God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1534: Confuse

The sanctuary of the Tianmu is in the middle of the seven clear lakes. The aura is strong. Inside the huge statues, there are many temples for worship. The temples are magnificent and tall, and many elders of the Tianmu are practicing in them.

The old patriarch of the Tianmu clan, in the largest temple, presided over the overall situation of the Tianmu.

The master of Evelyn was originally the great elder of the Tianmu nationality. He was annihilated in the battle with the nearby domain warriors. Before, Evelyn, Ma Xisha, and Adams brothers and sisters were not eligible to enter the Holy Land, nor were they the Tianmu. Elders.

Returning from the virtual sea, the Evelyn trio brought the friendship of the Xuan Tianzu and reached a connection with the Xuantian.

Because of this great feat, Evelyn, Adams, and Mahisha have become elders of the Tianmu, and naturally they have a place in these shrines.

Evelyn was the master brother, and he had the greatest credit. The elders of the Tianmu family had discussed it and built a temple for him.

Many of the people of the Tianmu nationality now regard Evelyn as a great hero in the family. There are many young people who will come together to worship the statue of Evelyn.

Evelyn’s apprentices are also proud of this. Seeing Shi Yan’s laughter, he couldn’t help but stand up and refute.

Shi Yan laughed and let Evelyn lead the way, calmly to the temple.

"The front is the center of the Holy Land. Without the approval of the old patriarch, the outsiders cannot enter easily. Please understand." Evelyn suddenly stopped. Sorry to say: "Adams and Maheshsha are in the temple. I used to call them." Come and see you in person."

Shiyan had no interest in the holy land of the Tianmu people. It’s just a matter of rest and here, listening to Evelyn’s saying that he nodded.

Evelyn’s apostle stayed outside and entered the temple alone. After half an hour, he led Ma Xisha and Adams back together.

When Adams and Mahisha saw Shiyan, they were all surprised and inexplicable. They shouted: "On behalf of all the people of the Tianmu, thank you for coming!"

Xiaoya and Xiaoye’s young men and women of the Tianmu nationality were amazed when they saw the arrogant Adams’s treatment of Shiyan.

On behalf of the Tianmu ethnic group is grateful?

They all look inexplicable. I don't know why the Tianmu people would like to thank Shiyan. In the dark, when Adams was just complimenting, he didn't think much.

Many of the Tianmu youths who gathered under one of the statues in the vicinity were originally talking and laughing. Hearing the strange words here, I couldn't help but pay attention.

They saw Evelyn, Adams, and Mashasha at a glance, and they suddenly got excited and rushed up.

"Eve Elder! Are you Eve Elder? Please bless me!"

"Elder Adams. Elder Maisha, God, you have all come out of the temple, you can see you too happy. Please give me some advice on the mystery!"

"See Eve Elder!"


The excitement of the snoring suddenly collapsed. Those young people are glowing with two eyes, and they are desperately crowded here.

Evelyn was not good at first sight. Quickly said: "Speak in another place!"

He reached out and grabbed it. The group was crystallized into a cloth group, and the apprentices were all wrapped up, and Ma Xisha and Adams suddenly disappeared.

Shi Yan's heart and mind, and Zi Yao figure became blurred, and gradually lost track.

When it reappeared, everyone was already in a small valley outside the Temple of the Holy Land. The valley was very quiet. There were very strong enchantment fluctuations on the periphery. There were many garden bamboo buildings in the valley, which were elegant and quiet.

It used to be the place where Master Evelyn retreats. Evelyn sometimes talks about secrets and comes here. It is not too far away from the temple of the Holy Land.

"How come you come to our Tianmu?"

Ma Xisha was given an immortal Dan of the dragon lizard ancestor. Now she is also entering the immortal realm. She is also one of the elders of the Tianmu nationality. She knows better than anyone that she can have today’s achievements. The light, so her tone, is more respectful than Adams.

"By the way, just see Evelyn, just come over and see." Shi Yan smiled and explained.

"The old patriarch is busy hosting the strong people of the Fire Phoenix family. There is no embarrassment for the time being. After the event is over, we will join the old patriarchs and entertain you both!" Evelyn stressed.

"Fire Phoenix?"

Zi Yao’s expression is weird, and his eyes are full of interesting colors, as if he knew this race.

"The fire phoenix is ​​famous in the imaginary domain. The rumors are the same as the dragon lizard. It is also the descendant of the early birth. But the fire phoenix is ​​even more powerful. The fire phoenix has a domain ancestor. The fire phoenix is ​​also a mysterious Dependent, but much stronger than our Tianmu."

Evelyn explained to Shi Yan, "The starry field of the Fire Phoenix family is very close to our Tianmu people. After we attached to the Tianmu nationality, we were instructed by the Tianmu people. Let us make good relations with the Fire Phoenix people in the future. In the vicinity, we The Tianmu people and many other small races are based on the fire and phoenix horses."

Shi Yan was not interested in the disputes of these small races. He did not care about the hospitality of the old patriarchs of the day. He waved his head and said: "You don't have to bother with your patriarch, we just drop in the vicinity, um, can see. I am very happy with you, we are very tired to travel long distances, want to quietly practice cultivation here, if not mind?"

Ma Xisha was very clever and immediately understood and nodded quickly. "You should rest first, and wait for the spirit to recover. Let's see you again."

Then, she slammed the two brothers and took them away from the place.

"Why are you rushing to go?" After leaving the valley, Evelyn was somewhat dissatisfied. Like the younger sister, he said: "We had an agreement with him. I was afraid that he would forget it. I would like to mention it by the way. What are you worried about?"

"People want to get along with each other alone, you stupid, no look at all." Ma Xisha smiled.

She said that Evelyn and Adams woke up, and then thought that Shiyan was still there, but he was not in a hurry, and he was relieved.

"Right, the people of the Fire Phoenix family come over, what's the matter?" Evelyn's face sank and his expression was a bit complicated.

Like the Huofeng people, the Tianmu people are all dependent on the Xuan Tianzu race, but the Tianmu people are much weaker than the Huofeng people. Therefore, in the vicinity of a star sea area, the Huofeng people live by themselves, and the Huofeng people really helped. The Tianmu people are busy, helping the Tianmu people to shake the surrounding race.

But this is not free.

In the star field of the Tianmu nationality, many mines familiar with the flames have been left by the Huofeng people. The people of the Huofeng people cultivated the power of the fire, and the flame mines in their domain were almost mined. Most of the domain boundaries that are associated with the Fire Phoenix people are also going to leave the flame mine.

Originally, the Fengfeng people and the Tianmu people were not related, but because everyone relied on the Xuantian people, because the Fire Phoenix people helped the Tianmu people to shake the surrounding hostile forces, the Fire Phoenix people naturally reached out to the Tianmu nationality. The Tianmu people were asked to give them the fire and phoenixes.

This time, the people of the Fire Phoenix family came over and brought a lot of miners, and they are ready to proceed.

"There are not enough minerals they bring. I want to provide some of the miners and help them to mine the spar." Adams smiled bitterly.

"It’s too much. We have already assigned those flame spar mines to them. We even want us to provide even the miners. They have not helped us too much, and they have not replaced us. It is only in those hostile forces. Drinking and drinking, it is necessary for us to have so many things." Evelyn said coldly.

"Everyone is a vassal of the Xuan Tianzu, Xuan Tianzu is also a good intention. This one is the strongest of the Fengfeng people. Hey, there is no way, people have domain ancestors, and the status of Xuan Tianzu is too high. Adams sighed.

"Forget it." Evelyn thought there was no way, only to be patient.


In the valley.

After the departure of Evelyn, Shi Yan smiled lightly and said: "Speaking of the fire phoenix, your expression is very strange, how, you know them?"

"After I entered the virtual sea, I learned a little about it. This fire phoenix, oh, the former ancestor, was refining by me." Zi Yao said freely.

Shi Yan understands that Zi Yaoben is the avatar of "虺" and is part of the "虺" soul. Now, after engulfing the soul consciousness of "虺", she has already lived in "虺" and gained all the memories of the beginning.

"The ancestor of the Fire Phoenix family, is also the beginning of the living spirit? How can you be refining?" Shi Yan is also curious.

Zi Yao Shen for a long time, suddenly said: "How much do you know about the things of the early days? Are you not the two souls of the waste?"

"The memory is fragmented and can't be combined. I know all the broken things. I can't really understand the details of that era." Shi Yan said helplessly.

Looking at him deeply, Zi Yao smiled. "Then I will give you a good talk, you will make your heart bottom."

Shi Yan smiled. He wanted to find a quiet place, that is, to talk to Zi Yao, talk about the era that has been destroyed, and clear the fog inside.

"That is a magical era. The souls are huge. In that era, when the souls were born, they were the realm of the virtual gods. We don't need to cultivate the king of the gods step by step, as in the current race, and then break through the virtual **** from the king of gods. From the beginning, our beginnings were all false gods. We are blessed with the unique power of the heavens and the earth in that era. It is easy to cultivate."

"In that era, there was no domain boundary. The heavens and the earth were an infinite starry sky. Hundreds of millions of stars were in a world. At that time, there were no star barriers. The sea of ​​stars was innocent and could extend to infinity. Everyone I don't know if there is any end in Xinghai. Before the end of our time, no one can find the end of Xinghai."

"In that era, heaven and earth can produce a weapon of the gods, such as your fallen star river, this is a star ocean, the stars have a sense of life, there is a strong soul fluctuation. It was discovered by 'chen', tempered for tens of thousands of years It became an artifact and fallen into the Milky Way. Unfortunately, 'Chen' was also annihilated in that battle, and the whereabouts of the fallen Star River were unknown. I didn't expect it to be discovered by you."

Zi Yaozhen tells the greatness of that era.

"Why do you fight for it? What was it for that battle?" Shi Yan squinted and asked with dignity.

"Nature is to be stronger."

... (to be continued..)

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