God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1533: Convention of the year

Evelyn’s eyes were shining. He couldn’t expect to meet Shiyan here. When he knew that Shiyan’s mysterious disappearance from the sea of ​​destruction, he guessed that Shiyan had returned to his hometown. At that time, he and Adams and Mashasha were disappointed. At the extreme, after returning to the field of Lin, they were unhappy for a long time.

After a lapse of more than one hundred years, he traveled with a few disciples, and the place he came to was not a virtual sea. He could meet Shiyan, and he really let his heart bloom.

"I didn't expect you to be here too!"

Evelyn was radiant, and his heart suddenly moved. He suddenly understood it. He looked at the smog and thought of it: "You are also attracted by this huge movement, coming from other domain circles? It is strange to say that this is The strong fluctuations in the realm of the realm have caused the barriers in our domain to be torn apart. Should you, too?"

Shi Yan and Zi Yao looked at each other and said, "Well, our domain is also nearby. I was smashed by the fluctuations. I came over and saw that I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance."

Evelyn released a strange light in his eyes, and he looked at him and Zi Yao, and he was secretly surprised.

He could not see the realm of Shi Yan and Zi Yao!

"The domain of the Tianmu people is not far from here. Is it true that I haven't seen Adams and Ma Xisha for a long time, um, if you don't mind, take us to see?" Shi Yan indulged and said proactively.

This place has attracted too much attention. After the escape of the Yuan, the side will soon become the focus, especially the death of Rabit, Clark, Napton, Roaring, Jia Ni, etc., which was also absorbed by Zi Yao. This place will surely attract the strongest of the top ten ancestors of the seven races.

After a battle with the Yuan, he was very powerful. The energy after the tragic death of the Labit was absorbed by his huge body in a very small range. He needed a buffer period to refine.

Similarly, Zi Yao also needs to stabilize. Handle Neptune, Roaring, and Jiani.

The domain of the Tianmu family is a good place to stop, so he moved his mind.

"Haha, great, I think Adams and Maheshha will be very happy to see you!"

Evelyn Barbour Stone was in the past, and he should bear it. He touched his mouth and thought about it. He also asked: "You don't want to continue watching? The movement is so big. The planet has collapsed. I am afraid it is a battle between the strongest ancestors?" His curiosity about the smoke is still strong.

"If it is really the realm of the domain ancestors, we venture into the roots simply asking for it, or not?" Shi Yan smiled.

Evelyn thought about it and nodded. He said, "That's good. We are going back, going to our field."

"Master. Are they?" The girl of Tianmu is Xiaoya, her eyes are shining and shining. She looked at Shiyan and looked at Zi Yao and said, "This sister is so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman, really beautiful!"

The purple glory of the fusion of the "虺" soul power can't hide the dazzling beauty, and the touching beauty can make women marvel.

Ono and several men of the Tianmu. When I looked at Zi Yao, I was timid and shrinking. I was twitching and squinting. I wanted to see more eyes and I was afraid that Shiyan was angry. It seemed quite embarrassing.

In the heartfelt admiration of Xiaoya, Zi Yao smiled gracefully and elegantly. "The little girl is also very beautiful."

"This is?" Evelyn was amazed, secretly: Why not Audrey? Change women?

When he asked this question, he found that Shiyan had some mistakes, and Zi Yao, it was bright and bright, and Xiaoyingying looked at Shiyan. It seemed that he had to wait for Shiyan to give her a satisfactory answer.

"Isn't that sure yet?"

Evelyn was shocked and looked quite awkward and felt that he had asked stupid things.

"Oh." Shi Yan smiled lightly, did not clearly explain the relationship, in the envious eyes of the Tianmu men in Ono, naturally, the purple Yaoshui snake-like waist.

Zi Yao’s eyes are bright, and it’s a good thing to stick to him. He’s in a good mood. “You like this little girl. You cultivate the flames righteously right? This little thing will send you.”

She came to Xiaoya with her genius, and in the surprise of the girl in this day, she put a heart-shaped red crystal into Xiaoya’s palm.

The heart-shaped red crystal, there is a group of red flames jumping inside, and there is a clear sense of life!

Xiaoya's delicate white and white palms touched the heart-shaped red crystal. Suddenly, even the soul altars were like sinking in the sea of ​​bonfires. A pure flame energy, directly from the heart-shaped red crystal, penetrated Her gods are old trees, her old trees are lit like "Peng", and the red energy is like a wave.


Xiaoya was shocked and stunned. The little hand shook, and the heart-shaped red crystal was thrown away by panic. I saw the little red crystal, and released the heat wave in an instant. The Evelyn scared by the heat wave was discolored.

Xiaoya is young and knowledgeable. Evelyn naturally has enough eyes to distinguish the preciousness of the strange things.

He was busy with the power, wrapped the little red crystal, and collected it with pure energy. He felt it for a moment, suddenly shocked, and looked at Zi Yao with horror, respectfully holding the red crystal. : "This thing is too expensive, please take it back, Xiaoya, Xiaoya is afraid that it is no blessing."

A small piece of crystal, the inner strength of it, makes him feel terrified, he does not know what the thing is, but knows absolutely precious!

Zi Yao smiled and took a look at Shiyan.

Shi Yan knows that in Evelyn, he is precious and precious. For Zi Yao, it is just plain. He grins and says: "Take that little girl to accept it. The girl can't completely absorb the flame energy. However, this piece of red crystal is enough to make her power increase ten times faster. Her realm of breakthrough into immortality is not necessarily able to absorb the power."

As soon as this statement came out, Evelyn held the hand of the flame crystal and shivered slightly.

Xiaoya stayed, and the people of the Tianmu nationality were also in doubt, and they did not know whether Shiyan’s words were true or false.

A small flame crystal, the power contained in it can be maintained until Xiaoya breaks through the immortal realm. Is it so precious?

If it is so precious, why is it easy to send it out?

Is it so unusual in the eyes of these two people?

A series of questions, lingering in the hearts of the Tianmu tribes, their low scores, doubts but not dare to ask questions, just staring at them.

Evelyn has been indulging for a long time, and he has taken the scalp down. He thanked Zi Yao for his kindness and led the way, and led Shi Yan and Zi Yao to the barrier.

Through the cracks in the domain barriers, Shiyan and Zi Yao came to the domain of the Tianmu people's life. When they entered it, they left only a short time. The torn domain barrier was in a layer of space ripples. Under the movement, it is wonderfully healed.

- Of course, no one of these people of the Tianmu nationality can know.

Lin Yu's domain is not very big. Shi Yan's soul consciousness extends, and soon covers half of the domain. He wanders around many stars and earns the general situation of the domain.

"I will take you to the array, to the holy land of our Tianmu people, where Maisha and Adams are all there!"

After Evelyn took the flame crystal, he was a little awed by Shi Yan and Zi Yao. He led the way to the nearest transfer point, and his expressions were a little cautious along the way.

He found that today's Shiyan, he can no longer see through, and there is no bottom in his heart, hesitating whether to mention the agreement of the year.

- He is afraid that Shiyan will refuse.

On the way, Xiaoya and Ono and the young men and women of the Tianmu nationality have been whispering. They are full of curiosity about Shiyan and Ziyao, and they are speculating on the realm of the two.

Most people think that Shiyan and Ziyao are in the realm of immortality, even the most daring Ono, just guessing that the two reached the immortal double heaven.

"call out!"

The white light flashed, and the transmission array started, spanning dozens of stars, reaching the holy land of the Tianmu.

Tianmuxing, seen from the outside, is like a huge eyelid. This is the holy land of the Tianmu people. It is the place where the tribes lived and cultivated and sacrificed their ancestors for generations.

The aura on the planet is not bad. The vast and innocent forest accounts for almost three-quarters of the planet. The rest are large and small lakes. The waters of the lakes are crystal clear, without any pollution, sweet and delicious, and can be directly consumed. .

In the forest, there are many cities of different sizes. There are many people of the Tianmu nationality who come in and out. In the sky, there are also powerful warriors flying in the realm.

In the southeast part of the planet, next to the seven large crystal lakes, it is the holy land of the Tianmu people. Among them are tall statues. The gods are all eyebrows. The third eye is greatly opened, releasing the colorful light, those gods. They are all strong people of the Tianmu nationality and those who have made great contributions to the race.

A newly erected statue, ten feet high, was carved from a cyan rock, and it looked like Evelyn.

Many of the people of the Tianmu nationality are next to the statue, looking up at the statue of Evelyn and paying homage.

"Well, your people are still erecting statues for you." Shi Yan glanced down from the sky and glanced at him with a smile.

"Oh," Evelyn muttered.

"My master let us Tianmu, and the Xuantian people reached a connection. Our Tianmu people can rely on the powerful Xuan Tianzu, which is the credit of my master. He has made great contributions to the race. The patriarchs and elders always thought that The master is qualified to be worshipped by the tribe."

An apprentice of Evelyn, who has been proud of this for more than a hundred years, sees Shiyan’s ridicule, and the red-eared red jump will come out to justify.

Shi Yan just smiled, and the heart felt interesting, and calmly went to a statue.

Zi Yao followed by.

Evelyn became more and more embarrassed. He knew better than anyone. The Tianmu people could rely on the Xuantian people, purely because the emoticons of the same year gave the faces of Shiyan. If they wanted to please the rock, the Tianmu was not qualified. Become a vassal race of the Xuan Tianzu.

... (to be continued..)

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