God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1532: Telling your heart

The colorful crystal throne is crystal clear, sparkling with colorful and brilliant treasures. The throne is located in the first part of the snake. Now on the throne, the purple glory is like a diamond, and the smile is bright. Like a blooming flower, the glamorous is outstanding.

Zi Yao is still the purple glory, but the temperament and charm have greatly surpassed the past. In Shiyan's view, the charm of Zi Yao is now unparalleled, and even the charm of Ji Ji is inferior to her.

Everything is attributed to her absorption of the "虺", the soul consciousness of the early life, and the complete reincarnation.

A lavender dress, her skin is better than the snow frost, lying on the lazy side of the colorful crystal throne, laughing and Ying Shi and Shi Yan discourse.

Shiyan's miniature body is also sitting in the crystal throne in human form. The smile shows that the previous strength has skyrocketed because the power of the wild is forced to perfuse.

"I thought it was going to be scattered, but I didn't expect it to be able to take its soul away. Now I think it's all thrilling." Zi Yao smiled brightly, she bit her lower lip, stretched her hand and took the stone rock, pulled it closer, and swirled Even leaning on the stone rock.

"I have always been self-satisfied, thinking that in your eyes, in your heart, there is no place for me. Sometimes I look at you day by day, I am really inferior, I feel farther and farther away from you. I feel that you are getting out of reach..."

Her voice gradually lowered and she shed her heart for many years. "I have given up because I feel that I can't chase you. I can't give you any help. It can only be a rope that binds you to fly. I used to I am trying hard to chase, to practice hard and to improve my realm."

She looked up and looked at Shi Yan's face deeply. "But you can break through too fast, it's hard to imagine. I can only watch as you get stronger and stronger. I work hard and pull away and Your distance, I hate myself!"

Shiyan is speechless.

As early as in the flames of the stars, he knew the heart of Zi Yao, but at that time, he only had Xia Xinyu in his heart, and he wanted to break through himself, and find a pure land for the gods who are about to exhaust their energy. Give an account to those who trust him.

So he lived up with the affection of Zi Yao. After coming to the Malang Star Field, he still went around and his footsteps never stopped.

At that time, Zi Yao also had another chance. He worshipped Lin Xin as a disciple and dispersed him for many years. After goodbye, I didn’t get along for a long time, and because his battle was separated.

After seeing you again. Zi Yao has indeed been unable to chase him, and he is drifting away from him.

He thought that in his heart, Zi Yao's figure was not profound. However, after the "虺" took Zi Yao's soul to occupy and Zi Yao was completely enslaved, he realized that there was always a position in his heart. That position has been branded with Zi Yao's figure, never faded.

"Today, you gave up my life for me and desperately helped me to compete with it. I finally knew that you have me in your heart..."

Zi Yao mouth corner highlights the smile that is difficult to cover up, as if at this moment, many years of sour expectations are worth it.

The body of the twelve giant snakes gradually emerged in the sea that gradually ebb tides, entrenched in that divided continent, surrounded by the explosion of the stars, cracked meteorites, large chunks of meteorites, such as huge dust suspension In the Milky Way, float beside them.

Except for the two of them, there is no breath of life here, and no life exists.

They can express their emotions and enjoy the rare solitude. In this strange continent, the strange star field, the words hidden in the hearts of both sides for many years...

Time is fading away in silence.

In the gloomy starry sky, there are many strange warships. There are many warrior activities on those warships, and many people have a high level of realm.

There are also some warriors who do not take any chariot battleships and wander directly with the gods.

At the corner of the domain, the battle of destruction and destruction of the land finally alerted the warriors in the far-reaching places, the warriors living in this domain, and the strong domain powers in the immediate vicinity. Due to the impact of the power of stone rock and scorpion battle, Tearing the domain barriers, leading to the presence of warriors in the nearby domain.

Shi Yan and Zi Yao timely noticed the closeness of the souls, and the two stopped talking. The purple heart was changed, and the surrounding space suddenly showed strong smoke.

Among the heavy smoke, the twelve snakes are condensed in a colorful world.

The world narrowed down a little and eventually became a light spot, disappearing into the depths of Zi Yao's eyes. She stood side by side with Shi Yan and let go of the sense of soul.

The soul of Shiyan, such as the invisible waves, spread out and was examined among those who gathered.

Individual warriors of different races and different realms are presented in his eyes. Some of those warriors are adventurous to the land of the virtual land, some are local warriors, and some belong to the nearby domain.

Among thousands of first-time warriors, suddenly there was a figure that attracted the attention of Shi Yan. His eyes were slightly bright, and he suddenly pulled the arm of Zi Yao and said, "Go."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadows of him and Zi Yao, like smoke, gradually dissipated.


Evelyn and several ethnic groups of the Tianmu people stood in the crowd and looked farther into the smog.

He originally took a few apprentices and traveled in the corner of the Tianmu nationality to teach the apprentice's understanding of the righteousness. He suddenly discovered that the nearby space barrier was smashed. Under curiosity, he took several apprentices from there. The crack in the exit channel entered the border area of ​​the border.

He knows that this domain is called "澜沂", and they are close to the "Lin 瞑" of their Tianmu nationality. There are still passages in the sect of the sect of the sect and the domain of their sect. In fact, he and Ma Xisha and Adams before. It is through the territorial domain to enter the virtual land, and then go to the sea.

From the broken passage to the boundary of the field, he felt the earth-shattering energy shock fluctuations.

The volatility, which is hundreds of millions of miles away from them, is still very strong. Under curiosity, he came with a few apprentices and wanted to know what happened in the realm of the country.

Upon arrival, they found that the center of the battle was covered by thick fog, and the internal scene could not be seen at all.

There are many people who come with him like him. Many of them are well-known powerful people in the realm of the realm. The cultivation of the immortal realm, those people do not dare to go deep into it, but just look at it from afar.

He also dared to watch silently in the distance.

"Master, what level of strong will fight?"

A Tianmu tribe with only the realm of the king of God, full of curiosity, looked at the front, "Why didn't anyone dare to go in and see?"

"Stupid! It must be those who know that the level of fighting is not something they can watch, so they dare to look far!"

A pretty Tianmu girl, took a look at the young man and reprimanded the exit.

"Sister, what level do you say? What level?" Young martyrdom.

The girl secretly looked at Evelyn next to her, spit out her tongue, and said with a lovely voice: "Of course it is a terrible existence than the master. Otherwise, the master will not just look at it."

When the words came out, the young man was shocked and said: "The master has broken through to the immortal two heavens. Is the person in the smoke more powerful than the master? Is it immortal?"

"Crap!" The girl snorted.

When Evelyn and Ma Xisha and Adams went to the sea of ​​nothingness, and when Shi Yan first met, it was only a step away from breaking through the double heaven.

After experiencing the tragic change of the dragon lizard star, I got some guidance from the dragon lizard ancestors. After the Tianmu and Xuantian people hooked up, the Tianmu clan became the vassal race of the Xuan Tianzu, Evelyn, Mahisha, and Adams. I got a lot of benefits, and Evelyn broke through the trend and reached the immortal double heaven.

Within the entire Tianmu tribe, today's Evelyn is famous because he made the Tianmu clan a mysterious race. He is famous in the Tianmu clan, and the patriarch of the Tianmu clan is respectful to him. .

Several juniors are the apprentices of Evelyn. In their eyes, Evelyn is already at the top, and the existence of the ancestor level has never been seen before.

The entire Tianmu clan has not yet had a domain ancestor, and so is it. The Tianmu clan is only a third-rate race, and it is still not a second-rate race.

Unless there is a domain ancestor in the race, the ranks of the entire race can be raised.

"Xiao Ya, Xiao Ye, you have to remember that it is a top-notch in the realm of the teacher, but it is not worth mentioning when you get the domain."

Evelyn looked at the two young people who had placed great hopes on him. He said seriously: "I think that the cultivation of the teacher is the realm. If you fight with people in the void of the sea, you can't escape." There is a strong person. Where the cloud is stronger than the stars of the Tianmu, you must not let go!"

When this statement came out, the two young people, Xiaoya and Xiaoye, were ashamed and screamed.

Evelyn looked at the two people deeply and sighed, saying: "The ability to teach is limited, even if you tell all the understanding of the righteousness, you are at least a little stronger than the teacher. As for breaking through the domain ancestors, hey, no one. Good master, I am afraid that life is hopeless..."

His biggest dream is that the Tianmu people can give birth to a domain ancestor and upgrade the ranks of the Tianmu people.

Even if his generation is not good, he hopes that the next generation can realize the dream that this Tianmu tribe is eager for. When he comes to see Xiaoya and Xiaoye, the qualifications are extraordinary. If you can get the guidance of the famous teacher, there may be a hint in the future. May break through the domain ancestors.

However, the famous teacher at the ancestor level is not a small Tianmu tribe who can get started. In those days, he and Ma Xisha and Adams helped Shiyan. They once asked for a request: If one day, Shiyan breaks through the domain ancestors, he wants Shiyan. Pick one person in the Tianmu family.

He and the three of Maheshha and Adams have stayed in the sea of ​​nothingness, spending all their energy and inquiring about the news of Shiyan.

Until they heard that Shiyan disappeared on the bottom of the sea, they were disappointed to return to the Linyi domain, thinking that their agreement with Shiyan in the past may no longer be possible.

"Long time no see, Evelyn."

In the shackles of his suffering, suddenly a familiar voice came from his ear. He was a bit stunned first, and when he saw the people coming by him, he suddenly stunned and could not help but shudder and scream.

"You, how are you here?"


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