God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1544: Ru

The words of Charm Ji, all the people in the temple were silent, and the palace suddenly became audible.

Those people come from different domains, many are the strongest of the phantom family, and some are attached to the phantom family, all of them are powerful.

They have received more or less news, knowing why the recent Galaxy is so hot, knowing the anger of the Soul, the Pea, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Demon.

As Charm Ji said, Shi Yan dared to kill the four races and swept the ancestral land. What else is he afraid to do now?

Mantis is very satisfied with the shocking effect of Shi Yan's "killing the gods" fierce name. Her little face smiles, and Chong Mei Ji nods slightly, and immediately squats to her sister Candice.

Candice's face was cold, and there was no special mood swing in the shackles. Similarly, Vanderbilt did not say anything.

"I suggest that we can prepare for the battle while waiting for Shi Yan to wake up." Half a ring, the vines are crisp and light, and the gleaming eyes glance at the circle, and leisurely said: "There are big injuries to the four ethnic groups. They also take Shiyan as their main goal. We only need to veto the news of Shiyan. They are really dare to make a big move. It is also our responsibility! If we fight, we are afraid that they will not succeed?"

The group who originally paid much attention to Vandler and Candice, because of the words of the charm, all realized that the fierce talent of Shi Yan was the number one brutal character.

They are all afraid, afraid that the matter against Shiyan will be exposed, and they will be retaliated by Shiyan.

They are not as powerful as the four races. They can't afford a round of attack from Stone Rock. Maybe a race will be extinct because of the wrath of Shiyan.

Therefore, measuring the gains and losses, these people gradually recognized the words of Mantis.

- While preparing for the battle, while watching the change, wait for Shi Yan to wake up.

Things are fixed for the time being.


In the cult of Mantis, her eyes are bright. Excited: "Let me have a look!"

Charm Ji nodded, swaying the power of the soul, and then saw her altar slowly emerge from the top of the head, the charm of the real cultivation of the ice is the righteousness, her soul altar is also quite wonderful, suddenly look, It is like a glacier glacier, covered with wind and frost.

A piece of ice crystals. Inside the soul altar, an esoteric source in the ice crystal has life, faintly flowing with the ice air, branding the soul consciousness of the charm, and unfortunately releasing the mysterious fluctuation of the mysterious ice.

Smell the cold ice and feel the gradual freezing of everything in the palace. The more the eyes of Mantis are brighter, they praised: "It’s not a mysterious source! An esoteric source means a mysterious magical power. It seems that through this source, your ice will be more and more The essence is profound."

"I didn't expect that he could give me a source letter so quickly." Charm Ji was slightly ashamed.

"Oh." Mantis is in a good mood. "The kid is killing in the four races, killing many four ethnic groups. I don't know how much power to absorb. I guess he will have a huge change, but he didn't expect him to be there. We are the phantom family. So it seems that the prisoners are staring at me, but they are trying to catch their luck and hit the truth."

"Hey, do you really want to fight with the four races?" The charm of the character gradually dignified.

It is true that because of the crazy slaughter of Shiyan, the four ethnic groups suffered heavy losses this time, and many of the strongest ancestors were buried.

However, after all, the four races are powerful races that claim hundreds of thousands of years. The profound knowledge is beyond the limits of ordinary people. Even the phantom family. It is slightly inferior to the four races.

Charm Ji’s heart is clear, and their ancestral homes are swept away. Although it will hurt a lot, it will not move at all.

For example, the people from all major domains and the strong ones attached to it, this force is more powerful than the strength of the ancestral land.

Similarly, the strong people of the Soul, the Pea, the Dark, and the Ancient Demon are scattered among the major domains, and there are many fortresses. Those who are the backbone of the four races, all participating in this battle, will Will bring great pressure to the phantom and white bones.

Charm Ji is not so easy on the surface, she is also afraid that this war will erupt, as Cantis and Vandler worry, they will lose both.

"We are worried, do you think that Prison, Rupert, Ega, Beverly are not worried? Oh, you have to know that so far, the most awkward Xuan Tianzu of the Seven Nationalities still have no position, and Shiyan In the sweep, in addition to avoiding us and the Baigu, we also excluded the Xuantian people. Do you know what this indicates?" Mantis smiled with a small face and shone with wisdom.

Charm Ji Jiao body fretting, "What do you mean?"

"Xuantian people must have reached a tacit agreement with Shiyan!" Mantis is extremely certain. "We must know that the power of the Xuan Tianzu is stronger than us. If we are united with the Baigu, we can still get the Xuan Tianzu. Boost, do you say that the winner of this battle is bigger?"

The charm Ji suddenly smiled, the smile was charming and moving, and the graceful body was like a flowering branch.

"When the rock boy wakes up, we can use him to connect with the Xuantian people and reach a tacit understanding. By that time, I really can't wait for the four races to attack us. This is also an opportunity for the Xinghai forces to reshuffle. I am looking forward to it." Mantis squinted and looked eager to try. "But before that, you should pay attention to Candice, Vanderbilt, and protect Shiyan. I am afraid that these two guys will secretly work."

"They dare?" Charm Ji was shocked.

"I found Candice and Vandler, who seemed to be secretly connected with the four ethnic groups, and hoped that they knew the size, otherwise, hey!" Mantis was cold-faced and her eyes shook the murder.


Another secret place of the phantom family, Candice's practice.

Candice and Vanderbilt, as well as several strong men who have fallen under their arm, are also gathered together to talk about the things of today's palace.

Van der Le Jun's face showed gloomy dissatisfaction. "I really don't understand why she has to mix it with the stone rock, isn't it because the kid is holding the esoteric tower? If you can take the boy to practice In the meantime, it’s not in the interest of us to join forces to win the Olympics and kill them."

"It's not that simple." Candice shook his head and calmly said: "You have been fighting Shiyan. You should know his difficulties. He is proficient in space and wants to kill him. It is definitely not that simple."

"What about the matter, what should we do? Is it as they say?" Vanderbilt said helplessly.

"I am still thinking." Candice frowned.

At this time, a big fat man with a wide face and a round face next to the two people suddenly laughed.

There was a small scorpion on the head of this fat man. When you look closely, it turns out to be the tentacles of a finger. The tentacles are green and gently swaying. It is very strange.

He is a Tianniu tribe, attached to a small race of the phantom family. On that day, the cattle were also conquered by Vandler, so they took Vandler as the head. After leaving the palace, he followed Candice and Van der. Le came here, listening to Vandler, Candice talked for a while, highlighting the abnormality.

In a smirk, this big fat man is twisted and transformed. In just a few tens of seconds, he is transformed into a handsome woman, in his 20s, a simple and plain silver dress, breath, soul altar, body, The structure of divine power has changed.

"Who are you?" Candice revealed the first time.

The woman who is changing, the breath she has brought, makes her feel dangerous. The pressure from the depths of her heart makes her realize that this woman feels unusual.

"You don't know me, but your sister, Mantis, knows me. I killed the fat man of the Tianniu family and used him to attend the meeting of your phantom family. I listened to your guideline and listened to you and Vanderbilt. "The beautiful woman smiles and looks calmly at Candice. "I am very interested in the thoughts of you and Vandler. I think we can cooperate. You will lead me to the charm, I will use the charm of Ji. Identity, go to the stone rock."

In this way, the woman changed quietly and soon became the appearance of the charm, and the posture, temperament, body shape, appearance, and soul fluctuations were all identical, almost no difference.

If Candice and Vanderbilt don't see it with their own eyes, they will think that the present woman is the charm, and even they can't tell the difference. This charm will be changed by others.

"This means, it is really amazing!" Candice shot a strange light, she searched for speed, after a while, suddenly changed his face, "贞茹! Wan-shaped 贞 !! Ten ancestors of the ancestors! It turned out to be you!"

The Wanxing people are a small race between the Xinghai and the sea. The tribes can be ever-changing. The more exquisite the realm is, the more wonderful the change is. It can be transformed into any person of any race, and the body, soul and atmosphere will be consistent.

This race was not noticeable, and the appearance of 贞茹 led to the reputation of this race.

贞茹 is an ordinary 10,000-shaped ethnic group, but it uses the talents of the genre of the genre of the genre to infuse the gods, thereby gaining huge profits, breaking through the realm of the ancestral realm, and constantly improving themselves, eventually becoming the same as Sauron and Yuan. Become one of the top ten ancestors who do not belong to the seven races.

"Do you know who I am, should I give you a little more confidence?" The ruthlessness that appeared in the form of the charm Ji, smiles and smiles, and the charm and beauty are exactly the same, and there is no difference. "I know Vanderbilt." I am interested in the fallen Star River in the kid's hand, and you are expecting the Olympiad, these two things, I can give you, as long as you help me."

Vandler and Candice, listening to her, are all heart-warming.

"What do you want?" Candice was still calm and not immediately convinced. "You naturally can't come for no reason. What do you want to get through Shiyan?"

"In addition to the Oyifu Tower and the fallen Star River, the rest of Shiyan’s body belongs to me." 贞茹笑容艳丽, "I will give you what you look at anyway, this is the phantom family, your place, you two Help me all, my chances of success are almost 100%, how?"

Van derler and Candice ignored it and silenced it for a long time, then Cantys said: "In this case, we have to discuss the details well. Well, we can talk about it."

That 贞茹 listened to her saying that the smile became more and more brilliant, and she knew that something could be done.


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