lizard". The blood of the early days is not pure enough, so the flesh and blood of the flesh cannot reach the real birth. Level.

At this moment, the two ancestors of "虺" and "鼋" are engaged in the real body, and the earth is overwhelmed by the earth. The rainbow is shining through the earth, and the earth has a deep bottomless abyss. In the real world, there are more gullies on the earth.

The meaning of "鼋" is water, and his power is released, forming a sea of ​​oceans. Gradually, the land of this continent is quickly submerged by the ocean, and the body of "鼋" floats in the ocean, actually quite For the quick and smart.

"This continent is about to be destroyed by you. Do you want to erase this domain boundary?" The voice of the Yuan **** came from the body "鼋", and the thunder was like thunder.

The first part of the snake's snake, Zi Yao's graceful human figure emerged. She looked cold and cold and said: "Don't say that destroying this continent is really destroying the entire domain. I don't care. Who dares? Blocking my steps, I will let him move forever!"


The giant light net that filled the sky, like a cage, suddenly oppressed and bound the true body of the Yuan.


The giant net weaved by the Shenguang River suddenly came with intense electric current. A stock burned the heavens and the earth, obliterating the energy of the soul's will, and condensed on the giant net. The line of the giant net suddenly became a long line. The Heavenly Snake, every day, is a mysterious and mysterious, releasing a pure soul.

The soul is fierce, and the spirits are changing. Some souls are like crystals, some are turned into lightning, and some are turned into flames, which are combined into a cumbersome and fantastic array.

"You don't hesitate to lose a lot of power to seal me!" The screaming roar, his giant tortoise body writhing, the dark ocean underneath, suddenly became very turbulent, the sea quickly rose up, at an alarming speed to the sky Hey.

At the same time, a huge waterdrop, sparkling with a strange and strange wave, spit out from the Yuankou, the water droplets in the water, such as the most subtle performance of the water.

Suddenly, countless streams of water, such as dark ties, are instantly connected to the water bead. The center of the water droplets can faintly see the shape of the "鼋" soul. A huge wave that inundates the heavens and the earth, shot out from the water droplets, like The ocean in the entire Xinghai Sea suddenly emerged from the water bead, and the mainland was instantly overwhelmed!

The sea water rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, not only drowning the earth, but also drowning the sky, drowning the Zi Yao that gods and giants!

Stone rock and dragon lizard ancestors are no exception. They are swallowed by the endless sea water. They are in the deep sea of ​​dark ink, and nothing can be seen.

A glimmer of light suddenly flashed in front of the eyes. The human figure of the Yuan **** was real, strangely condensed, and his expression was dignified. Suddenly said: "Is it right? You want to find Zi Yao, the purple glory you know?" ”

Shiyan is amazed.

"I can help you, but you have to help me. I have a way to let the soul of Zi Yao back, to deprive the soul of the soul, and to replace the main body with the avatar. After the success, the original Zi Yao will Come back, the embarrassment of the early era will become the memory of the soul of Zi Yao." Yuan Shi seriously proposed.

"How can I believe you?" Shi Yan sneered and sneered.

"You don't have to believe in me. You just have to believe in the real purple glory. I will create an opportunity, a chance for you to talk to her alone. And you need to convince her to let her struggle and influence the will." The decision of the main body and the righteousness condense."


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