God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1535: Too early!

"In our time, life is not as endless as it is today. We have only a few thousand people, and many of them are not high. But in that era, powerful creatures are much more than today's times!"

"Every piece of Xinghai in that era belongs to different living beings. Each existence has its own territory. The weak territory has thin energy, the heaven and earth materials are poor, the strongest occupy the best areas, and have the most fertile stars. Initially, although everyone There are battles, but there will be no large-scale battles."

"This has nothing to do for many, many years, many powerful creatures, broke through to a very high level, into the second and third heavens of the domain ancestors, after which all the strong are stuck in the domain ancestor three heavens, no one knows the back How to cultivate, do not know how to improve."

"All powerful creatures are trapped and there is no way to continue."

"Then there is a saying that, inexplicably, appears. We say that we are too young to be able to break through the bottleneck of evolution, improve ourselves, regain metamorphosis, and then enter no one. Know the ultimate situation."

"Some people believe that they will try to kill low-level creatures and use their blood to perfect their blood."

“It’s really practical! The guy is the first to be strong. It’s starting to kill people who are weaker than their lives, constantly improving their blood and becoming more and more powerful!”

"This trend has spread like a demon fire. The trend of no one can stop it, shrouded the entire Xinghai universe. All the living spirits are either strong or purely self-defense. They all come in and kill each other. The strong person **** the blood of the weak, but he is likely to be swallowed by the stronger and swallowed the blood."

"After countless years. The universe is always calm. For this reason, in just tens of thousands of years, because of the endless battles, the stars have collapsed, countless stars have been shattered, the heavens and the earth are ruining, and the souls are going extinct."

"The surviving creatures are the strongest. However, in order to surpass all the creatures, the battle between the ancestors and the ancestors did not stop. The result is the end of the early era, the soul is almost completely Extinct, the ones that survived were also hit hard. In a long sleep."

"Abandonment, phlegm, and blasphemy are all heavy sleepers. After waking up, they have reached the next new era."

Zi Yao explained the reasons for the battle of that era. She did not say much about the cruel details of the last battle. Ke Shiyan can imagine how terrible the war was.

"Just because of a rumor?" Shiyan stunned.

"That is not a rumor, it is a fact. We have all confirmed that by absorbing the blood of the other party, we can indeed perfect ourselves. Evolution of life form, change to a higher level. If it is not true, it will not be so fierce. Fighting will not lead to the end of our time." Zi Yaodao.

"Is it really possible to change life by absorbing too early blood?" Shi Yan was surprised.

"It is rumored that before the world was formed, there was only one sleeping life in the universe. It was called 'early time'. No one knew what it was, and no one knew how it formed. It is said that the universe and the earth were created by it. It is The root of all species is the cause of the formation of heaven and earth."

"It is said that after it opened up, it was exhausted and annihilated. The endless body exploded and the body split into countless pieces. The flesh and blood formed us too early. The blood in our body is the most pure blood. You can change yourself and gradually change toward it by sucking each other. It is said that all the blood of the beginning is taken, and it can become the original one..."

"It's ridiculous." Shi Yan shook his head.

"No, not ridiculous, I believe this is true." Zi Yao looked solemn, she looked at Shi Yan deeply. "The fusion of the Olympiad Tower is the key to the door of the beginning, and you can enter the door of the opening. It is deep in the mind, knowing the ultimate secret of the avenue, and knowing the origin of the species."

Shiyan is amazed, "The key to the Olympiad, the door of the beginning of the door, is this really true?"

"This esoteric tower is made up of its brain bone fragments. The magical spirit has reached the extreme. The rumors are only the esoteric tower. It can open the door of the beginning, and enter the depths to explore the mystery." Zi Yao did not mean a joke, " This is why everyone is desperately trying to win the Olympics!"

“Is there a door to the beginning? Do you know where?” Shi Yan’s expression is weird.

"I know where, in fact, we finally got a battle, just in front of the door of the beginning. Because rumors say that if you can break through the realm of the domain ancestors, the blood of the fusion of the beginning will reach enough strength, and it can also be directly blasted. At the beginning of the door, it entered the depths of its mind. Unfortunately, the strongest wasteland of the year did not enter the realm. The quenching of the Oyifu Tower was not completed, and now it has completely condensed after a whole era. As the key, if the Olympics tower was successfully refining at that time, then we can open the door of the beginning!" Zi Yao shouted.

She said about the early days, the Oyifu Tower, the beginning of the saying, such as opening a strange window to Shiyan, let Shiyan see the scenery of this era completely different.

The incomplete memory was developed through the reminder of Zi Yao, such as gradually pieced together, and also brought him some knowledge and impression of that era.

A section of text in the beginning of the paragraph, a scene of the screen, gradually clear in the deputy soul.

It was an earth-shattering battle scene!

It is a **** battle between the wild and the great creatures of the firstborn, and the battle is thrilling, and the **** to the extreme!

Shi Yan suddenly closed his eyes and trembled, feeling the battle of those memories, to understand the terrible cruelty of that era, to find more secrets of that era.

After a long time.

He came out of those pictures, and he looked very heavy and said nothing.

"Do you believe what I said now?" Zi Yao suddenly asked.

Nodded, Shi Yan exclaimed: "Trust, those memories can not be faked, those once fighting, still clearly imprinted in my mind."

In this valley, he and Zi Yao are related to the secrets of the early times, repeated exchanges, and explore the mysteries of that era.

Until, until he felt the change of the body, he said: "I need to purify the power."

Zi Yao smiled. "I know the magic of your cultivation. Well, these people are giving you, you are killing, to strengthen your strength."

A group of gods, wrapped Neptune, Keith, Oliver, and several five strong people, was sent to the hands of Shi Yan.

Shi Yan grinned and smiled, and he was unceremonious. He grabbed Napton and others and put it directly into his domain domain to devour the mystery to refine.

At the same time, Zi Yao Shen read a move, will pull out the roaring, Jia Ni also pulled out, watching the Jia Ni, screaming, bound by the layer of colorful gods, she sighed: "You are not a seven ethnic group, the body The blood is very suitable for being imprinted by my mark. I will engrave my mark on the depths of your soul. If you cooperate, you can survive. Otherwise, give me a ghost!"

In the words, she did not give the right to speak loudly and Jia Ni, and once again put the two into their own world.

In the valley.

Shi Yan and Zi Yao, both of whom are running forces, refining Napton, Roaring, Jia Ni and others, have learned about the unfinished business.

Outside the valley.

In the temple of the Holy Land of the Tianmu.

Evelyn, Adams, and Ma Xisha’s brothers and sisters reunited in a few months.

"Hey, Xiaoya, have you broken through the realm? Have you reached the virtual state?" When Maheshha came over, he screamed and looked at Evelyn's apprentice, confused.

Evelyn smiled and said, "I call you over, it is because of this."

"Because Xiaoya?"

"Yeah." Evelyn nodded and said to Xiaoya, "Take the red crystal out and show it to the uncle and the teacher."

Xiaoyazhen and heavier, took out the piece of flame crystal that Ziyao gave her, her precious life, the tight handcuffs.

In the past few months, she relied on this small flame crystal, constantly gathering her power and successfully breaking through to the realm of false gods.

Previously, Shi Yan once said that the energy of this flame crystal can increase her cultivation speed ten times, and can maintain her breakthrough in immortality.

Don't say she doesn't believe it, that Ono doesn't work either, even her master Evelyn was dubious at the time.

However, now she is the first to believe that from the little flame crystal, she feels the inexhaustible flame power!

"This is the flame crystal, which is given by the female companion of Shiyan. The power contained in it is hard to estimate!" Evelyn looked a little excited. "This is not the most important thing, Xiaoya, give them a look!" ”

Xiaoya quickly worked hard, and the orange flame rose from her little hand, and then I saw the flame in the crystal, the vivid flame changed into a lifelike phoenix! The phoenix is ​​flying in a high-flying form, releasing a strong flame of heat, as if to break free from the bright red crystal!

Adams and Mashasha were both stunned, and Adams slammed for a while, suddenly burst into shock and shouted: "How exactly is the totem of the Fire Phoenix?"

"This is also the reason why I called you over." Evelyn took a deep breath and looked heavy. "It is because of the sacred totem of the Fire Phoenix, and the energy is terrible, so I wonder, let you come over and me." Come up with an idea."


Ma Xisha and Adams ignored it and didn't know what was going on, just secretly surprised.

At this time, a group of people from the Fengfeng nationality were personally greeted by the old patriarch of the Tianmu nationality from outside the star. One of the old and ruthless fire-fighting people was supported by all the fire-frozen people. This person is a fire phoenix. The pride of the family, the only one who is the domain ancestors!

On the delicate dress of his chest, there is a pattern of a phoenix in the bath. Under the respect of the old patriarch of the Tianmu nationality, he fell to the surface of the star, and then he has not settled. He suddenly burst into shock and made a crazy scream. Sound, discard everyone, and rushed straight toward the temple of Evelyn.

... (to be continued..)

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