God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1545: plot

The icy secret room, the charm of Ji Ji did not come from the restless, faintly felt that there is an invisible danger in a little closer.

This is an instinct in the soul.

She looked at the stone rock on a complete ice. The beautiful frown smashed and looked worried.

Shi Yan’s purification of energy, the time is too long, perhaps related to the strong people he swallowed, and now the situation is getting worse and worse, and she clearly stated the stone rock in the secret meeting of the phantom family. The hiding place...

Thinking about it carefully, she now has some regrets in her heart and regrets exposing Shiyan.

She is afraid of the tribes, and the ethnic patriarchs who are attached to the phantom family will be exposed to evil thoughts and will expose the whereabouts of Shiyan.

In that case, the prisoners, Ega, Beverly, Rupert and other strong, will come to the phantom ancestral home, will concentrate all the power, to destroy stone rock as the primary task.

"Jingle Bell!"

Quiet secret room, suddenly a rushing ringtone, ringing from her white neck and a diamond-shaped crystal, is directly connected to the phantom family audio headquarters.

Her bright eyes shone dissatisfied, and sighed, connecting the soundstone with a god.

A message turned into a stream of consciousness, suddenly blasted in her mind, and the fascinating face of Charm Ji appeared in a dignified color, and had to set up a heavy barrier, and came out of this secret room.

She came to a strange place full of broken spar, watching the pretty girl who was among the dozens of spars, and said coldly: "What happened? Not telling you, the most recent business For the time being, do you report it directly to you? Why bother me?"

"After a few days ago, I left, going to a nearby meteorite star, and the Hero of the White Bone determined the details of the battle." A phantom girl, slightly bowed, said: "You told me before, about the cloud. Things in the border area must be explained to you first."

Charm Ji is not listening to Mantis. The expression is a little slow, saying: "What happened?"

"The news of the cloud and Mongolian domain has been leaked. Many people know that Shiyan’s relatives and friends are hiding in the Yunmeng domain. Nowadays, many ethnic groups of four ethnic groups have begun to move toward the cloud-monary domain. We are worried about that cloud. The domain of the domain fell, so I have to tell you, let you preside over this matter." The girl shouted.

The charm of the face is highlighted by the cold. "The story of Shiyan's loved ones hiding the Yunmeng domain, not many people know, the news must be exposed from inside us! Check! Be sure to check clearly!"

"We also feel that this news may be exposed by us internally." The girl was scared and whispered: "Between us. Certainly a traitor! Otherwise the news will not spread so fast! Only our phantom family , has the ability to deliver a message to every key corner of the Galaxy in a very short time."

As soon as this statement came out, the charm Ji became more angry and burned. She secretly guessed that this matter was related to Candice and Van der Leer, knowing that this was the other party's special aim for Shiyanbu.

As a matter of urgency, she had to concentrate and deal with it.


at the same time.

The charm of the incarnation of the ruthless man, quietly went to the meditation room of the charm of Ji. Her look, breath, soul swings, looks and charms are no different, and even Candice can hardly tell the truth about her and the charm.

As the most outstanding strongman of the Wanshi nationality, Qi Ru has cultivated the talent of the Wan-shaped family to the first person in ancient and modern times. It really fulfills the mind and moves, and can change the magical situation of any living being.

The secret room of Charm Ji is just below the palace of the charm, and the depth of the ground is covered by a layer of ice and ice, and once there is a forcible impact. Charm will immediately perceive it.

is also like this. Charm Ji can be assured to leave, go to the phantom video headquarters to ask for details.

Because she is very confident. Even Candice and Mantis personally started to think about it, quietly avoiding her perception and breaking through the enchantment, and entering the bottom of the Chamber to see Shiyan.

It is a pity that this is what you are coming from. It is the mysterious powerhouse that is the best in the Xinghe River and the ever-changing and ever-changing.

The layer of ice and ice enchantment, sparkling with crystal clear halo, there are dozens of layers, a little different power touch, immediately will touch the charm of the soul of the soul, and then let the charm of the heart to be alert, to the most Come fast.

Because of the ruthlessness of the ruined form, she suddenly fell to the first layer of ice enchantment. Suddenly, a strange suction came from her body, and the enchantment of the enchantment was absorbed, and immediately I saw the body of 贞茹It’s weird and frozen, and it’s strangely singular and crystal clear, with a totally consistent energy.

It seems that this moment is one of the enchantments, or part of the enchantment.

Twisted into a layer of ice, she fell on the ice enchantment, gradually merged with the ice enchantment, a little disappeared.

After a while, the figure of 贞茹 was completely gone, and one of the cold ice enchantments, the ice light slowly penetrated, penetrated to the next layer...

Did not cause the reaction of the enchantment, and did not trigger the breath left by the charm Ji, naturally will not cause the attention of the charm.

In the same way, 贞 化 为 冰 冰 冰 冰 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞 贞

A little bit of ice, and finally re-condensed, become the appearance of the charm.

She smiled abruptly, and with the same manners, swaying, and subtle small movements as the charm, she calmly went to the center of the secret room, a pair of charming eyes, naturally gazing on Shiyan's body.

"I am back. There is something happening outside. I have to deal with it." She smiled and said something, "You have spent a lot of time purifying this power. After the blasting, the leaders of the four races are moving frequently, and they have to break into the phantom and the white bones..."

She said the recent Galaxy event, came to Shiyan's side, looked at Shiyan deeply, and whispered: "I hope you wake up soon."

In this way, she reached out and touched Shi Yan’s cheek, rubbing the short beard on the face of Shi Yan, and the deep feelings on her face.

I am afraid that even if the charm is in person, it will give birth to a mirror-like illusion. This means of ruthlessness is simply superb, and the soul is fluctuating, and the icy atmosphere of the body is completely consistent with the charm.

The stone rock that sinks in the refining of energy, feels the familiar smell and the coldness, there is no doubt at all, thinking that it is indeed the charm Ji came over.

"You guy..."

Ruo Ru whispered, as if estrus, a pair of jade hands gradually fell. Move towards the chest of Shiyan.

Her fingertips, strange oily spots, quietly infiltrated into the stone rock skin, those light spots to the soul are difficult to check, the stone rock to fully purify the power, only feel the skin is cool, did not think much.

贞Ru whispered softly, and his hands wandered around the surface of Shiyan’s strong body. In the eyes, she gradually smiled more, and she slowly stopped her movements. She pulled out and sat down in front of Shiyan.

She just looked at Shiyan so quietly.

Time is in a hurry.

After a long time, the stone rock in the retreat suddenly shocked the body. His face was a painful color.


The strange sound of the insects came out of his body. He felt the flesh and blood in the body of God. It seemed to be slowly smashed by tiny creatures. The little creatures were very radical and had already proliferated in his vascular bones. From small to large, slowly expand.

A burst of tingling came from the bones of the whole body. He immediately realized what was happening.

Forcibly opened his eyes, his face confused, looking at the charm sitting in front of the smile, said: "Why? Why do you want to count me?"

"Because you are too fancy, I have received news that you now have a very powerful female companion, called Zi Yao, that woman is too early to be born, right?" Ru Ru spoke in the manner, appearance and tone of the charm, "You With her. Is it enough? In your heart. Is there my position? I have kept the insects in your body, I hope to keep you around. Let you, be alone!"

"What the **** are you doing? Are you crazy?" Shi Yan's expression gradually gloomy. "I am the key to cultivation! You are doing this, is it going to kill me?"

Up to now, he has not found any anomalies, but he really thought that it was the charm.

The genius of the genre of the genre is displayed in the hands of the most outstanding 贞茹, and can be deceived even by the most intimate people. This rumor is true.

Shiyan can't take out any abnormalities from the soul, breath, and fine microwaves of the charm, which shows that this ruthless magic is powerful.

Not many people know that Yuru’s talents are powerful enough to simulate the soul of the other party, simulate the other side’s righteousness, and even pretend the degree of the soul of the other party!

"I want to see the esoteric tower, I want to see the early artifacts falling into the Milky Way, can you show me?" 贞 忽 suddenly and softly pleading, "The little worms are just a little joke, they will disappear in a while, I Just to wake you up through the little bugs and tell you about the current big thing. Because there are some things, you have to know that the news of your relatives and friends in the cloud and Mongolian domain has already leaked out, I am worried..."

Surprisingly, Shi Yan was relieved, thinking that she was really joking, telling him the news of Yunmeng’s domain, waving his hand, he was not worried. “The news of the cloud and the domain is leaking, you don’t have to worry too much, even if it is The four ethnic groups know that it is also difficult to enter the cloud-monged domain."


"Before coming here, I used the power of space to close the domain door of the Yunmeng domain, and to distort the position of the cloud domain. Unless I can find a person who also cultivates the same meaning of space and reaches the level of my realm, those people In the vast sea of ​​stars, it is necessary to accurately lock the position of the cloud montage domain. Oh, I am afraid that it is not so simple." The old stone **** is there.

Before he came over, he had already counted that the four races would be madly revenge, and everything was arranged.

In the stunned eyes of the 贞ru, he smiled lightly. "As for the esoteric tower and the fallen star river, if you really want to see it, I will show you it, is this a big deal?"

In this way, he is ready to run the power to take out the Oyifu Tower and the Fallen Star River.

However, just as he was going to act, he suddenly changed his face and violently screamed: "No! Those bugs are not that simple! Hey!"

He couldn't help but pick it up. If he suffered from unimaginable pain, his flesh and blood would be eaten by madness.

"Hey!" 贞 贞 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼


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