God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1537: Self-seeking

The small valley around the holy land of the Tianmu, Taniguchi.

All the people of the Fire Phoenix family, under the leadership of Chauncey, gathered here. Connet and the strong of the Tianmu people naturally had no way to escape. They also came over at the request of Chauncey.

Nearly 100 people in the realm of the situation, outside the mouth of the valley, the valley inside, was originally the retreat of the three masters of Evelyn, Adams, and Maheshha. After Evelyn came over, his face was very unsightly, he was very embarrassed. , standing there and motionless.

He did not want to clarify the position of Shi Yan and Zi Yao. However, he had no choice. He could not save the stone rock and Zi Yao at the cost of the charity of the Tianmu nationality.

Chauncey also said that he just wanted to ask the origin of the flame crystal, and did not intend to kill.

Evelyn can only think of the good side. After bringing people over, he wanted to enter the valley personally, talk with Shi Yan and Zi Yao first, but he went to the valley one step, and suddenly his face was shocked.

A soft but unmatched force, such as a river wrapped around him, even pushed him out!

He is an immortal double heaven!

Evelyn, who did not believe in evil, tried it several times, but he still couldn’t get into it. In desperation, he could only come back and shook his head: "The barrier outside the valley has been re-arranged, I have no way to enter. ""

"Changxi seniors, you see?" Connet asked.

"No problem, I am going to break the barrier." The only domain ancestor of the Fire Phoenix family, smiled coldly and strode to the valley.


A huge phoenix totem, flying out of the top of Changxi's head, the fire phoenix condenses with pure energy, and the soul volatility also comes from Chauncey himself. This is based on the blood of his body, based on the magic of the flames. Condensed, can burn all things in the heavens and the earth.


The phoenix releases a strong flame. The sound of the enchantment burned was great, and Chauncey looked calm, waiting for the enchantment to dissolve, and then rushed into the valley with a tough attitude.

Everyone is waiting for a different expression.

The people of the Fire Phoenix family still look arrogant. They do not put the Tianmu people in the eye, and even bring them, naturally they will not make friends with the Tianmu. It is a character that is not allowed.

They feel that they can enter the valley soon.

Evelyn three people are uneasy. A little scared to see Shiyan, I don't know what to say.

Time passed by in silence.

After half an hour, the Changxi ancestor of the Fire Phoenix family gradually became dignified.

The fire phoenix burned for half an hour, no matter what enchantment, it can be burned out. But now he found the enchantment, there is no sign of energy failure.

Chauncey felt that something was wrong and secretly guessed the people inside. Will it be a domain ancestor?

Only the same ancestral boundary, the energy intensity of the enchantment is not that he can burn it for a short time. Together with this idea, Chauncey is a little cautious.

After a while, the flame was still burning. When Changxi became impatient, a figure took the initiative out of the campfire.

It was a full-faced demon pattern. The beautiful woman, she was cold-faced, and there was a small blue snake pattern in her eyebrows. She showed her face, and Chauncey suddenly panicked and couldn’t help but screamed, "Jia Ni! How could it be you?" ”

The fire sea retreats, the secret of the mysterious family Jia Ni, cold face came to the front of Chauncey, her expression is cold, her eyes flashing with anger, "Changxi, what are you doing? Is it fun to play here?"

Jia Ni and Xuan Tianzu's Judy Yi Jinlan, but the secret sect is not a vassal of the Xuan Tianzu, the secret sect is very powerful in the imaginary domain, second only to the seven races, more than the fire phoenix A lot more, the same, Jia Ni is also strong than Changxi, regardless of strength or status.

The ancestors of the Tianmu tribe, Conette, were also shocked. She had never seen Jiani, but she had heard the name and knew the noble status and strength of Jiani.

At first sight, it was the Jia Ni of the mysterious family. Conette was shocked and happy, and even looked at Evelyn and let him solve the misunderstanding.

Evelyn and his apprentice were stunned and completely dumbfounded.

They clearly remember that the stone that was sent to the valley was Shiyan and Ziyao. How would it be Jiani?

Evelyn sinks for a while, and suddenly his face changes dramatically. He screams: "What are you doing with Shiyan?" He glared at Jiani, thinking that Jiani was chasing Shiyan Ziyao, and he had already stoned and purple. Yao Yao was killed in the valley. Evelyn suddenly regretted it and gave himself deep blame. He felt that he had killed Shi Yan.

Jia Ni looked at Evelyn eccentrically, and twitched his mouth, and did not say anything.

"Jia Ni, I shouldn't have asked more questions, but this piece of flame crystal is very important. I want to know exactly what happened?" Chauncey hesitated for a while, his attitude was lowered, and there was no pride before.

In front of Jia Ni, he did not dare to glory. "If you know the situation, please tell me the explanation, that, the two, have you been killed by you?"

Hearing Evelyn’s swearing, Chauncey also “understood”. He knew the name of Shiyan and thought that Jiani was chasing Shiyan to kill him. When he saw Jia Ni’s coming out, he would be Shiyan’s two. died.

After all, Jia Ni is well-known, and the cultivation of the domain ancestors may be better than his strength.

Jia Ni looked deep into Chauncey and said: "Look at Judy's face, I will give you a suggestion, return the flame crystal to the little girl, take your family, and leave Lin Wei as quickly as possible. Starfield, don't ask about the flame crystal in the future."

As a result of this statement, all the people of the Fire Phoenix family are completely discolored.

Changxi’s face gradually sank and snorted. “Jia Ni, I have lowered my posture. You don’t want to bully too much. Do you think that I am really afraid that you will not be? Even if it is fighting, I will not be imaginary. You can't kill me because you can?"

The same is the domain of the ancestors, he may be inferior in strength, but Chauncey does not think that Jia Ni can stabilize him, so when Jia Ni is a deliberate threat, naturally it is angry.

"Do you think I threaten you?"

Jia Ni smiled, her blue-eyed snake pattern, strange movements.

"Don't you be kind?" Changxi was cold.

Jia Ni didn't want to continue explaining. She looked at the valley behind her and said, "Now the enchantment is solved. If you want to go in, I won't stop you. I just want you to think clearly, do you really want to enter it?"

"Why not?" Chauncey was not afraid, and secretly operated the flame power. If he became a fireman, he walked slowly into the valley.

Many of the people of the Fire Phoenix family, as well as the people of the Tianmu nationality, looked at him curiously, and secretly guessed the meaning of Jia Ni’s sentence. It is not clear what the situation is now.

"What the **** are you going to?" Evelyn Chongni shouted.

Jia Ni glanced at him and looked bitter. "How can I treat him?"

Evelyn and others stunned, and secretly said: "Why do you not be able to treat him in a realm of ancestors? Is he stronger than you?"

In the eyes of everyone, Chauncey entered the valley, and Jia Ni remained outside.

The people of the Fengfeng and Tianmu nationalities are looking at the depths of the valley in a weird way, listening quietly and listening to any subtle movements.

In the valley.

Shiyan is still in closed eyes, and Zi Yao is open-eyed. Looking at Changxi as a flame enters the valley, she smiles and squints at Chauncey. She feels a little and gently nods: "Achieve the realm of the domain." It’s a little bit of value when it’s a little bit too early.”

Chauncey coldly squinted. "Take the pieces of the altar of my ancestor to the little girl, is that you? Where did you come from?"

“Where did you come from?” Zi Yao smiled brightly. “Of course, it’s from your ancestors. I killed it, sucked it’s blood, and combined it with everything. It’s that simple. How do you say that I got it? ?"

As soon as this statement came out, the soul of Changxi flew away. He looked at Zi Yao again and suddenly found that in the purple shuangyu, there was a huge snake that was writhing.

A horror to the extreme breath, suddenly filled the air, completely enveloped the valley.


In the valley, Chauncey made a horrible scream, and he finally realized how terrible the glamorous woman in front of him was!

He immediately believed the words of Zi Yao.

The ability to kill his first ancestor and to take his ancestor to refine the reincarnation of the early life, is here!

Under his massive earthquake, he immediately knew that Jia Jin’s suggestion was absolutely goodwill. He deeply regretted it and regretted not entering the valley. He should not seek his own way.

It is a pity that he will no longer have the chance to get rid of the destiny in the reopening of the valley.

"That is the blood of the beginning, more or less can restore my strength, so you will die for me." Zi Yao smiles Yingying, hundreds of millions of dazzling eyes condense out, turned into a spirit snake will Chang The West is entangled and brought directly into her world of light.

The people outside the valley listened to Chauncey's screaming screams, and the screams gradually subsided. Everyone was shaking, but they didn't dare to move there.

These include the people of the Fire Phoenix family, including the descendants of Chauncey, Hong Fei, including the patriarch of the Tianmu.

A thought that can easily kill Chauncey is that they can't even imagine it. In the valley, what kind of peerless demon is hidden?

"call out!"

The flame crystal, which flew out of the valley, floated in front of Xiaoya’s eyes.

"Little girl, this thing I gave to you, is yours, don't let people take it away at the next time." Zi Yao's chuckle, coming from the valley, the words turned, and said: "Jia Ni, will The people outside the Fire Phoenix family killed me, lest they confuse me outside."

"The owner is relieved." Jia Ni smiled slightly.

In the surprise of all the Tianmu tribes, in the horror of the Huofeng people, she calmly shot, and Hongfei and the Huofeng people who came to the Tianmu nationality, one after another, erased the soul brand and completely killed.

... (to be continued..)

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