God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1525: Retrieve Zi Yao

In the dark sea water, the stone rock is stirring, and the complexion becomes extremely tangled.

Retrieving the original Zi Yao?

He is indeed heart-warming. He knows a little about the connection between the body and the body of the Taishou Spirit, but he is certainly not as familiar as the Yuan.

Since I saw Zi Yao and "虺" coming together and became no longer aware of it, he thought that it would never be possible to retrieve the original Zi Yao. In the future, many times, "虺" speaks in the tone and emotion of Zi Yao. Same as Zi Yao, but he understands better than anyone else. The current Zi Yao is not the purple Yao he knew before.

He thought he had completely lost Zi Yao.

Nowadays, Yuan Shi actually said that he can help him, help him find the original Zi Yao, and replace the "虺" soul with Zi Yao's soul, which makes him excited and doubtful. He doubts Yuan. The confession is ulterior motive.

However, this hope made him feel awkward. He was half-sounding and decided to even be a trap. Try it for the real Zi Yao!

Because if you veto this hope, he really has no chance, no chance to see Ziyan again!

"Good!" Shi Yan sipped low and said: "You just let me see her and let me talk to her. I believe you have this ability!"

"You wait." The Yuan **** is also very simple, so a statement, even if it disappears.

"call out!"

The body of the dragon lizard ancestors was suddenly wrapped in a stream of water and appeared beside Shiyan.

In the dark sea, he couldn't see the dragon lizard ancestors. He could only perceive the soul. He understood that this was the strength of the Yuan **** and the transfer of the dragon lizard ancestors. It was an attitude of cooperation.

He was in his heart and frowned in the deep sea, waiting silently for the movement of the Yuan.

The ocean that inundated the land and the sky of the mainland completely accommodated the true body of the Yuan. In the ocean, the body of the twelve snakes of "虺" is also in the deep sea and continue to fight with "鼋".

All of Neptune, who were originally on the outer layers of the mainland, were plotting to kill.

However, at this moment, they look at the mainland again and find that the mainland has disappeared into the vast ocean, and the ocean has not only drowned the continent. Still spreading at a very fast speed, actually drowning several nearby planets together!

This domain, in the vast starry sky, a sea appears out of thin air, spreading one planet, and the ocean is still spreading. Spreading across the domain, there is a kind of posture that wants to turn the entire domain into a sea. This power is simply shocking!

Everyone in Napton had to work on it. When he saw this situation, he had to take a break from the edge and evade the edge of the domain.

Hidden to areas that have not been submerged by Wang Yang.

This process lasted for dozens of days. During this period, many inanimate planets in the vicinity were swallowed up by Wang Yang. This area was originally uninhabited. It is mainly a dead star. It is also here to refine the dragon lizard ancestors, so there is no life. star.

It just happens to let the Yuan **** open his hands and feet to show his righteousness.

Dozens of days have passed, and Wang Yang has filled more than a dozen planets. Fill one-fifth of this domain boundary area.

In the dark sea water. Shi Yan waited for dozens of days, and he felt the battle between Yan and Yu. There has been no stopping. When the sea is flooding, the power of the dragonfly has been increasing. The seawater has stopped spreading because of the counterattack of the dragonfly. The power of the dragonfly has gradually curbed the continued spread of the seawater.

The stone ancestors and the dragon lizard ancestors are equivalent to being in the ocean of the Yuan dynasty and the evolution of power.

The two have been in communication for a long time. Shiyan wants to let the dragon lizard ancestors leave temporarily. The dragon lizard ancestors did not agree. They insisted on staying, and they should continue to feel the battle of the early life, find opportunities and help Shiyan to wake up. Zi Yao, find the goal of Zi Yao.

- Although he does not know who Zi Yao is.

"Follow me." On this day, the figure of the Yuan **** suddenly appeared again. As soon as he emerged, this dark ocean immediately became transparent and colorless, and the sea water was clear, so that the sight of the stone dragon dragon lizard was not affected.

A thread-shaped tunnel, which emerged after the death of the Yuan, slowly retracted into it.

Shiyan and the dragon lizard ancestors followed.

Through the underwater tunnel, suddenly Huaguang is flourishing, the rainbow is intertwined, and a gorgeous deep sea world suddenly comes into view.

The body of the twelve-headed snake is still in the deep sea and the head of the Yuan Dynasty. The two sides still seem to be evenly matched, and everyone seems to have no advantage.

The battle between the first and last souls, unless the power disparity is too great, otherwise the time will be very long, such as the battle between the wild and the phlegm, which lasted for tens of thousands of years, there is no result.

In the same way, the battle between 虺 and 鼋 is not unexpected and will not be suspended soon. It is possible to engage in the end of an era.

"I invade her soul with the soul of the soul, can temporarily restrain her main soul, so that her soul can't handle everything. At this time, you call Zi Yao, call her soul, I think, that purple The soul of the soul itself will tell you how to do it.” The metaphysical flash of the human form, the description of the dignity of the extreme, said: "I have a life-soul bead, I have a lot of danger, please... please pay attention For a moment, I don't want to go with the same sorrow. You must be aware that if my lifeblood comes out, you must not trust her any more!"

"You do it." Shi Yan took a deep breath and decisively shouted.

The huge waterdrops swallowed by the body of the scorpion suddenly spit out again. His natal soul beads changed instantly, split into twelve, and turned into twelve dark streams. Each dark stream was pure. The soul can condense, the purity and purity of any soul can be compared to the sum of the souls in the stone rock pool!

Twelve streams formed by the fusion of consciousness and magical powers, such as the twelve black lights, suddenly fell into the twelve snake heads.

In full swing, settle in the hustle and bustle!

鼋 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大 庞大

Shi Yan secretly sensed, keenly found in the twelve snake heads of the dragonfly, 虺 strong soul fluctuations, such as being held down by twelve invisible big hands!

As the Yuan died, he invaded the twelve souls of the scorpion with the sacred soul beads, and gave his soul together, so that he could not be controlled, and there was no way to continue to control other avatars!

"Zi Yao! Zi Yao!" Shi Yan took the opportunity to stand off, and the figure appeared in the first part of the Snake Snake with the throne. He sat still in the throne, and the purple screams with a dull expression shouted, "I It’s Shiyan, you wake me up! Wake up now!”

The sound of voice, such as the strange current, a radiant glimpse in Zi Yao's graceful posture.

The sluggish look on Zi Yao’s face gradually became confused, like a person who had slept for too long and too long, and there was no way to wake up immediately.

Shi Yan was anxious, shouting over and over, shouting her name.

Because the twelve souls were all restrained, and the purple glory of the gods was completely absent, the eyes gradually had a little sparkle. Shiyan was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "It is me! Zi Yao! It is me!"

A little wave of light gradually spread, such as the fire of the stars can poke the original, Zi Yao Shen Cai quickly recovered, she suddenly brightened, suddenly screamed in fear, "Do not, do not erase my consciousness! Do not, please let me go!"

"It's me! It's me! Shiyan!"

"Shi Yan? Zi Yao? I am Zi Yao? I am Zi Yao!"

Ziyao’s body suddenly trembled, like being hit by lightning, and instantly woke up, almost without any hesitation. She immediately plunged into Shiyan’s arms and was shocked and said: “Take me away! Go far away, it always controls With my body and mind, I am no longer me, no longer have the ability to be independent! Take me away! Get out of this endless nightmare!"

"Yes, yes, believe me, I will not only bring you out of my nightmare, but also give you a sweet dream." With this trembling familiar body, Shiyan immediately affirmed that this is Zi Yao, the real purple Yao !

"Shiyan, just the old man said, he doesn't have a lot of time. He said, your woman, know what to do, I think... you can talk about it later." The dragon lizard reminded him that he found Shiyan at the moment. The mood is very wrong, and there is a sense of calmness.

Shi Yan looked slightly changed, and suddenly recognized the facts. Shen Sheng said: "Time is tight, I will tell you the situation first, there is a person who temporarily suppresses the soul of the scorpion, so that it is detached and there is no way to control you. But this The time is very short. You tell me, is it possible to use your soul to anti-customer and occupy its soul consciousness? Is there any way to succeed?"

"My strength is too weak." Zi Yao shook her head again and again. "It is too strong, stronger than any existence I know. I can feel its horror. No creature can beat it."

“Yes!” Shi Yan shouted. “No matter how strong or weak, tell me, what should I do?”

"She has twelve souls, twelve souls interoperate, the main soul is here!" Zi Yao points to the giant snake head under the throne. "The soul is the key! As long as you can capture the soul, you should be able to have a chance! If I can be anti-customer and take over the main soul, then I can drive the main body, have endless power, and then the integration of the other souls will become simpler. But my soul is too weak, It is impossible to fuse the main soul of it. As long as it exerts a little power, I will be scattered."

"Now! Its soul has been fixed, you should try it!" Shiyan called.

"I am afraid..." Zi Yao couldn't help but shake his head, trembling, and there was deep fear in his eyes. The fear of deep bone marrow made her unable to try boldly.

"I will help you!"

Shiyan pushed Ziyao and suddenly roared to stimulate the blood. His small body instantly swelled. In just ten seconds, he became a giant, holding a fallen star, in the gaze of Zi Yao’s gaze. In the beginning, the artifacts fell into a long chain.

He took the chain and wrapped it in the head of the cockroach's main body, tightening it in a circle, red-eyed, and rushed to Ziyan: "Push into the depths of its soul!"


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