God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1538: Huge vibration

The people of Cornett and the Tianmu people watched the killer under the pain of Jia Ni. In just a few minutes, they killed Hongfei and a group of Huofeng people!

All the Tianmu tribes gathered here are ashamed, and they dare not say a word.

Among the Dependents of the Xuan Tianzu, the Huofeng people are extremely powerful. Compared with the Tianmu people, they do not know how many times stronger.

However, it is such a strong race, the ancestral level of Chauncey, in a short period of time, and the tribes are generally killed!

Shocked all the Tianmu people!

Both Cornett and Evelyn looked at the depths of the valley with fear and their hearts trembled.

They heard the instructions of Zi Yao and heard the "master" of Jia Ni. Is Zi Yao actually the master of Jia Ni?

As the strongest of the mysterious people, Judy's girlfriends and friends, Jia Ni is famous in the whole sea of ​​nothingness. This kind of powerful existence is more noble and powerful than Changxi. Does she have a master?

What is her master?

Cornett looked at Evelyn and hoped that Evelyn gave an explanation. Evelyn just smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was equally unclear.

"That, the people of Chauncey and the Fire Phoenix people are all buried here. We... What should we do? Once the strong people of Xuan Tianzu know this, they will not let us go." A Tianmu The elders, groaning in pain, screamed, and felt that the sky would fall.

Konet glanced at him and motioned to shut him up, and then stood side by side with Jia Nei and Evelyn and looked at Jia Ni.

Next to Jia Ni, the body of a fire phoenix is ​​still not cold. Her demon face is full of cold and strange smiles. "You can tell Judi directly. Or, if you are a god, you can say that Chauncey and the fire. The ethnic group of the Feng nationality was killed by me. It doesn't matter, Judi Haotian can come over and ask me for details."

As soon as this statement came out, the people of the Tianmu nationality were all shocked.

What day? Judy?

The two great ancestors of the Xuan Tianzu, the most peak of the rights. Their Tianmu family depended on the Xuan Tianzu. There is no chance to get the face of these two ancestors, even the highest-ranking figures of the Xuan Tian people that Connet has seen are only the emoticons and the Yayun.

In their minds, Judy and Haotian are the characters at the top of the pyramid. There are legends, not that they can see them casually.

"My master said. They still need to stay here for a while, um, if you can contact Xuantian. You can tell Judy, Haotian, let them come over in person." Jia Ni looks cold, faint Road: "If they know this, they should come in person, not to be troubled by your Tianmu."

After all, Jia Ni did not take care of these Tianmu tribes, passing through the enchantments in the valley, disappearing from the eyes of many Tianmu people.

"Evelyn. How do you know such a powerful person? Why don't you say it earlier?" Connet gnashed his teeth.

The elders of the Tianmu clan also gathered up and asked Evelyn, Adams, and Ma Xisha three people to ask them about the identity of Shi Yan and Zi Yao. They had to figure out what the situation was.

That Xiaoya, holding that piece of flame crystal, is also a look of excitement, she looked deep into the valley, secretly thanked in the bottom of my heart.

She now understands how precious this little flame crystal is, and it is able to motivate the singer of Changxi's ancestors to make a big move, actually falling in her hands, how can she not be ecstatic?

"The patriarch! The flame seal set by the Fire Phoenix family has broken itself!"

A young man from the Tianmu family rushed over to explain the latest situation.

Ke Nei nodded and sank a bit, and said to Evelyn: "You personally contact the Xuan Tianzu people, and the situation here is truthful, hope, hope is really as the Jiani predecessors said, Xuan Tianzu does not Will blame us."

"It should be fine."

Everyone feels inexplicable and feels strong, such as Jia Ni, is enough to talk positively with Haotian and Judi, plus her mysterious "master", maybe it can really let Haotian and Judi ignore the Chang. The death of the West will not vent their anger to them.

Inside the valley.

Shi Yan is still closing his eyes, silently practicing, Napton and others are refining, the power is absorbed, and the soul altar is swallowed.

At this moment, in the depths of his soul, the esoteric tower is running at a rapid speed, and strong energy fluctuations are washed out.

Countless Xuanqi's tedious early runes, sparkling in the tower of the singularity, based on the power of Napton and others, began to temper a new source.

The same is true, his time for cultivation is much longer.

Zi Yao is gorgeous and unparalleled, sitting in a colorful crystal throne, refining Chauncey with divine power. At this time, blinking, looked at the Jia Ni, faintly said: "It's good."

Jia Ni was slightly covered and looked bitter. "Thank you for your praise."

Slightly squinting, Zi Yao said coldly: "You are the realm of the domain ancestors, but I feel aggrieved when I am attached to it. Oh, my strength has not faded before, it is the realm of the three generations of the ancestors, I am going to touch the ultimate door, you follow me. It has great benefits for your righteousness. You have to know that I could hand you over to Shiyan and let him smelt you and screaming together."

Jia Ni’s face was shocked and shouted: “Please ask the owner for forgiveness!”

"You serve me well, I will not treat you badly, I will teach you the true mystery of the righteousness, and make your secret spells go further." Zi Yao calmly said.

"The master also knows the secret spells?" Jia Ni's eyes lit up.

"The mystery of the heavens and the earth has commonalities. The curse is also a kind of curse. It is a great introduction to your natural tattoo. Is this amazing?" Zi Yao sneered, "I also have natural tattoos on my body. Your better mystery, my understanding of the secret spell is naturally more profound than you."

Jia Ni listened to Zi Yao in this way, and looked forward and moved with respect and respect: "Please enlighten me."

"This is still a bit like a word." Zi Yao nodded. "The reason why I left you and the screaming is because your blood is suitable for me to brand the soul, but also to bear my strength. This is your luck. Don't think this is a disaster. What happened to Napton is the real disaster."

"I understand." Jia Ni is convinced.


The territory of the Xuan Tianzu.

One is inserted into the peaks of the clouds. The dragon lizard rushed over all the way, entered the peak of the mountain, stood in the center of the majestic palace, and shouted: "The dragon lizard wants to see the ancestors!"


Inside the mountain peak, there was a huge roar, and the mountain peak violently vibrated. After a while, the sky came out of one of the palaces. He is full of red light. When I came out, I laughed. "Congratulations, you have also broken through to the realm of the domain. It seems that this time is very diligent."

As soon as the words fell, the look of the sky sank. "Are you hurt?"

He saw the body of the dragon lizard. There is still dry blood, and I feel the abnormality inside the dragon lizard ancestor.

"I was almost killed by the Yuan." The dragon lizard's ancestors were gray and dark. "It's in the 澜沂 star field. That Yuan dynasty is the beginning of the birth of the ‘鼋’, not only the realm of the world, but also the power of the sinister...”

The dragon lizard ancestors soon made the situation clear. "I found that staying may be even worse. I can only retire one step at a time. I still don't know what happened next."

"Yuan Shi..."

Haotian looked dignified and took a deep breath. Said: "He is the oldest of us. Many of us have guessed that he came from the previous era, but he is not completely sure. It turns out that it is so..."

Hao Tian and the dragon lizard talked about the secret of the war, and Hao Tian issued a command to let the people collect the news and figure out what happened in the star field.

Not long after, Judy returned from the outside world and looked at the dragon and the lizard.

"I brought the latest news." After Judy came over, he immediately found the 撼天 and the dragon lizard, and several important figures of the Xuan Tianzu, said: "Yuan Shi, Shi Yan in the battle of the 澜沂 star field, almost will The whole star field was shattered, and many of the barriers in the star field were cracked. After the Yuan died, Shi Yan and her female companions also disappeared, and Napton, Roaring, Jia Ni, etc. also lost. The trail, no one knows where they are today."

"Stone and Yuan are fighting big battles?" Hao Tian did not react. "He can compete with the Yuan pawn? Yuan Shi, but the domain ancestor triple heaven!"

"The news is indeed true. I am also a bit inexplicable. I don't know why Shi Yan suddenly became so powerful." Judy smiled.

"Weird, it’s weird. This thing is definitely hidden. Unfortunately, the participants have all disappeared. I don’t know what the specific situation is.” Haotian is also a headache.

Just when they were puzzled, the emoticons and Yayun rushed over, and the emoticons flew all the way, anxiously anomalous. After rushing in, they shouted: "The Tianmu people have heard important news!"

"Tianmu clan?"

"A small race that depends on us, or an emoticon, looks at the face of Shiyan and accepts this small race. They are led by the Fire Phoenix people for the time being. We rarely ask the specific situation." An elder, Explain in a timely manner and explain the situation.

Because he knows that the small Tianmu people are attached to this matter, Hao Tian will not pay attention to it, of course, will not know the details.

"What the news?" Judy asked coldly.

"Shiyan and Jiani, both in the Linyi star field of the Tianmu nationality, are in the holy land of the Tianmu people! There is also a woman named Zi Yao, she, she killed Chauncey, Jia Ni is killing the fire phoenix Going to the Tianmu clan, Jia Ni asked the Tianmu people to communicate with us, saying that she wanted to see the ancestors and Judy ancestors in the Tianmu people."

The emoticon is short of breath, and the news that has just arrived is carefully explained to Hao Tian and Judy.

Hao Tian and Judy ignored it, then nodded at the same time, and said: "Good!"

They immediately decided to go to the Tianmu people in person.

"I want to go see." Dragon lizard ancestors expressed their attitude.

"Well, let's look at it together. Through the transmission array that we built with the Tianmu people, it will cost us a lot of power across the star field, but things are urgent and we don't care too much." Judy is very decisive and speaks. At that time, take the lead in the direction of the transmission array.

She and Haotian are both ancestors and ancestors. As long as there is a little direction to transmit signs, it is not difficult to cross the domain with their realm.

The couples of Haotian, the dragon lizard and the emoticon also followed, and the masters and the strong people in the crowd came together to the destination of the Tianmu.

... (to be continued..)

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